

npm version

Supported platforms

This library works with Node.js as well as certain browsers. We use the @ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb library to connect to Ledger devices from the browser via USB. You can check the support status of this library here.

Note the optional dependencies:

"optionalDependencies": {
  "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid": "^5.23.2",
  "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb": "^5.23.0"

If you are using this library with Node.js you must install @ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid. Youll need @ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb for the browser.

Running the demo


Connect the Ledger device via USB, open the Cosmos app, then run the demo (this will also build the package):

yarn demo-node


Build the package for web:

yarn pack-web

Host the launchpad-ledger package directory, for example using Python 3:

python3 -m http.server

Visit the demo page in a browser, for example if using the Python 3 option: http://localhost:8000/demo.

Then follow the instructions on that page.


This package is part of the cosmjs repository, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (see NOTICE and LICENSE).