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2025-01-07 14:16:58 -05:00
# Changelog
## `v0.0.71`
### Features
- Add optional `label` field to `ConnectedWallet` instances, which contains the user-defined label of the wallet
### Fixes
- Handle more wallet errors in the `wrap` function
## `v0.0.70`
### Features
- Add legacy amino type to `MsgSend` model
- Add `MsgMigrateContract`, `MsgStoreCode`, `MsgBeginRedelegate`, `MsgDelegate`, `MsgUndelegate`, `MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewards`, `MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission` models
- Add ed25519 signature type
### Fixes
- Add Keplr default sign options to `WalletConnectV2`
## `v0.0.69`
### Chore
- Pin `@walletconnect/sign-client` dep to v2.8.x to reduce bundle size
## `v0.0.68`
### Chore
- Regenerate `pnpm-lock.yaml` to fix dep issues
## `v0.0.67`
### Fixes
- Fix `RpcClient`'s `RequestMessage` type error when using a request with an existing `height` field
## `v0.0.66`
### Features
- Add custom `WalletError` class to normalise wallet errors
- Add `MsgInstantiateContract` class
### Fixes
- Fixed verification of station mobile signatures
## `v0.0.65`
### Fixes
- Fixed `verifyArbitrary` to verify arbitrary signatures done via Station's new Keplr interface
## `v0.0.64`
### Features
- Added OWallet extension support (*does not support wallet connect yet*)
## `v0.0.63`
### Fixes
- Ignore all errors in retrieving public keys for Station Extension
## `v0.0.62`
### Improvements
- Txs are now broadcasted directly via the user-specified RPC instead of via the wallet (closes <>)
- Update Station extension to use Keplr's API interface
## `v0.0.60`
### Features
- Parse `EthermintAccount` in `toBaseAccount` util function
## `v0.0.59`
### Fixes
- Fix Station mobile wallet to not throw errors if pub keys do not exist
## `v0.0.58`
### Fixes
- Fix Station mobile wallet connect issue when connecting more than 1 chain
## `v0.0.57`
### Fixes
- Allow Terra testnet to work correctly with Station extension
## `v0.0.56`
### Features
- Added Dymension's GAMM protobufs
### Miscellaneous
- Pinned Cosmos SDK protobuf to `v0.47.9`
## `v0.0.55`
### Features
- Added tx signing support for Dymension chain
## `v0.0.54`
### Fixes
- Fixed `MnemonicWallet` to generate Injective signatures correctly
## `v0.0.53`
### Fixes
- Fixed `MnemonicWallet` to resolve Injective address correctly
## `v0.0.52`
### Features
- Added Ninji wallet support to execute txs via Ninji extension on Injective network (*does not support wallet connect yet*)
## `v0.0.51`
### Fixes
- Fixed MetaMask on Injective to work correctly with `MsgExecuteContractCompat` when `funds` are empty
## `v0.0.50`
### Fixes
- Fixed the `verifyArbitrary` function to work correctly for all chains, including Injective which uses a different key algorithm
## `v0.0.49`
### Features
- Added the `verifyArbitrary` helper function (exported by `@onsonr/es/wallet`) to verify signatures signed using `ConnectedWallet.signArbitrary`
### Fixes
- Fixed the `recoverPubKeyFromEthSignature` helper function to calculate and use the correct recovery bit when generating the `secp256k1` model
## `v0.0.48`
### Features
- Added Compass wallet support to execute txs via Compass extension on Sei network (*does not support wallet connect yet*)
## `v0.0.47`
### Features
- Added MetaMask wallet support to execute txs via MetaMask extension on Injective network (*does not support wallet connect yet*)
### Improvements
- Added `extensionOptions` to `Tx.toSignedProto`
## `v0.0.46`
### Fixes
- Fixed `ConnectedWallet.estimateFee` to properly extract account sequences from errors thrown by Injective RPCs
## `v0.0.45`
### Improvements
- Included `isCW20` option for `simulateAstroportSinglePoolSwap` function to handle swapping from CW20 assets
## `v0.0.44`
### Fixes
- Fixed Leap wallet android deep link to ensure redirect happens correctly
- Fixed `toKeplrChainInfo` to return `undefined` for coingecko ID if it is absent
## `v0.0.43`
### Improvements
- Added `timeout_height` parameter when simulating or broadcasting txs
- Use sign mode direct (instead of legacy amino) for non-ledger extension wallets and `MnemonicWallet`
- Added support for sign mode direct for `WalletConnectV2` (although no mobile wallets support it currently)
- Reduced bundle size by combining Keplr-like wallets into the same interface (`examples/solid-vite` reduced from 509kb to 487kb minified)
## `v0.0.42`
### Features
- Added support for Injective chain (both mainnet and testnet)
## `v0.0.40`
### Fixes
- Use `JSON.stringify` on errors thrown by Station Extension to avoid `[object Object]` errors
### Miscellaneous
- Added `Tx.toSignDoc` method to form an unsigned, proto encoded tx ready to be signed by a wallet
## `v0.0.39`
### Features
- Added the optional `height` params to the `FetchClient` to execute queries at a custom block height
- Added batching of queries to `FetchClient` (see `examples/batch-query`)
## `v0.0.38` [breaking change]
### Features
- Added `MnemonicWallet` to allow programmatic signing and broadcasting of txs without relying on a 3rd party wallet/signer (see examples directory)
- Simplified wallet APIs **[breaking change]**
- `getAccount()`: renamed and reworked to `getAuthInfo()`, but consumers are no longer required to call this method to broadcast transactions
- `estimateFee()`: second parameter now accepts the `feeMultiplier` directly (still optional) instead of the auth info
- `broadcastTx()`: second parameter now accepts the `fee` from the result of `estimateFee()` (no longer optional) instead of the auth info
- `broadcastTxSync()`: new function that executes `estimateFee`, `broadcastTx`, and `pollTx` sequentially
- Handle account sequence mismatch errors directly in `ConnectedWallet.estimateFee()` by retrying once with the correct sequence
### Miscellaneous
- Removed the various `fromXxxToYyy` encoding/decoding functions within `@onsonr/es/codec` in favour of `@scure/base` **[breaking change]**
- The `@scure/base` pkg is re-exported in `@onsonr/es/codec`
- Consumers should import the correct encoder or decoder directly from `@onsonr/es/codec`: eg. change `fromHexToUint8Array(...)` to `base16.decode(...)`
- Re-exported `@keplr-wallet/types` from `@onsonr/es/registry`
## `v0.0.35`
### Features
- Added the `@onsonr/es/registry` package with the following additions:
- APIs to dynamically query for data in Chain Registry
- Util function to transform Chain Registry data to Keplr's chain info
### Miscellaneous
- The `toBaseAccount` utility can now handle all vesting account types
## `v0.0.34`
### Fixes
- Prevent redirecting users to the mobile app when querying for the user's account via WalletConnect (on first connect)
## `v0.0.33`
### Fixes
- Allow memo and fee fields to be set by user for WalletConnect wallets
- Fixed Cosmostation WalletConnect to use updated API changes
## `v0.0.32`
### Fixes
- Added missing `memo` field for `MsgIbcTransfer`
## `v0.0.31`
### Miscellaneous
- Added missing barrel export for `MsgIbcTransfer` model
## `v0.0.30`
### Features
- Added ICS 23 protobufs from [`cosmos/ics23`]( to fix `ibc-go` dependency issues
## `v0.0.29`
### Features
- Added IBC protobufs from [`cosmos/ibc-go`](
- Added `MsgIbcTransfer` model
## `v0.0.28`
### Features
- Updated Station extension to use the new APIs injected into the `window` scope
## `v0.0.27`
### Miscellaneous
- Changed `lodash` dependency to `lodash-es`
## `v0.0.26`
### Breaking Changes
- The `onDisconnect` callback in the `WalletController` class now accepts a function that contains a list of disconnected wallets instead of a list of disconnected chain ID strings
### Features
- Added the `onAccountChange` event to the `WalletController` class to allow consumers to detect wallet account changes (works for all wallets except Station via WalletConnect v1)
### Miscellaneous
- Added `lodash` as peer dependency
## `v0.0.25`
### Improvements
- Replaced all `@walletconnect-v1` dependencies with correct legacy libraries at <>
- Added bundle size benchmarks (see `./benchmarks` folder)
- Improved docs on installing, polyfills, and benchmarks
### Miscellaneous
- Changed GPL v3 license to MIT license
## `v0.0.24`
### Features
- First public release