import { AppserviceMock } from "../utils/AppserviceMock"; import { FeedConnection, FeedConnectionState } from "../../src/Connections"; import { FeedEntry } from "../../src/feeds/FeedReader"; import { IntentMock } from "../utils/IntentMock"; import { randomUUID } from "crypto"; import { expect } from "chai"; const ROOM_ID = "!foo:bar"; const FEED_URL = ""; const FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS: FeedEntry = { feed: { title: "Test feed", url: FEED_URL, }, title: "Foo", link: "foo/bar", pubdate: "today!", summary: "fibble fobble", author: "Me!", fetchKey: randomUUID(), } function createFeed( state: Partial = { } ): [FeedConnection, IntentMock] { const as = AppserviceMock.create(); const intent = as.getIntentForUserId('@webhooks:example.test'); const connection = new FeedConnection(ROOM_ID, "foobar", { label: undefined, template: undefined, notifyOnFailure: undefined, url: FEED_URL, ...state }, intent); return [connection, intent]; } describe("FeedConnection", () => { it("will handle simple feed message", async () => { const [connection, intent] = createFeed(); await connection.handleFeedEntry({ ...FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS, }); const matrixEvt = intent.sentEvents[0]; expect(matrixEvt); expect(matrixEvt.roomId).to.equal(ROOM_ID); expect(matrixEvt.content.external_url).to.equal(; expect(matrixEvt.content.body).to.equal("New post in Test feed: [Foo](foo/bar)"); }); it("will handle simple feed message without a title and link ", async () => { const [connection, intent] = createFeed(); await connection.handleFeedEntry({ ...FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS, title: null, link: null, }); const matrixEvt =intent.sentEvents[0]; expect(matrixEvt); expect(matrixEvt.roomId).to.equal(ROOM_ID); expect(matrixEvt.content.external_url); expect(matrixEvt.content.body).to.equal("New post in Test feed"); }); it("will handle simple feed message with a missing title ", async () => { const [connection, intent] = createFeed(); await connection.handleFeedEntry({ ...FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS, title: null, }); const matrixEvt =intent.sentEvents[0]; expect(matrixEvt); expect(matrixEvt.roomId).to.equal(ROOM_ID); expect(matrixEvt.content.body).to.equal("New post in Test feed: [foo/bar](foo/bar)"); }); it("will handle simple feed message with a missing link ", async () => { const [connection, intent] = createFeed(); await connection.handleFeedEntry({ ...FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS, link: null, }); const matrixEvt =intent.sentEvents[0]; expect(matrixEvt); expect(matrixEvt.roomId).to.equal(ROOM_ID); expect(matrixEvt.content.body).to.equal("New post in Test feed: Foo"); }); it("will handle simple feed message with all the template options possible ", async () => { const [connection, intent] = createFeed({ template: `$FEEDNAME $FEEDURL $FEEDTITLE $TITLE $LINK $AUTHOR $DATE $SUMMARY` }); await connection.handleFeedEntry({ ...FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS, }); const matrixEvt =intent.sentEvents[0]; expect(matrixEvt); expect(matrixEvt.roomId).to.equal(ROOM_ID); expect(matrixEvt.content.body).to.equal("Test feed Test feed Foo [Foo](foo/bar) Me! today! fibble fobble"); }); it("will handle html in the feed summary ", async () => { const [connection, intent] = createFeed({ template: `$FEEDNAME $SUMMARY` }); await connection.handleFeedEntry({ ...FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS, summary: "

Some HTML with which should be ignored and an

" }); const matrixEvt =intent.sentEvents[0]; expect(matrixEvt); expect(matrixEvt.roomId).to.equal(ROOM_ID); expect(matrixEvt.content.body).to.equal('Test feed

Some HTML with which should be ignored and an

'); }); it("will handle partial html in the feed summary ", async () => { const [connection, intent] = createFeed({ template: `$FEEDNAME $SUMMARY` }); await connection.handleFeedEntry({ ...FEED_ENTRY_DEFAULTS, summary: "

Some HTML with which should be ignored and an

" }); const matrixEvt =intent.sentEvents[0]; expect(matrixEvt); expect(matrixEvt.roomId).to.equal(ROOM_ID); expect(matrixEvt.content.body).to.equal('Test feed

Some HTML with which should be ignored and an

'); }); })