import { useState } from "preact/hooks" import { BridgeConfig, EmbedType } from "../BridgeAPI"; import style from "./RoomConfigView.module.scss"; import { ConnectionCard } from "./ConnectionCard"; import { FeedsConfig } from "./roomConfig/FeedsConfig"; import { GenericWebhookConfig } from "./roomConfig/GenericWebhookConfig"; import { GithubRepoConfig } from "./roomConfig/GithubRepoConfig"; import { GitlabRepoConfig } from "./roomConfig/GitlabRepoConfig"; import { JiraProjectConfig } from "./roomConfig/JiraProjectConfig"; import FeedsIcon from "../icons/feeds.png"; import GitHubIcon from "../icons/github.png"; import GitLabIcon from "../icons/gitlab.png"; import JiraIcon from "../icons/jira.png"; import WebhookIcon from "../icons/webhook.png"; interface IProps { supportedServices: {[service: string]: boolean}, serviceScope?: string, embedType: EmbedType, roomId: string, } enum ConnectionType { Feeds = "feeds", Generic = "generic", Github = "github", Gitlab = "gitlab", Jira = "jira", } interface IConnectionProps { displayName: string, description: string, icon: string, darkIcon?: true, component: BridgeConfig, } const connections: Record = { [ConnectionType.Feeds]: { displayName: "RSS/Atom Feeds", description: "Subscribe to an RSS/Atom feed", icon: FeedsIcon, component: FeedsConfig, }, [ConnectionType.Github]: { displayName: 'Github', description: "Connect the room to a GitHub project", icon: GitHubIcon, darkIcon: true, component: GithubRepoConfig, }, [ConnectionType.Gitlab]: { displayName: 'Gitlab', description: "Connect the room to a GitLab project", icon: GitLabIcon, component: GitlabRepoConfig, }, [ConnectionType.Jira]: { displayName: 'JIRA', description: "Connect the room to a JIRA project", icon: JiraIcon, component: JiraProjectConfig, }, [ConnectionType.Generic]: { displayName: 'Generic Webhook', description: "Create a webhook which can be used to connect any service to Matrix", icon: WebhookIcon, darkIcon: true, component: GenericWebhookConfig, }, }; export default function RoomConfigView(props: IProps) { const serviceScope = props.serviceScope && props.supportedServices[props.serviceScope] ? props.serviceScope as ConnectionType : null; const [ activeConnectionType, setActiveConnectionType ] = useState(serviceScope); let content; if (activeConnectionType) { const ConfigComponent = connections[activeConnectionType].component; content = ; } else { content = <>


{(Object.keys(connections) as Array).filter(service => props.supportedServices[service]).map((connectionType: ConnectionType) => { const connection = connections[connectionType]; return setActiveConnectionType(connectionType)} /> })}
; } return
{!serviceScope && activeConnectionType &&
setActiveConnectionType(null)}> Browse integrations
} {content}
; }