name: Helm Chart - Release on: push: branches: - main paths: - 'helm/**' # only execute if we have helm chart changes workflow_dispatch: jobs: release: # depending on default permission settings for your org (contents being read-only or read-write for workloads), you will have to add permissions # see: permissions: contents: write runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Configure Git run: | git config "$GITHUB_ACTOR" git config "$" - name: Install Helm uses: azure/setup-helm@v3 with: version: v3.10.0 - name: "Get app version from package.json" id: get_hookshot_version run: | echo "hookshot_version=$(cat package.json | yq .version)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Set chart appVersion to current package.json version uses: mikefarah/yq@v4.34.1 with: cmd: | yq -i '.appVersion="${{steps.get_hookshot_version.outputs.hookshot_version}}"' helm/hookshot/Chart.yaml - name: Set values hookshot config to current config.sample.yml contents uses: mikefarah/yq@v4.34.1 with: cmd: | yq -i eval-all 'select(fileIndex==0).hookshot.config = select(fileIndex==1) | select(fileIndex==0)' helm/hookshot/values.yaml config.sample.yml - name: Run chart-releaser uses: helm/chart-releaser-action@v1.5.0 env: CR_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" with: config: helm/cr.yaml charts_dir: helm/