import { MessageEventContent } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { E2ESetupTestTimeout, E2ETestEnv } from "./util/e2e-test"; import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from "@jest/globals"; import { expect } from "chai"; describe('Basic test setup', () => { let testEnv: E2ETestEnv; beforeEach(async () => { testEnv = await E2ETestEnv.createTestEnv({matrixLocalparts: ['user']}); await testEnv.setUp(); }, E2ESetupTestTimeout); afterEach(() => { return testEnv?.tearDown(); }); it('should be able to invite the bot to a room', async () => { const user = testEnv.getUser('user'); const roomId = await user.createRoom({ name: 'Test room', invite:[testEnv.botMxid] }); await user.waitForRoomJoin({sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId }); const msg = user.waitForRoomEvent({ eventType: '', sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId }); await user.sendText(roomId, "!hookshot help"); // Expect help text. expect((await msg).data.content.body).to.include('!hookshot help` - This help text\n'); }); });