import { E2ESetupTestTimeout, E2ETestEnv, E2ETestMatrixClient } from "./util/e2e-test"; import { describe, it } from "@jest/globals"; import { GenericHookConnection } from "../src/Connections"; import { TextualMessageEventContent } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { add } from "date-fns/add"; async function createInboundConnection(user: E2ETestMatrixClient, botMxid: string, roomId: string, duration?: string) { const join = user.waitForRoomJoin({ sender: botMxid, roomId }); const connectionEvent = user.waitForRoomEvent({ eventType: GenericHookConnection.CanonicalEventType, stateKey: 'test', sender: botMxid }); await user.inviteUser(botMxid, roomId); await user.setUserPowerLevel(botMxid, roomId, 50); await join; // Note: Here we create the DM proactively so this works across multiple // tests. // Get the DM room so we can get the token. const dmRoomId = await user.dms.getOrCreateDm(botMxid); await user.sendText(roomId, '!hookshot webhook test' + (duration ? ` ${duration}` : "")); // Test the contents of this. await connectionEvent; const msgPromise = user.waitForRoomEvent({ sender: botMxid, eventType: "", roomId: dmRoomId }); const { data: msgData } = await msgPromise; const msgContent = msgData.content as unknown as TextualMessageEventContent; const [_unused1, _unused2, url] = msgContent.body.split('\n'); return url; } describe('Inbound (Generic) Webhooks', () => { let testEnv: E2ETestEnv; beforeAll(async () => { const webhooksPort = 9500 + E2ETestEnv.workerId; testEnv = await E2ETestEnv.createTestEnv({ matrixLocalparts: ['user'], config: { generic: { enabled: true, // Prefer to wait for complete as it reduces the concurrency of the test. waitForComplete: true, urlPrefix: `http://localhost:${webhooksPort}` }, listeners: [{ port: webhooksPort, bindAddress: '', // Bind to the SAME listener to ensure we don't have conflicts. resources: ['webhooks'], }], } }); await testEnv.setUp(); }, E2ESetupTestTimeout); afterAll(() => { return testEnv?.tearDown(); }); it('should be able to create a new webhook and handle an incoming request.', async () => { const user = testEnv.getUser('user'); const roomId = await user.createRoom({ name: 'My Test Webhooks room'}); const okMsg = user.waitForRoomEvent({ eventType: "", sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId }); const url = await createInboundConnection(user, testEnv.botMxid, roomId); expect((await okMsg).data.content.body).toEqual('Room configured to bridge webhooks. See admin room for secret url.'); const expectedMsg = user.waitForRoomEvent({ eventType: "", sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId }); const req = await fetch(url, { method: "PUT", body: "Hello world" }); expect(req.status).toEqual(200); expect(await req.json()).toEqual({ ok: true }); expect((await expectedMsg).data.content).toEqual({ msgtype: 'm.notice', body: 'Received webhook data: Hello world', formatted_body: '
Received webhook data: Hello world
', format: 'org.matrix.custom.html', 'uk.half-shot.hookshot.webhook_data': 'Hello world' }); }); it('should be able to create a new expiring webhook and handle valid requests.', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const user = testEnv.getUser('user'); const roomId = await user.createRoom({ name: 'My Test Webhooks room'}); const okMsg = user.waitForRoomEvent({ eventType: "", sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId }); const url = await createInboundConnection(user, testEnv.botMxid, roomId, '2h'); expect((await okMsg).data.content.body).toEqual('Room configured to bridge webhooks. See admin room for secret url.'); const expectedMsg = user.waitForRoomEvent({ eventType: "", sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId }); const req = await fetch(url, { method: "PUT", body: "Hello world" }); expect(req.status).toEqual(200); expect(await req.json()).toEqual({ ok: true }); expect((await expectedMsg).data.content).toEqual({ msgtype: 'm.notice', body: 'Received webhook data: Hello world', formatted_body: 'Received webhook data: Hello world
', format: 'org.matrix.custom.html', 'uk.half-shot.hookshot.webhook_data': 'Hello world' }); jest.setSystemTime(add(new Date(), { hours: 3 })); const expiredReq = await fetch(url, { method: "PUT", body: "Hello world" }); expect(expiredReq.status).toEqual(404); expect(await expiredReq.json()).toEqual({ ok: false, error: "This hook has expired", }); }); });