import { E2ESetupTestTimeout, E2ETestEnv } from "./util/e2e-test"; import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from "@jest/globals"; import { createHmac, randomUUID } from "crypto"; import { GitHubRepoConnection, GitHubRepoConnectionState } from "../src/Connections"; import { MessageEventContent } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { getBridgeApi } from "./util/bridge-api"; import { Server, createServer } from "http"; describe('GitHub', () => { let testEnv: E2ETestEnv; let githubServer: Server; const webhooksPort = 9500 + E2ETestEnv.workerId; const githubPort = 9700 + E2ETestEnv.workerId; beforeEach(async () => { // Fake out enough of a GitHub API to get past startup. Later // tests might make more use of this. githubServer = createServer((req, res) => { if (req.method === 'GET' && req.url === '/api/v3/app') { res.writeHead(200, undefined, { "content-type": 'application/json'}); res.write(JSON.stringify({})); } else if (req.method === 'GET' && req.url === '/api/v3/app/installations?per_page=100&page=1') { res.writeHead(200, undefined, { "content-type": 'application/json'}); res.write(JSON.stringify([])); } else { console.log('Unknown request', req.method, req.url); res.writeHead(404); } res.end(); }).listen(githubPort); testEnv = await E2ETestEnv.createTestEnv({matrixLocalparts: ['user'], config: { github: { webhook: { secret: randomUUID(), }, // So we can mock out the URL enterpriseUrl: `http://localhost:${githubPort}`, auth: { privateKeyFile: 'replaced', id: '1234', } }, widgets: { publicUrl: `http://localhost:${webhooksPort}` }, listeners: [{ port: webhooksPort, bindAddress: '', // Bind to the SAME listener to ensure we don't have conflicts. resources: ['webhooks', 'widgets'], }], }}); await testEnv.setUp(); }, E2ESetupTestTimeout); afterEach(() => { githubServer?.close(); return testEnv?.tearDown(); }); it('should be able to handle a GitHub event', async () => { const user = testEnv.getUser('user'); const bridgeApi = await getBridgeApi(testEnv.opts.config?.widgets?.publicUrl!, user); const testRoomId = await user.createRoom({ name: 'Test room', invite:[testEnv.botMxid] }); await user.setUserPowerLevel(testEnv.botMxid, testRoomId, 50); await user.waitForRoomJoin({sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId: testRoomId }); // Now hack in a GitHub connection. await, GitHubRepoConnection.CanonicalEventType, "my-test", { org: 'my-org', repo: 'my-repo' } satisfies GitHubRepoConnectionState); // Wait for connection to be accepted. await new Promise(r => { let interval: NodeJS.Timeout; interval = setInterval(() => { bridgeApi.getConnectionsForRoom(testRoomId).then(conns => { if (conns.length > 0) { clearInterval(interval); r(); } }) }, 500); }); const webhookNotice = user.waitForRoomEvent({ eventType: '', sender: testEnv.botMxid, roomId: testRoomId }); const webhookPayload = JSON.stringify({ "action": "opened", "number": 1, "pull_request": { id: 1, "url": "", "html_url": "", "number": 1, "state": "open", "locked": false, "title": "My test pull request", "user": { "login": "alice", }, }, repository: { id: 1, "html_url": "", name: 'my-repo', full_name: 'my-org/my-repo', owner: { login: 'my-org', } }, sender: { login: 'alice', } }); const hmac = createHmac('sha256', testEnv.opts.config?.github?.webhook.secret!); hmac.write(webhookPayload); hmac.end(); // Send a webhook const req = await fetch(`http://localhost:${webhooksPort}/`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'x-github-event': 'pull_request', 'X-Hub-Signature-256': `sha256=${'hex')}`, 'X-GitHub-Delivery': randomUUID(), 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: webhookPayload, }); expect(req.status).toBe(200); expect(await req.text()).toBe('OK'); // And await the notice. const { body } = (await webhookNotice).data.content; expect(body).toContain('**alice** opened a new PR'); expect(body).toContain(''); expect(body).toContain('My test pull request'); }); });