import { MatrixClient, MemoryStorageProvider, RustSdkCryptoStorageProvider, RustSdkCryptoStoreType } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { createHash, createHmac, randomUUID } from "crypto"; import { Homerunner } from "homerunner-client"; import { E2ETestMatrixClient } from "./e2e-test"; import path from "node:path"; const HOMERUNNER_IMAGE = process.env.HOMERUNNER_IMAGE || ''; export const DEFAULT_REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET = ( process.env.REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET || 'complement' ); const COMPLEMENT_HOSTNAME_RUNNING_COMPLEMENT = ( process.env.COMPLEMENT_HOSTNAME_RUNNING_COMPLEMENT || "host.docker.internal" ); const homerunner = new Homerunner.Client(); export interface ComplementHomeServer { id: string, url: string, domain: string, users: {userId: string, accessToken: string, deviceId: string, client: E2ETestMatrixClient}[] asToken: string, hsToken: string, appPort: number, } async function waitForHomerunner() { let attempts = 0; do { attempts++; console.log(`Waiting for homerunner to be ready (${attempts}/100)`); try { await; break; } catch (ex) { await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)); } } while (attempts < 100) if (attempts === 100) { throw Error('Homerunner was not ready after 100 attempts'); } } export async function createHS(localparts: string[] = [], workerId: number, cryptoRootPath?: string): Promise { await waitForHomerunner(); const appPort = 49600 + workerId; const blueprint = `hookshot_integration_test_${}`; const asToken = randomUUID(); const hsToken = randomUUID(); const blueprintResponse = await homerunner.create({ base_image_uri: HOMERUNNER_IMAGE, blueprint: { Name: blueprint, Homeservers: [{ Name: 'hookshot', Users: => ({Localpart: localpart, DisplayName: localpart})), ApplicationServices: [{ ID: 'hookshot', URL: `http://${COMPLEMENT_HOSTNAME_RUNNING_COMPLEMENT}:${appPort}`, SenderLocalpart: 'hookshot', RateLimited: false, ASToken: asToken, HSToken: hsToken, SendEphemeral: true, EnableEncryption: true, }] }], } }); const [homeserverName, homeserver] = Object.entries(blueprintResponse.homeservers)[0]; // Skip AS user. const users = await Promise.all(Object.entries(homeserver.AccessTokens) .filter(([_uId, accessToken]) => accessToken !== asToken) .map(async ([userId, accessToken]) => { const cryptoStore = cryptoRootPath ? new RustSdkCryptoStorageProvider(path.join(cryptoRootPath, userId), RustSdkCryptoStoreType.Sqlite) : undefined; const client = new E2ETestMatrixClient(homeserver.BaseURL, accessToken, new MemoryStorageProvider(), cryptoStore); if (cryptoStore) { await client.crypto.prepare(); } // Start syncing proactively. await client.start(); return { userId: userId, accessToken, deviceId: homeserver.DeviceIDs[userId], client, } } )); return { users, id: blueprint, url: homeserver.BaseURL, domain: homeserverName, asToken, appPort, hsToken, }; } export function destroyHS( id: string ): Promise { return homerunner.destroy(id); } export async function registerUser( homeserverUrl: string, user: { username: string, admin: boolean }, sharedSecret = DEFAULT_REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET, ): Promise<{mxid: string, client: MatrixClient}> { const registerUrl: string = (() => { const url = new URL(homeserverUrl); url.pathname = '/_synapse/admin/v1/register'; return url.toString(); })(); const nonce = await fetch(registerUrl, { method: 'GET' }).then(res => res.json()).then((res) => (res as any).nonce); const password = createHash('sha256') .update(user.username) .update(sharedSecret) .digest('hex'); const hmac = createHmac('sha1', sharedSecret) .update(nonce).update("\x00") .update(user.username).update("\x00") .update(password).update("\x00") .update(user.admin ? 'admin' : 'notadmin') .digest('hex'); const req = await fetch(registerUrl, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify( { nonce, username: user.username, password, admin: user.admin, mac: hmac, } )}); const res = await req.json() as {user_id: string, access_token: string}; return { mxid: res.user_id, client: new MatrixClient(homeserverUrl, res.access_token), }; }