import { createMessageQueue } from "../../src/MessageQueue"; import { UserTokenStore } from "../../src/tokens/UserTokenStore"; import { AppserviceMock } from "../utils/AppserviceMock"; import { ApiError, ErrCode, ValidatorApiError } from "../../src/api"; import { GitLabRepoConnection, GitLabRepoConnectionState } from "../../src/Connections"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { BridgeConfigGitLab } from "../../src/config/Config"; import { IBridgeStorageProvider } from "../../src/Stores/StorageProvider"; import { IntentMock } from "../utils/IntentMock"; import { IGitlabMergeRequest, IGitlabProject, IGitlabUser, IGitLabWebhookNoteEvent } from "../../src/Gitlab/WebhookTypes"; const ROOM_ID = "!foo:bar"; const GITLAB_ORG_REPO = { org: "a-fake-org", repo: "a-fake-repo", }; const GITLAB_MR: IGitlabMergeRequest = { author_id: 0, labels: [], state: "opened", iid: 1234, url: `${}/${GITLAB_ORG_REPO.repo}/issues/1234`, title: "My MR", }; const GITLAB_USER: IGitlabUser = { name: "Alice", username: "alice", avatar_url: "", email: "" }; const GITLAB_PROJECT: IGitlabProject = { path_with_namespace: `${}/${GITLAB_ORG_REPO.repo}`, web_url: `${}/${GITLAB_ORG_REPO.repo}`, homepage: "", }; const GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD = { object_kind: "merge_request", user: GITLAB_USER, object_attributes: GITLAB_MR, project: GITLAB_PROJECT, }; const GITLAB_MR_COMMENT: IGitLabWebhookNoteEvent = { 'object_kind': 'note', 'event_type': 'note', 'merge_request': GITLAB_MR, 'object_attributes': { 'discussion_id': '6babfc4ad3be2355db286ed50be111a5220d5751', 'note': 'I am starting a new thread', 'noteable_type': 'MergeRequest', 'url': '', 'id': 1455087141, 'author_id': 12345, 'noteable_id': 1, }, 'project': GITLAB_PROJECT, 'user': GITLAB_USER, repository: { 'description': 'A repo', 'homepage': '', 'name': 'a-repo', 'url': '' }, }; const COMMENT_DEBOUNCE_MS = 25; function createConnection(state: Partial = {}, isExistingState=false): { connection: GitLabRepoConnection, intent: IntentMock } { const mq = createMessageQueue(); mq.subscribe('*'); const as = AppserviceMock.create(); const intent = as.getIntentForUserId('@gitlab:example.test'); const connection = new GitLabRepoConnection( ROOM_ID, "state_key", as, { commentDebounceMs: COMMENT_DEBOUNCE_MS, } as BridgeConfigGitLab, intent, GitLabRepoConnection.validateState({ instance: "bar", path: "foo", ...state, }, isExistingState), {} as UserTokenStore, { url: "" }, { setGitlabDiscussionThreads: () => Promise.resolve(), getGitlabDiscussionThreads: () => Promise.resolve([]), } as unknown as IBridgeStorageProvider, ); return {connection, intent}; } async function waitForDebouncing(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, COMMENT_DEBOUNCE_MS * 2)); } describe("GitLabRepoConnection", () => { describe("validateState", () => { it("can validate a completes state config", () => { GitLabRepoConnection.validateState({ instance: "foo", path: "bar/baz", enableHooks: [ "", "merge_request.reopen", "merge_request.close", "merge_request.merge", "", "", "merge_request", "tag_push", "push", "wiki", "release", "release.created", ], commandPrefix: "!gl", pushTagsRegex: ".*", includingLabels: ["me"], excludingLabels: ["but-not-me"], } as GitLabRepoConnectionState as unknown as Record); }); it("will convert ignoredHooks for existing state", () => { const state = GitLabRepoConnection.validateState({ instance: "foo", path: "bar/baz", ignoreHooks: [ "merge_request", ], commandPrefix: "!gl", } as GitLabRepoConnectionState as unknown as Record, true); expect(state.enableHooks).to.not.contain('merge_request'); }); it("will disallow invalid state", () => { try { GitLabRepoConnection.validateState({ instance: "foo", path: 123, }); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof ValidatorApiError === false || ex.errcode !== ErrCode.BadValue) { throw ex; } } }); it("will disallow enabledHooks to contains invalid enums if this is new state", () => { try { GitLabRepoConnection.validateState({ instance: "bar", path: "foo", enabledHooks: ["not-real"], }, false); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof ApiError === false || ex.errcode !== ErrCode.BadValue) { throw ex; } } }); it("will allow enabledHooks to contains invalid enums if this is old state", () => { GitLabRepoConnection.validateState({ instance: "bar", path: "foo", enabledHooks: ["not-real"], }, true); }); }); describe("onMergeRequestCommentCreated", () => { it("will handle an MR comment", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection(); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated(GITLAB_MR_COMMENT); await waitForDebouncing(); intent.expectEventMatches( (ev: any) => ev.content.body.includes('**Alice** commented on MR'), 'event body indicates MR comment' ); }); it("will filter out issues not matching includingLabels.", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection({ includingLabels: ["include-me"] }); // ..or issues with no labels await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated(GITLAB_MR_COMMENT); await waitForDebouncing(); intent.expectNoEvent(); }); it("will filter out issues matching excludingLabels.", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection({ excludingLabels: ["exclude-me"] }); // ..or issues with no labels await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated({ ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT, merge_request: { ...GITLAB_MR, labels: [{ id: 0, title: 'exclude-me' } as any] } }); await waitForDebouncing(); intent.expectNoEvent(); }); it("will debounce MR comments", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection(); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated(GITLAB_MR_COMMENT); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated({ ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT, 'object_attributes': { ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT.object_attributes, 'discussion_id': 'fa5d', 'note': 'different comment', }, } as never); await waitForDebouncing(); expect(intent.sentEvents.length).to.equal(1); intent.expectEventMatches( (ev: any) => ev.content.body.includes('with 2 comments'), 'one event sent for both comments', 0, ); }); it("will add new comments in a Matrix thread", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection(); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated(GITLAB_MR_COMMENT); await waitForDebouncing(); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated(GITLAB_MR_COMMENT); await waitForDebouncing(); expect(intent.sentEvents.length).to.equal(2); intent.expectEventMatches( (ev: any) => ev.content['m.relates_to'].event_id === 'event_0', 'one event sent for both comments', 1, ); }); it("will correctly map new comments to aggregated discussions", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection(); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated({ ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT, 'object_attributes': { ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT.object_attributes, 'discussion_id': 'disc1', }, } as never); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated({ ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT, 'object_attributes': { ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT.object_attributes, 'discussion_id': 'disc2', }, } as never); await waitForDebouncing(); expect(intent.sentEvents.length).to.equal(1); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated({ ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT, 'object_attributes': { ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT.object_attributes, 'discussion_id': 'disc1', }, } as never); await waitForDebouncing(); expect(intent.sentEvents.length).to.equal(2); intent.expectEventMatches( (ev: any) => ev.content['m.relates_to'].event_id === 'event_0', 'disc1 reply goes to existing thread', 1 ); await connection.onMergeRequestCommentCreated({ ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT, 'object_attributes': { ...GITLAB_MR_COMMENT.object_attributes, 'discussion_id': 'disc2', }, } as never); await waitForDebouncing(); expect(intent.sentEvents.length).to.equal(3); intent.expectEventMatches( (ev: any) => ev.content['m.relates_to'].event_id === 'event_0', 'disc2 reply also goes to existing thread', 2 ); }); }); describe("onIssueCreated", () => { it("will handle a simple issue", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection(); await connection.onMergeRequestOpened(GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD as never); // Statement text. intent.expectEventBodyContains('**alice** opened a new MR', 0); intent.expectEventBodyContains(GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD.object_attributes.url, 0); intent.expectEventBodyContains(GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD.object_attributes.title, 0); }); it("will filter out issues not matching includingLabels.", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection({ includingLabels: ["include-me"] }); await connection.onMergeRequestOpened({ ...GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD, labels: [{ title: "foo", }], } as never); // ..or issues with no labels await connection.onMergeRequestOpened(GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD as never); intent.expectNoEvent(); }); it("will filter out issues matching excludingLabels.", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection({ excludingLabels: ["exclude-me"] }); await connection.onMergeRequestOpened({ ...GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD, labels: [{ title: "exclude-me", }], } as never); intent.expectNoEvent(); }); it("will include issues matching includingLabels.", async () => { const { connection, intent } = createConnection({ includingLabels: ["include-me"] }); await connection.onMergeRequestOpened({ ...GITLAB_ISSUE_CREATED_PAYLOAD, labels: [{ title: "include-me", }], } as never); intent.expectEventBodyContains('**alice** opened a new MR', 0); }); }); });