import { expect } from "chai"; import { MatrixError } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { MatrixCapabilities } from "matrix-bot-sdk/lib/models/Capabilities"; export class MatrixClientMock { static create(){ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return new this() as any; } // map room Id → user Ids private joinedMembers: Map = new Map(); public readonly roomAccountData: Map = new Map(); async setDisplayName() { return; } async getCapabilities(): Promise { return { "m.set_displayname": { enabled: true }, "m.set_avatar_url": { enabled: true }, } } async getJoinedRoomMembers(roomId: string): Promise { return this.joinedMembers.get(roomId) || []; } async inviteUser(userId: string, roomId: string): Promise { const roomMembers = this.joinedMembers.get(roomId) || []; if (roomMembers.includes(userId)) { throw new Error("User already in room"); } roomMembers.push(userId); this.joinedMembers.set(roomId, roomMembers); } async getRoomAccountData(key: string, roomId: string): Promise { const data = this.roomAccountData.get(roomId+key); if (data) { return data; } throw new MatrixError({ errcode: 'M_NOT_FOUND', error: 'Test error: No account data', }, 404, { }); } async setRoomAccountData(key: string, roomId: string, value: string): Promise { this.roomAccountData.set(roomId+key, value); } } export class IntentMock { public readonly underlyingClient = new MatrixClientMock(); public sentEvents: {roomId: string, content: any}[] = []; constructor(readonly userId: string) {} static create(userId: string){ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return new this(userId) as any; } sendText(roomId: string, noticeText: string, msgtype: string) { this.sentEvents.push({ roomId, content: { msgtype, body: noticeText, } }); } sendEvent(roomId: string, content: any): Promise { this.sentEvents.push({ roomId, content, }); return Promise.resolve(`event_${this.sentEvents.length - 1}`); } expectNoEvent() { expect(this.sentEvents, 'Expected no events to be sent.'); } expectEventBodyContains(matcher: string|RegExp, eventIndex?: number) { if (eventIndex !== undefined) { expect(this.sentEvents[eventIndex], `Expected event ${eventIndex} to exist`); const body = this.sentEvents[eventIndex].content.body; expect( body.includes(matcher), `Expected event body ${eventIndex} to match '${matcher}'.\nMessage was: '${body}'` ); return; } expect(!!this.sentEvents.find(ev => ev.content.body.includes(matcher)), `Expected any event body to match '${matcher}'`); } expectEventMatches(matcher: (content: any) => boolean, description: string, eventIndex?: number) { if (eventIndex !== undefined) { expect(this.sentEvents[eventIndex], `Expected event ${eventIndex} to exist`); expect(matcher(this.sentEvents[eventIndex]), description); return; } expect(this.sentEvents.some(ev => matcher(ev)), description); } async ensureJoined() { return true; } async ensureRegistered() { return true; } }