import { AdminAccountData } from "./AdminRoomCommandHandler"; import { AdminRoom, BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, LEGACY_BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE } from "./AdminRoom"; import { Appservice, RichRepliesPreprocessor, IRichReplyMetadata, StateEvent, EventKind, PowerLevelsEvent, Intent } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import BotUsersManager from "./Managers/BotUsersManager"; import { BridgeConfig, BridgePermissionLevel, GitLabInstance } from "./config/Config"; import { BridgeWidgetApi } from "./Widgets/BridgeWidgetApi"; import { CommentProcessor } from "./CommentProcessor"; import { ConnectionManager } from "./ConnectionManager"; import { GetIssueResponse, GetIssueOpts } from "./Gitlab/Types" import { GithubInstance } from "./github/GithubInstance"; import { IBridgeStorageProvider } from "./Stores/StorageProvider"; import { IConnection, GitHubDiscussionSpace, GitHubDiscussionConnection, GitHubUserSpace, JiraProjectConnection, GitLabRepoConnection, GitHubIssueConnection, GitHubProjectConnection, GitHubRepoConnection, GitLabIssueConnection, FigmaFileConnection, FeedConnection, GenericHookConnection } from "./Connections"; import { IGitLabWebhookIssueStateEvent, IGitLabWebhookMREvent, IGitLabWebhookNoteEvent, IGitLabWebhookPushEvent, IGitLabWebhookReleaseEvent, IGitLabWebhookTagPushEvent, IGitLabWebhookWikiPageEvent } from "./Gitlab/WebhookTypes"; import { JiraIssueEvent, JiraIssueUpdatedEvent, JiraVersionEvent } from "./jira/WebhookTypes"; import { JiraOAuthResult } from "./jira/Types"; import { MatrixEvent, MatrixMemberContent, MatrixMessageContent } from "./MatrixEvent"; import { MessageQueue, MessageQueueMessageOut, createMessageQueue } from "./MessageQueue"; import { MessageSenderClient } from "./MatrixSender"; import { NotifFilter, NotificationFilterStateContent } from "./NotificationFilters"; import { NotificationProcessor } from "./NotificationsProcessor"; import { NotificationsEnableEvent, NotificationsDisableEvent, Webhooks } from "./Webhooks"; import { GitHubOAuthToken, GitHubOAuthTokenResponse, ProjectsGetResponseData } from "./github/Types"; import { retry } from "./PromiseUtil"; import { UserNotificationsEvent } from "./Notifications/UserNotificationWatcher"; import { UserTokenStore } from "./tokens/UserTokenStore"; import * as GitHubWebhookTypes from "@octokit/webhooks-types"; import { Logger } from "matrix-appservice-bridge"; import { Provisioner } from "./provisioning/provisioner"; import { JiraProvisionerRouter } from "./jira/Router"; import { GitHubProvisionerRouter } from "./github/Router"; import { OAuthRequest } from "./WebhookTypes"; import { promises as fs } from "fs"; import Metrics from "./Metrics"; import { FigmaEvent, ensureFigmaWebhooks } from "./figma"; import { ListenerService } from "./ListenerService"; import { SetupConnection } from "./Connections/SetupConnection"; import { JiraOAuthRequestCloud, JiraOAuthRequestOnPrem, JiraOAuthRequestResult } from "./jira/OAuth"; import { GenericWebhookEvent, GenericWebhookEventResult } from "./generic/types"; import { SetupWidget } from "./Widgets/SetupWidget"; import { FeedEntry, FeedError, FeedReader, FeedSuccess } from "./feeds/FeedReader"; import PQueue from "p-queue"; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'; import { HoundConnection, HoundPayload } from "./Connections/HoundConnection"; import { HoundReader } from "./hound/reader"; const log = new Logger("Bridge"); export class Bridge { private readonly messageClient: MessageSenderClient; private readonly queue: MessageQueue; private readonly commentProcessor: CommentProcessor; private readonly notifProcessor: NotificationProcessor; private connectionManager?: ConnectionManager; private github?: GithubInstance; private adminRooms: Map = new Map(); private feedReader?: FeedReader; private houndReader?: HoundReader; private provisioningApi?: Provisioner; private replyProcessor = new RichRepliesPreprocessor(true); private ready = false; constructor( private config: BridgeConfig, private readonly tokenStore: UserTokenStore, private readonly listener: ListenerService, private readonly as: Appservice, private readonly storage: IBridgeStorageProvider, private readonly botUsersManager: BotUsersManager, ) { this.queue = createMessageQueue(this.config.queue); this.messageClient = new MessageSenderClient(this.queue); this.commentProcessor = new CommentProcessor(, this.config.bridge.mediaUrl || this.config.bridge.url); this.notifProcessor = new NotificationProcessor(, this.messageClient); // Legacy routes, to be removed."/live", (_, res) => res.send({ok: true}));"/ready", (_, res) => res.status(this.ready ? 200 : 500).send({ready: this.ready})); } public stop() { this.feedReader?.stop(); this.houndReader?.stop(); this.tokenStore.stop();; if (this.queue.stop) this.queue.stop(); } public async start() { this.tokenStore.on("onNewToken", this.onTokenUpdated.bind(this));'Starting up'); await; await this.queue.connect?.();"Ensuring homeserver can be reached..."); let reached = false; while (!reached) { try { // Make a request to determine if we can reach the homeserver await; reached = true; } catch (e) { log.warn("Failed to connect to homeserver, retrying in 5s", e); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 5000)); } } await this.botUsersManager.start(); await this.config.prefillMembershipCache(; if (this.config.github) { this.github = new GithubInstance(, await fs.readFile(this.config.github.auth.privateKeyFile, 'utf-8'), this.config.github.baseUrl, ); await this.github.start(); } if (this.config.figma) { // Ensure webhooks are set up await ensureFigmaWebhooks(this.config.figma,; } const connManager = this.connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(, this.config, this.tokenStore, this.commentProcessor, this.messageClient,, this.botUsersManager, this.github, ); if (this.config.provisioning) { const routers = []; if (this.config.jira) { routers.push({ route: "/v1/jira", router: new JiraProvisionerRouter(this.config.jira, this.tokenStore).getRouter(), }); this.connectionManager.registerProvisioningConnection(JiraProjectConnection); } if (this.config.github && this.github) { routers.push({ route: "/v1/github", router: new GitHubProvisionerRouter(this.config.github, this.tokenStore, this.github).getRouter(), }); this.connectionManager.registerProvisioningConnection(GitHubRepoConnection); } if (this.config.generic) { this.connectionManager.registerProvisioningConnection(GenericHookConnection); } this.provisioningApi = new Provisioner( this.config.provisioning, this.connectionManager, this.botUsersManager,, routers, ); }"", async (roomAlias, cb) => { try { cb(await this.onQueryRoom(roomAlias)); } catch (ex) { log.error("Failed to create room:", ex); cb(false); } });"room.invite", async (roomId, event) => { return this.onRoomInvite(roomId, event); });"room.message", async (roomId, event) => { return this.onRoomMessage(roomId, event); });"room.event", async (roomId, event) => {; return this.onRoomEvent(roomId, event); });"room.leave", async (roomId, event) => { return this.onRoomLeave(roomId, event); });"room.join", async (roomId, event) => { return this.onRoomJoin(roomId, event); });"room.failed_decryption", (roomId, event, err) => { log.warn(`Failed to decrypt event ${event.event_id} from ${roomId}: ${err.message}`);; }); this.queue.subscribe("response.matrix.message"); this.queue.subscribe(""); this.queue.subscribe("github.*"); this.queue.subscribe("gitlab.*"); this.queue.subscribe("jira.*"); this.queue.subscribe("figma.*"); this.queue.subscribe("feed.*"); const validateRepoIssue = (data: GitHubWebhookTypes.IssuesEvent|GitHubWebhookTypes.IssueCommentEvent) => { if (!data.repository || !data.issue) { throw Error("Malformed webhook event, missing repository or issue"); } if (!data.repository.owner?.login) { throw Error('Cannot get connection for ownerless issue'); } return { owner: data.repository.owner?.login, repository: data.repository, issue: data.issue, }; } this.queue.on("github.installation.created", async (data) => { this.github?.onInstallationCreated(; }); this.queue.on("github.installation.unsuspend", async (data) => { this.github?.onInstallationCreated(; }); this.queue.on("github.installation.deleted", async (data) => { this.github?.onInstallationRemoved(; }); this.queue.on("github.installation.suspend", async (data) => { this.github?.onInstallationRemoved(; }); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.issue_comment.created", (data) => { const { repository, issue, owner } = validateRepoIssue(data); return connManager.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(owner,, issue.number); }, (c, data) => c.onIssueCommentCreated(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.issues.opened", (data) => { const { repository, owner } = validateRepoIssue(data); return connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(owner,; }, (c, data) => c.onIssueCreated(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.issues.edited", (data) => { const { repository, issue, owner } = validateRepoIssue(data); return connManager.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(owner,, issue.number); }, (c, data) => c.onIssueEdited(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.issues.closed", (data) => { const { repository, issue, owner } = validateRepoIssue(data); return connManager.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(owner,, issue.number); }, (c, data) => c.onIssueStateChange(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.issues.reopened", (data) => { const { repository, issue, owner } = validateRepoIssue(data); return connManager.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(owner,, issue.number); }, (c, data) => c.onIssueStateChange(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.issues.unlabeled", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onIssueUnlabeled(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.issues.labeled", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onIssueLabeled(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.pull_request.opened", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onPROpened(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.push", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onPush(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.pull_request.closed", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onPRClosed(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.pull_request.ready_for_review", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onPRReadyForReview(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.pull_request_review.submitted", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onPRReviewed(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.workflow_run.completed", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onWorkflowCompleted(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.release.published", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onReleaseCreated(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.release.created", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(data.repository.owner.login,, (c, data) => c.onReleaseDrafted(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestOpened(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.reopen", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestReopened(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.close", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestClosed(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.merge", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestMerged(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.approved", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestReviewed(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.unapproved", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestReviewed(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.approval", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestIndividualReview(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.unapproval", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestIndividualReview(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.merge_request.update", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onMergeRequestUpdate(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.release.create", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onRelease(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.tag_push", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onGitLabTagPush(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.push", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onGitLabPush(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.wiki_page", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), (c, data) => c.onWikiPageEvent(data), ); this.queue.on("", async (msg) => { const adminRoom = this.adminRooms.get(; if (!adminRoom) { log.warn("No admin room for this notif stream!"); return; } await this.notifProcessor.onUserEvents(, adminRoom); }); this.queue.on("github.oauth.response", async (msg) => { const userId = this.tokenStore.getUserIdForOAuthState(, false); await this.queue.push({ data: !!userId, sender: "Bridge", messageId: msg.messageId, eventName: "response.github.oauth.response", }); }); this.queue.on("github.oauth.tokens", async (msg) => { const userId = this.tokenStore.getUserIdForOAuthState(; if (!userId) { log.warn("Could not find internal state for successful tokens request. This shouldn't happen!"); return; } await this.tokenStore.storeUserToken("github", userId, JSON.stringify({ access_token:, expires_in: && ((parseInt( * 1000) +, token_type:, refresh_token:, refresh_token_expires_in: && ((parseInt( * 1000) +, } as GitHubOAuthToken)); // Some users won't have an admin room and would have gone through provisioning. const adminRoom = this.getAdminRoomForUser(userId); if (adminRoom) { await adminRoom.sendNotice("Logged into GitHub"); } }); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.note.created", (data) => { const iid = data.issue?.iid || data.merge_request?.iid; return [ ...( iid ? connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabIssueWebhook(data.repository.homepage, iid) : []), ...connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabRepo(data.project.path_with_namespace), ]}, (c, data) => c.onCommentCreated(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.issue.reopen", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabIssueWebhook(data.repository.homepage, data.object_attributes.iid), (c) => c.onIssueReopened(), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "gitlab.issue.close", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGitLabIssueWebhook(data.repository.homepage, data.object_attributes.iid), (c) => c.onIssueClosed(), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "github.discussion_comment.created", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForGithubDiscussion(data.repository.owner.login,, data.discussion.number), (c, data) => c.onDiscussionCommentCreated(data), ); this.queue.on("github.discussion.created", async ({data}) => { if (!this.github || !this.config.github) { return; } const spaces = connManager.getConnectionsForGithubRepoDiscussion(data.repository.owner.login,; if (spaces.length === 0) {`Not creating discussion ${} ${data.repository.owner.login}/${}, no target spaces`); // We don't want to create any discussions if we have no target spaces. return; } let [discussionConnection] = connManager.getConnectionsForGithubDiscussion(data.repository.owner.login,,; if (!discussionConnection) { const botUser = this.botUsersManager.getBotUserForService(GitHubDiscussionConnection.ServiceCategory); if (!botUser) { throw Error('Could not find a bot to handle this connection'); } try { // If we don't have an existing connection for this discussion (likely), then create one. discussionConnection = await GitHubDiscussionConnection.createDiscussionRoom(, botUser.intent, null, data.repository.owner.login,, data.discussion, this.tokenStore, this.commentProcessor, this.messageClient, this.config, ); connManager.push(discussionConnection); } catch (ex) { log.error(ex); throw Error('Failed to create discussion room'); } } (c) => { try { await c.onDiscussionCreated(discussionConnection); } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Failed to add discussion ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex); } }) }); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "jira.issue_created", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForJiraProject(data.issue.fields.project), (c, data) => c.onJiraIssueCreated(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "jira.issue_updated", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForJiraProject(data.issue.fields.project), (c, data) => c.onJiraIssueUpdated(data), ); for (const event of ["created", "updated", "released"]) { this.bindHandlerToQueue( `jira.version_${event}`, (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForJiraVersion(data.version), (c, data) => c.onJiraVersionEvent(data), ); } this.queue.on("jira.oauth.response", async (msg) => { if (!this.config.jira || !this.tokenStore.jiraOAuth) { throw Error('Cannot handle, JIRA oauth support not enabled'); } let result: JiraOAuthRequestResult; const userId = this.tokenStore.getUserIdForOAuthState(, false); if (!userId) { return this.queue.push({ data: JiraOAuthRequestResult.UserNotFound, sender: "Bridge", messageId: msg.messageId, eventName: "response.jira.oauth.response", }); } try { let tokenInfo: JiraOAuthResult; if ("code" in { tokenInfo = await this.tokenStore.jiraOAuth.exchangeRequestForToken(; } else { tokenInfo = await this.tokenStore.jiraOAuth.exchangeRequestForToken(,; } await this.tokenStore.storeJiraToken(userId, { access_token: tokenInfo.access_token, refresh_token: tokenInfo.refresh_token, instance: this.config.jira.instanceName, expires_in: tokenInfo.expires_in, }); // Some users won't have an admin room and would have gone through provisioning. const adminRoom = this.getAdminRoomForUser(userId); if (adminRoom) { await adminRoom.sendNotice("Logged into Jira"); } result = JiraOAuthRequestResult.Success; } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Failed to handle JIRA oauth token exchange`, ex); result = JiraOAuthRequestResult.UnknownFailure; } await this.queue.push({ data: result, sender: "Bridge", messageId: msg.messageId, eventName: "response.jira.oauth.response", }); }); this.queue.on("generic-webhook.event", async (msg) => { const { data, messageId } = msg; const connections = connManager.getConnectionsForGenericWebhook(data.hookId); log.debug(`generic-webhook.event for ${ => c.toString()).join(', ') || '[empty]'}`); if (!connections.length) { await this.queue.push({ data: {successful: true, notFound: true}, sender: "Bridge", messageId: messageId, eventName: "response.generic-webhook.event", }); } let didPush = false; await Promise.all( (c, index) => { try { // TODO: Support webhook responses to more than one room if (index !== 0) { await c.onGenericHook(data.hookData); return; } if (this.config.generic?.waitForComplete || c.waitForComplete) { const result = await c.onGenericHook(data.hookData); await this.queue.push({ data: result, sender: "Bridge", messageId, eventName: "response.generic-webhook.event", }); } else { await this.queue.push({ data: { successful: null, }, sender: "Bridge", messageId, eventName: "response.generic-webhook.event", }); await c.onGenericHook(data.hookData); } didPush = true; } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Failed to handle generic webhook`, ex);{ event: "generic-webhook.event", connectionId: c.connectionId }); } })); // We didn't manage to complete sending the event or even sending a failure. if (!didPush) { await this.queue.push({ data: { successful: false }, sender: "Bridge", messageId, eventName: "response.generic-webhook.event", }); } }); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "figma.payload", (data) => connManager.getForFigmaFile(data.payload.file_key, data.instanceName), (c, data) => c.handleNewComment(data.payload), ) this.bindHandlerToQueue( "feed.entry", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForFeedUrl(data.feed.url), (c, data) => c.handleFeedEntry(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "feed.success", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForFeedUrl(data.url), c => c.handleFeedSuccess(), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "feed.error", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForFeedUrl(data.url), (c, data) => c.handleFeedError(data), ); this.bindHandlerToQueue( "hound.activity", (data) => connManager.getConnectionsForHoundChallengeId(data.challengeId), (c, data) => c.handleNewActivity(data.activity) ); const queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 2, }); // Set up already joined rooms await queue.addAll( => async () => { log.debug("Fetching state for " + roomId); try { await connManager.createConnectionsForRoomId(roomId, false); } catch (ex) { log.error(`Unable to create connection for ${roomId}`, ex); return; } const botUser = this.botUsersManager.getBotUserInRoom(roomId); if (!botUser) { log.error(`Failed to find a bot in room '${roomId}' when setting up admin room`); return; } // TODO: Refactor this to be a connection try { let accountData = await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData( BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, ); if (!accountData) { accountData = await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData( LEGACY_BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, ); if (!accountData) { log.debug(`Room ${roomId} has no connections and is not an admin room`); return; } else { // Upgrade the room await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.setRoomAccountData(BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, accountData); } } let notifContent; try { notifContent = await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.getRoomStateEvent( roomId, NotifFilter.StateType, "", ); } catch (ex) { try { notifContent = await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.getRoomStateEvent( roomId, NotifFilter.LegacyStateType, "", ); } catch (ex) { // No state yet } } const adminRoom = await this.setUpAdminRoom(botUser.intent, roomId, accountData, notifContent || NotifFilter.getDefaultContent()); // Call this on startup to set the state await this.onAdminRoomSettingsChanged(adminRoom, accountData, { admin_user: accountData.admin_user }); log.debug(`Room ${roomId} is connected to: ${adminRoom.toString()}`); } catch (ex) { log.error(`Failed to set up admin room ${roomId}:`, ex); } })); // Handle spaces for (const discussion of connManager.getAllConnectionsOfType(GitHubDiscussionSpace)) { const user = connManager.getConnectionForGithubUser(discussion.owner); if (user) { await user.ensureDiscussionInSpace(discussion); } } if (this.config.widgets) { const apps = this.listener.getApplicationsForResource('widgets'); if (apps.length > 1) { throw Error('You may only bind `widgets` to one listener.'); } new BridgeWidgetApi( this.adminRooms, this.config,, apps[0], this.connectionManager, this.botUsersManager,, this.tokenStore, this.github, ); } if (this.provisioningApi) { this.listener.bindResource('provisioning', this.provisioningApi.expressRouter); } if (this.config.metrics?.enabled) { this.listener.bindResource('metrics', Metrics.expressRouter); } await queue.onIdle();`All connections loaded`); // Load feeds after connections, to limit the chances of us double // posting to rooms if a previous hookshot instance is being replaced. if (this.config.feeds?.enabled) { this.feedReader = new FeedReader( this.config.feeds, this.connectionManager, this.queue,, ); } if (this.config.challengeHound?.token) { this.houndReader = new HoundReader( this.config.challengeHound, this.connectionManager, this.queue,, ); } const webhookHandler = new Webhooks(this.config); this.listener.bindResource('webhooks', webhookHandler.expressRouter); await;`Bridge is now ready. Found ${this.connectionManager.size} connections`); this.ready = true; } private async handleHookshotEvent(msg: MessageQueueMessageOut, connection: ConnType, handler: (c: ConnType, data: EventType) => Promise|unknown) { try { await handler(connection,; } catch (e) { Sentry.withScope((scope) => { scope.setTransactionName('handleHookshotEvent'); scope.setTags({ eventType: msg.eventName, roomId: connection.roomId, }); scope.setContext("connection", { id: connection.connectionId, }); log.warn(`Connection ${connection.toString()} failed to handle ${msg.eventName}:`, e);{ event: msg.eventName, connectionId: connection.connectionId }); Sentry.captureException(e, scope); }); } } private async bindHandlerToQueue(event: string, connectionFetcher: (data: EventType) => ConnType[], handler: (c: ConnType, data: EventType) => Promise|unknown) { const connectionFetcherBound = connectionFetcher.bind(this); this.queue.on(event, (msg) => { const connections = connectionFetcherBound(; log.debug(`${event} for ${ => c.toString()).join(', ') || '[empty]'}`); connections.forEach((connection) => { void this.handleHookshotEvent(msg, connection, handler); }); }); } private async onRoomInvite(roomId: string, event: MatrixEvent) { if ( { /* Do not handle invites from our users */ return; } const invitedUserId = event.state_key; if (!invitedUserId) { return; }`Got invite roomId=${roomId} from=${event.sender} to=${invitedUserId}`); const botUser = this.botUsersManager.getBotUser(invitedUserId); if (!botUser) { // We got an invite but it's not a configured bot user, must be for a ghost user log.debug(`Rejecting invite to room ${roomId} for ghost user ${invitedUserId}`); const client =; return client.doRequest("POST", "/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/leave", null, { reason: "Bridge does not support DMing ghosts" }); } // Don't accept invites from people who can't do anything if (!this.config.checkPermissionAny(event.sender, BridgePermissionLevel.login)) { return botUser.intent.underlyingClient.doRequest("POST", "/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/leave", null, { reason: "You do not have permission to invite this bot." }); } if (event.content.is_direct && botUser.userId !== { // Service bots do not support direct messages (admin rooms) log.debug(`Rejecting direct message (admin room) invite to room ${roomId} for service bot ${botUser.userId}`); return botUser.intent.underlyingClient.doRequest("POST", "/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/leave", null, { reason: "This bot does not support admin rooms." }); } // Accept the invite await retry(async () => { try { await botUser.intent.joinRoom(roomId); } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Failed to join ${roomId}`, ex); throw ex; } }, 5); if (event.content.is_direct) { await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.setRoomAccountData( BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, {admin_user: event.sender}, ); } } private async onRoomLeave(roomId: string, matrixEvent: MatrixEvent) { const userId = matrixEvent.state_key; if (!userId) { return; } const botUser = this.botUsersManager.getBotUser(userId); if (!botUser) { // Not for one of our bots return; } this.botUsersManager.onRoomLeave(botUser, roomId); if (!this.connectionManager) { return; } // Remove all the connections for this room await this.connectionManager.removeConnectionsForRoom(roomId); if (this.botUsersManager.getBotUsersInRoom(roomId).length > 0) { // If there are still bots in the room, recreate connections await this.connectionManager.createConnectionsForRoomId(roomId, true); } } private async onRoomMessage(roomId: string, event: MatrixEvent) { if (!this.connectionManager) { // Not ready yet. return; } if ( { /* We ignore messages from our users */ return; } if ( - event.origin_server_ts > 30000) { /* We ignore old messages too */ return; }`Got message roomId=${roomId} type=${event.type} from=${event.sender}`); log.debug("Content:", JSON.stringify(event)); let processedReply: any; let processedReplyMetadata: IRichReplyMetadata|undefined = undefined; try { processedReply = await this.replyProcessor.processEvent(event,, EventKind.RoomEvent); processedReplyMetadata = processedReply?.mx_richreply; } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Event ${event.event_id} could not be processed by the reply processor, possibly a faulty event`); } const adminRoom = this.adminRooms.get(roomId); const checkPermission = (service: string, level: BridgePermissionLevel) => this.config.checkPermission(event.sender, service, level); if (!adminRoom) { let handled = false; for (const connection of this.connectionManager.getAllConnectionsForRoom(roomId)) { const scope = new Sentry.Scope(); scope.setTransactionName('onRoomMessage'); scope.setTags({ eventId: event.event_id, sender: event.sender, eventType: event.type, roomId: connection.roomId, }); scope.setContext("connection", { id: connection.connectionId, }); try { if (connection.onMessageEvent) { handled = await connection.onMessageEvent(event, checkPermission, processedReplyMetadata); } } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Connection ${connection.toString()} failed to handle message:`, ex); Sentry.captureException(ex, scope); } if (handled) { break; } } if (!handled && this.config.checkPermissionAny(event.sender, BridgePermissionLevel.manageConnections)) { // Divert to the setup room code if we didn't match any of these const botUsersInRoom = this.botUsersManager.getBotUsersInRoom(roomId); // Try each bot in the room until one handles the command for (const botUser of botUsersInRoom) { try { const setupConnection = new SetupConnection( roomId, botUser.prefix,, [, this.config.widgets?.roomSetupWidget ? "widget" : "", ], { config: this.config, as:, intent: botUser.intent, tokenStore: this.tokenStore, commentProcessor: this.commentProcessor, messageClient: this.messageClient, storage:, github: this.github, getAllConnectionsOfType: this.connectionManager.getAllConnectionsOfType.bind(this.connectionManager), }, this.getOrCreateAdminRoom.bind(this), this.connectionManager.push.bind(this.connectionManager), ); const handled = await setupConnection.onMessageEvent(event, checkPermission); if (handled) { break; } } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Setup connection failed to handle:`, ex); } } } return; } if (adminRoom.userId !== event.sender) { return; } if (processedReply && processedReplyMetadata) {`Handling reply to ${processedReplyMetadata.parentEventId} for ${adminRoom.userId}`); // This might be a reply to a notification try { const ev = processedReplyMetadata.realEvent; const splitParts: string[] = ev.content["uk.half-shot.matrix-hookshot.github.repo"]?.name.split("/"); const issueNumber = ev.content["uk.half-shot.matrix-hookshot.github.issue"]?.number; if (splitParts && issueNumber) {`Handling reply for ${splitParts}${issueNumber}`); const connections = this.connectionManager.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(splitParts[0], splitParts[1], issueNumber); await Promise.all( c => { if (c instanceof GitHubIssueConnection) { return c.onMatrixIssueComment(processedReply); } })); } else {"Missing parts!:", splitParts, issueNumber); } } catch (ex) { await adminRoom.sendNotice("Failed to handle reply. You may not be authenticated to do that."); log.error("Reply event could not be handled:", ex); } return; } const command = event.content.body; if (command) { await adminRoom.handleCommand(event.event_id, command); } } private async onRoomJoin(roomId: string, matrixEvent: MatrixEvent) { const userId = matrixEvent.state_key; if (!userId) { return; } const botUser = this.botUsersManager.getBotUser(userId); if (!botUser) { // Not for one of our bots return; } this.botUsersManager.onRoomJoin(botUser, roomId); if (this.config.encryption) { // Ensure crypto is aware of all members of this room before posting any messages, // so that the bot can share room keys to all recipients first. await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.crypto.onRoomJoin(roomId); } const adminAccountData = await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData( BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, ); if (adminAccountData) { const room = await this.setUpAdminRoom(botUser.intent, roomId, adminAccountData, NotifFilter.getDefaultContent()); await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.setRoomAccountData( BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, room.accountData, ); } if (!this.connectionManager) { // Not ready yet. return; } // Recreate connections for the room await this.connectionManager.removeConnectionsForRoom(roomId); await this.connectionManager.createConnectionsForRoomId(roomId, true); // Only fetch rooms we have no connections in yet. const roomHasConnection = this.connectionManager.isRoomConnected(roomId); // If room has connections or is an admin room, don't set up a wizard. // Otherwise it's a new room if (!roomHasConnection && !adminAccountData && this.config.widgets?.roomSetupWidget?.addOnInvite) { try { const hasPowerlevel = await botUser.intent.underlyingClient.userHasPowerLevelFor( botUser.intent.userId, roomId, "im.vector.modular.widgets", true, ); if (!hasPowerlevel) { await botUser.intent.sendText(roomId, "Hello! To set up new integrations in this room, please promote me to a Moderator/Admin."); } else { // Set up the widget await SetupWidget.SetupRoomConfigWidget(roomId, botUser.intent, this.config.widgets,; } } catch (ex) { log.error(`Failed to setup new widget for room`, ex); } } } private async onRoomEvent(roomId: string, event: MatrixEvent>) { if (!this.connectionManager) { // Not ready yet. return; } if (event.state_key !== undefined) { if (event.type === "") { if (event.content.membership === "join") { this.config.addMemberToCache(roomId, event.state_key); } else { this.config.removeMemberFromCache(roomId, event.state_key); } return; } // A state update, hurrah! const existingConnections = this.connectionManager.getInterestedForRoomState(roomId, event.type, event.state_key); const state = new StateEvent(event); for (const connection of existingConnections) { if (!this.connectionManager.verifyStateEventForConnection(connection, state, true)) { continue; } const scope = new Sentry.Scope(); scope.setTransactionName('onStateUpdate'); scope.setTags({ eventId: event.event_id, sender: event.sender, eventType: event.type, roomId: connection.roomId, }); scope.setContext("connection", { id: connection.connectionId, }); try { // Empty object == redacted if (event.content.disabled === true || Object.keys(event.content).length === 0) { await this.connectionManager.purgeConnection(connection.roomId, connection.connectionId, false); } else { await connection.onStateUpdate?.(event); } } catch (ex) { log.warn(`Connection ${connection.toString()} for ${roomId} failed to handle state update:`, ex); } } if (!existingConnections.length) { // Is anyone interested in this state? try { const connection = await this.connectionManager.createConnectionForState(roomId, new StateEvent(event), true); if (connection) {`New connected added to ${roomId}: ${connection.toString()}`); this.connectionManager.push(connection); } } catch (ex) { log.error(`Failed to handle connection for state ${event.type} in ${roomId}`, ex); } } const botUsersInRoom = this.botUsersManager.getBotUsersInRoom(roomId); for (const botUser of botUsersInRoom) { // If it's a power level event for a new room, we might want to create the setup widget. if (this.config.widgets?.roomSetupWidget?.addOnInvite && event.type === "" && event.state_key === "" && !this.connectionManager.isRoomConnected(roomId)) { log.debug(`${roomId} got a new powerlevel change and isn't connected to any connections, testing to see if we should create a setup widget`) const plEvent = new PowerLevelsEvent(event); const currentPl = plEvent.content.users?.[botUser.userId] ?? plEvent.defaultUserLevel; const previousPl = plEvent.previousContent?.users?.[botUser.userId] ?? plEvent.previousContent?.users_default; const requiredPl =["im.vector.modular.widgets"] ?? plEvent.defaultStateEventLevel; if (currentPl !== previousPl && currentPl >= requiredPl) { // PL changed for bot user, check to see if the widget can be created. try {`Bot has powerlevel required to create a setup widget, attempting`); await SetupWidget.SetupRoomConfigWidget(roomId, botUser.intent, this.config.widgets,; } catch (ex) { log.error(`Failed to create setup widget for ${roomId}`, ex); } } } } return; } // We still want to react to our own state events. if (this.botUsersManager.isBotUser(event.sender)) { // It's us return; } for (const connection of this.connectionManager.getAllConnectionsForRoom(roomId)) { if (!connection.onEvent) { continue; } const scope = new Sentry.Scope(); scope.setTransactionName('onRoomEvent'); scope.setTags({ eventId: event.event_id, sender: event.sender, eventType: event.type, roomId: connection.roomId, }); scope.setContext("connection", { id: connection.connectionId, }); try { await connection.onEvent(event); } catch (ex) { Sentry.captureException(ex, scope); log.warn(`Connection ${connection.toString()} failed to handle onEvent:`, ex); } } } private async onQueryRoom(roomAlias: string) {"Got room query request:", roomAlias); // Determine which type of room it is. let res: RegExpExecArray | null; res = GitHubIssueConnection.QueryRoomRegex.exec(roomAlias); if (res) { if (!this.github) { throw Error("GitHub is not configured on this bridge"); } try { return await GitHubIssueConnection.onQueryRoom(res, { as:, tokenStore: this.tokenStore, messageClient: this.messageClient, commentProcessor: this.commentProcessor, githubInstance: this.github, }); } catch (ex) { log.error(`Could not handle alias with GitHubIssueConnection`, ex); throw ex; } } res = GitHubDiscussionSpace.QueryRoomRegex.exec(roomAlias); if (res) { if (!this.github) { throw Error("GitHub is not configured on this bridge"); } try { return await GitHubDiscussionSpace.onQueryRoom(res, { githubInstance: this.github, as:, }); } catch (ex) { log.error(`Could not handle alias with GitHubRepoConnection`, ex); throw ex; } } res = GitHubRepoConnection.QueryRoomRegex.exec(roomAlias); if (res) { if (!this.github) { throw Error("GitHub is not configured on this bridge"); } try { return await GitHubRepoConnection.onQueryRoom(res, { as:, tokenStore: this.tokenStore, messageClient: this.messageClient, commentProcessor: this.commentProcessor, githubInstance: this.github, }); } catch (ex) { log.error(`Could not handle alias with GitHubRepoConnection`, ex); throw ex; } } res = GitHubUserSpace.QueryRoomRegex.exec(roomAlias); if (res) { if (!this.github) { throw Error("GitHub is not configured on this bridge"); } try { return await GitHubUserSpace.onQueryRoom(res, { githubInstance: this.github, as:, }); } catch (ex) { log.error(`Could not handle alias with GitHubRepoConnection`, ex); throw ex; } } throw Error('No regex matching query pattern'); } private async onAdminRoomSettingsChanged(adminRoom: AdminRoom, settings: AdminAccountData, oldSettings: AdminAccountData) { log.debug(`Settings changed for ${adminRoom.userId}`, settings); // Make this more efficent. if (!oldSettings.github?.notifications?.enabled && settings.github?.notifications?.enabled) {`Notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId}`); const token = await this.tokenStore.getGitHubToken(adminRoom.userId); if (token) {`Notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId} and token was found`); await this.queue.push({ eventName: "notifications.user.enable", sender: "Bridge", data: { userId: adminRoom.userId, roomId: adminRoom.roomId, token, since: await adminRoom.getNotifSince("github"), filterParticipating: adminRoom.notificationsParticipating("github"), type: "github", instanceUrl: undefined, }, }); } else { log.warn(`Notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId} but no token stored!`); } } else if (oldSettings.github?.notifications?.enabled && !settings.github?.notifications?.enabled) { await this.queue.push({ eventName: "notifications.user.disable", sender: "Bridge", data: { userId: adminRoom.userId, type: "github", instanceUrl: undefined, }, }); } for (const [instanceName, instanceSettings] of Object.entries(settings.gitlab || {})) { const instanceUrl = this.config.gitlab?.instances[instanceName].url; const token = await this.tokenStore.getUserToken("gitlab", adminRoom.userId, instanceUrl); if (token && instanceSettings.notifications.enabled) {`GitLab ${instanceName} notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId}`); await this.queue.push({ eventName: "notifications.user.enable", sender: "Bridge", data: { userId: adminRoom.userId, roomId: adminRoom.roomId, token, since: await adminRoom.getNotifSince("gitlab", instanceName), filterParticipating: adminRoom.notificationsParticipating("gitlab"), type: "gitlab", instanceUrl, }, }); } else if (!instanceSettings.notifications.enabled) {`GitLab ${instanceName} notifications disabled for ${adminRoom.userId}`); await this.queue.push({ eventName: "notifications.user.disable", sender: "Bridge", data: { userId: adminRoom.userId, type: "gitlab", instanceUrl, }, }); } } } private async getOrCreateAdminRoom(intent: Intent, userId: string): Promise { const existingRoom = this.getAdminRoomForUser(userId); if (existingRoom) { return existingRoom; } const roomId = await intent.underlyingClient.dms.getOrCreateDm(userId); const room = await this.setUpAdminRoom(intent, roomId, {admin_user: userId}, NotifFilter.getDefaultContent()); await BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, room.accountData, ); return room; } private getAdminRoomForUser(userId: string): AdminRoom|null { for (const adminRoom of this.adminRooms.values()) { if (adminRoom.userId === userId) { return adminRoom; } } return null; } private async setUpAdminRoom( intent: Intent, roomId: string, accountData: AdminAccountData, notifContent: NotificationFilterStateContent, ) { if (!this.connectionManager) { throw Error('setUpAdminRoom() called before connectionManager was ready'); } const adminRoom = new AdminRoom( roomId, accountData, notifContent, intent, this.tokenStore, this.config, this.connectionManager, ); adminRoom.on("settings.changed", this.onAdminRoomSettingsChanged.bind(this)); adminRoom.on("open.project", async (project: ProjectsGetResponseData) => { const [connection] = this.connectionManager?.getForGitHubProject( || []; if (!connection) { const connection = await GitHubProjectConnection.onOpenProject(project,, intent, this.config, adminRoom.userId); this.connectionManager?.push(connection); } else { await intent.underlyingClient.inviteUser(adminRoom.userId, connection.roomId); } }); adminRoom.on("open.gitlab-issue", async (issueInfo: GetIssueOpts, res: GetIssueResponse, instanceName: string, instance: GitLabInstance) => { if (!this.config.gitlab) { return; } const [ connection ] = this.connectionManager?.getConnectionsForGitLabIssue(instance, issueInfo.projects, issueInfo.issue) || []; if (connection) { return intent.underlyingClient.inviteUser(adminRoom.userId, connection.roomId); } const newConnection = await GitLabIssueConnection.createRoomForIssue( instanceName, instance, res, issueInfo.projects,, intent, this.tokenStore, this.commentProcessor, this.messageClient, this.config, ); this.connectionManager?.push(newConnection); return intent.underlyingClient.inviteUser(adminRoom.userId, newConnection.roomId); }); this.adminRooms.set(roomId, adminRoom); if (this.config.widgets?.addToAdminRooms) { await SetupWidget.SetupAdminRoomConfigWidget(roomId, intent, this.config.widgets); } log.debug(`Set up ${roomId} as an admin room for ${adminRoom.userId}`); return adminRoom; } private onTokenUpdated(type: string, userId: string, token: string, instanceUrl?: string) { let instanceName: string|undefined; if (type === "gitlab") { // TODO: Refactor our API to depend on either instanceUrl or instanceName. instanceName = Object.entries(this.config.gitlab?.instances || {}).find(i => i[1].url === instanceUrl)?.[0]; } else if (type === "github") { // GitHub tokens are special token = UserTokenStore.parseGitHubToken(token).access_token; } else { return; } for (const adminRoom of this.adminRooms.values()) { if (adminRoom.userId !== userId) continue; if (adminRoom?.notificationsEnabled(type, instanceName)) { log.debug(`Token was updated for ${userId} (${type}), notifying notification watcher`); this.queue.push({ eventName: "notifications.user.enable", sender: "Bridge", data: { userId: adminRoom.userId, roomId: adminRoom.roomId, token, filterParticipating: adminRoom.notificationsParticipating("github"), type, instanceUrl, }, }).catch(ex => log.error(`Failed to push notifications.user.enable:`, ex)); } } } }