/* eslint-disable no-console */ import Metrics from "../src/Metrics"; import { register } from "prom-client"; // This is just used to ensure we create a singleton. Metrics.getMetrics(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const anyRegister = register as any as {_metrics: {[metricName: string]: {labelNames: string[], name: string, help: string}}}; const categories: {[title: string]: {name: string, labels: string[], help: string}[]} = {}; Object.entries(anyRegister._metrics).map( ([key, value]) => { const [categoryName] = key.split('_'); categories[categoryName] = categories[categoryName] || []; categories[categoryName].push({ name: key, labels: value.labelNames, help: value.help, }); }); // Generate some markdown console.log(`Prometheus Metrics ================== You can configure metrics support by adding the following to your config: \`\`\`yaml metrics: enabled: true bindAddress: port: 9002 \`\`\` Below is the generated list of Prometheus metrics for Hookshot. `) Object.entries(categories).forEach(([name, entries]) => { console.log(`## ${name}`); console.log('| Metric | Help | Labels |'); console.log('|--------|------|--------|'); entries.forEach((e) => console.log(`| ${e.name} | ${e.help} | ${e.labels.join(', ')} |`)); });