/* eslint-disable no-console */ import { h, Component } from 'preact'; import WA, { MatrixCapabilities } from 'matrix-widget-api'; import { BridgeAPI, BridgeAPIError } from './BridgeAPI'; import { BridgeRoomState } from '../src/Widgets/BridgeWidgetInterface'; import { ErrorPane } from './components/elements'; import AdminSettings from './components/AdminSettings'; import RoomConfigView from './components/RoomConfigView'; interface IMinimalState { error: string|null, busy: boolean, } interface ICompleteState extends IMinimalState { roomId: string, userId: string, roomState: BridgeRoomState, supportedServices: { [sectionName: string]: boolean; } kind: "invite"|"admin"|"roomConfig", } type IState = IMinimalState|ICompleteState; function parseFragment() { const fragmentString = (window.location.hash || "?"); return new URLSearchParams(fragmentString.substring(Math.max(fragmentString.indexOf('?'), 0))); } function assertParam(fragment, name) { const val = fragment.get(name); if (!val) throw new Error(`${name} is not present in URL - cannot load widget`); return val; } export default class App extends Component { private widgetApi: WA.WidgetApi; private bridgeApi: BridgeAPI; constructor() { super(); this.state = { error: null, busy: true, }; } async componentDidMount() { try { // Start widgeting const qs = parseFragment(); const widgetId = assertParam(qs, 'widgetId'); const roomId = assertParam(qs, 'roomId'); const widgetKind = qs.get('kind') as "invite"|"admin"|"roomConfig"; // Fetch via config. this.widgetApi = new WA.WidgetApi(widgetId); this.widgetApi.requestCapability(MatrixCapabilities.RequiresClient); this.widgetApi.on("ready", () => { console.log("Widget ready:", this); }); this.widgetApi.on(`action:${WA.WidgetApiToWidgetAction.NotifyCapabilities}`, (ev) => { console.log(`${WA.WidgetApiToWidgetAction.NotifyCapabilities}`, ev); }) this.widgetApi.on(`action:${WA.WidgetApiToWidgetAction.SendEvent}`, (ev) => { console.log(`${WA.WidgetApiToWidgetAction.SendEvent}`, ev); }) // Start the widget as soon as possible too, otherwise the client might time us out. this.widgetApi.start(); // Assuming the hosted widget is on the same API path. const widgetApiUrl = new URL(`${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname.replace("/widgetapi/v1/static", "")}`); this.bridgeApi = await BridgeAPI.getBridgeAPI(widgetApiUrl.toString(), this.widgetApi); const { userId } = await this.bridgeApi.verify(); const roomState = widgetKind === "admin" ? await this.bridgeApi.state() : undefined; const supportedServices = await this.bridgeApi.getEnabledConfigSections(); // Calling setState is ok because we've awaited a network request. // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-did-mount-set-state this.setState({ userId, roomState, roomId, supportedServices, kind: widgetKind, busy: false, }); } catch (ex) { console.error(`Failed to setup widget:`, ex); let error: string = ex.message; if (ex instanceof BridgeAPIError) { if (ex.errcode === "M_AS_BAD_OPENID") { error = "Could not contact your homeserver. Your instance may be misconfigured."; } } // Calling setState is ok because we've awaited a network request. // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-did-mount-set-state this.setState({ error, busy: false, }); } } render() { // Return the App component. let content; if (this.state.error) { content = {this.state.error}; } else if (this.state.busy) { content =
; } if ("kind" in this.state) { if (this.state.roomState && this.state.kind === "admin") { content = ; } else if (this.state.kind === "invite") { // Fall through for now, we don't support invite widgets *just* yet. } else if (this.state.kind === "roomConfig") { content = ; } } if (!content) { console.warn("invalid state", this.state); content = Invalid state; } return (
); } }