github: auth: someauthtoken oauth: client_id: foo client_secret: bar redirect_uri: baz webhook: secret: webhooksecret port: 7775 bindAddress: userTokens: # If you want to hardcode a users token in the config - "@hardcoded:localhost": "foobarbaz" # This is used to securely store passwords. # Run openssl genpkey -out passkey.pem -outform PEM -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096 passFile: "passkey.pem" bridge: # Homeserver servername domain: # Homeserver (internal) url url: http://localhost:8008 # This is your public facing url where media is served from mediaUrl: port: 9993 # Port the appservice is binding to bindAddress: # Address to bind to store: "bridgestore.json" queue: monolithic: true # If this is false, use a Redis server as a queue. port: 6379 # Port for the redis server, omit for 6379 host: localhost # Port for the redis server, omit for localhost logging: level: "info" # One of "debug", "info", "warn", "error"