import { ComplementHomeServer, createHS, destroyHS } from "./homerunner"; import { IAppserviceRegistration, MatrixClient, MembershipEventContent, PowerLevelsEventContent } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { mkdtemp, rm, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises"; import { BridgeConfig, BridgeConfigRoot } from "../../src/config/Config"; import { start } from "../../src/App/BridgeApp"; import { RSAKeyPairOptions, generateKeyPair } from "node:crypto"; import path from "node:path"; import Redis from "ioredis"; const WAIT_EVENT_TIMEOUT = 20000; export const E2ESetupTestTimeout = 60000; const REDIS_DATABASE_URI = process.env.HOOKSHOT_E2E_REDIS_DB_URI ?? "redis://localhost:6379"; interface Opts { matrixLocalparts?: string[]; config?: Partial, enableE2EE?: boolean, useRedis?: boolean, } interface WaitForEventResponse> { roomId: string, data: { sender: string, type: string, state_key?: string, content: T, event_id: string, } } export class E2ETestMatrixClient extends MatrixClient { public async waitForPowerLevel( roomId: string, expected: Partial, ): Promise<{roomId: string, data: { sender: string, type: string, state_key?: string, content: PowerLevelsEventContent, event_id: string, }}> { return this.waitForEvent('room.event', (eventRoomId: string, eventData: { sender: string, type: string, content: Record, event_id: string, state_key: string, }) => { if (eventRoomId !== roomId) { return undefined; } if (eventData.type !== "") { return undefined; } if (eventData.state_key !== "") { return undefined; } // Check only the keys we care about for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(expected)) { const evValue = eventData.content[key] ?? undefined; const sortOrder = value !== null && typeof value === "object" ? Object.keys(value).sort() : undefined; const jsonLeft = JSON.stringify(evValue, sortOrder); const jsonRight = JSON.stringify(value, sortOrder); if (jsonLeft !== jsonRight) { return undefined; } } // eslint-disable-next-line max-len `${eventRoomId} ${eventData.event_id} ${eventData.sender}` ); return {roomId: eventRoomId, data: eventData}; }, `Timed out waiting for powerlevel from in ${roomId}`) } private async innerWaitForRoomEvent>( {eventType, sender, roomId, stateKey, eventId, body}: {eventType: string, sender: string, roomId?: string, stateKey?: string, body?: string, eventId?: string}, expectEncrypted: boolean, ): Promise> { return this.waitForEvent(expectEncrypted ? 'room.decrypted_event' : 'room.event', (eventRoomId: string, eventData: { sender: string, type: string, state_key?: string, content: T, event_id: string, }) => { if (eventData.sender !== sender) { return undefined; } if (eventData.type !== eventType) { return undefined; } if (roomId && eventRoomId !== roomId) { return undefined; } if (eventId && eventData.event_id !== eventId) { return undefined; } if (stateKey !== undefined && eventData.state_key !== stateKey) { return undefined; } const evtBody = 'body' in eventData.content && eventData.content.body; if (body && body !== evtBody) { return undefined; } // eslint-disable-next-line max-len `${eventRoomId} ${eventData.event_id} ${eventData.type} ${eventData.sender} ${eventData.state_key ?? evtBody ?? ''}` ); return {roomId: eventRoomId, data: eventData}; }, `Timed out waiting for ${eventType} from ${sender} in ${roomId || "any room"}`) } public async waitForRoomEvent>( opts: Parameters[0] ): Promise> { return this.innerWaitForRoomEvent(opts, false); } public async waitForEncryptedEvent>( opts: Parameters[0] ): Promise> { return this.innerWaitForRoomEvent(opts, true); } public async waitForRoomJoin( opts: {sender: string, roomId?: string} ): Promise<{roomId: string, data: unknown}> { const {sender, roomId} = opts; return this.waitForEvent('room.event', (eventRoomId: string, eventData: { sender: string, state_key: string, content: MembershipEventContent, }) => { if (eventData.state_key !== sender) { return; } if (roomId && eventRoomId !== roomId) { return; } if (eventData.content.membership !== "join") { return; } return {roomId: eventRoomId, data: eventData}; }, `Timed out waiting for join to ${roomId || "any room"} from ${sender}`) } public async waitForRoomInvite( opts: {sender: string, roomId?: string} ): Promise<{roomId: string, data: unknown}> { const {sender, roomId} = opts; return this.waitForEvent('room.invite', (eventRoomId: string, eventData: { sender: string }) => { if (eventData.sender !== sender) { return undefined; } if (roomId && eventRoomId !== roomId) { return undefined; } return {roomId: eventRoomId, data: eventData}; }, `Timed out waiting for invite to ${roomId || "any room"} from ${sender}`) } public async waitForEvent( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any emitterType: string, filterFn: (...args: any[]) => T|undefined, timeoutMsg: string) : Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let timer: NodeJS.Timeout; const fn = (...args: unknown[]) => { const data = filterFn(...args); if (data) { clearTimeout(timer); resolve(data); } }; timer = setTimeout(() => { this.removeListener(emitterType, fn); reject(new Error(timeoutMsg)); }, WAIT_EVENT_TIMEOUT); this.on(emitterType, fn) }); } } export class E2ETestEnv { static get workerId() { return parseInt(process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID ?? '0'); } static async createTestEnv(opts: Opts): Promise { const workerID = this.workerId; const { matrixLocalparts, config: providedConfig } = opts; const keyPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => generateKeyPair("rsa", { modulusLength: 4096, privateKeyEncoding: { type: "pkcs8", format: "pem", }, publicKeyEncoding: { format: "pem", type: "pkcs1", } } satisfies RSAKeyPairOptions<"pem", "pem">, (err, _, privateKey) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(privateKey) } })); const dir = await mkdtemp('hookshot-int-test'); // Configure homeserver and bots const [homeserver, privateKey] = await Promise.all([ createHS([...matrixLocalparts || []], workerID, opts.enableE2EE ? path.join(dir, 'client-crypto') : undefined), keyPromise, ]); const keyPath = path.join(dir, 'key.pem'); await writeFile(keyPath, privateKey, 'utf-8'); const webhooksPort = 9500 + workerID; if (providedConfig?.widgets) { providedConfig.widgets.openIdOverrides = { 'hookshot': homeserver.url, } } if (providedConfig?.github) { providedConfig.github.auth.privateKeyFile = keyPath; } opts.useRedis = opts.enableE2EE || opts.useRedis; let cacheConfig: BridgeConfigRoot["cache"]|undefined; if (opts.useRedis) { cacheConfig = { redisUri: `${REDIS_DATABASE_URI}/${workerID}`, } } const config = new BridgeConfig({ bridge: { domain: homeserver.domain, url: homeserver.url, port: homeserver.appPort, bindAddress: '', }, logging: { level: 'debug', }, // Always enable webhooks so that hookshot starts. generic: { enabled: true, urlPrefix: `http://localhost:${webhooksPort}/webhook`, }, listeners: [{ port: webhooksPort, bindAddress: '', resources: ['webhooks'], }], passFile: keyPath, ...(opts.enableE2EE ? { encryption: { storagePath: path.join(dir, 'crypto-store'), } } : undefined), cache: cacheConfig, ...providedConfig, }); const registration: IAppserviceRegistration = { as_token: homeserver.asToken, hs_token: homeserver.hsToken, sender_localpart: 'hookshot', namespaces: { users: [{ regex: `@hookshot:${homeserver.domain}`, exclusive: true, }], rooms: [], aliases: [], }, "de.sorunome.msc2409.push_ephemeral": true }; const app = await start(config, registration); app.listener.finaliseListeners(); return new E2ETestEnv(homeserver, app, opts, config, dir); } private constructor( public readonly homeserver: ComplementHomeServer, public app: Awaited>, public readonly opts: Opts, private readonly config: BridgeConfig, private readonly dir: string, ) { } public get botMxid() { return `@hookshot:${this.homeserver.domain}`; } public async setUp(): Promise { await; } public async tearDown(): Promise { await; await; await; // Clear the redis DB. if (this.config.cache?.redisUri) { await new Redis(this.config.cache.redisUri).flushdb(); } this.homeserver.users.forEach(u => u.client.stop()); await destroyHS(; await rm(this.dir, { recursive: true }); } public getUser(localpart: string) { const u = this.homeserver.users.find(u => u.userId === `@${localpart}:${this.homeserver.domain}`); if (!u) { throw Error("User missing from test"); } return u.client; } }