Will Hunt aa9e066530
Add Generic Webhooks Widget interface (#140)
* Start work on improved widget interface for admin room

* Add changes needed for InviteView

* More widget bits

* Lots more work to support setup widgets

* Redesign work

* Fix build order for web

* Remove unused invite code

* Update configs

* Cleanup

* Support widget branding

* Tidy up web app

* Support generic service config lookup

* Stronger typings for configuration

* Improve error text

* fix patch

* changelog

* First pass on documentation

* Fix tests

* fixes

* Don't require room state / admin rooms for room config requests

* Fix no render when secrets isn't provided

* rework if logic

* Fixes after feedback

* more review fixes

* Cleanup unused code

* fix indent

* Update matrix-appservice-bridge to 4.0.1

* Update widget API
2022-04-08 16:16:12 +01:00

29 lines
808 B

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