mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:19:13 +00:00

* Update dependencies * Node 22 is now the new minimum version. * changelog. * Begin porting eslint to new config format. * Make linter happy. * Update reqwest to fix SSL issue? * Fix test types * quick check on ubuntu LTS 24.04 * Change cache key * update rust action * revert mocha due to esminess * Remove the only usage of pqueue * Use babel for TS transformations to get around ESM import bug. * Dependency bundle upgrade * Drop babel, not actually used. * lint * lint * update default config (mostly sections moving around)
354 lines
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354 lines
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/* eslint-disable camelcase */
import { BridgeConfig } from "./config/Config";
import { Router, default as express, Request, Response } from "express";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { MessageQueue, createMessageQueue } from "./MessageQueue";
import { ApiError, ErrCode, Logger } from "matrix-appservice-bridge";
import qs from "querystring";
import axios from "axios";
import { IGitLabWebhookEvent, IGitLabWebhookIssueStateEvent, IGitLabWebhookMREvent, IGitLabWebhookReleaseEvent } from "./Gitlab/WebhookTypes";
import { EmitterWebhookEvent, Webhooks as OctokitWebhooks } from "@octokit/webhooks"
import { IJiraWebhookEvent } from "./jira/WebhookTypes";
import { JiraWebhooksRouter } from "./jira/Router";
import { OAuthRequest } from "./WebhookTypes";
import { GitHubOAuthTokenResponse } from "./github/Types";
import Metrics from "./Metrics";
import { FigmaWebhooksRouter } from "./figma/router";
import { GenericWebhooksRouter } from "./generic/Router";
import { GithubInstance } from "./github/GithubInstance";
import QuickLRU from "@alloc/quick-lru";
import type { WebhookEventName } from "@octokit/webhooks-types";
const log = new Logger("Webhooks");
export interface NotificationsEnableEvent {
userId: string;
roomId: string;
since?: number;
token: string;
filterParticipating: boolean;
type: "github"|"gitlab";
instanceUrl?: string;
export interface NotificationsDisableEvent {
userId: string;
type: "github"|"gitlab";
instanceUrl?: string;
export interface OAuthPageParams {
service?: string;
result?: string;
'oauth-kind'?: 'account'|'organisation';
'error'?: string;
'errcode'?: ErrCode;
interface GitHubRequestData {
payload: string;
signature: string;
interface WebhooksExpressRequest extends Request {
github?: GitHubRequestData;
export class Webhooks extends EventEmitter {
public readonly expressRouter = Router();
private readonly queue: MessageQueue;
private readonly ghWebhooks?: OctokitWebhooks;
private readonly handledGuids = new QuickLRU<string, void>({ maxAge: 5000, maxSize: 100 });
constructor(private config: BridgeConfig) {
this.expressRouter.use((req, _res, next) => {
Metrics.webhooksHttpRequest.inc({path: req.path, method: req.method});
if (this.config.github?.webhook.secret) {
this.ghWebhooks = new OctokitWebhooks({
secret: config.github?.webhook.secret as string,
this.ghWebhooks.onAny(e => this.onGitHubPayload(e));
// TODO: Move these
this.expressRouter.get("/oauth", this.onGitHubGetOauth.bind(this));
this.queue = createMessageQueue(config.queue);
if (this.config.jira) {
this.expressRouter.use("/jira", new JiraWebhooksRouter(this.queue).getRouter());
if (this.config.figma) {
this.expressRouter.use('/figma', new FigmaWebhooksRouter(this.config.figma, this.queue).getRouter());
if (this.config.generic) {
this.expressRouter.use('/webhook', new GenericWebhooksRouter(this.queue, false, this.config.generic.enableHttpGet).getRouter());
// TODO: Remove old deprecated endpoint
this.expressRouter.use(new GenericWebhooksRouter(this.queue, true, this.config.generic.enableHttpGet).getRouter());
verify: this.verifyRequest.bind(this),
limit: '10mb',
this.expressRouter.post("/", this.onPayload.bind(this));
public stop() {
if (this.queue.stop) {
private onGitLabPayload(body: IGitLabWebhookEvent) {
if (body.object_kind === "merge_request") {
const action = (body as unknown as IGitLabWebhookMREvent).object_attributes.action;
if (!action) {
log.warn("Got gitlab.merge_request but no action field, which usually means someone pressed the test webhooks button.");
return null;
return `gitlab.merge_request.${action}`;
} else if (body.object_kind === "issue") {
const action = (body as unknown as IGitLabWebhookIssueStateEvent).object_attributes.action;
if (!action) {
log.warn("Got gitlab.issue but no action field, which usually means someone pressed the test webhooks button.");
return null;
return `gitlab.issue.${action}`;
} else if (body.object_kind === "note") {
return `gitlab.note.created`;
} else if (body.object_kind === "tag_push") {
return "gitlab.tag_push";
} else if (body.object_kind === "wiki_page") {
return "gitlab.wiki_page";
} else if (body.object_kind === "release") {
const action = (body as unknown as IGitLabWebhookReleaseEvent).action;
if (!action) {
log.warn("Got gitlab.release but no action field, which usually means someone pressed the test webhooks button.");
return null;
return `gitlab.release.${action}`;
} else if (body.object_kind === "push") {
return `gitlab.push`;
} else {
return null;
private onJiraPayload(body: IJiraWebhookEvent) {
body.webhookEvent = body.webhookEvent.replace("jira:", "");
log.debug(`onJiraPayload ${body.webhookEvent}:`, body);
return `jira.${body.webhookEvent}`;
private async onGitHubPayload({id, name, payload}: EmitterWebhookEvent) {
const action = (payload as unknown as {action: string|undefined}).action;
const eventName = `github.${name}${action ? `.${action}` : ""}`;
log.debug(`Got GitHub webhook event ${id} ${eventName}`, payload);
try {
await this.queue.push({
sender: "Webhooks",
data: payload,
} catch (err) {
log.error(`Failed to emit payload ${id}: ${err}`);
private onPayload(req: WebhooksExpressRequest, res: Response) {
try {
let eventName: string|null = null;
const body = req.body;
const githubGuid = req.headers['x-github-delivery'] as string|undefined;
if (githubGuid) {
if (!this.ghWebhooks) {
log.warn(`Not configured for GitHub webhooks, but got a GitHub event`)
if (this.handledGuids.has(githubGuid)) {
const githubData = req.github as GitHubRequestData;
if (!githubData) {
throw Error('Expected github data to be set on request');
id: githubGuid as string,
name: req.headers["x-github-event"] as WebhookEventName,
payload: githubData.payload,
signature: githubData.signature,
}).catch((err) => {
log.error(`Failed handle GitHubEvent: ${err}`);
} else if (req.headers['x-gitlab-token']) {
eventName = this.onGitLabPayload(body);
} else if (JiraWebhooksRouter.IsJIRARequest(req)) {
eventName = this.onJiraPayload(body);
if (eventName) {
sender: "GithubWebhooks",
data: body,
}).catch((err) => {
log.error(`Failed to emit payload: ${err}`);
} else {
log.debug("Unknown event:", req.body);
} catch (ex) {
log.error("Failed to emit message", ex);
public async onGitHubGetOauth(req: Request<unknown, unknown, unknown, {error?: string, error_description?: string, code?: string, state?: string, setup_action?: 'install'}> , res: Response) {
const oauthResultParams: OAuthPageParams = {
service: "github"
const { setup_action, state } = req.query;
log.info("Got new oauth request", { state, setup_action });
try {
if (!this.config.github || !this.config.github.oauth) {
throw new ApiError('Bridge is not configured with OAuth support', ErrCode.DisabledFeature);
if (req.query.error) {
throw new ApiError(`GitHub Error: ${req.query.error} ${req.query.error_description}`, ErrCode.Unknown);
if(setup_action === 'install') {
// GitHub App successful install.
oauthResultParams["oauth-kind"] = 'organisation';
oauthResultParams.result = "success";
} else if (setup_action === 'request') {
// GitHub App install is pending
oauthResultParams["oauth-kind"] = 'organisation';
oauthResultParams.result = "pending";
} else if (setup_action) {
// GitHub App install is in another, unknown state.
oauthResultParams["oauth-kind"] = 'organisation';
oauthResultParams.result = setup_action;
else {
// This is a user account setup flow.
oauthResultParams['oauth-kind'] = "account";
if (!state) {
throw new ApiError(`Missing state`, ErrCode.BadValue);
if (!req.query.code) {
throw new ApiError(`Missing code`, ErrCode.BadValue);
const exists = await this.queue.pushWait<OAuthRequest, boolean>({
eventName: "github.oauth.response",
sender: "GithubWebhooks",
data: {
if (!exists) {
throw new ApiError(`Could not find user which authorised this request. Has it timed out?`, undefined, 404);
const accessTokenUrl = GithubInstance.generateOAuthUrl(this.config.github.baseUrl, "access_token", {
client_id: this.config.github.oauth.client_id,
client_secret: this.config.github.oauth.client_secret,
code: req.query.code as string,
redirect_uri: this.config.github.oauth.redirect_uri,
state: req.query.state as string,
const accessTokenRes = await axios.post(accessTokenUrl);
const result = qs.parse(accessTokenRes.data) as GitHubOAuthTokenResponse|{error: string, error_description: string, error_uri: string};
if ("error" in result) {
throw new ApiError(`GitHub Error: ${result.error} ${result.error_description}`, ErrCode.Unknown);
oauthResultParams.result = 'success';
await this.queue.push<GitHubOAuthTokenResponse>({
eventName: "github.oauth.tokens",
sender: "GithubWebhooks",
data: { ...result, state: req.query.state as string },
} catch (ex) {
if (ex instanceof ApiError) {
oauthResultParams.result = 'error';
oauthResultParams.error = ex.error;
oauthResultParams.errcode = ex.errcode;
} else {
log.error("Failed to handle oauth request:", ex);
return res.status(500).send('Failed to handle oauth request');
const oauthUrl = this.config.widgets && new URL("oauth.html", this.config.widgets.parsedPublicUrl);
if (oauthUrl) {
// If we're serving widgets, do something prettier.
Object.entries(oauthResultParams).forEach(([key, value]) => oauthUrl.searchParams.set(key, value));
return res.redirect(oauthUrl.toString());
} else {
if (oauthResultParams.result === 'success') {
return res.send(`<p> Your ${oauthResultParams.service} ${oauthResultParams["oauth-kind"]} has been bridged </p>`);
} else if (oauthResultParams.result === 'error') {
return res.status(500).send(`<p> There was an error bridging your ${oauthResultParams.service} ${oauthResultParams["oauth-kind"]}. ${oauthResultParams.error} ${oauthResultParams.errcode} </p>`);
} else {
return res.status(500).send(`<p> Your ${oauthResultParams.service} ${oauthResultParams["oauth-kind"]} is in state ${oauthResultParams.result} </p>`);
private verifyRequest(req: WebhooksExpressRequest, res: Response, buffer: Buffer, encoding: BufferEncoding) {
if (req.headers['x-gitlab-token']) {
// GitLab
if (!this.config.gitlab) {
log.error("Got a GitLab webhook, but the bridge is not set up for it.");
throw Error('Not expecting a gitlab request!');
if (req.headers['x-gitlab-token'] === this.config.gitlab.webhook.secret) {
log.debug('Verified GitLab request');
return true;
} else {
log.error(`${req.url} had an invalid signature`);
throw Error("Invalid signature.");
} else if (req.headers["x-hub-signature-256"] && this.ghWebhooks) {
// GitHub
if (typeof req.headers["x-hub-signature-256"] !== "string") {
throw new ApiError("Unexpected multiple headers for x-hub-signature-256", ErrCode.BadValue, 400);
let jsonStr;
try {
jsonStr = buffer.toString(encoding)
} catch (ex) {
throw new ApiError("Could not decode buffer", ErrCode.BadValue, 400);
req.github = {
payload: jsonStr,
signature: req.headers["x-hub-signature-256"]
return true;
} else if (JiraWebhooksRouter.IsJIRARequest(req)) {
if (!this.config.jira) {
log.error("Got a JIRA webhook, but the bridge is not set up for it.");
throw Error('Not expecting a jira request!');
if (req.query.secret !== this.config.jira.webhook.secret) {
log.error(`${req.url} had an invalid signature`);
throw Error("Invalid signature.");
return true;
log.error(`No signature on URL. Rejecting`);
throw Error("Invalid signature.");