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import { Appservice, IAppserviceRegistration, RichRepliesPreprocessor, IRichReplyMetadata } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import { ProjectsGetResponseData } from "@octokit/types";
import { BridgeConfig, GitLabInstance } from "./Config";
import { IGitHubWebhookEvent, IOAuthRequest, IOAuthTokens, NotificationsEnableEvent,
NotificationsDisableEvent } from "./GithubWebhooks";
import { CommentProcessor } from "./CommentProcessor";
import { MessageQueue, createMessageQueue } from "./MessageQueue/MessageQueue";
import { AdminRoom, BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, AdminAccountData } from "./AdminRoom";
import { UserTokenStore } from "./UserTokenStore";
import { MatrixEvent, MatrixMemberContent, MatrixMessageContent } from "./MatrixEvent";
import LogWrapper from "./LogWrapper";
import { MessageSenderClient } from "./MatrixSender";
import { UserNotificationsEvent } from "./Notifications/UserNotificationWatcher";
import { RedisStorageProvider } from "./Stores/RedisStorageProvider";
import { MemoryStorageProvider } from "./Stores/MemoryStorageProvider";
import { NotificationProcessor } from "./NotificationsProcessor";
import { IStorageProvider } from "./Stores/StorageProvider";
import { retry } from "./PromiseUtil";
import { IConnection } from "./Connections/IConnection";
import { GitHubRepoConnection } from "./Connections/GithubRepo";
import { GitHubIssueConnection } from "./Connections/GithubIssue";
import { GitHubProjectConnection } from "./Connections/GithubProject";
import { GitLabRepoConnection } from "./Connections/GitlabRepo";
import { GithubInstance } from "./Github/GithubInstance";
import { IGitLabWebhookIssueStateEvent, IGitLabWebhookMREvent, IGitLabWebhookNoteEvent } from "./Gitlab/WebhookTypes";
import { GitLabIssueConnection } from "./Connections/GitlabIssue";
import { GetIssueResponse, GetIssueOpts } from "./Gitlab/Types"
import { GitLabClient } from "./Gitlab/Client";
import { BridgeWidgetApi } from "./Widgets/BridgeWidgetApi";
const log = new LogWrapper("GithubBridge");
export class GithubBridge {
private github?: GithubInstance;
private as!: Appservice;
private adminRooms: Map<string, AdminRoom> = new Map();
private commentProcessor!: CommentProcessor;
private notifProcessor!: NotificationProcessor;
private queue!: MessageQueue;
private tokenStore!: UserTokenStore;
private messageClient!: MessageSenderClient;
private widgetApi!: BridgeWidgetApi;
private connections: IConnection[] = [];
constructor(private config: BridgeConfig, private registration: IAppserviceRegistration) { }
private createConnectionForState(roomId: string, state: MatrixEvent<any>) {
log.debug(`Looking to create connection for ${roomId}`);
if (state.content.disabled === false) {
log.debug(`${roomId} has disabled state for ${state.type}`);
if (GitHubRepoConnection.EventTypes.includes(state.type)) {
if (!this.github) {
throw Error('GitHub is not configured');
return new GitHubRepoConnection(roomId, this.as, state.content, this.tokenStore);
if (GitHubIssueConnection.EventTypes.includes(state.type)) {
if (!this.github) {
throw Error('GitHub is not configured');
return new GitHubIssueConnection(roomId, this.as, state.content, state.state_key || "", this.tokenStore, this.commentProcessor, this.messageClient, this.github);
if (GitLabRepoConnection.EventTypes.includes(state.type)) {
if (!this.config.gitlab) {
throw Error('GitLab is not configured');
const instance = this.config.gitlab.instances[state.content.instance];
if (!instance) {
throw Error('Instance name not recongnised');
return new GitLabRepoConnection(roomId, this.as, state.content, this.tokenStore, instance);
if (GitLabIssueConnection.EventTypes.includes(state.type)) {
if (!this.config.gitlab) {
throw Error('GitLab is not configured');
const instance = this.config.gitlab.instances[state.content.instance];
return new GitLabIssueConnection(
state.state_key as string,
private async createConnectionsForRoomId(roomId: string): Promise<IConnection[]> {
const state = await this.as.botClient.getRoomState(roomId);
return state.map((event) => this.createConnectionForState(roomId, event)).filter((connection) => !!connection) as unknown as IConnection[];
private getConnectionsForGithubIssue(org: string, repo: string, issueNumber: number): (GitHubIssueConnection|GitLabRepoConnection)[] {
return this.connections.filter((c) => (c instanceof GitHubIssueConnection && c.org === org && c.repo === repo && c.issueNumber === issueNumber) ||
(c instanceof GitHubRepoConnection && c.org === org && c.repo === repo)) as (GitHubIssueConnection|GitLabRepoConnection)[];
private getConnectionsForGithubRepo(org: string, repo: string): GitHubRepoConnection[] {
return this.connections.filter((c) => (c instanceof GitHubRepoConnection && c.org === org && c.repo === repo)) as GitHubRepoConnection[];
private getConnectionsForGitLabIssueWebhook(repoHome: string, issueId: number) {
if (!this.config.gitlab) {
throw Error('GitLab configuration missing, cannot handle note');
const res = GitLabClient.splitUrlIntoParts(this.config.gitlab.instances, repoHome);
if (!res) {
throw Error('No instance found for note');
const instance = this.config.gitlab.instances[res[0]];
return this.getConnectionsForGitLabIssue(instance, res[1], issueId);
private getConnectionsForGitLabIssue(instance: GitLabInstance, projects: string[], issueNumber: number): GitLabIssueConnection[] {
return this.connections.filter((c) => (
c instanceof GitLabIssueConnection &&
c.issueNumber == issueNumber &&
c.instanceUrl == instance.url &&
c.projectPath == projects.join("/")
)) as GitLabIssueConnection[];
public stop() {
if(this.queue.stop) this.queue.stop();
public async start() {
log.info('Starting up');
this.queue = createMessageQueue(this.config);
this.messageClient = new MessageSenderClient(this.queue);
if (!this.config.github && !this.config.gitlab) {
log.error("You haven't configured support for GitHub or GitLab!");
throw Error('Bridge cannot start -- no connectors are configured');
if (this.config.github) {
this.github = new GithubInstance(this.config.github);
await this.github.start();
let storage: IStorageProvider;
if (this.config.queue.host && this.config.queue.port) {
log.info(`Initialising Redis storage (on ${this.config.queue.host}:${this.config.queue.port})`);
storage = new RedisStorageProvider(this.config.queue.host, this.config.queue.port);
} else {
log.info('Initialising memory storage');
storage = new MemoryStorageProvider();
this.notifProcessor = new NotificationProcessor(storage, this.messageClient);
this.as = new Appservice({
homeserverName: this.config.bridge.domain,
homeserverUrl: this.config.bridge.url,
port: this.config.bridge.port,
bindAddress: this.config.bridge.bindAddress,
registration: this.registration,
this.widgetApi = new BridgeWidgetApi(this.adminRooms);
this.commentProcessor = new CommentProcessor(this.as, this.config.bridge.mediaUrl);
this.tokenStore = new UserTokenStore(this.config.passFile || "./passkey.pem", this.as.botIntent);
await this.tokenStore.load();
this.as.on("query.room", async (roomAlias, cb) => {
try {
cb(await this.onQueryRoom(roomAlias));
} catch (ex) {
log.error("Failed to create room:", ex);
this.as.on("room.invite", async (roomId, event) => {
return this.onRoomInvite(roomId, event);
this.as.on("room.message", async (roomId, event) => {
return this.onRoomMessage(roomId, event);
this.as.on("room.event", async (roomId, event) => {
return this.onRoomEvent(roomId, event);
this.as.on("room.join", async (roomId, event) => {
return this.onRoomJoin(roomId, event);
const validateRepoIssue = (data: IGitHubWebhookEvent) => {
if (!data.repository || !data.issue) {
throw Error("Malformed webhook event, missing repository or issue");
return {
repository: data.repository,
issue: data.issue,
this.queue.on<IGitHubWebhookEvent>("comment.created", async ({ data }) => {
const { repository, issue } = validateRepoIssue(data);
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(repository.owner.login, repository.name, issue.number);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
if (c instanceof GitHubIssueConnection)
await c.onCommentCreated(data);
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
this.queue.on<IGitHubWebhookEvent>("issue.opened", async ({ data }) => {
const { repository } = validateRepoIssue(data);
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGithubRepo(repository.owner.login, repository.name);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
await c.onIssueCreated(data);
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
this.queue.on<IGitHubWebhookEvent>("issue.edited", async ({ data }) => {
const { repository, issue } = validateRepoIssue(data);
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(repository.owner.login, repository.name, issue.number);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
if (c instanceof GitHubIssueConnection)
await c.onIssueEdited(data);
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
this.queue.on<IGitHubWebhookEvent>("issue.closed", async ({ data }) => {
const { repository, issue } = validateRepoIssue(data);
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(repository.owner.login, repository.name, issue.number);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
if (c instanceof GitHubIssueConnection)
await c.onIssueStateChange();
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
this.queue.on<IGitHubWebhookEvent>("issue.reopened", async ({ data }) => {
const { repository, issue } = validateRepoIssue(data);
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(repository.owner.login, repository.name, issue.number);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
if (c instanceof GitHubIssueConnection)
await c.onIssueStateChange();
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
this.queue.on<IGitLabWebhookMREvent>("merge_request.open", async (msg) => {
// const connections = this.(msg.data.project.namespace, msg.data.repository!.name, msg.data.issue!.number);
// connections.map(async (c) => {
// try {
// if (c.onIssueCreated)
// await c.onIssueStateChange(msg.data);
// } catch (ex) {
// log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
// }
// })
this.queue.on<UserNotificationsEvent>("notifications.user.events", async (msg) => {
const adminRoom = this.adminRooms.get(msg.data.roomId);
if (!adminRoom) {
log.warn("No admin room for this notif stream!");
await this.notifProcessor.onUserEvents(msg.data, adminRoom);
this.queue.on<IOAuthRequest>("oauth.response", async (msg) => {
const adminRoom = [...this.adminRooms.values()].find((r) => r.oauthState === msg.data.state);
await this.queue.push<boolean>({
data: !!(adminRoom),
sender: "GithubBridge",
messageId: msg.messageId,
eventName: "response.oauth.response",
this.queue.on<IOAuthTokens>("oauth.tokens", async (msg) => {
const adminRoom = [...this.adminRooms.values()].find((r) => r.oauthState === msg.data.state);
if (!adminRoom) {
log.warn("Could not find admin room for successful tokens request. This shouldn't happen!");
await this.tokenStore.storeUserToken("github", adminRoom.userId, msg.data.access_token);
this.queue.on<IGitLabWebhookNoteEvent>("gitlab.note.created", async ({data}) => {
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGitLabIssueWebhook(data.repository.homepage, data.issue.iid);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
if (c.onCommentCreated)
await c.onCommentCreated(data);
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
this.queue.on<IGitLabWebhookIssueStateEvent>("gitlab.issue.reopen", async ({data}) => {
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGitLabIssueWebhook(data.repository.homepage, data.object_attributes.iid);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
await c.onIssueReopened();
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
this.queue.on<IGitLabWebhookIssueStateEvent>("gitlab.issue.close", async ({data}) => {
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGitLabIssueWebhook(data.repository.homepage, data.object_attributes.iid);
connections.map(async (c) => {
try {
await c.onIssueClosed();
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${c.toString()} failed to handle comment.created:`, ex);
// Fetch all room state
let joinedRooms: string[]|undefined;
while(joinedRooms === undefined) {
try {
log.info("Connecting to homeserver and fetching joined rooms..");
joinedRooms = await this.as.botIntent.underlyingClient.getJoinedRooms();
log.info(`Found ${joinedRooms.length} rooms`);
} catch (ex) {
// This is our first interaction with the homeserver, so wait if it's not ready yet.
log.warn("Failed to connect to homeserver:", ex, "retrying in 5s");
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 5000));
// Set the name and avatar of the bot
if (this.config.bot) {
// Ensure we are registered before we set a profile
await this.as.botIntent.ensureRegistered();
let profile;
try {
profile = await this.as.botClient.getUserProfile(this.as.botUserId);
} catch {
profile = {}
if (this.config.bot.avatar && profile.avatar_url !== this.config.bot.avatar) {
log.info(`Setting avatar to ${this.config.bot.avatar}`);
await this.as.botClient.setAvatarUrl(this.config.bot.avatar);
if (this.config.bot.displayname && profile.displayname !== this.config.bot.displayname) {
log.info(`Setting displayname to ${this.config.bot.displayname}`);
await this.as.botClient.setDisplayName(this.config.bot.displayname);
for (const roomId of joinedRooms) {
log.debug("Fetching state for " + roomId);
let connections: IConnection[];
try {
connections = await this.createConnectionsForRoomId(roomId);
} catch (ex) {
log.error(`Unable to create connection for ${roomId}`, ex);
if (connections.length === 0) {
// TODO: Refactor this to be a connection
try {
const accountData = await this.as.botIntent.underlyingClient.getRoomAccountData(
const adminRoom = await this.setupAdminRoom(roomId, accountData);
// Call this on startup to set the state
await this.onAdminRoomSettingsChanged(adminRoom, accountData, { admin_user: accountData.admin_user });
} catch (ex) {
log.debug(`Room ${roomId} has no connections and is not an admin room`);
} else {
log.info(`Room ${roomId} is connected to: ${connections.join(',')}`);
if (this.config.widgets) {
await this.widgetApi.start(this.config.widgets.port);
await this.as.begin();
log.info("Started bridge");
private async onRoomInvite(roomId: string, event: MatrixEvent<MatrixMemberContent>) {
if (this.as.isNamespacedUser(event.sender)) {
/* Do not handle invites from our users */
log.info(`Got invite roomId=${roomId} from=${event.sender} to=${event.state_key}`);
// Room joins can fail over federation
if (event.state_key !== this.as.botUserId) {
return this.as.botIntent.underlyingClient.kickUser(this.as.botUserId, roomId, "Bridge does not support DMing ghosts");
await retry(() => this.as.botIntent.joinRoom(roomId), 5);
if (event.content.is_direct) {
const room = await this.setupAdminRoom(roomId, {admin_user: event.sender});
await this.as.botIntent.underlyingClient.setRoomAccountData(
BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, roomId, room.data,
// This is a group room, don't add the admin settings and just sit in the room.
private async onRoomMessage(roomId: string, event: MatrixEvent<MatrixMessageContent>) {
if (this.as.isNamespacedUser(event.sender)) {
/* We ignore messages from our users */
log.info(`Got message roomId=${roomId} from=${event.sender}`);
if (this.adminRooms.has(roomId)) {
const room = this.adminRooms.get(roomId)!;
if (room.userId !== event.sender) {
const replyProcessor = new RichRepliesPreprocessor(true);
const processedReply = await replyProcessor.processEvent(event, this.as.botClient);
if (processedReply) {
const metadata: IRichReplyMetadata = processedReply.mx_richreply;
log.info(`Handling reply to ${metadata.parentEventId} for ${room.userId}`);
// This might be a reply to a notification
try {
const ev = metadata.realEvent;
const splitParts: string[] = ev.content["uk.half-shot.matrix-github.repo"]?.name.split("/");
const issueNumber = ev.content["uk.half-shot.matrix-github.issue"]?.number;
if (splitParts && issueNumber) {
log.info(`Handling reply for ${splitParts}${issueNumber}`);
const connections = this.getConnectionsForGithubIssue(splitParts[0], splitParts[1], issueNumber);
await Promise.all(connections.map(async c => {
if (c instanceof GitHubIssueConnection) {
return c.onMatrixIssueComment(processedReply);
} else {
log.info("Missing parts!:", splitParts, issueNumber);
} catch (ex) {
await room.sendNotice("Failed to handle repy. You may not be authenticated to do that.");
log.error("Reply event could not be handled:", ex);
const command = event.content.body;
const adminRoom = this.adminRooms.get(roomId);
if (command && adminRoom) {
await adminRoom.handleCommand(event.event_id, command);
for (const connection of this.connections.filter((c) => c.roomId === roomId)) {
try {
if (connection.onMessageEvent) {
await connection.onMessageEvent(event);
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Connection ${connection.toString()} failed to handle message:`, ex);
private async onRoomJoin(roomId: string, matrixEvent: MatrixEvent<MatrixMemberContent>) {
if (this.as.botUserId !== matrixEvent.sender) {
// Only act on bot joins
const isRoomConnected = !!this.connections.find(c => c.roomId === roomId);
// Only fetch rooms we have no connections in yet.
if (!isRoomConnected) {
const connections = await this.createConnectionsForRoomId(roomId);
private async onRoomEvent(roomId: string, event: MatrixEvent<unknown>) {
if (event.sender === this.as.botUserId) {
// It's us
if (event.state_key) {
// A state update, hurrah!
const existingConnection = this.connections.find((c) => c.roomId === roomId && c.isInterestedInStateEvent(event.type, event.state_key || ""));
if (existingConnection?.onStateUpdate) {
} else {
// Is anyone interested in this state?
const connection = await this.createConnectionForState(roomId, event);
if (connection) {
log.info(`New connected added to ${roomId}: ${connection.toString()}`);
return null;
// Alas, it's just an event.
return this.connections.filter((c) => c.roomId === roomId).map((c) => c.onEvent ? c.onEvent(event) : undefined);
private async onQueryRoom(roomAlias: string) {
log.info("Got room query request:", roomAlias);
// Determine which type of room it is.
let res: RegExpExecArray | null;
res = GitHubIssueConnection.QueryRoomRegex.exec(roomAlias);
if (res) {
if (!this.github) {
throw Error("GitHub is not configured on this bridge");
try {
return await GitHubIssueConnection.onQueryRoom(res, {
as: this.as,
tokenStore: this.tokenStore,
messageClient: this.messageClient,
commentProcessor: this.commentProcessor,
octokit: this.github.octokit,
} catch (ex) {
log.error(`Could not handle alias with GitHubIssueConnection`, ex);
throw ex;
res = GitHubRepoConnection.QueryRoomRegex.exec(roomAlias);
if (res) {
if (!this.github) {
throw Error("GitHub is not configured on this bridge");
try {
return await GitHubRepoConnection.onQueryRoom(res, {
as: this.as,
tokenStore: this.tokenStore,
messageClient: this.messageClient,
commentProcessor: this.commentProcessor,
octokit: this.github.octokit,
} catch (ex) {
log.error(`Could not handle alias with GitHubRepoConnection`, ex);
throw ex;
throw Error('No regex matching query pattern');
private async onAdminRoomSettingsChanged(adminRoom: AdminRoom, settings: AdminAccountData, oldSettings: AdminAccountData) {
log.debug(`Settings changed for ${adminRoom.userId}`, settings);
// Make this more efficent.
if (!oldSettings.github?.notifications?.enabled && settings.github?.notifications?.enabled) {
log.info(`Notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId}`);
const token = await this.tokenStore.getUserToken("github", adminRoom.userId);
if (token) {
log.info(`Notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId} and token was found`);
await this.queue.push<NotificationsEnableEvent>({
eventName: "notifications.user.enable",
sender: "GithubBridge",
data: {
userId: adminRoom.userId,
roomId: adminRoom.roomId,
since: await adminRoom.getNotifSince("github"),
filterParticipating: adminRoom.notificationsParticipating("github"),
type: "github",
instanceUrl: undefined,
} else {
log.warn(`Notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId} but no token stored!`);
} else if (oldSettings.github?.notifications?.enabled && !settings.github?.notifications?.enabled) {
await this.queue.push<NotificationsDisableEvent>({
eventName: "notifications.user.disable",
sender: "GithubBridge",
data: {
userId: adminRoom.userId,
type: "github",
instanceUrl: undefined,
for (const [instanceName, instanceSettings] of Object.entries(settings.gitlab || {})) {
const instanceUrl = this.config.gitlab?.instances[instanceName].url;
const token = await this.tokenStore.getUserToken("gitlab", adminRoom.userId, instanceUrl);
if (token && instanceSettings.notifications.enabled) {
log.info(`GitLab ${instanceName} notifications enabled for ${adminRoom.userId}`);
await this.queue.push<NotificationsEnableEvent>({
eventName: "notifications.user.enable",
sender: "GithubBridge",
data: {
userId: adminRoom.userId,
roomId: adminRoom.roomId,
since: await adminRoom.getNotifSince("gitlab", instanceName),
filterParticipating: adminRoom.notificationsParticipating("gitlab"),
type: "gitlab",
} else if (!instanceSettings.notifications.enabled) {
log.info(`GitLab ${instanceName} notifications disabled for ${adminRoom.userId}`);
await this.queue.push<NotificationsDisableEvent>({
eventName: "notifications.user.disable",
sender: "GithubBridge",
data: {
userId: adminRoom.userId,
type: "gitlab",
private async setupAdminRoom(roomId: string, accountData: AdminAccountData) {
const adminRoom = new AdminRoom(
roomId, accountData, this.as.botIntent, this.tokenStore, this.config,
adminRoom.on("settings.changed", this.onAdminRoomSettingsChanged.bind(this));
adminRoom.on("open.project", async (project: ProjectsGetResponseData) => {
const connection = await GitHubProjectConnection.onOpenProject(project, this.as, adminRoom.userId);
adminRoom.on("open.gitlab-issue", async (issueInfo: GetIssueOpts, res: GetIssueResponse, instanceName: string, instance: GitLabInstance) => {
const [ connection ] = this.getConnectionsForGitLabIssue(instance, issueInfo.projects, issueInfo.issue);
if (connection) {
return this.as.botClient.inviteUser(adminRoom.userId, connection.roomId);
const newConnection = await GitLabIssueConnection.createRoomForIssue(
return this.as.botClient.inviteUser(adminRoom.userId, newConnection.roomId);
this.adminRooms.set(roomId, adminRoom);
if (this.config.widgets?.addToAdminRooms && this.config.widgets.publicUrl) {
await adminRoom.setupWidget();
log.info(`Setup ${roomId} as an admin room for ${adminRoom.userId}`);
return adminRoom;