Christian Paul caf545f1a4
Misspelling: occured -> occurred (#576)
* Typo: occured -> occurred

* Add newsfile 576
2022-11-22 15:17:43 +01:00

557 lines
26 KiB

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */
import "reflect-metadata";
import { AdminAccountData, AdminRoomCommandHandler, Category } from "./AdminRoomCommandHandler";
import { botCommand, compileBotCommands, handleCommand, BotCommands, HelpFunction } from "./BotCommands";
import { BridgeConfig, BridgePermissionLevel } from "./Config/Config";
import { BridgeRoomState, BridgeRoomStateGitHub } from "./Widgets/BridgeWidgetInterface";
import { Endpoints } from "@octokit/types";
import { GitHubDiscussionSpace, GitHubIssueConnection, GitHubRepoConnection } from "./Connections";
import { ConnectionManager } from "./ConnectionManager";
import { FormatUtil } from "./FormatUtil";
import { GetUserResponse } from "./Gitlab/Types";
import { GitHubBotCommands } from "./Github/AdminCommands";
import { GithubGraphQLClient } from "./Github/GithubInstance";
import { GitLabClient } from "./Gitlab/Client";
import { Intent } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import { JiraBotCommands } from "./Jira/AdminCommands";
import { NotifFilter, NotificationFilterStateContent } from "./NotificationFilters";
import { ProjectsListResponseData } from "./Github/Types";
import { UserTokenStore } from "./UserTokenStore";
import { Logger } from "matrix-appservice-bridge";
import markdown from "markdown-it";
type ProjectsListForRepoResponseData = Endpoints["GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/projects"]["response"];
type ProjectsListForUserResponseData = Endpoints["GET /users/{username}/projects"]["response"];
const md = new markdown();
const log = new Logger('AdminRoom');
export const LEGACY_BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE = "uk.half-shot.matrix-github.room";
export const LEGACY_BRIDGE_NOTIF_TYPE = "uk.half-shot.matrix-github.notif_state";
export const LEGACY_BRIDGE_GITLAB_NOTIF_TYPE = "uk.half-shot.matrix-github.gitlab.notif_state";
export const BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE = "uk.half-shot.matrix-hookshot.github.room";
export const BRIDGE_NOTIF_TYPE = "uk.half-shot.matrix-hookshot.github.notif_state";
export const BRIDGE_GITLAB_NOTIF_TYPE = "uk.half-shot.matrix-hookshot.gitlab.notif_state";
export class AdminRoom extends AdminRoomCommandHandler {
public static helpMessage: HelpFunction;
protected widgetAccessToken = `abcdef`;
static botCommands: BotCommands;
protected pendingOAuthState: string|null = null;
public readonly notifFilter: NotifFilter;
constructor(roomId: string,
data: AdminAccountData,
notifContent: NotificationFilterStateContent,
botIntent: Intent,
tokenStore: UserTokenStore,
config: BridgeConfig,
private connectionManager: ConnectionManager,
) {
super(botIntent, roomId, tokenStore, config, data);
this.notifFilter = new NotifFilter(notifContent);
public get oauthState() {
return this.pendingOAuthState;
public verifyWidgetAccessToken(token: string) {
return this.widgetAccessToken === token;
public notificationsEnabled(type: string, instanceName?: string) {
if (type === "github") {
return this.data.github?.notifications?.enabled;
return (type === "gitlab" &&
!!instanceName &&
this.data.gitlab &&
public notificationsParticipating(type: "github"|"gitlab") {
if (type !== "github") {
return false;
return this.data.github?.notifications?.participating || false;
public clearOauthState() {
this.pendingOAuthState = null;
public async getNotifSince(type: "github"|"gitlab", instanceName?: string) {
if (type === "gitlab") {
try {
let accountData: null|{since: number} = await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData(
`${BRIDGE_GITLAB_NOTIF_TYPE}:${instanceName}`, this.roomId, null
if (!accountData) {
accountData = await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData(
`${LEGACY_BRIDGE_GITLAB_NOTIF_TYPE}:${instanceName}`, this.roomId, { since: 0 }
return accountData.since;
} catch {
// TODO: We should look at this error.
return 0;
try {
let accountData: null|{since: number} = await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData(BRIDGE_NOTIF_TYPE, this.roomId, { since: 0 });
if (!accountData) {
accountData = await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData(
`${LEGACY_BRIDGE_NOTIF_TYPE}:${instanceName}`, this.roomId, { since: 0 }
log.debug(`Got ${type} notif-since to ${accountData.since}`);
return accountData.since;
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Filed to get ${type} notif-since`, ex);
// TODO: We should look at this error.
return 0;
public async setNotifSince(type: "github"|"gitlab", since: number, instanceName?: string) {
log.debug(`Updated ${type} notif-since to ${since}`);
if (type === "gitlab") {
return this.botIntent.underlyingClient.setRoomAccountData(
this.roomId, {
return this.botIntent.underlyingClient.setRoomAccountData(BRIDGE_NOTIF_TYPE, this.roomId, {
@botCommand("help", { help: "This help text" })
public async helpCommand() {
const enabledCategories = [
this.config.github ? Category.Github : "",
this.config.gitlab ? Category.Gitlab : "",
this.config.jira ? Category.Jira : "",
this.canAdminConnections('github') ? Category.ConnectionManagement : '',
return this.botIntent.sendEvent(this.roomId, AdminRoom.helpMessage(undefined, enabledCategories));
@botCommand("disconnect", { help: "Remove a connection", requiredArgs: ['roomId', 'id'], category: Category.ConnectionManagement })
public async disconnect(roomId: string, id: string) {
if (!this.canAdminConnections('github')) {
await this.sendNotice("Insufficient permissions.");
// it's stupid that we need roomId -- shouldn't `id` identify the connection?
const conn = this.connectionManager.getConnectionById(roomId, id);
if (!conn) {
await this.sendNotice("Connection not found");
try {
await this.connectionManager.purgeConnection(conn.roomId, conn.connectionId);
await this.sendNotice('Connection removed successfully');
} catch (err: unknown) {
log.debug(`Failed to purge connection: ${err}`);
await this.sendNotice('Connection could not be removed: see debug logs for details');
@botCommand("github notifications toggle", { help: "Toggle enabling/disabling GitHub notifications in this room", category: Category.Github})
public async setGitHubNotificationsStateToggle() {
const newData = await this.saveAccountData((data) => {
return {
github: {
notifications: {
enabled: !(data.github?.notifications?.enabled ?? false),
participating: data.github?.notifications?.participating,
await this.sendNotice(`${newData.github?.notifications?.enabled ? "En" : "Dis"}abled GitHub notifcations`);
@botCommand("github notifications filter participating", {help: "Toggle enabling/disabling GitHub notifications in this room", category: Category.Github})
private async setGitHubNotificationsStateParticipating() {
const newData = await this.saveAccountData((data) => {
if (!data.github?.notifications?.enabled) {
throw Error('Notifications are not enabled.')
const oldState = data.github?.notifications?.participating ?? false;
return {
github: {
notifications: {
participating: !oldState,
enabled: true,
if (newData.github?.notifications?.participating) {
return this.sendNotice(`Filtering for events you are participating in.`);
return this.sendNotice(`Showing all events.`);
@botCommand("github notifications", {help: "Show the current notification settings", category: Category.Github})
public async getGitHubNotificationsState() {
if (!this.notificationsEnabled("github")) {
return this.sendNotice(`Notifications are disabled.`);
return this.sendNotice(`Notifications are enabled, ${this.notificationsParticipating("github") ? "Showing only events you are particiapting in." : "Showing all events."}`);
@botCommand("github list-connections", {help: "List currently bridged Github rooms", category: Category.ConnectionManagement})
public async listGithubConnections() {
if (!this.config.github) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitHub support.");
if (!this.canAdminConnections('github')) {
await this.sendNotice("Insufficient permissions.");
const connections = {
repos: this.connectionManager.getAllConnectionsOfType(GitHubRepoConnection),
issues: this.connectionManager.getAllConnectionsOfType(GitHubIssueConnection),
discussions: this.connectionManager.getAllConnectionsOfType(GitHubDiscussionSpace),
const reposFormatted = connections.repos.map(c => ` - ${c.org}/${c.repo} (ID: \`${c.connectionId}\`, Room: \`${c.roomId}\`)`).join('\n');
const issuesFormatted = connections.issues.map(c => ` - ${c.org}/${c.repo}/${c.issueNumber} (Room: \`${c.roomId}\`, ID: \`${c.connectionId}\`)`).join('\n');
const discussionsFormatted = connections.discussions.map(c => ` - ${c.owner}/${c.repo} (Room: \`${c.roomId}\`, ID: \`${c.connectionId}\`)`).join('\n');
const content = [
connections.repos.length > 0 ? `Repositories:\n${reposFormatted}` : '',
connections.issues.length > 0 ? `Issues:\n${issuesFormatted}` : '',
connections.discussions.length > 0 ? `Discussions:\n${discussionsFormatted}` : '',
].filter(v => !!v).join('\n\n') || 'No GitHub bridges';
return this.botIntent.sendEvent(this.roomId,{
msgtype: "m.notice",
body: content,
formatted_body: md.render(content),
format: "org.matrix.custom.html"
@botCommand("github project list-for-user", {help: "List GitHub projects for a user", optionalArgs:['user', 'repo'], category: Category.Github})
private async listGitHubProjectsForUser(username?: string, repo?: string) {
if (!this.config.github) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitHub support.");
const octokit = await this.tokenStore.getOctokitForUser(this.userId);
if (!octokit) {
return this.sendNotice("You can not list projects without an account.");
if (!username) {
const me = await octokit.users.getAuthenticated();
// TODO: Fix
username = me.data.login;
let res: ProjectsListResponseData;
try {
if (repo) {
res = (await octokit.projects.listForRepo({
owner: username,
res = (await octokit.projects.listForUser({
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Failed to fetch projects:`, ex);
return this.sendNotice(`Failed to fetch projects due to an error. See logs for details.`);
const content = `Projects for ${username}:\n${FormatUtil.projectListing(res)}\n`;
return this.botIntent.sendEvent(this.roomId,{
msgtype: "m.notice",
body: content,
formatted_body: md.render(content),
format: "org.matrix.custom.html"
@botCommand("github project list-for-org", {help: "List GitHub projects for an org", requiredArgs: ['org'], optionalArgs: ['repo'], category: Category.Github})
private async listGitHubProjectsForOrg(org: string, repo?: string) {
if (!this.config.github) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitHub support.");
const octokit = await this.tokenStore.getOctokitForUser(this.userId);
if (!octokit) {
return this.sendNotice("You can not list projects without an account.");
let res: ProjectsListForUserResponseData|ProjectsListForRepoResponseData;
try {
if (repo) {
res = (await octokit.projects.listForRepo({
owner: org,
res = (await octokit.projects.listForOrg({
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.status === 404) {
return this.sendNotice(`${repo ? "Repository" : "Org"} does not exist.`);
log.warn(`Failed to fetch projects:`, ex);
return this.sendNotice(`Failed to fetch projects due to an error. See logs for details.`);
const content = `Projects for ${org}:\n` + res.data.map(r => ` - ${FormatUtil.projectListing([r])}\n`).join("\n");
return this.botIntent.sendEvent(this.roomId,{
msgtype: "m.notice",
body: content,
formatted_body: md.render(content),
format: "org.matrix.custom.html"
@botCommand("github project open", {help: "Open a GitHub project as a room", requiredArgs: ['projectId'], category: Category.Github})
private async openProject(projectId: string) {
if (!this.config.github) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitHub support.");
const octokit = await this.tokenStore.getOctokitForUser(this.userId);
if (!octokit) {
return this.sendNotice("You can not list projects without an account.");
try {
const project = await octokit.projects.get({
project_id: parseInt(projectId, 10),
return this.emit('open.project', project.data);
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.status === 404) {
return this.sendNotice('Project does not exist.');
log.warn(`Failed to fetch project:`, ex);
return this.sendNotice(`Failed to fetch project due to an error. See logs for details.`);
@botCommand("github discussion open", {help: "Open a discussion room", requiredArgs: ['owner', 'repo', 'number'], category: Category.Github})
private async listDiscussions(owner: string, repo: string, numberStr: string) {
const number = parseInt(numberStr);
if (!this.config.github) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitHub support.");
const octokit = await this.tokenStore.getOctokitForUser(this.userId);
if (!octokit) {
return this.sendNotice("You can not list projects without an account.");
try {
const graphql = new GithubGraphQLClient(octokit);
const discussions = await graphql.getDiscussionByNumber(owner, repo, number);
return this.emit('open.discussion', owner, repo, discussions);
} catch (ex) {
if (ex.status === 404) {
return this.sendNotice('Discussion does not exist.');
log.warn(`Failed to fetch discussions:`, ex);
return this.sendNotice(`Failed to fetch discussions due to an error. See logs for details.`);
/* GitLab commands */
@botCommand("gitlab open issue", {help: "Open or join a issue room for GitLab", requiredArgs: ['url'], category: Category.Gitlab})
private async gitLabOpenIssue(url: string) {
if (!this.config.gitlab) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitLab support.");
const urlResult = GitLabClient.splitUrlIntoParts(this.config.gitlab.instances, url);
if (!urlResult) {
return this.sendNotice("The URL was not understood. The URL must be an issue and the bridge must know of the GitLab instance.");
const [instanceName, parts] = urlResult;
const instance = this.config.gitlab.instances[instanceName];
const client = await this.tokenStore.getGitLabForUser(this.userId, instance.url);
if (!client) {
return this.sendNotice("You have not added a personal access token for GitLab.");
const getIssueOpts = {
issue: parseInt(parts[parts.length-1]),
projects: parts.slice(0, parts.length-3), // Remove - and /issues
log.info(`Looking up issue ${instanceName} ${getIssueOpts.projects.join("/")}#${getIssueOpts.issue}`);
const issue = await client.issues.get(getIssueOpts);
return this.emit('open.gitlab-issue', getIssueOpts, issue, instanceName, instance);
@botCommand("gitlab personaltoken", {help: "Set your personal access token for GitLab", requiredArgs: ['instanceName', 'accessToken'], category: Category.Gitlab, permissionLevel: BridgePermissionLevel.login})
public async setGitLabPersonalAccessToken(instanceName: string, accessToken: string) {
let me: GetUserResponse;
if (!this.config.gitlab) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitLab support.");
const instance = this.config.gitlab.instances[instanceName];
if (!instance) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured for this GitLab instance. Ask your administrator for a list of instances.");
try {
const client = new GitLabClient(instance.url, accessToken);
me = await client.user();
} catch (ex) {
log.error("Gitlab auth error:", ex);
return this.sendNotice("Could not authenticate with GitLab. Is your token correct?");
await this.sendNotice(`Connected as ${me.username}. Token stored.`);
return this.tokenStore.storeUserToken("gitlab", this.userId, accessToken, instance.url);
@botCommand("gitlab hastoken", {help: "Check if you have a token stored for GitLab", requiredArgs: ["instanceName"], category: Category.Gitlab, permissionLevel: BridgePermissionLevel.login})
public async gitlabHasPersonalToken(instanceName: string) {
if (!this.config.gitlab) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured with GitLab support.");
const instance = this.config.gitlab.instances[instanceName];
if (!instance) {
return this.sendNotice("The bridge is not configured for this GitLab instance.");
const result = await this.tokenStore.getUserToken("gitlab", this.userId, instance.url);
if (result === null) {
return this.sendNotice("You do not currently have a token stored.");
return this.sendNotice("A token is stored for your GitLab account.");
@botCommand("filters list", "List your saved filters")
public async getFilters() {
if (this.notifFilter.empty) {
return this.sendNotice("You do not currently have any filters.");
const filterText = Object.entries(this.notifFilter.filters).map(([name, value]) => {
const userText = value.users.length ? `users: ${value.users.join("|")}` : '';
const reposText = value.repos.length ? `users: ${value.repos.join("|")}` : '';
const orgsText = value.orgs.length ? `users: ${value.orgs.join("|")}` : '';
return `${name}: ${userText} ${reposText} ${orgsText}`
const enabledForInvites = [...this.notifFilter.forInvites].join(', ');
const enabledForNotifications = [...this.notifFilter.forNotifications].join(', ');
return this.sendNotice(`Your filters:\n ${filterText}\nEnabled for automatic room invites: ${enabledForInvites}\nEnabled for notifications: ${enabledForNotifications}`);
@botCommand("filters set", "Create (or update) a filter. You can use 'orgs:', 'users:' or 'repos:' as filter parameters.", ["name", "...parameters"])
public async setFilter(name: string, ...parameters: string[]) {
const orgs = parameters.filter(param => param.toLowerCase().startsWith("orgs:")).map(param => param.toLowerCase().substring("orgs:".length).split(",")).flat();
const users = parameters.filter(param => param.toLowerCase().startsWith("users:")).map(param => param.toLowerCase().substring("users:".length).split(",")).flat();
const repos = parameters.filter(param => param.toLowerCase().startsWith("repos:")).map(param => param.toLowerCase().substring("repos:".length).split(",")).flat();
if (orgs.length + users.length + repos.length === 0) {
return this.sendNotice("You must specify some filter options like 'orgs:matrix-org,half-shot', 'users:Half-Shot' or 'repos:matrix-hookshot'.");
this.notifFilter.setFilter(name, {
await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.sendStateEvent(this.roomId, NotifFilter.StateType, "", this.notifFilter.getStateContent());
return this.sendNotice(`Stored new filter "${name}". You can now apply the filter by saying 'filters notifications toggle $name'.`);
@botCommand("filters notifications toggle", "Apply a filter as a whitelist to your notifications", ["name"])
public async setFiltersNotificationsToggle(name: string) {
if (!this.notifFilter.filters[name]) {
return this.sendNotice(`Filter "${name}" doesn't exist.`);
if (this.notifFilter.forNotifications.has(name)) {
await this.sendNotice(`Filter "${name}" disabled for notifications.`);
} else {
await this.sendNotice(`Filter "${name}" enabled for notifications.`);
return this.botIntent.underlyingClient.sendStateEvent(this.roomId, NotifFilter.StateType, "", this.notifFilter.getStateContent());
private canAdminConnections(service: string): boolean {
return this.config.checkPermission(this.userId, service, BridgePermissionLevel.admin);
private async saveAccountData(updateFn: (record: AdminAccountData) => AdminAccountData) {
let oldData: AdminAccountData|null = await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData(BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, this.roomId, null);
if (!oldData) {
oldData = await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.getSafeRoomAccountData(LEGACY_BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, this.roomId, {admin_user: this.userId});
const newData = updateFn(oldData);
await this.botIntent.underlyingClient.setRoomAccountData(BRIDGE_ROOM_TYPE, this.roomId, newData);
this.emit("settings.changed", this, newData, oldData);
this.data = newData;
return newData;
public async handleCommand(eventId: string, command: string) {
const checkPermission = (service: string, level: BridgePermissionLevel) => this.config.checkPermission(this.userId, service, level);
const result = await handleCommand(this.userId, command, AdminRoom.botCommands, this, checkPermission);
if (!result.handled) {
return this.sendNotice("Command not understood. For a list of commands, try `help`.");
if ("humanError" in result) {
return this.sendNotice(`Failed to handle command: ${result.humanError}`);
} else if ("error" in result) {
// Error is not something we want to print to the user.
return this.sendNotice(`Failed to handle command: A unknown failure occurred. Contact your bridge admin`);
return null;
public async getBridgeState(): Promise<BridgeRoomState> {
const gitHubEnabled = !!this.config.github;
const github: BridgeRoomStateGitHub = {
enabled: false,
tokenStored: false,
identity: null,
notifications: false,
if (gitHubEnabled) {
const octokit = await this.tokenStore.getOctokitForUser(this.userId);
try {
const identity = await octokit?.users.getAuthenticated();
github.enabled = true;
github.tokenStored = !!octokit;
github.identity = {
name: identity?.data.login || null,
avatarUrl: identity?.data.avatar_url || null,
github.notifications = this.notificationsEnabled("github") || false;
} catch (ex) {
log.warn(`Failed to get user identity: ${ex}`);
return {
title: "Admin Room",
public toString() {
return `AdminRoom(${this.roomId}, ${this.userId})`;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const res = compileBotCommands(AdminRoom.prototype as any, GitHubBotCommands.prototype as any, JiraBotCommands.prototype as any);
AdminRoom.helpMessage = res.helpMessage;
AdminRoom.botCommands = res.botCommands;