# cron-tinygo - A template for starting a Cloudflare Worker project with a cron job using Go. - This template uses the [workers](https://github.com/syumai/workers) package to schedule and run cron jobs. ## Notice - A free plan Cloudflare Workers only accepts ~1MB sized workers. - TinyGo Wasm binaries probably won't exceed this limit, so you might not need to use a paid plan of Cloudflare Workers. - There's also a Go version of this that can be found [here](https://github.com/syumai/workers/tree/main/_templates/cloudflare/cron-go). ## Usage - `main.go` includes a simple cron job implementation. Feel free to edit this code and implement your own cron job logic. ## Requirements - Node.js - [wrangler](https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/wrangler/) - Just run `npm install -g wrangler` - Go 1.21.0 or later ## Getting Started - If not already installed, please install the [gonew](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gonew) command. ```console go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gonew@latest ``` - Create a new project using this template. - The second argument passed to `gonew` is the module path of your new app. ```console gonew github.com/syumai/workers/_templates/cloudflare/cron-go your.module/my-app # e.g. github.com/syumai/my-app cd my-app go mod tidy make dev # start running dev server ``` - To change the worker name, please edit the `name` property in `wrangler.toml`. ## Development ### Commands ```console make dev # run dev server make build # build Go Wasm binary make deploy # deploy worker ``` ### Testing the Dev Server - To test the cron job, you can simulate the cron event by sending an HTTP request to the dev server. ```console curl -X POST http://localhost:8787/cron ``` - You should see the scheduled time printed in the console.