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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import SwiftUI
class UserIndicatorController: ObservableObject, UserIndicatorControllerProtocol {
private var timerCancellable: AnyCancellable?
private var displayTimes = [String: Date]()
private var delayedIndicators = Set<String>()
var nonPersistentDisplayDuration = 2.5
var minimumDisplayDuration = 0.5
@Published private(set) var activeIndicator: UserIndicator?
private(set) var indicatorQueue = [UserIndicator]() {
didSet {
activeIndicator = indicatorQueue.last
if let activeIndicator, !activeIndicator.persistent {
timerCancellable = Task { [weak self, nonPersistentDisplayDuration] in
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(nonPersistentDisplayDuration))
@Published var alertInfo: AlertInfo<UUID>?
var window: UIWindow? {
didSet {
let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: UserIndicatorPresenter(userIndicatorController: self).statusBarHidden(ProcessInfo.isRunningUITests))
hostingController.view.backgroundColor = .clear
window?.rootViewController = hostingController
func submitIndicator(_ indicator: UserIndicator, delay: Duration?) {
if let index = indicatorQueue.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) {
indicatorQueue[index] = indicator
displayTimes[] = .now
} else {
if let delay {
Task {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(delay.seconds))
guard delayedIndicators.contains( else {
enqueue(indicator: indicator)
} else {
enqueue(indicator: indicator)
func retractAllIndicators() {
for indicator in indicatorQueue {
func retractIndicatorWithId(_ id: String) {
guard let displayTime = displayTimes[id], abs(displayTime.timeIntervalSinceNow) <= minimumDisplayDuration else {
indicatorQueue.removeAll { $ == id }
Task {
try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(minimumDisplayDuration))
indicatorQueue.removeAll { $ == id }
displayTimes[id] = nil
Fixes #317 - Adopt a split layout for iPad and Mac apps Rename navigation components: SplitScreenCoordinator -> NavigationSplitCoordinator, StackScreenCoordinator -> NavigationStackCoordinator and SingleScreenCoordinator -> NavigationRootCoordinator [0c161039] Tweak navigation logging [826c19cf] Move the navigation dismissal callbacks to the NavigationModule, add SingleScreenCoordinator tests [b8830d9c] Add tests [252ad119] Merge the StackScreenCoordinator and SplitScreenCoordinators into a single file and stop publicly exposing their internal workings. Add more documentation. [37671699] Cleanup navigation logging [51406184] Use the parent SplitScreenCoordinator to present embedded StackScreenCoordinator sheets [b94b04c9] Retract the room "syncing" indicator when dismissing a room [1467b0ac] Correctly move to the no room selected state when popping in compact layouts [10bf2ad8] Allow nilling root coordinators, replace present/dismiss sheet with setSheetCoordinator(?) [33716784] Add single screen coordinator fade transition animation [3cbe65e7] Prevent the timeline table view from being reused between different rooms [9c94c50b] Move files around [c10b6bc5] Adapt the user session state machine to the split layout [7115a319] Fix unit and UI tests [1ece59e8] Fix login flows [6884dc3b] Use modules everywhere the underlying object is a NavigationModule [ab08d44c] Rename navigation components to: SingleScreenCoordinator, SplitScreenCoordinator and StackScreenCoordinator [ada2be57] Add SplitNavigationController * Remove the navigationRootCoordinator from the UserSessionFlowCoordinator
2022-12-12 12:31:27 +02:00
// MARK: - Private
private func enqueue(indicator: UserIndicator) {
displayTimes[] = .now