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// Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import XCTest
@testable import ElementX
import MatrixRustSDK
class RestorationTokenTests: XCTestCase {
func testDecodeFromTokenV1() throws {
// Given an encoded restoration token in the original format that only contains a Session from the SDK.
let originalToken = RestorationTokenV1(session: SessionV1(accessToken: "1234",
refreshToken: nil,
userId: "",
deviceId: "D3V1C3",
homeserverUrl: "",
oidcData: nil,
slidingSyncVersion: .proxy(url: "")))
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(originalToken)
// When decoding the data to the current restoration token format.
let decodedToken = try JSONDecoder().decode(RestorationToken.self, from: data)
// Then the output should be a valid token with the expected store directories.
assertEqual(session: decodedToken.session, originalSession: originalToken.session)
XCTAssertNil(decodedToken.passphrase, "There should not be a passphrase.")
XCTAssertNil(decodedToken.pusherNotificationClientIdentifier, "There should not be a push notification client ID.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.sessionDirectories.dataDirectory, .sessionsBaseDirectory.appending(component: ""),
"The session directory should match the original location set by the Rust SDK from our base directory.")
Share extension (#3506) * Setup simple share extension * Switch the app url scheme to be the full bundle identifier * Setup a share extension that show a SwiftUI view, uses rust tracing and redirects to the hosting aplication * Move media as json through the custom scheme into the main app and deep link into the media upload preview screen * Fix message forwarding and global search screen room summary provider filtering. * Tweak the message forwarding and global search screen designs. * Add a room selection screen to use after receiving a share request from the share extension * Fix share extension entitlements * Share the temporary directory between the main app and the extensions; rename the caches one. * Remove the no longer needed notification avatar flipping fix. * Extract the placeholder avatar image generator from the NSE * Nest `AvatarSize` within the new `Avatars` enum * Donate an `INSendMessageIntent` to the system every time we send a message so they appear as share suggestions * Support suggestions in the share extension itself * Improve sharing animations and fix presentation when room already on the stack * Clear all routes when sharing without a preselected room. * Fix broken unit tests * Various initial tweaks following code review. * Correctly clean up and dismiss the share extension for all paths. * Move the share extension path to a constants enum * Rename UserSessionFlowCoordinator specific share extension states and events * Add UserSession and Room flow coordinator share route tests * Tweak the share extension logic.
2024-11-13 14:02:47 +02:00
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.sessionDirectories.cacheDirectory, .sessionCachesBaseDirectory.appending(component: ""),
"The cache directory should be derived from the session directory but in the caches directory.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.slidingSyncProxyURLString, "",
"The original sliding sync URL should be preserved in order to trigger the migration prompt.")
XCTAssertTrue(decodedToken.needsSlidingSyncMigration, "The migration flag should be set to true.")
func testDecodeFromTokenV4() throws {
// Given an encoded restoration token in the 4th format that contains a stored session directory.
let sessionDirectoryName = UUID().uuidString
let originalToken = RestorationTokenV4(session: SessionV1(accessToken: "1234",
refreshToken: "5678",
userId: "",
deviceId: "D3V1C3",
homeserverUrl: "",
oidcData: "data-from-mas",
slidingSyncVersion: .proxy(url: "")),
sessionDirectory: .sessionsBaseDirectory.appending(component: sessionDirectoryName),
passphrase: "passphrase",
pusherNotificationClientIdentifier: "pusher-identifier")
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(originalToken)
// When decoding the data to the current restoration token format.
let decodedToken = try JSONDecoder().decode(RestorationToken.self, from: data)
// Then the output should be a valid token with the expected store directories.
assertEqual(session: decodedToken.session, originalSession: originalToken.session)
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.passphrase, originalToken.passphrase, "The passphrase should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.pusherNotificationClientIdentifier, originalToken.pusherNotificationClientIdentifier,
"The push notification client identifier should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.sessionDirectories.dataDirectory, originalToken.sessionDirectory,
"The session directory should not be changed.")
Share extension (#3506) * Setup simple share extension * Switch the app url scheme to be the full bundle identifier * Setup a share extension that show a SwiftUI view, uses rust tracing and redirects to the hosting aplication * Move media as json through the custom scheme into the main app and deep link into the media upload preview screen * Fix message forwarding and global search screen room summary provider filtering. * Tweak the message forwarding and global search screen designs. * Add a room selection screen to use after receiving a share request from the share extension * Fix share extension entitlements * Share the temporary directory between the main app and the extensions; rename the caches one. * Remove the no longer needed notification avatar flipping fix. * Extract the placeholder avatar image generator from the NSE * Nest `AvatarSize` within the new `Avatars` enum * Donate an `INSendMessageIntent` to the system every time we send a message so they appear as share suggestions * Support suggestions in the share extension itself * Improve sharing animations and fix presentation when room already on the stack * Clear all routes when sharing without a preselected room. * Fix broken unit tests * Various initial tweaks following code review. * Correctly clean up and dismiss the share extension for all paths. * Move the share extension path to a constants enum * Rename UserSessionFlowCoordinator specific share extension states and events * Add UserSession and Room flow coordinator share route tests * Tweak the share extension logic.
2024-11-13 14:02:47 +02:00
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.sessionDirectories.cacheDirectory, .sessionCachesBaseDirectory.appending(component: sessionDirectoryName),
"The cache directory should be derived from the session directory but in the caches directory.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.slidingSyncProxyURLString, "",
"The original sliding sync URL should be preserved in order to trigger the migration prompt.")
XCTAssertTrue(decodedToken.needsSlidingSyncMigration, "The migration flag should be set to true.")
func testDecodeFromTokenV5() throws {
// Given an encoded restoration token in the 5th format that contains separate directories for session data and caches.
let sessionDirectoryName = UUID().uuidString
let originalToken = RestorationTokenV5(session: SessionV1(accessToken: "1234",
refreshToken: "5678",
userId: "",
deviceId: "D3V1C3",
homeserverUrl: "",
oidcData: "data-from-mas",
slidingSyncVersion: .native),
sessionDirectory: .sessionsBaseDirectory.appending(component: sessionDirectoryName),
Share extension (#3506) * Setup simple share extension * Switch the app url scheme to be the full bundle identifier * Setup a share extension that show a SwiftUI view, uses rust tracing and redirects to the hosting aplication * Move media as json through the custom scheme into the main app and deep link into the media upload preview screen * Fix message forwarding and global search screen room summary provider filtering. * Tweak the message forwarding and global search screen designs. * Add a room selection screen to use after receiving a share request from the share extension * Fix share extension entitlements * Share the temporary directory between the main app and the extensions; rename the caches one. * Remove the no longer needed notification avatar flipping fix. * Extract the placeholder avatar image generator from the NSE * Nest `AvatarSize` within the new `Avatars` enum * Donate an `INSendMessageIntent` to the system every time we send a message so they appear as share suggestions * Support suggestions in the share extension itself * Improve sharing animations and fix presentation when room already on the stack * Clear all routes when sharing without a preselected room. * Fix broken unit tests * Various initial tweaks following code review. * Correctly clean up and dismiss the share extension for all paths. * Move the share extension path to a constants enum * Rename UserSessionFlowCoordinator specific share extension states and events * Add UserSession and Room flow coordinator share route tests * Tweak the share extension logic.
2024-11-13 14:02:47 +02:00
cacheDirectory: .sessionCachesBaseDirectory.appending(component: sessionDirectoryName),
passphrase: "passphrase",
pusherNotificationClientIdentifier: "pusher-identifier")
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(originalToken)
// When decoding the data.
let decodedToken = try JSONDecoder().decode(RestorationToken.self, from: data)
// Then the output should be a valid token.
assertEqual(session: decodedToken.session, originalSession: originalToken.session)
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.passphrase, originalToken.passphrase, "The passphrase should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.pusherNotificationClientIdentifier, originalToken.pusherNotificationClientIdentifier,
"The push notification client identifier should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.sessionDirectories.dataDirectory, originalToken.sessionDirectory,
"The session directory should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken.sessionDirectories.cacheDirectory, originalToken.cacheDirectory,
"The cache directory should not be changed.")
XCTAssertNil(decodedToken.slidingSyncProxyURLString, "No sliding sync proxy URL should be decoded for native sliding sync.")
XCTAssertFalse(decodedToken.needsSlidingSyncMigration, "The migration flag should not be set.")
func testDecodeFromCurrentToken() throws {
// Given an encoded restoration token in the current format.
let originalToken = RestorationToken(session: Session(accessToken: "1234",
refreshToken: "5678",
userId: "",
deviceId: "D3V1C3",
homeserverUrl: "",
oidcData: "data-from-mas",
slidingSyncVersion: .native),
sessionDirectories: .init(),
passphrase: "passphrase",
pusherNotificationClientIdentifier: "pusher-identifier",
slidingSyncProxyURLString: nil)
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(originalToken)
// When decoding the data.
let decodedToken = try JSONDecoder().decode(RestorationToken.self, from: data)
// Then the output should be a valid token.
XCTAssertEqual(decodedToken, originalToken, "The token should remain identical.")
func assertEqual(session: Session, originalSession: SessionV1) {
XCTAssertEqual(session.accessToken, originalSession.accessToken, "The access token should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(session.refreshToken, originalSession.refreshToken, "The refresh token should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(session.userId, originalSession.userId, "The user ID should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(session.deviceId, originalSession.deviceId, "The device ID should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(session.homeserverUrl, originalSession.homeserverUrl, "The homeserver URL should not be changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(session.oidcData, originalSession.oidcData, "The OIDC data should not be changed.")
// MARK: - Token formats
struct RestorationTokenV1: Equatable, Codable {
let session: SessionV1
struct RestorationTokenV4: Equatable, Codable {
let session: SessionV1
let sessionDirectory: URL
let passphrase: String?
let pusherNotificationClientIdentifier: String?
struct RestorationTokenV5: Equatable, Codable {
let session: SessionV1
let sessionDirectory: URL
let cacheDirectory: URL
let passphrase: String?
let pusherNotificationClientIdentifier: String?
// MARK: - Session formats
struct SessionV1: Equatable {
var accessToken: String
var refreshToken: String?
var userId: String
var deviceId: String
var homeserverUrl: String
var oidcData: String?
var slidingSyncVersion: SlidingSyncVersionV1
enum SlidingSyncVersionV1: Equatable {
case none
case proxy(url: String)
case native
var proxyURL: String? {
guard case let .proxy(url) = self else { return nil }
return url
extension SessionV1: Codable {
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let slidingSyncProxy = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .slidingSyncProxy)
self = try .init(accessToken: container.decode(String.self, forKey: .accessToken),
refreshToken: container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .refreshToken),
userId: container.decode(String.self, forKey: .userId),
deviceId: container.decode(String.self, forKey: .deviceId),
homeserverUrl: container.decode(String.self, forKey: .homeserverUrl),
oidcData: container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .oidcData),
slidingSyncVersion: { .proxy(url: $0) } ?? .native)
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(accessToken, forKey: .accessToken)
try container.encode(refreshToken, forKey: .refreshToken)
try container.encode(userId, forKey: .userId)
try container.encode(deviceId, forKey: .deviceId)
try container.encode(homeserverUrl, forKey: .homeserverUrl)
try container.encode(oidcData, forKey: .oidcData)
try container.encode(slidingSyncVersion.proxyURL, forKey: .slidingSyncProxy)
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case accessToken, refreshToken, userId, deviceId, homeserverUrl, oidcData, slidingSyncProxy