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// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
import SnapshotTesting
import XCTest
enum Application {
static func launch(_ identifier: UITestsScreenIdentifier, disableTimelineAccessibility: Bool = true) -> XCUIApplication {
let app = XCUIApplication()
var launchEnvironment = [
"UI_TESTS_SCREEN": identifier.rawValue
if disableTimelineAccessibility {
app.launchEnvironment = launchEnvironment
return app
extension XCUIApplication {
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
/// Assert screenshot for a screen with the given identifier. Does not fail if a screenshot is newly created.
/// - Parameter identifier: Identifier of the UI test screen
/// - Parameter step: An optional integer that can be used to take multiple snapshots per test identifier.
/// - Parameter insets: Optional insets with which to crop the image by.
func assertScreenshot(_ identifier: UITestsScreenIdentifier, step: Int? = nil, insets: UIEdgeInsets? = nil, delay: Duration = .seconds(1), precision: Float = 0.99) async throws {
var snapshotName = identifier.rawValue
if let step {
snapshotName += "-\(step)"
// Sometimes the CI might be too slow to load the content so let's wait the delay time
try await Task.sleep(for: delay)
var snapshot = screenshot().image
if let insets {
snapshot = snapshot.inset(by: insets)
let failure = verifySnapshot(matching: snapshot,
as: .image(precision: precision,
perceptualPrecision: 0.98,
scale: nil),
named: snapshotName,
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
testName: testName)
if let failure,
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
!failure.contains("No reference was found on disk."),
!failure.contains("to test against the newly-recorded snapshot") {
private var testName: String {
localeCode + "-" + deviceName
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
private var deviceName: String {
var name =
// When running with parallel execution simulators are named "Clone 2 of iPhone 14" etc.
// Tidy this prefix out of the name to generate snapshots with the correct name.
if name.starts(with: "Clone "), let range = name.range(of: " of ") {
name = String(name[range.upperBound...])
return name
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
private var localeCode: String {
if UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "NSDoubleLocalizedStrings") {
return "pseudo"
return languageCode + "-" + regionCode
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
private var languageCode: String {
Locale.current.language.languageCode?.identifier ?? ""
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
private var regionCode: String {
Locale.current.language.region?.identifier ?? ""
Screenshot tests (#130) * #9 Add snapshot testing library * #9 Create script to boot test simulators * #9 Create the UI test plan * #9 Create shared schemes for test targets * #9 Disable split view for UI tests * #9 Fix fastlane dependencies * #9 Add snapshot testing to the application * #9 assert screenshots * #9 fix swipe gestures on iPad * #9 Fix accessing items in session verification screen * #9 Workaround for flaky unit test * #9 Specify scheme for alpha build * #9 Add reference screenshots * Update python script path and check assets for png check * Update script path * Use static timezone for simulator time * Fix build after SwiftFormat * Add changelog * Upload failed screenshots artifact * Always upload artifacts * Update boot simulator script * Update simulator overridden time * Install pytz before tests * Get time from Ruby script * Disable SwiftUI animation when running UI tests * Update screenshots after animation setting * Include reference images in the artifact * Update matching precision * Update image matching precision & revert artifact content * Include Xcode result in the artifact * Update test output directory * Disable gradient on splash screen for tests * Tap next button explicitly * Wait a bit before checking alert * Wait 1 second * Run SwiftFormat on project * Ignore temporary screenshots * Fix most of the PR remarks * Fix conflicts * Bump Python version to 3 * Update reference screenshots for authentication screens * Update SwiftFormat * Fix flakey session verification test. * Update scheme. Co-authored-by: Doug <>
2022-08-11 15:02:47 +03:00
private extension UIImage {
/// Adjusts the image by cropping it with the given edge insets.
func inset(by insets: UIEdgeInsets) -> UIImage {
let insetRect = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size).inset(by: insets)
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: insetRect.size)
return renderer.image { _ in
draw(at: CGPoint(x: -insets.left, y: