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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
@testable import ElementX
import Combine
import MatrixRustSDK
import QuickLook
import SwiftUI
import XCTest
class TimelineMediaPreviewViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
var viewModel: TimelineMediaPreviewViewModel!
var context: TimelineMediaPreviewViewModel.Context { viewModel.context }
var mediaProvider: MediaProviderMock!
var photoLibraryManager: PhotoLibraryManagerMock!
var timelineController: MockTimelineController!
func testLoadingItem() async throws {
// Given a fresh view model.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.currentItem, .media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[0]))
// When the preview controller sets the current item.
try await loadInitialItem()
// Then the view model should load the item and update its view state.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.currentItem, .media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[0]))
func testLoadingItemFailure() async throws {
// Given a fresh view model.
guard case let .media(mediaItem) = context.viewState.currentItem else {
XCTFail("There should be a current item")
XCTAssertEqual(mediaItem, context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[0])
// When the preview controller sets an item that fails to load.
mediaProvider.loadFileFromSourceFilenameClosure = { _, _ in .failure(.failedRetrievingFile) }
let failure = deferFailure(viewModel.state.previewControllerDriver, timeout: 1) { $0.isItemLoaded }
context.send(viewAction: .updateCurrentItem(.media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[0])))
try await failure.fulfill()
// Then the view model should load the item and update its view state.
XCTAssertEqual(mediaItem, context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[0])
func testSwipingBetweenItems() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded item.
try await testLoadingItem()
// When swiping to another item.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.state.previewControllerDriver) { $0.isItemLoaded }
context.send(viewAction: .updateCurrentItem(.media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[1])))
try await deferred.fulfill()
// Then the view model should load the item and update its view state.
XCTAssertEqual(mediaProvider.loadFileFromSourceFilenameCallsCount, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.currentItem, .media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[1]))
// When swiping back to the first item.
let failure = deferFailure(viewModel.state.previewControllerDriver, timeout: 1) { $0.isItemLoaded }
context.send(viewAction: .updateCurrentItem(.media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[0])))
try await failure.fulfill()
// Then the view model should not need to load the item, but should still update its view state.
XCTAssertEqual(mediaProvider.loadFileFromSourceFilenameCallsCount, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.currentItem, .media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[0]))
func testLoadingMoreItems() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded item.
try await testLoadingItem()
XCTAssertEqual(timelineController.paginateBackwardsCallCount, 0)
// When swiping to a "loading more" item and there are more media items to load.
timelineController.paginationState = .init(backward: .idle, forward: .timelineEndReached)
let failure = deferFailure(viewModel.state.previewControllerDriver, timeout: 1) { $0.isItemLoaded }
context.send(viewAction: .updateCurrentItem(.loading(.paginatingBackwards)))
try await failure.fulfill()
// Then there should no longer be a media preview and instead of loading any media, a pagination request should be made.
XCTAssertEqual(mediaProvider.loadFileFromSourceFilenameCallsCount, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.currentItem, .loading(.paginatingBackwards)) // Note: This item only changes when the preview controller handles the new items.
XCTAssertEqual(timelineController.paginateBackwardsCallCount, 1)
func testPagination() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded item.
try await testLoadingItem()
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems.count, 3)
// When more items are added via a back pagination.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItemsPaginationPublisher) { _ in true }
_ = await timelineController.paginateBackwards(requestSize: 20)
try await deferred.fulfill()
// And the preview controller attempts to update the current item (now at a new index in the array but it hasn't changed in the data source).
mediaProvider.loadFileFromSourceFilenameClosure = { _, _ in .failure(.failedRetrievingFile) }
let failure = deferFailure(viewModel.state.previewControllerDriver, timeout: 1) { $0.isItemLoaded }
context.send(viewAction: .updateCurrentItem(.media(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems[3])))
try await failure.fulfill()
// Then the current item shouldn't need to be reloaded.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.dataSource.previewItems.count, 6)
XCTAssertEqual(mediaProvider.loadFileFromSourceFilenameCallsCount, 1)
func testViewInRoomTimeline() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded item.
try await testLoadingItem()
// When choosing to view the current item in the timeline.
guard case let .media(mediaItem) = context.viewState.currentItem else {
XCTFail("There should be a current item.")
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actions) { $0 == .viewInRoomTimeline( }
context.send(viewAction: .menuAction(.viewInRoomTimeline, item: mediaItem))
// Then the action should be sent upwards to make this happen.
try await deferred.fulfill()
func testRedactConfirmation() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded item.
try await testLoadingItem()
guard case let .media(mediaItem) = context.viewState.currentItem else {
XCTFail("There should be a current item.")
// When choosing to show the item details.
let deferredDriver = deferFulfillment(context.viewState.previewControllerDriver) { $0.isShowItemDetails }
context.send(viewAction: .showItemDetails(mediaItem))
// Then the details sheet should be presented.
let action = try await deferredDriver.fulfill()
guard case let .showItemDetails(mediaDetailsItem) = action else {
XCTFail("The action should include the media item.")
XCTAssertEqual(.media(mediaDetailsItem), context.viewState.currentItem)
// When choosing to redact the item.
context.send(viewAction: .menuAction(.redact, item: mediaItem))
// Then the confirmation sheet should be presented.
XCTAssertEqual(context.redactConfirmationItem, mediaItem)
// When confirming the redaction.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actions) { $0 == .dismiss }
context.send(viewAction: .redactConfirmation(item: mediaItem))
// Then the item should be redacted and the view should be dismissed.
try await deferred.fulfill()
func testSaveImage() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded image.
try await testLoadingItem()
guard case let .media(mediaItem) = context.viewState.currentItem else {
XCTFail("There should be a current item")
XCTAssertEqual(mediaItem.contentType, "JPEG image")
// When choosing to save the image.
context.send(viewAction: .menuAction(.save, item: mediaItem))
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(0.5))
// Then the image should be saved as a photo to the user's photo library.
XCTAssertEqual(photoLibraryManager.addResourceAtReceivedArguments?.type, .photo)
XCTAssertEqual(photoLibraryManager.addResourceAtReceivedArguments?.url, mediaItem.fileHandle?.url)
func testSaveImageWithoutAuthorization() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded image where the user has denied access to the photo library.
setupViewModel(photoLibraryAuthorizationDenied: true)
try await loadInitialItem()
guard case let .media(mediaItem) = context.viewState.currentItem else {
XCTFail("There should be a current item")
XCTAssertEqual(mediaItem.contentType, "JPEG image")
// When choosing to save the image.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(context.viewState.previewControllerDriver) { $0.isAuthorizationRequired }
context.send(viewAction: .menuAction(.save, item: mediaItem))
// Then the user should be prompted to allow access.
try await deferred.fulfill()
func testSaveVideo() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded video.
setupViewModel(initialItemIndex: 1)
try await loadInitialItem()
guard case let .media(mediaItem) = context.viewState.currentItem else {
XCTFail("There should be a current item")
XCTAssertEqual(mediaItem.contentType, "MPEG-4 movie")
// When choosing to save the video.
context.send(viewAction: .menuAction(.save, item: mediaItem))
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(0.5))
// Then the video should be saved as a video in the user's photo library.
XCTAssertEqual(photoLibraryManager.addResourceAtReceivedArguments?.type, .video)
XCTAssertEqual(photoLibraryManager.addResourceAtReceivedArguments?.url, mediaItem.fileHandle?.url)
func testSaveFile() async throws {
// Given a view model with a loaded file.
setupViewModel(initialItemIndex: 2)
try await loadInitialItem()
guard case let .media(mediaItem) = context.viewState.currentItem else {
XCTFail("There should be a current item")
XCTAssertEqual(mediaItem.contentType, "PDF document")
// When choosing to save the file.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(context.viewState.previewControllerDriver) { $0.isExportFile }
context.send(viewAction: .menuAction(.save, item: mediaItem))
let exportAction = try await deferred.fulfill()
guard case let .exportFile(file) = exportAction else {
XCTFail("Unexpected action")
// Then the binding should be set for the user to export the file to their specified location.
XCTAssertEqual(file.url, mediaItem.fileHandle?.url)
// MARK: - Helpers
private func loadInitialItem() async throws {
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.state.previewControllerDriver) { $0.isItemLoaded }
let initialItem = context.viewState.dataSource.previewController(QLPreviewController(),
previewItemAt: context.viewState.dataSource.initialItemIndex)
guard let initialPreviewItem = initialItem as? TimelineMediaPreviewItem.Media else {
XCTFail("The initial item should be a media preview.")
context.send(viewAction: .updateCurrentItem(.media(initialPreviewItem)))
try await deferred.fulfill()
private func setupViewModel(initialItemIndex: Int = 0, photoLibraryAuthorizationDenied: Bool = false) {
let initialItems = makeItems()
timelineController = MockTimelineController(timelineKind: .media(.mediaFilesScreen))
timelineController.timelineItems = initialItems
mediaProvider = MediaProviderMock(configuration: .init())
photoLibraryManager = PhotoLibraryManagerMock(.init(authorizationDenied: photoLibraryAuthorizationDenied))
viewModel = TimelineMediaPreviewViewModel(initialItem: initialItems[initialItemIndex],
timelineViewModel: TimelineViewModel.mock(timelineKind: .media(.mediaFilesScreen),
timelineController: timelineController),
mediaProvider: mediaProvider,
photoLibraryManager: photoLibraryManager,
userIndicatorController: UserIndicatorControllerMock(),
appMediator: AppMediatorMock())
private func makeItems() -> [EventBasedMessageTimelineItemProtocol] {
ImageRoomTimelineItem(id: .randomEvent,
timestamp: .mock,
isOutgoing: false,
isEditable: false,
canBeRepliedTo: true,
isThreaded: false,
sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Sally Sanderson"),
content: .init(filename: "Amazing image.jpeg",
caption: "A caption goes right here.",
imageInfo: .mockImage,
thumbnailInfo: .mockThumbnail,
contentType: .jpeg)),
VideoRoomTimelineItem(id: .randomEvent,
timestamp: .mock,
isOutgoing: false,
isEditable: false,
canBeRepliedTo: true,
isThreaded: false,
sender: .init(id: ""),
content: .init(filename: "Super video.mp4",
videoInfo: .mockVideo,
thumbnailInfo: .mockThumbnail,
contentType: .mpeg4Movie)),
FileRoomTimelineItem(id: .randomEvent,
timestamp: .mock,
isOutgoing: false,
isEditable: false,
canBeRepliedTo: true,
isThreaded: false,
sender: .init(id: ""),
content: .init(filename: "Important file.pdf",
source: try? .init(url: .mockMXCFile, mimeType: "document/pdf"),
fileSize: 2453,
thumbnailSource: nil,
contentType: .pdf))