Translations update

This commit is contained in:
Velin92 2023-06-26 00:03:16 +00:00 committed by Stefan Ceriu
parent eb691b0a51
commit 0e7562f130
10 changed files with 879 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"action_continue" = "Pokračovat";
"action_copy" = "Kopírovat";
"action_copy_link" = "Kopírovat odkaz";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Kopírovat odkaz na zprávu";
"action_create" = "Vytvořit";
"action_create_a_room" = "Vytvořit místnost";
"action_decline" = "Odmítnout";
@ -22,9 +23,11 @@
"action_edit" = "Upravit";
"action_enable" = "Povolit";
"action_forgot_password" = "Zapomněli jste heslo?";
"action_forward" = "Vpřed";
"action_invite" = "Pozvat";
"action_invite_friends" = "Pozvat přátele";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Pozvat přátele do %1$@";
"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Pozvat lidi na %1$@";
"action_invites_list" = "Pozvánky";
"action_learn_more" = "Zjistit více";
"action_leave" = "Odejít";
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@
"action_no" = "Ne";
"action_not_now" = "Teď ne";
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_with" = "Otevřít v aplikaci";
"action_quick_reply" = "Rychlá odpověď";
"action_quote" = "Citovat";
"action_remove" = "Odstranit";
@ -51,13 +55,16 @@
"action_start" = "Začít";
"action_start_chat" = "Zahájit chat";
"action_start_verification" = "Zahájit ověření";
"action_static_map_load" = "Klepnutím načtete mapu";
"action_take_photo" = "Vyfotit";
"action_view_source" = "Zobrazit zdroj";
"action_yes" = "Ano";
"common_about" = "O aplikaci";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Zásady používání";
"common_analytics" = "Analytika";
"common_audio" = "Zvuk";
"common_bubbles" = "Bubliny";
"common_copyright" = "Autorská práva";
"common_creating_room" = "Vytváření místnosti…";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "Opustit místnost";
"common_decryption_error" = "Chyba dešifrování";
@ -68,6 +75,7 @@
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Šifrování povoleno";
"common_error" = "Chyba";
"common_file" = "Soubor";
"common_forward_message" = "Přeposlat zprávu";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Obrázek";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "Nemůžeme ověřit Matrix ID tohoto uživatele. Pozvánka nemusí být přijata.";
@ -78,11 +86,13 @@
"common_message_layout" = "Rozložení zprávy";
"common_message_removed" = "Zpráva byla odstraněna";
"common_modern" = "Moderní";
"common_mute" = "Ztlumit";
"common_no_results" = "Žádné výsledky";
"common_offline" = "Offline";
"common_password" = "Heslo";
"common_people" = "Lidé";
"common_permalink" = "Trvalý odkaz";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů";
"common_reactions" = "Reakce";
"common_replying_to" = "Odpověď na %1$@";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Nahlásit chybu";
@ -97,15 +107,19 @@
"common_server_not_supported" = "Server není podporován";
"common_server_url" = "URL serveru";
"common_settings" = "Nastavení";
"common_shared_location" = "Sdílená poloha";
"common_starting_chat" = "Zahajování chatu…";
"common_sticker" = "Nálepka";
"common_success" = "Úspěch";
"common_suggestions" = "Návrhy";
"common_syncing" = "Synchronizace";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Oznámení třetích stran";
"common_topic" = "Téma";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "O čem je tato místnost?";
"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Nelze dešifrovat";
"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "Nepodařilo se nám úspěšně odeslat pozvánky jednomu nebo více uživatelům.";
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Nelze odeslat pozvánky";
"common_unmute" = "Zrušit ztlumení";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Nepodporovaná událost";
"common_username" = "Uživatelské jméno";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Ověření zrušeno";
@ -141,9 +155,10 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Nepodařilo se odeslat - otevřete prosím místnost";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Vstoupit";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Odmítnout";
"notification_invite_body" = "vás pozval";
"notification_invite_body" = "Vás pozval(a) do chatu";
"notification_new_messages" = "Nové zprávy";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Označit jako přečtené";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Vás pozval(a) do místnosti";
"notification_sender_me" = "Já";
"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "Prohlížíte si oznámení! Klikněte na mě!";
"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
@ -174,15 +189,20 @@
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nové";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Změna poskytovatele účtu";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Pokračovat";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresa domovského serveru";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Zadejte hledaný výraz nebo adresu domény.";
"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Vyhledejte společnost, komunitu nebo soukromý server.";
"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Najít poskytovatele účtu";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "Zde budou uloženy vaše konverzace - podobně jako u poskytovatele e-mailových služeb uchováváte své e-maily.";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Chystáte se přihlásit do %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "Zde budou uloženy vaše konverzace - podobně jako u poskytovatele e-mailových služeb uchováváte své e-maily.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Chystáte se vytvořit účet na %@";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "<b>Nezaznamenáváme ani neprofilujeme</b> žádné údaje o účtu";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Pomozte nám identifikovat problémy a vylepšit %1$@ sdílením anonymních údajů o používání.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Nezaznamenáváme ani neprofilujeme žádné údaje o účtu";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Sdílejte anonymní údaje o používání, které nám pomohou identifikovat problémy.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Můžete si přečíst všechny naše podmínky %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "zde";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Tuto funkci můžete kdykoli vypnout v nastavení";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "<b>Nesdílíme</b> informace s třetími stranami";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Tuto funkci můžete kdykoli vypnout";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "Nesdílíme informace s třetími stranami";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Pomozte vylepšit %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Sdílet analytická data";
"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Připojit snímek obrazovky";
@ -235,7 +255,8 @@
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Přihlásit se pomocí QR kódu";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Vytvořit účet";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Komunikujte a spolupracujte bezpečně";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Vítejte v %1$@ Beta. Vylepšený, pro rychlost a jednoduchost.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Vítejte u dosud nejrychlejšího Elementu. Vylepšený pro rychlost a jednoduchost.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Vítejte v %1$@. Vylepšený, pro rychlost a jednoduchost.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Buďte ve svém živlu";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Zaškrtněte, pokud chcete skrýt všechny aktuální a budoucí zprávy od tohoto uživatele";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Fotoaparát";
@ -243,6 +264,7 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Natočit video";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Příloha";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Knihovna fotografií a videí";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Poloha";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Přidat téma";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Již členem";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Již pozván(a)";
@ -252,10 +274,13 @@
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "Zprávy jsou zabezpečeny zámky. Pouze vy a příjemci máte jedinečné klíče k jejich odemčení.";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Šifrování zpráv povoleno";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Pozvat lidi";
"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Oznámení";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Název místnosti";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Sdílet místnost";
"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Aktualizace místnosti...";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Nepodařilo se načíst údaje o uživateli";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Chtěli byste je pozvat zpět?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "V tomto chatu jste sami";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Zablokovat";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Blokovaní uživatelé vám nebudou moci posílat zprávy a všechny zprávy od nich budou skryty. Tuto akci můžete kdykoli vrátit zpět.";
"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Zablokovat uživatele";
@ -264,6 +289,10 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Odblokovat uživatele";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Nevyřízeno";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Členové místnosti";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Zpráva zkopírována";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "Nemáte oprávnění zveřejňovat příspěvky v této místnosti";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Odeslat znovu";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Vaši zprávu se nepodařilo odeslat";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Vytvořte novou konverzaci nebo místnost";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Všechny chaty";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Změnit poskytovatele účtu";
@ -286,6 +315,9 @@
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Shodují se";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Pro pokračování přijměte požadavek na zahájení ověření v jiné relaci.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Čekání na přijetí žádosti";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Sdílet polohu";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Sdílet moji polohu";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Share this location";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Opravdu se chcete odhlásit?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Odhlásit se";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Odhlašování…";
@ -356,7 +388,7 @@
"dialog_title_success" = "Úspěch";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Rychlá odpověď";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Zdá se, že jste frustrovaně třásli telefonem. Chcete otevřít obrazovku pro nahlášení chyby?";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Pomozte nám identifikovat problémy a vylepšit %1$@ sdílením anonymních údajů o používání.";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Sdílejte anonymní údaje o používání, které nám pomohou identifikovat problémy.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "Můžete si přečíst všechny naše podmínky %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "zde";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ havaroval při posledním použití. Chcete se s námi podělit o zprávu o selhání?";
@ -378,6 +410,7 @@
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Zabezpečení";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Téma";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Nahrání média se nezdařilo, zkuste to prosím znovu.";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_remove_action" = "Odstranit";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_title" = "Ověření zrušeno";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_ready" = "Začít";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Odhlásit se";

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"action_continue" = "Weiter";
"action_copy" = "Kopieren";
"action_copy_link" = "Link kopieren";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Copy link to message";
"action_create" = "Erstellen";
"action_create_a_room" = "Raum erstellen";
"action_decline" = "Ablehnen";
@ -22,9 +23,11 @@
"action_edit" = "Bearbeiten";
"action_enable" = "Aktivieren";
"action_forgot_password" = "Passwort vergessen?";
"action_forward" = "Weiterleiten";
"action_invite" = "Einladen";
"action_invite_friends" = "Freunde einladen";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Freunde zu %1$@ einladen";
"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Invite people to %1$@";
"action_invites_list" = "Einladungen";
"action_learn_more" = "Mehr erfahren";
"action_leave" = "Verlassen";
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@
"action_no" = "Nein";
"action_not_now" = "Nicht jetzt";
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_with" = "Öffne mit";
"action_quick_reply" = "Schnellantwort";
"action_quote" = "Zitieren";
"action_remove" = "Entfernen";
@ -51,13 +55,16 @@
"action_start" = "Starten";
"action_start_chat" = "Chat starten";
"action_start_verification" = "Verifizierung starten";
"action_static_map_load" = "Tippe, um die Karte zu laden";
"action_take_photo" = "Foto aufnehmen";
"action_view_source" = "Quelltext anzeigen";
"action_yes" = "Ja";
"common_about" = "Über";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen";
"common_analytics" = "Analyse";
"common_audio" = "Audio";
"common_bubbles" = "Blasen";
"common_copyright" = "Urheberrecht";
"common_creating_room" = "Erstelle Raum...";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "Raum verlassen";
"common_decryption_error" = "Entschlüsselungsfehler";
@ -68,6 +75,7 @@
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Verschlüsselung aktiviert";
"common_error" = "Fehler";
"common_file" = "Datei";
"common_forward_message" = "Nachricht weiterleiten";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Bild";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "Wir können die Matrix-ID dieses Benutzers nicht validieren. Die Einladung wurde möglicherweise nicht empfangen.";
@ -78,17 +86,19 @@
"common_message_layout" = "Nachrichtenlayout";
"common_message_removed" = "Nachricht wurde entfernt";
"common_modern" = "Modern";
"common_mute" = "Stummschalten";
"common_no_results" = "Keine Ergebnisse";
"common_offline" = "Offline";
"common_password" = "Passwort";
"common_people" = "Personen";
"common_permalink" = "Permalink";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Datenschutzerklärung";
"common_reactions" = "Reaktionen";
"common_replying_to" = "Auf %1$@ antworten";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Melde einen Fehler";
"common_report_submitted" = "Bericht gesendet";
"common_room_name" = "Raumname";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "z.B. Produkt-Sprint";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "z.B. dein Projektname";
"common_search_for_someone" = "Suche nach jemandem";
"common_search_results" = "Suchergebnisse";
"common_security" = "Sicherheit";
@ -97,15 +107,19 @@
"common_server_not_supported" = "Server wird nicht unterstützt";
"common_server_url" = "Server-URL";
"common_settings" = "Einstellungen";
"common_shared_location" = "Shared location";
"common_starting_chat" = "Chat wird gestartet…";
"common_sticker" = "Sticker";
"common_success" = "Erfolg";
"common_suggestions" = "Vorschläge";
"common_syncing" = "Syncing";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Hinweise von Drittanbietern";
"common_topic" = "Thema";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "Worum geht es in diesem Raum?";
"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Entschlüsselung nicht möglich";
"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "Wir konnten Einladungen nicht erfolgreich an einen oder mehrere Benutzer senden.";
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Einladung(en) können nicht gesendet werden";
"common_unmute" = "Stummschaltung aufheben";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Nicht unterstütztes Ereignis";
"common_username" = "Benutzername";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Verifizierung abgebrochen";
@ -141,9 +155,10 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Senden fehlgeschlagen - bitte Raum öffnen";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Beitreten";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Ablehnen";
"notification_invite_body" = "invited you";
"notification_invite_body" = "Hat dich eingeladen";
"notification_new_messages" = "Neue Nachrichten";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Als gelesen markieren";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Invited you to join the room";
"notification_sender_me" = "Ich";
"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "Du siehst die Benachrichtigung an! Klick mich an!";
"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
@ -172,13 +187,18 @@
"room_timeline_beginning_of_room" = "Dies ist der Anfang von %1$@.";
"room_timeline_beginning_of_room_no_name" = "Dies ist der Beginn dieser Konversation.";
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Neu";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Change account provider";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Continue";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Youre about to sign in to %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Youre about to create an account on %@";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Kontoanbieter wechseln";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Weiter";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresse des Homeservers";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Geben Sie einen Suchbegriff oder eine Domainadresse ein.";
"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Suche nach einem Unternehmen, einer Community oder einem privaten Server.";
"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Finde einen Accountanbieter";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Du bist dabei dich bei %@ anzumelden";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "Hier werden deine Konversationen stattfinden — genauso wie du einen E-Mail-Anbieter verwenden würdest, um deine E-Mails aufzubewahren.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Du bist dabei einen Account auf %@ zu erstellen";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Wir erfassen und analysieren <b>keine</b> Account-Daten";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Helfen Sie uns, Probleme zu identifizieren und %1$@ zu verbessern, indem Sie anonyme Nutzungsdaten weitergeben.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Sie können alle unsere Nutzerbedingungen %1$@ lesen.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "hier";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Sie können die Analyse jederzeit in den Einstellungen deaktivieren";
@ -195,18 +215,18 @@
"screen_bug_report_include_logs" = "Senden Sie Protokolle, um zu helfen";
"screen_bug_report_include_screenshot" = "Bildschirmfoto senden";
"screen_bug_report_logs_description" = "Um zu überprüfen, ob alles wie vorgesehen funktioniert, werden Protokolle mit deiner Nachricht gesendet. Diese werden privat sein. Um nur Ihre Nachricht zu senden, schalte diese Einstellung aus.";
"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = " is an open network for secure, decentralized communication.";
"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Other";
"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Use a different account provider, such as your own private server or a work account.";
"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Change account provider";
"screen_change_server_error_invalid_homeserver" = "Wir konnten diesen Homeserver nicht erreichen. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die Homeserver-URL korrekt eingegeben haben. Wenn die URL korrekt ist, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Homeserver-Administrator, um weitere Hilfe zu erhalten.";
"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = " ist ein offenes Netzwerk für sichere, dezentralisierte Kommunikation.";
"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Andere";
"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Verwende einen anderen Kontoanbieter, z. B. deinen eigenen privaten Server oder ein Arbeitskonto.";
"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Kontoanbieter ändern";
"screen_change_server_error_invalid_homeserver" = "Wir konnten diesen Homeserver nicht erreichen. Bitte überprüfe, dass du die Homeserver-URL korrekt eingegeben hast. Wenn die URL korrekt ist, wende dich an deinen Homeserver-Administrator für weitere Hilfe.";
"screen_change_server_error_no_sliding_sync_message" = "Dieser Server unterstützt derzeit keine Sliding Sync.";
"screen_change_server_form_header" = "Homeserver-URL";
"screen_change_server_form_notice" = "Du kannst dich nur mit einem existierenden Server verbinden, der Sliding Sync unterstützt. Dein Homeserver-Administrator muss es konfigurieren. %1$@";
"screen_change_server_subtitle" = "Wie lautet die Adresse deines Servers?";
"screen_create_room_action_create_room" = "Neuer Raum";
"screen_create_room_action_invite_people" = "Freunde zu Element einladen";
"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Personen einladen";
"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Personen hinzufügen";
"screen_create_room_error_creating_room" = "Beim Erstellen des Raums ist ein Fehler aufgetreten";
"screen_create_room_private_option_description" = "Die Nachrichten in diesem Raum sind verschlüsselt. Die Verschlüsselung kann nicht nachträglich deaktiviert werden.";
"screen_create_room_private_option_title" = "Privater Raum (nur auf Einladung)";
@ -219,7 +239,7 @@
"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_message" = "Möchten Sie den Chat mit %1$@ wirklich ablehnen?";
"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Chat ablehnen";
"screen_invites_empty_list" = "Keine Einladungen";
"screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ hat dich eingeladen";
"screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) hat dich eingeladen";
"screen_login_error_deactivated_account" = "Dieses Konto wurde deaktiviert.";
"screen_login_error_invalid_credentials" = "Falscher Benutzername und/oder Passwort";
"screen_login_error_invalid_user_id" = "Dies ist kein gültiger Benutzeridentifikator. Erwartetes Format: ''";
@ -230,12 +250,13 @@
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Bei %1$@ anmelden";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Medienauswahl fehlgeschlagen, bitte versuche es erneut.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Fehler bei der Verarbeitung von Medien zum Hochladen, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Medien hochladen fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Hochladen von Medien fehlgeschlagen, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_manually" = "Manuell anmelden";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Mit QR-Code anmelden";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Konto erstellen";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Sicher kommunizieren und zusammenarbeiten";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Willkommen zur %1$@ Beta. Verbessert, für Geschwindigkeit und Einfachheit.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Welcome to the fastest Element ever. Supercharged for speed and simplicity.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Willkommen zur %1$@. Verbessert, für Geschwindigkeit und Einfachheit.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Sei in deinem Element";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Prüfe, ob du alle aktuellen und zukünftigen Nachrichten dieses Benutzers ausblenden möchtest";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Kamera";
@ -243,6 +264,7 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Video aufnehmen";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Anhang";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Foto- & Video-Bibliothek";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Location";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Thema hinzufügen";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Bereits Mitglied";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Bereits eingeladen";
@ -252,10 +274,13 @@
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "Nachrichten sind mit Schlössern gesichert. Nur du und der Empfänger haben die eindeutigen Schlüssel, um sie zu entsperren.";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Nachrichtenverschlüsselung aktiviert";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Personen einladen";
"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Notification";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Raumname";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Raum teilen";
"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Aktualisiere Raum...";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Could not retrieve user details";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Benutzerdetails konnten nicht abgerufen werden";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Would you like to invite them back?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "You are alone in this chat";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Blockieren";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Blockierte Benutzer können dir keine Nachrichten senden und alle Nachrichten von ihnen werden ausgeblendet. Du kannst diese Aktion jederzeit rückgängig machen.";
"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Nutzer blockieren";
@ -264,6 +289,10 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Nutzer entblockieren";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Ausstehend";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Raummitglieder";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Message copied";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "You do not have permission to post to this room";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Erneut senden";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Ihre Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Ein neues Gespräch oder einen neuen Raum erstellen";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Alle Chats";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Kontoanbieter wechseln";
@ -286,6 +315,9 @@
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Sie stimmen überein";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Akzeptiere die Aufforderung zum Starten des Verifizierungsprozesses in deiner anderen Sitzung, um fortzufahren.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Warten auf die Annahme der Anfrage";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Share location";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Share my location";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Share this location";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Möchtest du Dich wirklich abmelden?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Abmelden";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Abmeldung läuft…";
@ -356,7 +388,7 @@
"dialog_title_success" = "Erfolg";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Schnellantwort";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Du scheinst frustriert das Telefon zu schütteln. Möchtest du den Fehlerberichtsbildschirm öffnen?";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Helfen Sie uns, Probleme zu identifizieren und %1$@ zu verbessern, indem Sie anonyme Nutzungsdaten weitergeben.";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "Sie können alle unsere Nutzerbedingungen %1$@ lesen.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "hier";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ ist bei der letzten Verwendung abgestürzt. Möchtest du uns einen Absturzbericht senden?";
@ -378,6 +410,7 @@
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Sicherheit";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Thema";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Fehler bei der Verarbeitung von Medien zum Hochladen, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_remove_action" = "Entfernen";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_title" = "Verifizierung abgebrochen";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_ready" = "Starten";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Abmelden";

View File

@ -264,6 +264,7 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Record a video";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Attachment";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Photo & Video Library";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Location";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Add topic";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Already a member";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Already invited";
@ -288,6 +289,7 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Unblock user";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Pending";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Room members";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Message copied";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "You do not have permission to post to this room";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
@ -313,6 +315,9 @@
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "They match";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Accept the request to start the verification process in your other session to continue.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Waiting to accept request";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Share location";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Share my location";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Share this location";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Are you sure you want to sign out?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Sign out";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Signing out…";

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"action_continue" = "Continuar";
"action_copy" = "Copiar";
"action_copy_link" = "Copiar enlace";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Copy link to message";
"action_create" = "Create";
"action_create_a_room" = "Crear una sala";
"action_decline" = "Decline";
@ -22,9 +23,11 @@
"action_edit" = "Editar";
"action_enable" = "Activar";
"action_forgot_password" = "Forgot password?";
"action_forward" = "Forward";
"action_invite" = "Invitar";
"action_invite_friends" = "Invite friends";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Invitar amigos a %1$@";
"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Invite people to %1$@";
"action_invites_list" = "Invites";
"action_learn_more" = "Más información";
"action_leave" = "Salir";
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@
"action_no" = "No";
"action_not_now" = "Ahora no";
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_with" = "Open with";
"action_quick_reply" = "Respuesta rápida";
"action_quote" = "Citar";
"action_remove" = "Eliminar";
@ -51,13 +55,16 @@
"action_start" = "Comenzar";
"action_start_chat" = "Iniciar chat";
"action_start_verification" = "Iniciar la verificación";
"action_static_map_load" = "Tap to load map";
"action_take_photo" = "Take photo";
"action_view_source" = "Ver Fuente";
"action_yes" = "Sí";
"common_about" = "Acerca de";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Acceptable use policy";
"common_analytics" = "Analytics";
"common_audio" = "Sonido";
"common_bubbles" = "Burbujas";
"common_copyright" = "Copyright";
"common_creating_room" = "Creando sala…";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "Saliste de la sala";
"common_decryption_error" = "Error de descifrado";
@ -68,6 +75,7 @@
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Cifrado activado";
"common_error" = "Error";
"common_file" = "Archivo";
"common_forward_message" = "Forward message";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Imagen";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "We cant validate this users Matrix ID. The invite might not be received.";
@ -78,11 +86,13 @@
"common_message_layout" = "Diseño del mensaje";
"common_message_removed" = "Mensaje eliminado";
"common_modern" = "Moderno";
"common_mute" = "Mute";
"common_no_results" = "No hay resultados";
"common_offline" = "Sin conexión";
"common_password" = "Contraseña";
"common_people" = "Personas";
"common_permalink" = "Enlace permanente";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Privacy policy";
"common_reactions" = "Reacciones";
"common_replying_to" = "Respondiendo a %1$@";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Informar de un error";
@ -97,15 +107,19 @@
"common_server_not_supported" = "Servidor no compatible";
"common_server_url" = "Dirección del servidor";
"common_settings" = "Ajustes";
"common_shared_location" = "Shared location";
"common_starting_chat" = "Starting chat…";
"common_sticker" = "Sticker";
"common_success" = "Terminado";
"common_suggestions" = "Sugerencias";
"common_syncing" = "Syncing";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Third-party notices";
"common_topic" = "Tema";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "What is this room about?";
"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "No se puede descifrar";
"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "We were unable to successfully send invites to one or more users.";
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Unable to send invite(s)";
"common_unmute" = "Unmute";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Evento no compatible";
"common_username" = "Usuario";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Verificación cancelada";
@ -141,9 +155,10 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Failed to send - please open room";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Join";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Reject";
"notification_invite_body" = "invited you";
"notification_invite_body" = "Invited you to chat";
"notification_new_messages" = "New Messages";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Invited you to join the room";
"notification_sender_me" = "Me";
"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "You are viewing the notification! Click me!";
"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
@ -174,15 +189,20 @@
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nuevos";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Change account provider";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Continue";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Homeserver address";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Enter a search term or a domain address.";
"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Search for a company, community, or private server.";
"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Find an account provider";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Youre about to sign in to %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Youre about to create an account on %@";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "We <b>don't</b> record or profile any account data";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Help us identify issues and improve %1$@ by sharing anonymous usage data.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "We won't record or profile any personal data";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "You can turn this off anytime in settings";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "We <b>don't</b> share information with third parties";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "You can turn this off anytime";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "We won't share your data with third parties";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Help improve %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Share analytics data";
"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Adjuntar captura de pantalla";
@ -235,7 +255,8 @@
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Sign in with QR code";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Create account";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Communicate and collaborate securely";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Bienvenido a la beta de %1$@. Vitaminado, para mayor rapidez y sencillez.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Welcome to the fastest Element ever. Supercharged for speed and simplicity.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Bienvenido a %1$@. Vitaminado, para mayor rapidez y sencillez.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Siéntente en tu Elemento";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Marque si quieres ocultar todos los mensajes actuales y futuros de este usuario";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Camera";
@ -243,6 +264,7 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Record a video";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Attachment";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Photo & Video Library";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Location";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Add topic";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Already a member";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Already invited";
@ -252,10 +274,13 @@
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "Los mensajes están protegidos con \"candados\". Sólo tú y los destinatarios tenéis las llaves únicas para abrirlos.";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Cifrado de mensajes activado";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Invitar a otras personas";
"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Notification";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Room name";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Compartir sala";
"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Updating room…";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Could not retrieve user details";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Would you like to invite them back?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "You are alone in this chat";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Bloquear";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Los usuarios bloqueados no podrán enviarte mensajes y se ocultarán todos sus mensajes. Puede revertir esta acción en cualquier momento.";
"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Bloquear usuario";
@ -264,6 +289,10 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Desbloquear usuario";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Pending";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Room members";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Message copied";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "You do not have permission to post to this room";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Crear una nueva conversación o sala";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Todos los chats";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Change account provider";
@ -286,6 +315,9 @@
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Coinciden";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Acepta la solicitud para iniciar el proceso de verificación en tu otra sesión para continuar.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "A la espera de aceptar la solicitud";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Share location";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Share my location";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Share this location";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres cerrar sesión?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Cerrar sesión";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Cerrando sesión…";
@ -356,7 +388,7 @@
"dialog_title_success" = "Terminado";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Respuesta rápida";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Parece que sacudes el teléfono con frustración. ¿Quieres abrir la pantalla de informe de errores?";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Help us identify issues and improve %1$@ by sharing anonymous usage data.";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ se cerró inesperadamente la última vez que se lo usaste. ¿Quieres compartir un informe de error con nosotros?";
@ -378,6 +410,7 @@
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Seguridad";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Tema";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_remove_action" = "Eliminar";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_title" = "Verificación cancelada";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_ready" = "Comenzar";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Cerrar sesión";

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"action_continue" = "Continuer";
"action_copy" = "Copier";
"action_copy_link" = "Copier le lien";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Copy link to message";
"action_create" = "Créer";
"action_create_a_room" = "Créer une salle";
"action_decline" = "Refuser";
@ -22,9 +23,11 @@
"action_edit" = "Éditer";
"action_enable" = "Activer";
"action_forgot_password" = "Forgot password?";
"action_forward" = "Forward";
"action_invite" = "Inviter";
"action_invite_friends" = "Invite friends";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Inviter des amis à %1$@";
"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Invite people to %1$@";
"action_invites_list" = "Invitations";
"action_learn_more" = "En savoir plus";
"action_leave" = "Quitter";
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@
"action_no" = "Non";
"action_not_now" = "Pas maintenant";
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_with" = "Open with";
"action_quick_reply" = "Réponse rapide";
"action_quote" = "Citer";
"action_remove" = "Supprimer";
@ -51,13 +55,16 @@
"action_start" = "Démarrer";
"action_start_chat" = "Commencer un chat";
"action_start_verification" = "Commencer la vérification";
"action_static_map_load" = "Tap to load map";
"action_take_photo" = "Prendre une photo";
"action_view_source" = "Voir la source";
"action_yes" = "Oui";
"common_about" = "À propos";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Acceptable use policy";
"common_analytics" = "Analytics";
"common_audio" = "Audio";
"common_bubbles" = "Bulles";
"common_copyright" = "Copyright";
"common_creating_room" = "Création de la salle…";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "La salle a été quittée";
"common_decryption_error" = "Erreur de déchiffrement";
@ -68,6 +75,7 @@
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Chiffrement activé";
"common_error" = "Erreur";
"common_file" = "Fichier";
"common_forward_message" = "Forward message";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Image";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "We cant validate this users Matrix ID. The invite might not be received.";
@ -78,11 +86,13 @@
"common_message_layout" = "Mise en page du message";
"common_message_removed" = "Message supprimé";
"common_modern" = "Moderne";
"common_mute" = "Mute";
"common_no_results" = "Aucun résultat";
"common_offline" = "Hors ligne";
"common_password" = "Mot de passe";
"common_people" = "Personnes";
"common_permalink" = "Permalien";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Privacy policy";
"common_reactions" = "Réactions";
"common_replying_to" = "En réponse à %1$@";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Signaler un problème";
@ -97,15 +107,19 @@
"common_server_not_supported" = "Serveur non pris en charge";
"common_server_url" = "URL du serveur";
"common_settings" = "Paramètres";
"common_shared_location" = "Shared location";
"common_starting_chat" = "Starting chat…";
"common_sticker" = "Autocollant";
"common_success" = "Succès";
"common_suggestions" = "Suggestions";
"common_syncing" = "Syncing";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Third-party notices";
"common_topic" = "Sujet";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "What is this room about?";
"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Incapable de décrypter";
"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "We were unable to successfully send invites to one or more users.";
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Unable to send invite(s)";
"common_unmute" = "Unmute";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Événement non pris en charge";
"common_username" = "Nom d'utilisateur";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Vérification annulée";
@ -141,9 +155,10 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Échec de l'envoi - veuillez ouvrir la salle";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Rejoindre";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Refuser";
"notification_invite_body" = "invited you";
"notification_invite_body" = "Invited you to chat";
"notification_new_messages" = "Nouveaux messages";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Marquer comme lu";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Invited you to join the room";
"notification_sender_me" = "Moi";
"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "Vous êtes en train de consulter la notification ! Cliquez-moi !";
"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
@ -174,15 +189,20 @@
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nouveau";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Change account provider";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Continue";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Homeserver address";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Enter a search term or a domain address.";
"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Search for a company, community, or private server.";
"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Find an account provider";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Youre about to sign in to %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Youre about to create an account on %@";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "We <b>don't</b> record or profile any account data";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Help us identify issues and improve %1$@ by sharing anonymous usage data.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "We won't record or profile any personal data";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "You can turn this off anytime in settings";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "We <b>don't</b> share information with third parties";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "You can turn this off anytime";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "We won't share your data with third parties";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Help improve %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Share analytics data";
"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Joindre une capture d'écran";
@ -235,7 +255,8 @@
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Sign in with QR code";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Create account";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Communicate and collaborate securely";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Bienvenue dans la version %1$@ Beta. Affiné pour plus de rapidité et de simplicité.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Welcome to the fastest Element ever. Supercharged for speed and simplicity.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Bienvenue dans %1$@. Affiné pour plus de rapidité et de simplicité.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Soyez dans votre Element";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Cochez si vous souhaitez masquer tous les messages actuels et futurs de cet utilisateur.";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Camera";
@ -243,6 +264,7 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Record a video";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Attachment";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Photo & Video Library";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Location";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Add topic";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Already a member";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Already invited";
@ -252,10 +274,13 @@
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "Les messages sont sécurisés par des verrous. Seuls vous et les destinataires possédez les clés uniques pour les déverrouiller.";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Chiffrement des messages activé";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Inviter des personnes";
"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Notification";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Room name";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Partager la salle";
"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Updating room…";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Could not retrieve user details";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Would you like to invite them back?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "You are alone in this chat";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Bloquer";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Les utilisateurs bloqués ne pourront pas vous envoyer de messages et tous leurs messages seront masqués. Vous pouvez annuler cette action à tout moment.";
"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Bloquer l'utilisateur";
@ -264,6 +289,10 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Débloquer l'utilisateur";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Pending";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Room members";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Message copied";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "You do not have permission to post to this room";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Créer une nouvelle conversation ou une nouvelle salle";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Toutes les conversations";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Change account provider";
@ -286,6 +315,9 @@
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Ils correspondent";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Pour continuer, acceptez la demande de lancement de la procédure de vérification dans votre autre session.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "En attente d'acceptation de la demande";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Share location";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Share my location";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Share this location";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Se déconnecter";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Déconnexion en cours…";
@ -356,7 +388,7 @@
"dialog_title_success" = "Succès";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Réponse rapide";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Vous semblez secouer le téléphone de frustration. Voulez-vous ouvrir le formulaire de rapport de problème ?";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Help us identify issues and improve %1$@ by sharing anonymous usage data.";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ a planté la dernière fois qu'il a été utilisé. Souhaitez-vous partager un rapport de crash avec nous ?";
@ -378,6 +410,7 @@
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Sécurité";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Sujet";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_remove_action" = "Supprimer";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_title" = "Vérification annulée";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_ready" = "Démarrer";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Se déconnecter";

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"action_continue" = "Continua";
"action_copy" = "Copia";
"action_copy_link" = "Copia collegamento";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Copy link to message";
"action_create" = "Create";
"action_create_a_room" = "Crea una stanza";
"action_decline" = "Decline";
@ -22,9 +23,11 @@
"action_edit" = "Modifica";
"action_enable" = "Attiva";
"action_forgot_password" = "Forgot password?";
"action_forward" = "Forward";
"action_invite" = "Invita";
"action_invite_friends" = "Invite friends";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Invita amici a %1$@";
"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Invite people to %1$@";
"action_invites_list" = "Invites";
"action_learn_more" = "Ulteriori informazioni";
"action_leave" = "Esci";
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@
"action_no" = "No";
"action_not_now" = "Non ora";
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_with" = "Open with";
"action_quick_reply" = "Risposta rapida";
"action_quote" = "Citazione";
"action_remove" = "Rimuovi";
@ -51,13 +55,16 @@
"action_start" = "Inizia";
"action_start_chat" = "Avvia conversazione";
"action_start_verification" = "Avvia la verifica";
"action_static_map_load" = "Tap to load map";
"action_take_photo" = "Take photo";
"action_view_source" = "Vedi Sorgente";
"action_yes" = "Sì";
"common_about" = "Informazioni";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Acceptable use policy";
"common_analytics" = "Analytics";
"common_audio" = "Audio";
"common_bubbles" = "Fumetti";
"common_copyright" = "Copyright";
"common_creating_room" = "Creazione stanza…";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "Hai lasciato la stanza";
"common_decryption_error" = "Errore di decrittazione";
@ -68,6 +75,7 @@
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Crittografia abilitata";
"common_error" = "Errore";
"common_file" = "File";
"common_forward_message" = "Forward message";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Immagine";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "We cant validate this users Matrix ID. The invite might not be received.";
@ -78,11 +86,13 @@
"common_message_layout" = "Layout del messaggio";
"common_message_removed" = "Messaggio rimosso";
"common_modern" = "Moderno";
"common_mute" = "Mute";
"common_no_results" = "Nessun risultato";
"common_offline" = "Non in linea";
"common_password" = "Password";
"common_people" = "Persone";
"common_permalink" = "Collegamento permanente";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Privacy policy";
"common_reactions" = "Reazioni";
"common_replying_to" = "Risposta a %1$@";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Segnala un problema";
@ -97,15 +107,19 @@
"common_server_not_supported" = "Server non supportato";
"common_server_url" = "URL del server";
"common_settings" = "Impostazioni";
"common_shared_location" = "Shared location";
"common_starting_chat" = "Starting chat…";
"common_sticker" = "Adesivo";
"common_success" = "Operazione riuscita";
"common_suggestions" = "Suggerimenti";
"common_syncing" = "Syncing";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Third-party notices";
"common_topic" = "Oggetto";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "What is this room about?";
"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Impossibile decrittografare";
"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "We were unable to successfully send invites to one or more users.";
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Unable to send invite(s)";
"common_unmute" = "Unmute";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Evento non supportato";
"common_username" = "Nome utente";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Verifica annullata";
@ -141,9 +155,10 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Failed to send - please open room";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Join";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Reject";
"notification_invite_body" = "invited you";
"notification_invite_body" = "Invited you to chat";
"notification_new_messages" = "New Messages";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Invited you to join the room";
"notification_sender_me" = "Me";
"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "You are viewing the notification! Click me!";
"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
@ -174,15 +189,20 @@
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nuovo";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Change account provider";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Continue";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Homeserver address";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Enter a search term or a domain address.";
"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Search for a company, community, or private server.";
"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Find an account provider";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Youre about to sign in to %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Youre about to create an account on %@";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "We <b>don't</b> record or profile any account data";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Help us identify issues and improve %1$@ by sharing anonymous usage data.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "We won't record or profile any personal data";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "You can turn this off anytime in settings";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "We <b>don't</b> share information with third parties";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "You can turn this off anytime";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "We won't share your data with third parties";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Help improve %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Share analytics data";
"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Allega istantanea schermo";
@ -235,7 +255,8 @@
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Sign in with QR code";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Create account";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Communicate and collaborate securely";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Benvenuto nella beta di %1$@. Potenziato in velocità e semplicità.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Welcome to the fastest Element ever. Supercharged for speed and simplicity.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Benvenuto su %1$@. Potenziato in velocità e semplicità.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Sii nel tuo elemento";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Seleziona se vuoi nascondere tutti i messaggi attuali e futuri di questo utente";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Camera";
@ -243,6 +264,7 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Record a video";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Attachment";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Photo & Video Library";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Location";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Add topic";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Already a member";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Already invited";
@ -252,10 +274,13 @@
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "I messaggi sono protetti da lucchetti. Solo tu e i destinatari avete le chiavi univoche per sbloccarli.";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Crittografia messaggi abilitata";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Invita persone";
"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Notification";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Room name";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Condividi stanza";
"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Updating room…";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Could not retrieve user details";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Would you like to invite them back?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "You are alone in this chat";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Blocca";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Gli utenti bloccati non saranno in grado di inviarti nuovi messaggi e tutti quelli già esistenti saranno nascosti. Potrai annullare questa azione in qualsiasi momento.";
"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Blocca utente";
@ -264,6 +289,10 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Sblocca utente";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Pending";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Room members";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Message copied";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "You do not have permission to post to this room";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Crea una nuova conversazione o stanza";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Tutte le conversazioni";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Change account provider";
@ -286,6 +315,9 @@
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Corrispondono";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Accetta la richiesta di avviare il processo di verifica nell'altra sessione per continuare.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "In attesa di accettare la richiesta";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Share location";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Share my location";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Share this location";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Sei sicuro di voler uscire?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Esci";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Uscita in corso…";
@ -356,7 +388,7 @@
"dialog_title_success" = "Operazione riuscita";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Risposta rapida";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Sembra che tu stia scuotendo il telefono per la frustrazione. Vuoi aprire la schermata di segnalazione dei problemi?";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Help us identify issues and improve %1$@ by sharing anonymous usage data.";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ si è chiuso inaspettatamente l'ultima volta che è stato usato. Vuoi condividere con noi un rapporto sull'arresto anomalo?";
@ -378,6 +410,7 @@
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Sicurezza";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Oggetto";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_remove_action" = "Rimuovi";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_title" = "Verifica annullata";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_ready" = "Inizia";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Esci";

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"action_continue" = "Continuați";
"action_copy" = "Copiați";
"action_copy_link" = "Copiați linkul";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Copy link to message";
"action_create" = "Creați";
"action_create_a_room" = "Creați o cameră";
"action_decline" = "Refuzați";
@ -21,10 +22,12 @@
"action_done" = "Efectuat";
"action_edit" = "Editați";
"action_enable" = "Activați";
"action_forgot_password" = "Forgot password?";
"action_forgot_password" = "Ați uitat parola?";
"action_forward" = "Redirecționați";
"action_invite" = "Invitați";
"action_invite_friends" = "Invitați prieteni";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Invitați prieteni în %1$@";
"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Invite people to %1$@";
"action_invites_list" = "Invitații";
"action_learn_more" = "Aflați mai multe";
"action_leave" = "Părăsiți";
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@
"action_no" = "Nu";
"action_not_now" = "Nu acum";
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_with" = "Deschideți cu";
"action_quick_reply" = "Raspuns rapid";
"action_quote" = "Citat";
"action_remove" = "Ștergeți";
@ -51,13 +55,16 @@
"action_start" = "Începeți";
"action_start_chat" = "Începeți discuția";
"action_start_verification" = "Începeți verificarea";
"action_static_map_load" = "Tap to load map";
"action_take_photo" = "Faceți o fotografie";
"action_view_source" = "Vedeți sursă";
"action_yes" = "Da";
"common_about" = "Despre";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Politică de utilizare rezonabilă";
"common_analytics" = "Analitice";
"common_audio" = "Audio";
"common_bubbles" = "Baloane";
"common_copyright" = "Drepturi de autor";
"common_creating_room" = "Se creează camera…";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "Ați parăsit camera";
"common_decryption_error" = "Eroare de decriptare";
@ -68,9 +75,10 @@
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Criptare activată";
"common_error" = "Eroare";
"common_file" = "Fişier";
"common_forward_message" = "Forward message";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Imagine";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "We cant validate this users Matrix ID. The invite might not be received.";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "Nu am putut valida ID-ul Matrix al acestui utilizator. Este posibil ca invitația să nu fi fost trimisă.";
"common_leaving_room" = "Se părăsește conversația";
"common_link_copied_to_clipboard" = "Linkul a fost copiat în clipboard";
"common_loading" = "Se încarcă…";
@ -78,17 +86,19 @@
"common_message_layout" = "Aranjamentul mesajelor";
"common_message_removed" = "Mesaj sters";
"common_modern" = "Modern";
"common_mute" = "Dezactivați sunetul";
"common_no_results" = "Niciun rezultat";
"common_offline" = "Deconectat";
"common_password" = "Parola";
"common_people" = "Persoane";
"common_permalink" = "Permalink";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Politica de confidențialitate";
"common_reactions" = "Reacții";
"common_replying_to" = "Răspuns pentru %1$@";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Raportați o eroare";
"common_report_submitted" = "Raport trimis";
"common_room_name" = "Numele camerei";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "e.g. your project name";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "de exemplu, numele proiectului dvs.";
"common_search_for_someone" = "Căutați pe cineva";
"common_search_results" = "Rezultatele căutării";
"common_security" = "Securitate";
@ -97,15 +107,19 @@
"common_server_not_supported" = "Serverul nu este compatibil";
"common_server_url" = "Adresa URL a serverului";
"common_settings" = "Setări";
"common_shared_location" = "Shared location";
"common_starting_chat" = "Se începe conversația…";
"common_sticker" = "Autocolant";
"common_success" = "Succes";
"common_suggestions" = "Sugestii";
"common_syncing" = "Syncing";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Notificări despre software de la terți";
"common_topic" = "Subiect";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "What is this room about?";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "Despre ce este vorba în această cameră?";
"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Nu s-a putut decripta";
"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "Nu am putut trimite cu succes invitații unuia sau mai multor utilizatori.";
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Nu s-a putut trimite invitația (invitațiile)";
"common_unmute" = "Activați sunetul";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Eveniment neacceptat";
"common_username" = "Utilizator";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Verificare anulată";
@ -141,9 +155,10 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Trimiterea eșuată - vă rugăm să deschideți camera";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Alăturați-vă";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Respingeți";
"notification_invite_body" = "invited you";
"notification_invite_body" = "v-a invitat.";
"notification_new_messages" = "Mesaje noi";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Marcați ca citit";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Invited you to join the room";
"notification_sender_me" = "Eu";
"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "Vizualizați o notificare! Faceți clic pe mine!";
"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
@ -172,13 +187,18 @@
"room_timeline_beginning_of_room" = "Acesta este începutul conversației %1$@.";
"room_timeline_beginning_of_room_no_name" = "Acesta este începutul acestei conversații.";
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nou";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Change account provider";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Continue";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Youre about to sign in to %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Youre about to create an account on %@";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Schimbați furnizorul contului";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Continuați";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresa Homeserver-ului";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Introduceţi un termen de căutare sau o adresă de domeniu.";
"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Căutați o companie, o comunitate sau un server privat.";
"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Găsiți un furnizor de cont";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Sunteți pe cale să vă conectați la %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "Aici vor trăi conversațiile - la fel cum ați folosi un furnizor de e-mail pentru a vă păstra e-mailurile.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Sunteți pe cale să creați un cont pe %@";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "<b>Nu</b> înregistrăm sau profilăm datele contului";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Ajutați-ne să identificăm problemele și să îmbunătățim %1$@ prin partajarea datelor de utilizare anonime.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Puteți citi toate condițiile noastre %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "aici";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Puteți dezactiva această opțiune oricând din setări";
@ -195,18 +215,18 @@
"screen_bug_report_include_logs" = "Trimiteți log-uri pentru a ajuta";
"screen_bug_report_include_screenshot" = "Trimiteți captură de ecran";
"screen_bug_report_logs_description" = "Pentru a verifica că lucrurile funcționează conform așteptărilor, log-uri vor fi trimise împreună cu mesajul. Acestea vor fi private. Pentru a trimite doar mesajul, dezactivați această setare.";
"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = " is an open network for secure, decentralized communication.";
"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Other";
"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Use a different account provider, such as your own private server or a work account.";
"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Change account provider";
"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = " este o rețea deschisă pentru o comunicare sigură și descentralizată.";
"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Altul";
"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Utilizați un alt furnizor de cont, cum ar fi propriul server privat sau un cont de serviciu.";
"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Schimbați furnizorul contului";
"screen_change_server_error_invalid_homeserver" = "Nu am putut accesa acest homeserver. Te rugăm să verifici că ai introdus corect adresa URL a homeserver-ului. Dacă adresa URL este corectă, contactează administratorul homeserver-ului pentru ajutor suplimentar.";
"screen_change_server_error_no_sliding_sync_message" = "Momentan acest server nu oferă suport pentru sliding sync.";
"screen_change_server_form_header" = "Adresa URL a homeserver-ului";
"screen_change_server_form_notice" = "Vă putețo conecta numai la un server existent care oferă suport pentru sliding sync. Administratorul homeserver-ului dumneavoastră va trebui să îl configureze. %1$@";
"screen_change_server_subtitle" = "Care este adresa serverului dumneavoastră?";
"screen_create_room_action_create_room" = "Cameră nouă";
"screen_create_room_action_invite_people" = "Invitați persoane";
"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Adaugați persoane";
"screen_create_room_action_invite_people" = "Invitați prieteni în Element";
"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Invitați persoane";
"screen_create_room_error_creating_room" = "A apărut o eroare la crearea camerei";
"screen_create_room_private_option_description" = "Mesajele din această cameră sunt criptate. Criptarea nu poate fi dezactivată ulterior.";
"screen_create_room_private_option_title" = "Cameră privată (doar pe bază de invitație)";
@ -227,15 +247,16 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Introduceți detaliile";
"screen_login_server_header" = "Locul unde trăiesc conversațiile tale";
"screen_login_title" = "Bine ați revenit!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Sign in to %1$@";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Conectați-vă la %1$@";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Selectarea fișierelor media a eșuat, încercați din nou.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Procesarea datelor media a eșuat, vă rugăm să încercați din nou.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Încărcarea fișierelor media a eșuat, încercați din nou.";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_manually" = "Sign in manually";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Sign in with QR code";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Create account";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Communicate and collaborate securely";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Bun venit la versiunea beta a %1$@. Supraalimentat, pentru viteză și simplitate.";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_manually" = "Conectați-vă manual";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Conectați-vă cu un cod QR";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Creați un cont";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Comunicați și colaborați în siguranță";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Welcome to the fastest Element ever. Supercharged for speed and simplicity.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Bun venit în %1$@. Supraalimentat, pentru viteză și simplitate.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Fii în Elementul tău";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Confirmați că doriți să ascundeți toate mesajele curente și viitoare de la acest utilizator";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Cameră foto";
@ -243,19 +264,23 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Înregistrați un videoclip";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Atașament";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Bibliotecă foto și video";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Location";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Adăugare subiect";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Deja membru";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Deja invitat";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Edit Room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Editați camera";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "A apărut o eroare la actualizarea detaliilor camerei";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Unable to update room";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Nu s-a putut actualiza camera";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "Mesajele sunt securizate cu încuietori. Doar dumneavoastră și destinatarii aveți cheile unice pentru a le debloca.";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Criptarea mesajelor este activată";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Invitați persoane";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Room name";
"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Notification";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Numele camerei";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Partajați camera";
"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Se actualizează camera…";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Could not retrieve user details";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Nu am putut găsi detaliile utilizatorului";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Would you like to invite them back?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "You are alone in this chat";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Blocați";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Utilizatorii blocați nu vă vor putea trimite mesaje și toate mesajele lor vor fi ascunse. Puteți anula această acțiune oricând.";
"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Blocați utilizatorul";
@ -264,14 +289,18 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Deblocați utilizatorul";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "În așteptare";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Membrii camerei";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Message copied";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "You do not have permission to post to this room";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Creați o conversație sau o cameră nouă";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Toate conversatiile";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Change account provider";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_element_dot_io" = "A private server for Element employees.";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_matrix_dot_org" = "Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralised communication.";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_register" = "This is where your conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_server_confirmation_title_login" = "Youre about to sign in to %1$@";
"screen_server_confirmation_title_register" = "Youre about to create an account on %1$@";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Schimbați furnizorul contului";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_element_dot_io" = "Un server privat pentru angajații Element.";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_matrix_dot_org" = "Matrix este o rețea deschisă pentru o comunicare sigură și descentralizată.";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_register" = "Aici vor trăi conversațiile dvs. - la fel cum ați folosi un furnizor de e-mail pentru a vă păstra e-mailurile.";
"screen_server_confirmation_title_login" = "Sunteți pe cale să vă conectați la %1$@";
"screen_server_confirmation_title_register" = "Sunteți pe cale să creați un cont pe %1$@";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_subtitle" = "Ceva nu este în regulă. Fie cererea a expirat, fie a fost respinsă.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_subtitle" = "Confirmați că emoticoanele de mai jos se potrivesc cu cele afișate în cealaltă sesiune.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Comparați emoticoanele";
@ -286,6 +315,9 @@
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Se potrivesc";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Acceptați solicitarea de a începe procesul de verificare în cealaltă sesiune pentru a continua.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Se așteptă acceptarea cererii";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Share location";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Share my location";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Share this location";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Sunteți sigur că vreți să vă deconectați?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Deconectați-vă";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Deconectare în curs…";
@ -356,7 +388,7 @@
"dialog_title_success" = "Succes";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Raspuns rapid";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Se pare că scuturați telefonul de frustrare. Doriți să deschdeți ecranul de raportare a unei erori?";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Ajutați-ne să identificăm problemele și să îmbunătățim %1$@ prin partajarea datelor de utilizare anonime.";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "Puteți citi toate condițiile noastre %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "aici";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ s-a blocat ultima dată când a fost folosit. Doriți să ne trimiteți un raport?";
@ -378,6 +410,7 @@
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Securitate";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Subiect";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Procesarea datelor media a eșuat, vă rugăm să încercați din nou.";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_remove_action" = "Ștergeți";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_title" = "Verificare anulată";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_ready" = "Începeți";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Deconectați-vă";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
"Notification" = "Oznámenie";
"a11y_hide_password" = "Skryť heslo";
"a11y_send_files" = "Odoslať súbory";
"a11y_show_password" = "Zobraziť heslo";
"a11y_user_menu" = "Používateľské menu";
"action_accept" = "Prijať";
"action_back" = "Späť";
"action_cancel" = "Zrušiť";
"action_choose_photo" = "Vybrať fotku";
"action_clear" = "Vyčistiť";
"action_close" = "Zavrieť";
"action_complete_verification" = "Dokončiť overenie";
"action_confirm" = "Potvrdiť";
"action_continue" = "Pokračovať";
"action_copy" = "Kopírovať";
"action_copy_link" = "Kopírovať odkaz";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Kopírovať odkaz do správy";
"action_create" = "Vytvoriť";
"action_create_a_room" = "Vytvoriť miestnosť";
"action_decline" = "Odmietnuť";
"action_disable" = "Vypnúť";
"action_done" = "Hotovo";
"action_edit" = "Upraviť";
"action_enable" = "Povoliť";
"action_forgot_password" = "Zabudnuté heslo?";
"action_forward" = "Forward";
"action_invite" = "Pozvať";
"action_invite_friends" = "Pozvať priateľov";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Pozvať priateľov do %1$@";
"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Pozvať ľudí do %1$@";
"action_invites_list" = "Pozvánky";
"action_learn_more" = "Zistiť viac";
"action_leave" = "Opustiť";
"action_leave_room" = "Opustiť miestnosť";
"action_next" = "Ďalej";
"action_no" = "Nie";
"action_not_now" = "Teraz nie";
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_with" = "Otvoriť pomocou";
"action_quick_reply" = "Rýchla odpoveď";
"action_quote" = "Citovať";
"action_remove" = "Odstrániť";
"action_reply" = "Odpovedať";
"action_report_bug" = "Nahlásiť chybu";
"action_report_content" = "Nahlásiť obsah";
"action_retry" = "Skúsiť znova";
"action_retry_decryption" = "Opakovať dešifrovanie";
"action_save" = "Uložiť";
"action_search" = "Hľadať";
"action_send" = "Odoslať";
"action_send_message" = "Odoslať správu";
"action_share" = "Zdieľať";
"action_share_link" = "Zdieľať odkaz";
"action_skip" = "Preskočiť";
"action_start" = "Spustiť";
"action_start_chat" = "Začať konverzáciu";
"action_start_verification" = "Spustiť overovanie";
"action_static_map_load" = "Ťuknutím načítate mapu";
"action_take_photo" = "Urobiť fotku";
"action_view_source" = "Zobraziť zdroj";
"action_yes" = "Áno";
"common_about" = "O aplikácii";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Acceptable use policy";
"common_analytics" = "Analytika";
"common_audio" = "Zvuk";
"common_bubbles" = "Bubliny";
"common_copyright" = "Autorské práva";
"common_creating_room" = "Vytváranie miestnosti...";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "Opustil/a miestnosť";
"common_decryption_error" = "Chyba dešifrovania";
"common_developer_options" = "Možnosti pre vývojárov";
"common_edited_suffix" = "(upravené)";
"common_editing" = "Upravuje sa";
"common_emote" = "* %1$@ %2$@";
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Šifrovanie zapnuté";
"common_error" = "Chyba";
"common_file" = "Súbor";
"common_forward_message" = "Preposlať správu";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Obrázok";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "Nedokážeme overiť Matrix ID tohto používateľa. Pozvánka nemusí byť prijatá.";
"common_leaving_room" = "Leaving room";
"common_link_copied_to_clipboard" = "Odkaz bol skopírovaný do schránky";
"common_loading" = "Načítava sa…";
"common_message" = "Správa";
"common_message_layout" = "Rozloženie správy";
"common_message_removed" = "Správa odstránená";
"common_modern" = "Moderné";
"common_mute" = "Mute";
"common_no_results" = "Žiadne výsledky";
"common_offline" = "Offline";
"common_password" = "Heslo";
"common_people" = "Ľudia";
"common_permalink" = "Trvalý odkaz";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Privacy policy";
"common_reactions" = "Reakcie";
"common_replying_to" = "Replying to %1$@";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Nahlásiť chybu";
"common_report_submitted" = "Nahlásenie bolo odoslané";
"common_room_name" = "Názov miestnosti";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "e.g. your project name";
"common_search_for_someone" = "Search for someone";
"common_search_results" = "Výsledky hľadania";
"common_security" = "Bezpečnosť";
"common_select_your_server" = "Vyberte svoj server";
"common_sending" = "Odosiela sa…";
"common_server_not_supported" = "Server nie je podporovaný";
"common_server_url" = "URL adresa servera";
"common_settings" = "Nastavenia";
"common_shared_location" = "Zdieľaná poloha";
"common_starting_chat" = "Starting chat…";
"common_sticker" = "Nálepka";
"common_success" = "Úspech";
"common_suggestions" = "Návrhy";
"common_syncing" = "Synchronizuje sa";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Third-party notices";
"common_topic" = "Téma";
"common_topic_placeholder" = "O čom je táto miestnosť?";
"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Nie je možné dešifrovať";
"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "We were unable to successfully send invites to one or more users.";
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Unable to send invite(s)";
"common_unmute" = "Unmute";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Nepodporovaná udalosť";
"common_username" = "Používateľské meno";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Overovanie zrušené";
"common_verification_complete" = "Overovanie je dokončené";
"common_video" = "Video";
"common_waiting" = "Čaká sa…";
"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ crashed the last time it was used. Would you like to share a crash report with us?";
"dialog_title_confirmation" = "Potvrdenie";
"dialog_title_warning" = "Upozornenie";
"emoji_picker_category_activity" = "Aktivity";
"emoji_picker_category_flags" = "Vlajky";
"emoji_picker_category_foods" = "Jedlo a nápoje";
"emoji_picker_category_nature" = "Zvieratá a príroda";
"emoji_picker_category_objects" = "Predmety";
"emoji_picker_category_people" = "Smajlíky a ľudia";
"emoji_picker_category_places" = "Cestovanie a miesta";
"emoji_picker_category_symbols" = "Symboly";
"error_failed_creating_the_permalink" = "Failed creating the permalink";
"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Načítanie správ zlyhalo";
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No compatible app was found to handle this action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Niektoré správy neboli odoslané";
"error_unknown" = "Prepáčte, vyskytla sa chyba";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Pripojte sa ku mne na %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Ahoj, porozprávajte sa so mnou na %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_room_alert_empty_subtitle" = "Ste si istí, že chcete opustiť túto miestnosť? Ste tu jediná osoba. Ak odídete, nikto sa do nej nebude môcť v budúcnosti pripojiť, vrátane vás.";
"leave_room_alert_private_subtitle" = "Ste si istí, že chcete opustiť túto miestnosť? Táto miestnosť nie je verejná a bez pozvania sa do nej nebudete môcť vrátiť.";
"leave_room_alert_subtitle" = "Ste si istí, že chcete opustiť miestnosť?";
"login_initial_device_name_ios" = "%1$@ iOS";
"notification_channel_call" = "Zavolať";
"notification_channel_listening_for_events" = "Listening for events";
"notification_channel_noisy" = "Noisy notifications";
"notification_channel_silent" = "Tiché oznámenia";
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Nepodarilo sa odoslať - prosím otvorte miestnosť";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Pripojiť sa";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Zamietnuť";
"notification_invite_body" = "Invited you to chat";
"notification_new_messages" = "Nové správy";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Označiť ako prečítané";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Invited you to join the room";
"notification_sender_me" = "Me";
"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "Prezeráte si oznámenie! Kliknite na mňa!";
"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
"notification_ticker_text_group" = "%1$@: %2$@ %3$@";
"notification_unread_notified_messages_and_invitation" = "%1$@ a %2$@";
"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room" = "%1$@ v %2$@";
"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_and_invitation" = "%1$@ v %2$@ a %3$@";
"preference_rageshake" = "Zúrivo potriasť pre nahlásenie chyby";
"rageshake_dialog_content" = "Zdá sa, že zúrivo trasiete telefónom. Chcete otvoriť obrazovku s nahlásením chýb?";
"report_content_explanation" = "This message will be reported to your homeservers administrator. They will not be able to read any encrypted messages.";
"report_content_hint" = "Reason for reporting this content";
"rich_text_editor_bullet_list" = "Toggle bullet list";
"rich_text_editor_code_block" = "Toggle code block";
"rich_text_editor_composer_placeholder" = "Správa…";
"rich_text_editor_format_bold" = "Použiť tučný formát";
"rich_text_editor_format_italic" = "Použiť formát kurzívy";
"rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough" = "Použiť formát prečiarknutia";
"rich_text_editor_format_underline" = "Použiť formát podčiarknutia";
"rich_text_editor_full_screen_toggle" = "Toggle full screen mode";
"rich_text_editor_indent" = "Indent";
"rich_text_editor_inline_code" = "Apply inline code format";
"rich_text_editor_link" = "Nastaviť odkaz";
"rich_text_editor_numbered_list" = "Toggle numbered list";
"rich_text_editor_quote" = "Toggle quote";
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Unindent";
"room_timeline_beginning_of_room" = "Toto je začiatok %1$@.";
"room_timeline_beginning_of_room_no_name" = "Toto je začiatok tejto konverzácie.";
"room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nové";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Change account provider";
"screen_account_provider_continue" = "Pokračovať";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresa domovského servera";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Enter a search term or a domain address.";
"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Search for a company, community, or private server.";
"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Find an account provider";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Youre about to sign in to %@";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "This is where you conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Youre about to create an account on %@";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Nezaznamenávame ani neprofilujeme žiadne osobné údaje";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Môžete to kedykoľvek vypnúť";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "Vaše údaje nebudeme zdieľať s tretími stranami";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Pomôžte zlepšiť %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Share analytics data";
"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Priložiť snímku obrazovky";
"screen_bug_report_contact_me" = "You may contact me if you have any follow up questions";
"screen_bug_report_edit_screenshot" = "Upraviť snímku obrazovky";
"screen_bug_report_editor_description" = "Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened. Please go into as much detail as you can.";
"screen_bug_report_editor_placeholder" = "Popíšte chybu...";
"screen_bug_report_editor_supporting" = "Ak je to možné, napíšte popis v angličtine.";
"screen_bug_report_include_crash_logs" = "Send crash logs";
"screen_bug_report_include_logs" = "Send logs to help";
"screen_bug_report_include_screenshot" = "Odoslať snímku obrazovky";
"screen_bug_report_logs_description" = "To check things work as intended, logs will be sent with your message. These will be private. To just send your message, turn off this setting.";
"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = " is an open network for secure, decentralized communication.";
"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Other";
"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Use a different account provider, such as your own private server or a work account.";
"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Change account provider";
"screen_change_server_error_invalid_homeserver" = "We couldn't reach this homeserver. Please check that you have entered the homeserver URL correctly. If the URL is correct, contact your homeserver administrator for further help.";
"screen_change_server_error_no_sliding_sync_message" = "This server currently doesnt support sliding sync.";
"screen_change_server_form_header" = "Adresa URL domovského servera";
"screen_change_server_form_notice" = "You can only connect to an existing server that supports sliding sync. Your homeserver admin will need to configure it. %1$@";
"screen_change_server_subtitle" = "Aká je adresa vášho servera?";
"screen_create_room_action_create_room" = "Nová miestnosť";
"screen_create_room_action_invite_people" = "Pozvať priateľov na Element";
"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Pozvať ľudí";
"screen_create_room_error_creating_room" = "Pri vytváraní miestnosti došlo k chybe";
"screen_create_room_private_option_description" = "Správy v tejto miestnosti sú šifrované. Šifrovanie už potom nie je možné vypnúť.";
"screen_create_room_private_option_title" = "Súkromná miestnosť (len pre pozvaných)";
"screen_create_room_public_option_description" = "Správy nie sú šifrované a môže si ich prečítať ktokoľvek. Šifrovanie môžete zapnúť neskôr.";
"screen_create_room_public_option_title" = "Verejná miestnosť (ktokoľvek)";
"screen_create_room_room_name_label" = "Názov miestnosti";
"screen_create_room_topic_label" = "Téma (voliteľné)";
"screen_invites_decline_chat_message" = "Are you sure you want to decline joining %1$@?";
"screen_invites_decline_chat_title" = "Odmietnuť pozvanie";
"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_message" = "Are you sure you want to decline to chat with %1$@?";
"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Decline chat";
"screen_invites_empty_list" = "Žiadne pozvánky";
"screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) vás pozval/a";
"screen_login_error_deactivated_account" = "Tento účet bol deaktivovaný.";
"screen_login_error_invalid_credentials" = "Nesprávne používateľské meno a/alebo heslo";
"screen_login_error_invalid_user_id" = "This is not a valid user identifier. Expected format:";
"screen_login_error_unsupported_authentication" = "The selected homeserver doesn't support password or OIDC login. Please contact your admin or choose another homeserver.";
"screen_login_form_header" = "Zadajte svoje údaje";
"screen_login_server_header" = "Kde žijú vaše rozhovory";
"screen_login_title" = "Vitajte späť!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Prihlásiť sa do %1$@";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Failed selecting media, please try again.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Failed uploading media, please try again.";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_manually" = "Sign in manually";
"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Sign in with QR code";
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Vytvoriť účet";
"screen_onboarding_subtitle" = "Communicate and collaborate securely";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Welcome to the fastest Element ever. Supercharged for speed and simplicity.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Welcome to %1$@. Supercharged, for speed and simplicity.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Be in your element";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Check if you want to hide all current and future messages from this user";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Kamera";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_photo" = "Odfotiť";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Nahrať video";
"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Príloha";
"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Knižnica fotografií a videí";
"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Poloha";
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Pridať tému";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Already a member";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Already invited";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Upraviť miestnosť";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Nepodarilo sa nám aktualizovať všetky informácie o tejto miestnosti.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Nepodarilo sa aktualizovať miestnosť";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "Messages are secured with locks. Only you and the recipients have the unique keys to unlock them.";
"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Šifrovanie správ je zapnuté";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Pozvať ľudí";
"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Oznámenie";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Názov miestnosti";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Zdieľať miestnosť";
"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Aktualizácia miestnosti...";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Could not retrieve user details";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Would you like to invite them back?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "You are alone in this chat";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Zablokovať";
"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Blocked users will not be able to send you messages and all message by them will be hidden. You can reverse this action anytime.";
"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Zablokovať používateľa";
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Odblokovať";
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_description" = "On unblocking the user, you will be able to see all messages by them again.";
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Odblokovať používateľa";
"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Čaká sa";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Členovia miestnosti";
"screen_room_message_copied" = "Message copied";
"screen_room_no_permission_to_post" = "You do not have permission to post to this room";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Odoslať znova";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Vytvorte novú konverzáciu alebo miestnosť";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Všetky konverzácie";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Zmeniť poskytovateľa účtu";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_element_dot_io" = "Súkromný server pre zamestnancov spoločnosti Element.";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_matrix_dot_org" = "Matrix je otvorená sieť pre bezpečnú a decentralizovanú komunikáciu.";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_register" = "This is where your conversations will live — just like you would use an email provider to keep your emails.";
"screen_server_confirmation_title_login" = "Chystáte sa prihlásiť do %1$@";
"screen_server_confirmation_title_register" = "Chystáte sa vytvoriť účet na %1$@";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_subtitle" = "Zdá sa, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Časový limit žiadosti vypršal alebo bola žiadosť zamietnutá.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_subtitle" = "Skontrolujte, či sa emotikony uvedené nižšie zhodujú s emotikonmi zobrazenými vo vašej druhej relácii.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Porovnajte emotikony";
"screen_session_verification_complete_subtitle" = "Vaša nová relácia je teraz overená. Má prístup k vašim zašifrovaným správam a ostatní používatelia ju budú vidieť ako dôveryhodnú.";
"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_subtitle" = "Dokážte, že ste to vy, aby ste získali prístup k histórii vašich zašifrovaných správ.";
"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_title" = "Otvoriť existujúcu reláciu";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_canceled" = "Zopakovať overenie";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_initial" = "Som pripravený/á";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "Čaká sa na zhodu";
"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Porovnajte jedinečné emotikony a uistite sa, že sú zobrazené v rovnakom poradí.";
"screen_session_verification_they_dont_match" = "Nezhodujú sa";
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Zhodujú sa";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Ak chcete pokračovať, prijmite žiadosť o spustenie procesu overenia vo vašej druhej relácii.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Čaká sa na prijatie žiadosti";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Zdieľať polohu";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Zdieľať moju polohu";
"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Zdieľajte túto polohu";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Ste si istí, že sa chcete odhlásiť?";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Odhlásiť sa";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Prebieha odhlasovanie…";
"screen_start_chat_error_starting_chat" = "An error occurred when trying to start a chat";
"session_verification_banner_message" = "Vyzerá to tak, že používate nové zariadenie. Overte, či ste to vy, aby ste mali prístup k zašifrovaným správam.";
"session_verification_banner_title" = "Získajte prístup k histórii vašich správ";
"settings_rageshake" = "Zúrivé potrasenie";
"settings_rageshake_detection_threshold" = "Prahová hodnota detekcie";
"settings_title_general" = "Všeobecné";
"settings_version_number" = "Verzia: %1$@ (%2$@)";
"state_event_avatar_changed_too" = "(obrázok bol tiež zmenený)";
"state_event_avatar_url_changed" = "%1$@ zmenili svoj obrázok";
"state_event_avatar_url_changed_by_you" = "Zmenili ste svoj obrázok";
"state_event_display_name_changed_from" = "%1$@ zmenili svoje zobrazované meno z %2$@ na %3$@";
"state_event_display_name_changed_from_by_you" = "Zmenili ste si zobrazované meno z %1$@ na %2$@";
"state_event_display_name_removed" = "%1$@ odstránili svoje zobrazované meno (predtým bolo %2$@)";
"state_event_display_name_removed_by_you" = "Odstránili ste svoje zobrazované meno (predtým bolo %1$@)";
"state_event_display_name_set" = "%1$@ nastavili svoje zobrazované meno na %2$@";
"state_event_display_name_set_by_you" = "Svoje zobrazované meno ste nastavili na %1$@";
"state_event_room_avatar_changed" = "%1$@ zmenil/a obrázok miestnosti";
"state_event_room_avatar_changed_by_you" = "Zmenili ste obrázok miestnosti";
"state_event_room_avatar_removed" = "%1$@ odstránil/a obrázok miestnosti";
"state_event_room_avatar_removed_by_you" = "Odstránili ste obrázok miestnosti";
"state_event_room_ban" = "%1$@ zakázal/a používateľa %2$@";
"state_event_room_ban_by_you" = "Zakázali ste používateľa %1$@";
"state_event_room_created" = "%1$@ vytvoril/a miestnosť";
"state_event_room_created_by_you" = "Vytvorili ste miestnosť";
"state_event_room_invite" = "%1$@ pozval/a používateľa %2$@";
"state_event_room_invite_accepted" = "%1$@ prijal/a pozvanie";
"state_event_room_invite_accepted_by_you" = "Prijali ste pozvánku";
"state_event_room_invite_by_you" = "Pozvali ste používateľa %1$@";
"state_event_room_invite_you" = "%1$@ vás pozval/a";
"state_event_room_join" = "%1$@ sa pripojil/a do miestnosti";
"state_event_room_join_by_you" = "Vstúpili ste do miestnosti";
"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ požiadal o pripojenie";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ umožnil/a používateľovi %2$@ pripojiť sa";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted_by_you" = "%1$@ vám umožnil/a pripojiť sa";
"state_event_room_knock_by_you" = "Požiadali ste o pripojenie";
"state_event_room_knock_denied" = "%1$@ rejected %2$@'s request to join";
"state_event_room_knock_denied_by_you" = "You rejected %1$@'s request to join";
"state_event_room_knock_denied_you" = "%1$@ rejected your request to join";
"state_event_room_knock_retracted" = "%1$@ is no longer interested in joining";
"state_event_room_knock_retracted_by_you" = "Zrušili ste svoju žiadosť o pripojenie";
"state_event_room_leave" = "%1$@ opustil/a miestnosť";
"state_event_room_leave_by_you" = "Opustili ste miestnosť";
"state_event_room_name_changed" = "%1$@ zmenil/a názov miestnosti na: %2$@";
"state_event_room_name_changed_by_you" = "Zmenili ste názov miestnosti na: %1$@";
"state_event_room_name_removed" = "%1$@ odstránil/a názov miestnosti";
"state_event_room_name_removed_by_you" = "Odstránili ste názov miestnosti";
"state_event_room_reject" = "%1$@ odmietol/a pozvánku";
"state_event_room_reject_by_you" = "Odmietli ste pozvánku";
"state_event_room_remove" = "%1$@ odstránil/a %2$@";
"state_event_room_remove_by_you" = "Odstránili ste %1$@";
"state_event_room_third_party_invite" = "%1$@ poslal/a pozvánku používateľovi %2$@, aby sa pripojil k miestnosti";
"state_event_room_third_party_invite_by_you" = "Poslali ste pozvánku používateľovi %1$@, aby sa pripojil do miestnosti";
"state_event_room_third_party_revoked_invite" = "%1$@ revoked the invitation for %2$@ to join the room";
"state_event_room_third_party_revoked_invite_by_you" = "You revoked the invitation for %1$@ to join the room";
"state_event_room_topic_changed" = "%1$@ zmenil/a tému na: %2$@";
"state_event_room_topic_changed_by_you" = "Zmenili ste tému na: %1$@";
"state_event_room_topic_removed" = "%1$@ odstránil/a tému miestnosti";
"state_event_room_topic_removed_by_you" = "Odstránili ste tému miestnosti";
"state_event_room_unban" = "%1$@ zrušil/a zákaz pre %2$@";
"state_event_room_unban_by_you" = "Zrušili ste zákaz pre %1$@";
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ made an unknown change to their membership";
"test_language_identifier" = "sk";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"dialog_title_error" = "Chyba";
"dialog_title_success" = "Úspech";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Rýchla odpoveď";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Zdá sa, že zúrivo trasiete telefónom. Chcete otvoriť obrazovku s nahlásením chýb?";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Share anonymous usage data to help us identify issues.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "You can read all our terms %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "here";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ crashed the last time it was used. Would you like to share a crash report with us?";
"screen_change_server_submit" = "Pokračovať";
"screen_change_server_title" = "Vyberte svoj server";
"screen_create_room_title" = "Vytvoriť miestnosť";
"screen_dm_details_block_alert_action" = "Zablokovať";
"screen_dm_details_block_alert_description" = "Blocked users will not be able to send you messages and all message by them will be hidden. You can reverse this action anytime.";
"screen_dm_details_block_user" = "Zablokovať používateľa";
"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Odblokovať";
"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_description" = "On unblocking the user, you will be able to see all messages by them again.";
"screen_dm_details_unblock_user" = "Odblokovať používateľa";
"screen_login_password_hint" = "Heslo";
"screen_login_submit" = "Pokračovať";
"screen_login_username_hint" = "Používateľské meno";
"screen_report_content_block_user" = "Zablokovať používateľa";
"screen_room_details_leave_room_title" = "Opustiť miestnosť";
"screen_room_details_people_title" = "Ľudia";
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Bezpečnosť";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Téma";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_remove_action" = "Odstrániť";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_title" = "Overovanie zrušené";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_ready" = "Spustiť";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Odhlásiť sa";
"screen_signout_preference_item" = "Odhlásiť sa";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%1$d člen</string>
<string>%1$d členovia</string>
<string>%1$d členov</string>
<string>%1$@: %2$d správa</string>
<string>%1$@: %2$d správy</string>
<string>%1$@: %2$d správ</string>
<string>%d oznámenie</string>
<string>%d oznámenia</string>
<string>%d oznámení</string>
<string>%d pozvánka</string>
<string>%d pozvánky</string>
<string>%d pozvánok</string>
<string>%d nová správa</string>
<string>%d nové správy</string>
<string>%d nových správ</string>
<string>%d neprečítaná oznámená správa</string>
<string>%d neprečítané oznámené správy</string>
<string>%d neprečítaných oznámených správ</string>
<string>%d miestnosť</string>
<string>%d miestnosti</string>
<string>%d miestností</string>
<string>%1$d zmena miestnosti</string>
<string>%1$d zmeny miestnosti</string>
<string>%1$d zmien miestnosti</string>
<string>1 osoba</string>
<string>%1$d ľudia</string>
<string>%1$d ľudí</string>

View File

@ -668,6 +668,8 @@ public enum L10n {
public static var screenRoomAttachmentSourceFiles: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_attachment_source_files") }
/// Photo & Video Library
public static var screenRoomAttachmentSourceGallery: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_attachment_source_gallery") }
/// Location
public static var screenRoomAttachmentSourceLocation: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_attachment_source_location") }
/// Add topic
public static var screenRoomDetailsAddTopicTitle: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_details_add_topic_title") }
/// Already a member
@ -730,6 +732,8 @@ public enum L10n {
public static var screenRoomMemberListPendingHeaderTitle: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title") }
/// Room members
public static var screenRoomMemberListRoomMembersHeaderTitle: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title") }
/// Message copied
public static var screenRoomMessageCopied: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_message_copied") }
/// You do not have permission to post to this room
public static var screenRoomNoPermissionToPost: String { return"Localizable", "screen_room_no_permission_to_post") }
/// Remove
@ -790,6 +794,12 @@ public enum L10n {
public static var screenSessionVerificationWaitingToAcceptSubtitle: String { return"Localizable", "screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle") }
/// Waiting to accept request
public static var screenSessionVerificationWaitingToAcceptTitle: String { return"Localizable", "screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title") }
/// Share location
public static var screenShareLocationTitle: String { return"Localizable", "screen_share_location_title") }
/// Share my location
public static var screenShareMyLocationAction: String { return"Localizable", "screen_share_my_location_action") }
/// Share this location
public static var screenShareThisLocationAction: String { return"Localizable", "screen_share_this_location_action") }
/// Are you sure you want to sign out?
public static var screenSignoutConfirmationDialogContent: String { return"Localizable", "screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content") }
/// Sign out