mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:39:12 +00:00
Translations update
This commit is contained in:
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Не знойдзена сумяшчальная праграма для выканання гэтага дзеяння.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Некаторыя паведамленні не былі адпраўлены";
"error_unknown" = "На жаль, адбылася памылка";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Каб не прапусціць важны званок, зменіце налады, каб дазволіць поўнаэкранныя апавяшчэнні, калі тэлефон заблакіраваны.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Палепшыце якасць званкоў";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Далучайцеся да мяне %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Гэй, пагавары са мной у %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Вы ўпэўнены, што хочаце пакінуць гэту размову? Гэта размова не з'яўляецца публічнай, і вы не зможаце далучыцца зноў без запрашэння.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Ваш хатні сервер не падтрымлівае гэту опцыю ў зашыфраваных пакоях, вы не атрымаеце апавяшчэнне ў гэтым пакоі.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Усе паведамленні";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "У гэтым пакоі паведаміце мяне пра";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Адправіць зноў";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Не ўдалося адправіць ваша паведамленне";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Адміністратары";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Змяніць маю роль";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No compatible app was found to handle this action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Some messages have not been sent";
"error_unknown" = "Sorry, an error occurred";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Присъединете се към мен в %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Хей, говорете с мен в %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this conversation? This conversation is not public and you won't be able to rejoin without an invite.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Всички съобщения";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "В тази стая, да бъда известяван за";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Admins";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Change my role";
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"action_quick_reply" = "Rychlá odpověď";
"action_quote" = "Citovat";
"action_react" = "Reagovat";
"action_reject" = "Reject";
"action_reject" = "Odmítnout";
"action_remove" = "Odstranit";
"action_reply" = "Odpovědět";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Odpovědět ve vlákně";
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
"common_voice_message" = "Hlasová zpráva";
"common_waiting" = "Čekání...";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Čekání na dešifrovací klíč";
"common.send_to" = "Send to";
"common.send_to" = "Odeslat do";
"common_no_room_name" = "Žádný název místnosti";
"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Opravdu chcete ukončit toto hlasování?";
"common_poll_summary" = "Hlasování: %1$@";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nebyla nalezena žádná kompatibilní aplikace, která by tuto akci zpracovala.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Některé zprávy nebyly odeslány";
"error_unknown" = "Omlouváme se, došlo k chybě";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Abyste nikdy nezmeškali důležitý hovor, změňte nastavení tak, abyste povolili oznámení na celé obrazovce, když je telefon uzamčen.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Vylepšete si zážitek z volání";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Připojte se ke mně na %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Ahoj, ozvi se mi na %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Opravdu chcete opustit tuto konverzaci? Tato konverzace není veřejná a bez pozvánky se k ní nebudete moci znovu připojit.";
@ -262,7 +264,7 @@
"notification_channel_noisy" = "Hlasitá oznámení";
"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Vyzvánění hovorů";
"notification_channel_silent" = "Tichá oznámení";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Incoming call";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Příchozí hovor";
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Nepodařilo se odeslat - otevřete prosím místnost";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Odmítnout";
"notification_invite_body" = "Vás pozval(a) do chatu";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Váš domovský server tuto možnost nepodporuje v šifrovaných místnostech, v této místnosti nebudete dostávat upozornění.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Všechny zprávy";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "V této místnosti mě upozornit na";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Odeslat znovu";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Vaši zprávu se nepodařilo odeslat";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Správci";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Změnit moji roli";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Für diese Aktion wurde keine kompatible App gefunden.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Einige Nachrichten wurden nicht gesendet";
"error_unknown" = "Entschuldigung, es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Begleite mich auf %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hey, sprich mit mir auf %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Unterhaltung verlassen willst? Diese Unterhaltung ist nicht öffentlich und du kannst ihr ohne Einladung nicht wieder beitreten.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Dein Homeserver unterstützt diese Option in verschlüsselten Chats nicht. Du wirst in diesem Chat nicht benachrichtigt.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Alle Nachrichten";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "Benachrichtige mich bei";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Erneut senden";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Deine Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Administratoren";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Ändere meine Rolle";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No compatible app was found to handle this action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Some messages have not been sent";
"error_unknown" = "Sorry, an error occurred";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Join me on %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hey, talk to me on %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this conversation? This conversation is not public and you won't be able to rejoin without an invite.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "All messages";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "In this room, notify me for";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Admins";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Change my role";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No se encontró ninguna aplicación compatible con esta acción.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Algunos mensajes no se han enviado";
"error_unknown" = "Lo siento, se ha producido un error";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Únete a mí en %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hola, puedes hablar conmigo en %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres salir de esta conversación? Esta conversación no es pública y no podrás volver a unirte sin una invitación.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Tu servidor principal no admite esta opción en salas cifradas, no recibirás notificaciones en esta sala.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Todos los mensajes";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "En esta sala, notificarme por";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Enviar de nuevo";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "No se pudo enviar tu mensaje";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Administradores";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Cambiar mi rol";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Ei õnnestunud leida selle tegevuse jaoks vajalikku välist rakendust.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Mõned sõnumid on saatmata";
"error_unknown" = "Vabandust, ilmnes viga";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Liitu minuga rakenduses %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hei, suhtle minuga %1$@ võrgus: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid sellest vestlusest lahkuda? See vestlus pole avalik ja uuesti liitumiseks vajad kutset.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "All messages";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "In this room, notify me for";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Send again";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Your message failed to send";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Peakasutajad";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Muuda minu rolli";
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"action_quick_reply" = "Réponse rapide";
"action_quote" = "Citer";
"action_react" = "Réagissez";
"action_reject" = "Reject";
"action_reject" = "Rejeter";
"action_remove" = "Supprimer";
"action_reply" = "Répondre";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Répondre dans le fil de discussion";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Aucune application compatible n’a été trouvée pour gérer cette action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Certains messages n’ont pas été envoyés";
"error_unknown" = "Désolé, une erreur s’est produite";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Afin de ne jamais manquer un appel important, veuillez modifier vos paramètres pour autoriser les notifications en plein écran lorsque votre appareil est verrouillé.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Améliorez votre expérience d'appel";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Rejoignez-moi sur %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Salut, parle-moi sur %1$@ : %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter cette discussion? Vous ne pourrez pas la rejoindre à nouveau sans y être invité.";
@ -260,9 +262,9 @@
"notification_channel_call" = "Appel";
"notification_channel_listening_for_events" = "À l’écoute des événements";
"notification_channel_noisy" = "Notifications bruyantes";
"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Ringing calls";
"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Appels entrants";
"notification_channel_silent" = "Notifications silencieuses";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Incoming call";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Appel entrant";
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Échec de l’envoi - veuillez ouvrir le salon";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Rejeter";
"notification_invite_body" = "Vous a invité(e) à discuter";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Votre serveur d’accueil ne supporte pas cette option pour les salons chiffrés, vous ne serez pas notifié(e) dans ce salon.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Tous les messages";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "Dans ce salon, prévenez-moi pour";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Envoyer à nouveau";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Votre message n’a pas pu être envoyé";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Administrateurs";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Changer mon rôle";
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"action_quick_reply" = "Gyors válasz";
"action_quote" = "Idézet";
"action_react" = "Reakció";
"action_reject" = "Reject";
"action_reject" = "Elutasítás";
"action_remove" = "Eltávolítás";
"action_reply" = "Válasz";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Válasz az üzenetszálban";
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
"common_blocked_users" = "Letiltott felhasználók";
"common_bubbles" = "Buborékok";
"common_call_invite" = "Folyamatban lévő hívás (nem támogatott)";
"common_call_started" = "Call started";
"common_call_started" = "A hívás elindult";
"common_chat_backup" = "Csevegés biztonsági mentése";
"common_copyright" = "Szerzői jogok";
"common_creating_room" = "Szoba létrehozása…";
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
"common_voice_message" = "Hangüzenet";
"common_waiting" = "Várakozás…";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Várakozás a visszafejtési kulcsra";
"common.send_to" = "Send to";
"common.send_to" = "Címzett";
"common_no_room_name" = "Nincs szobanév";
"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Biztos, hogy befejezi ezt a szavazást?";
"common_poll_summary" = "Szavazás: %1$@";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nem található kompatibilis alkalmazás a művelet kezeléséhez.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Néhány üzenet nem került elküldésre";
"error_unknown" = "Elnézést, hiba történt";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Csatlakozz hozzám itt: %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Beszélgessünk itt: %1$@, %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Biztos, hogy elhagyja ezt a beszélgetést? Ez a beszélgetés nem nyilvános, és meghívás nélkül nem fog tudni visszacsatlakozni.";
@ -260,9 +262,9 @@
"notification_channel_call" = "Hívás";
"notification_channel_listening_for_events" = "Események figyelése";
"notification_channel_noisy" = "Zajos értesítések";
"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Ringing calls";
"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Csörgő hívások";
"notification_channel_silent" = "Csendes értesítések";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Incoming call";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Bejövő hívás";
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Nem sikerült elküldeni – nyissa meg a szobát";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Elutasítás";
"notification_invite_body" = "Meghívta, hogy csevegjen";
@ -504,18 +506,18 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "A kapcsolat nem biztonságos";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "A rendszer kérni fogja, hogy adja meg az alábbi két számjegyet az eszközén.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Adja meg az alábbi számot a másik eszközén";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_description" = "Sign in to your other device and then try again, or use another device that’s already signed in.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_subtitle" = "Other device not signed in";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_subtitle" = "The sign in was cancelled on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_title" = "Sign in request cancelled";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_subtitle" = "The sign in was declined on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_title" = "Sign in declined";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_subtitle" = "Sign in expired. Please try again.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_title" = "The sign in was not completed in time";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_subtitle" = "Your other device does not support signing in to %@ with a QR code.\n\nTry signing in manually, or scan the QR code with another device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_title" = "QR code not supported";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_subtitle" = "Your account provider does not support %1$@.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_title" = "%1$@ not supported";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_description" = "Jelentkezzen be a másik eszközére, majd próbálja újra, vagy használjon egy másik eszközt, amelyre már bejelentkezett.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_subtitle" = "Más eszköz nincs bejelentkezve";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_subtitle" = "A bejelentkezés megszakadt a másik eszközön.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_title" = "Bejelentkezési kérés törölve";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_subtitle" = "A bejelentkezés el lett utasítva a másik eszközön.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_title" = "A bejelentkezés elutasítva";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_subtitle" = "A bejelentkezés lejárt. Próbálja újra.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_title" = "A bejelentkezés nem fejeződött be időben";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_subtitle" = "A másik eszköz nem támogatja a %@ QR-kóddal történő bejelentkezést.\n\nPróbáljon meg kézileg bejelentkezni, vagy olvassa be a QR-kódot egy másik eszközzel.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_title" = "A QR-kód nem támogatott";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_subtitle" = "A fiókszolgáltatója nem támogatja az %1$@-et.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_title" = "Az %1$@ nem támogatott";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Készen áll a beolvasásra";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Nyissa meg az %1$@et egy asztali eszközön";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Kattintson a profilképére";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "A Matrix-kiszolgálója nem támogatja ezt a beállítást a titkosított szobákban, egyes szobákban nem fog értesítéseket kapni.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Összes üzenet";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "Ebben a szobában, értesítés ezekről:";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Újraküldés";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Az üzenet elküldése sikertelen";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Adminisztrátorok";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Saját szerepkör módosítása";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Terima";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Tambahkan ke lini masa";
"action_back" = "Kembali";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Panggil";
"action_cancel" = "Batal";
"action_choose_photo" = "Pilih foto";
"action_clear" = "Hapus";
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Tinggalkan ruangan";
"action_manage_account" = "Kelola akun";
"action_manage_devices" = "Kelola perangkat";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_message" = "Kirim pesan";
"action_next" = "Berikutnya";
"action_no" = "Tidak";
"action_not_now" = "Jangan sekarang";
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"action_quick_reply" = "Balas cepat";
"action_quote" = "Kutip";
"action_react" = "Bereaksi";
"action_reject" = "Reject";
"action_reject" = "Tolak";
"action_remove" = "Hapus";
"action_reply" = "Balas";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Balas dalam utas";
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
"common_blocked_users" = "Pengguna yang diblokir";
"common_bubbles" = "Gelembung";
"common_call_invite" = "Panggilan sedang berjalan (tidak didukung)";
"common_call_started" = "Call started";
"common_call_started" = "Panggilan dimulai";
"common_chat_backup" = "Pencadangan percakapan";
"common_copyright" = "Hak cipta";
"common_creating_room" = "Membuat ruangan...";
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"common_people" = "Orang";
"common_permalink" = "Tautan Permanen";
"common_permission" = "Perizinan";
"common_please_wait" = "Please wait…";
"common_please_wait" = "Mohon tunggu…";
"common_poll_total_votes" = "Total suara: %1$@";
"common_poll_undisclosed_text" = "Hasil akan terlihat setelah pemungutan suara berakhir";
"common_privacy_policy" = "Kebijakan privasi";
@ -211,12 +211,12 @@
"common_voice_message" = "Pesan suara";
"common_waiting" = "Menunggu…";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Menunggu pesan ini";
"common.send_to" = "Send to";
"common_no_room_name" = "No room name";
"common.send_to" = "Kirim ke";
"common_no_room_name" = "Tidak ada nama ruangan";
"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengakhiri pemungutan suara ini?";
"common_poll_summary" = "Pemungutan suara: %1$@";
"common_something_went_wrong" = "Ada yang salah";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_no_access" = "You don't have access to this message";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_no_access" = "Anda tidak memiliki akses ke pesan ini";
"common_verify_device" = "Verifikasi perangkat";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Cadangan percakapan Anda saat ini tidak tersinkron. Anda perlu mengonfirmasi kunci pemulihan Anda untuk tetap memiliki akses ke cadangan percakapan Anda.";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Konfirmasi kunci pemulihan Anda";
@ -246,10 +246,12 @@
"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Gagal memuat pesan";
"error_failed_locating_user" = "%1$@ tidak dapat mengakses lokasi Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti.";
"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Gagal mengunggah pesan suara Anda.";
"error_message_not_found" = "Message not found";
"error_message_not_found" = "Pesan tidak ditemukan";
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Tidak ada aplikasi yang kompatibel yang ditemukan untuk menangani tindakan ini.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Beberapa pesan belum terkirim";
"error_unknown" = "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Bergabunglah dengan saya di %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hai, bicaralah dengan saya di %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Apakah Anda yakin ingin keluar dari percakapan ini? Percakapan ini tidak umum dan Anda tidak akan dapat bergabung lagi tanpa undangan.";
@ -260,9 +262,9 @@
"notification_channel_call" = "Panggil";
"notification_channel_listening_for_events" = "Mendengarkan peristiwa";
"notification_channel_noisy" = "Pemberitahuan berisik";
"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Ringing calls";
"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Panggilan berdering";
"notification_channel_silent" = "Pemberitahuan diam";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Incoming call";
"notification_incoming_call" = "Panggilan masuk";
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Gagal mengirim — silakan buka ruangan";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Tolak";
"notification_invite_body" = "Mengundang Anda untuk mengobrol";
@ -431,8 +433,8 @@
"screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) mengundang Anda";
"screen_join_room_join_action" = "Gabung dengan ruangan";
"screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Ketuk untuk bergabung";
"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web.";
"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet";
"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ belum mendukung space. Anda dapat mengakses space di web.";
"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Space belum didukung";
"screen_join_room_subtitle_knock" = "Klik tombol di bawah ini dan administrator kamar akan diberi tahu. Anda akan dapat bergabung dengan percakapan setelah disetujui.";
"screen_join_room_subtitle_no_preview" = "Anda harus menjadi anggota ruangan ini untuk melihat riwayat pesan.";
"screen_join_room_title_knock" = "Ingin bergabung dengan ruangan ini?";
@ -495,33 +497,33 @@
"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "Sedang berlangsung";
"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "Masa lalu";
"screen_polls_history_title" = "Pemungutan suara";
"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Membuat koneksi";
"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Membuat koneksi aman";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_description" = "Koneksi aman tidak dapat dibuat ke perangkat baru. Perangkat Anda yang ada masih aman dan Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang mereka.";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_header" = "Apa sekarang?";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_1" = "Coba masuk lagi dengan kode QR jika ini adalah masalah jaringan";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_2" = "Jika Anda mengalami masalah yang sama, coba jaringan Wi-Fi yang berbeda atau gunakan data seluler Anda daripada Wi-Fi";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_3" = "Jika tidak berhasil, masuk secara manual";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Koneksi tidak aman";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan dua digit yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Masukkan nomor di perangkat Anda";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_description" = "Sign in to your other device and then try again, or use another device that’s already signed in.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_subtitle" = "Other device not signed in";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_subtitle" = "The sign in was cancelled on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_title" = "Sign in request cancelled";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_subtitle" = "The sign in was declined on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_title" = "Sign in declined";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_subtitle" = "Sign in expired. Please try again.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_title" = "The sign in was not completed in time";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_subtitle" = "Your other device does not support signing in to %@ with a QR code.\n\nTry signing in manually, or scan the QR code with another device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_title" = "QR code not supported";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_subtitle" = "Your account provider does not support %1$@.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_title" = "%1$@ not supported";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan dua digit yang ditunjukkan di perangkat ini.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Masukkan nomor bawah di perangkat Anda yang lain";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_description" = "Masuk ke perangkat lain lalu coba lagi, atau gunakan perangkat lain yang sudah masuk.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_subtitle" = "Perangkat lain tidak masuk";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_subtitle" = "Proses masuk dibatalkan di perangkat lain.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_title" = "Permintaan masuk dibatalkan";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_subtitle" = "Proses masuk ditolak di perangkat lain.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_title" = "Proses masuk ditolak";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_subtitle" = "Masa masuk kedaluwarsa. Silakan coba lagi.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_title" = "Proses masuk tidak selesai tepat waktu";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_subtitle" = "Perangkat Anda yang lain tidak mendukung masuk ke %@ dengan kode QR.\n\nCoba masuk secara manual, atau pindai kode QR dengan perangkat lain.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_title" = "Kode QR tidak didukung";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_subtitle" = "Penyedia akun Anda tidak mendukung %1$@.";
"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_title" = "%1$@ tidak didukung";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Siap untuk memindai";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Buka %1$@ di perangkat desktop";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Klik pada avatar Anda";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Pilih %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Tautkan perangkat baru”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Pindai kode QR dengan perangkat ini";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Buka %1$@ di perangkat lain untuk mendapatkan kode QR";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Gunakan kode QR yang ditampilkan di perangkat lain.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Kode QR salah";
@ -546,9 +548,9 @@
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "Jika Anda memiliki kunci keamanan atau frasa keamanan, ini juga bisa digunakan.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_label" = "Kunci pemulihan atau kode sandi";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "Masukkan...";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Lost your recovery key?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Kehilangan kunci pemulihan Anda?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_success" = "Kunci pemulihan dikonfirmasi";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Konfirmasi kunci pemulihan atau kode sandi Anda";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Konfirmasi kunci pemulihan Anda";
"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Kunci pemulihan disalin";
"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Membuat…";
"screen_recovery_key_save_action" = "Simpan kunci pemulihan";
@ -597,9 +599,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Tambahkan topik";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Sudah menjadi anggota";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Sudah diundang";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Terenkripsi";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Tidak terenkripsi";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Ruangan publik";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Sunting Ruangan";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui dan informasinya tidak dapat diubah.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Tidak dapat memperbarui ruangan";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Homeserver Anda tidak mendukung opsi ini dalam ruangan terenkripsi, Anda tidak akan diberi tahu dalam ruangan ini.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Semua pesan";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "Di ruangan ini, beri tahu saya tentang";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Kirim ulang";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Pesan Anda gagal dikirim";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Admin";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Ubah peran saya";
@ -687,7 +690,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Tampilkan lebih sedikit";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Tampilkan lebih banyak";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Baru";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_title" = "Obrolan";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@, dan ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " sedang mengetik…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " sedang mengetik…";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Non è stata trovata alcuna app compatibile per gestire questa azione.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Alcuni messaggi non sono stati inviati";
"error_unknown" = "Siamo spiacenti, si è verificato un errore";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Unisciti a me su %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Ehi, parliamo su %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Vuoi davvero abbandonare questa conversazione? La conversazione non è pubblica e non potrai rientrare senza un invito.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Il tuo homeserver non supporta questa opzione nelle stanze cifrate, quindi non riceverai notifiche in questa stanza.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Tutti i messaggi";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "In questa stanza, avvisami per";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Invia di nuovo";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Il tuo messaggio non è stato inviato";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Amministratori";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Cambia il mio ruolo";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "თავსებადი აპლიკაცია ვერ მოიძებნა ამ მოქმედების შესასრულებლად.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "ზოგიერთი შეტყობინება არ გაიგზავნა";
"error_unknown" = "ბოდიშით, შეცდომა მოხდა";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ შემომიერთდით %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "გაგიმარჯოს! მესაუბრე %1$@-ზე: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this conversation? This conversation is not public and you won't be able to rejoin without an invite.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "ყველა შეტყობინება";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "ამ ოთახში, შემატყობინეთ:";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Ხელახლა გაგზავნა";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "თქვენი შეტყობინების გაგზავნა ვერ მოხერხდა";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Admins";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Change my role";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nenhuma aplicação encontrada capaz de continuar esta ação.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Algumas mensagens não foram enviadas";
"error_unknown" = "Ocorreu um erro, desculpa";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Junta-te a mim na %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Alô! Fala comigo na %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Tens a certeza que queres sair desta conversa? Não é pública, logo não poderás voltar a participar sem um convite.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "O teu servidor não suporta esta opção em salas cifradas, pelo que não serás notificado nesta sala.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Todas as mensagens";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "Nesta sala, notifica-me se";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Enviar novamente";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Falha ao enviar a tua mensagem";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Administradores";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Alterar o meu cargo";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nu a fost găsită nicio aplicație capabilă să gestioneze această acțiune.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Unele mesaje nu au fost trimise";
"error_unknown" = "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Alăturați-vă mie pe %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hei, vorbește cu mine pe %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Sunteți sigur că doriți să părăsiți această conversație? Această conversație nu este publică și nu veți putea reveni fără o invitație.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Serverul dumneavoastră nu acceptă această opțiune în camerele criptate, nu veți primi notificări în această cameră.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Toate mesajele";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "În această cameră, anunțați-mă pentru";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Trimiteți din nou";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Mesajul dvs. nu a putut fi trimis";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Administratori";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Schimbare rol";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Не найдено совместимое приложение для обработки этого действия.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Некоторые сообщения не были отправлены";
"error_unknown" = "Извините, произошла ошибка";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Чтобы никогда не пропустить важный звонок, измените настройки, чтобы разрешить полноэкранные уведомления, когда ваш телефон заблокирован.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Улучшите качество звонков";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Присоединяйтесь ко мне в %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Привет, поговори со мной по %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Вы уверены, что хотите покинуть беседу?";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Ваш домашний сервер не поддерживает эту опцию в зашифрованных комнатах, вы не будете получать уведомления в этой комнате.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Все сообщения";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "В этой комнате уведомить меня о";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Отправить снова";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Не удалось отправить ваше сообщение";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Администраторы";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Измените мою роль";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nebola nájdená žiadna kompatibilná aplikácia, ktorá by túto akciu dokázala spracovať.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Niektoré správy neboli odoslané";
"error_unknown" = "Prepáčte, vyskytla sa chyba";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Aby ste už nikdy nezmeškali dôležitý hovor, zmeňte svoje nastavenia a povoľte upozornenia na celú obrazovku, keď je váš telefón uzamknutý.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Vylepšite svoj zážitok z hovoru";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Pripojte sa ku mne na %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Ahoj, porozprávajte sa so mnou na %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Ste si istí, že chcete opustiť konverzáciu?";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Váš domovský server nepodporuje túto možnosť v šifrovaných miestnostiach, v tejto miestnosti nedostanete upozornenie.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Všetky správy";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "V tejto miestnosti ma upozorniť na";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Odoslať znova";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Vašu správu sa nepodarilo odoslať";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Správcovia";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Zmeniť moje oprávnenia";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Ingen kompatibel app hittades för att hantera den här åtgärden.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Vissa meddelanden har inte skickats";
"error_unknown" = "Tyvärr, ett fel uppstod";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Häng med mig på %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hallå, prata med mig på %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Är du säker på att du vill lämna den här konversationen? Den här konversationen är inte offentlig och du kommer inte att kunna gå med igen utan en inbjudan.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Din hemserver stöder inte det här alternativet i krypterade rum, du blir inte aviserad i det här rummet.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Alla meddelanden";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "I det här rummet, meddela mig för";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Skicka igen";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Ditt meddelande kunde inte skickas";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Administratörer";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Change my role";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Не знайдено сумісного застосунку для виконання цієї дії.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Деякі повідомлення не були надіслані";
"error_unknown" = "Вибачте, сталася помилка";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Приєднуйтеся до мене в %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Привіт, пишіть мені за адресою %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Ви впевнені, що хочете залишити цю розмову? Ця розмова не є загальнодоступною, і ви не зможете знову приєднатися без запрошення.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Ваш домашній сервер не підтримує цю опцію в зашифрованих кімнатах, ви не отримаєте сповіщення в цій кімнаті.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Всі повідомлення";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "У цій кімнаті повідомляти мене про";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Надіслати знову";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Ваше повідомлення не вдалося надіслати";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Адміністратори";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Змінити мою роль";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "找不到完成此项操作的合适应用。";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "某些信息尚未发送";
"error_unknown" = "抱歉,发生了错误";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ 加入我 %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "嗨!请通过 %1$@ 与我联系:%2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "您确定要离开此对话吗?此对话不公开,未经邀请您将无法重新加入。";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "您的服务器在加密房间中不支持此选项,您无法在此房间收到通知。";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "所有消息";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "在这个聊天室,通知我:";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "重新发送";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "消息发送失败";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "管理员";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "更改我的角色";
@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No compatible app was found to handle this action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "有些訊息尚未傳送";
"error_unknown" = "Sorry, an error occurred";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Join me on %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "嘿,來 %1$@ 和我聊天:%2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this conversation? This conversation is not public and you won't be able to rejoin without an invite.";
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "所有訊息";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "In this room, notify me for";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "重傳";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "無法傳送您的訊息";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "管理員";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "變更我的身份";
@ -562,6 +562,10 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static var errorSomeMessagesHaveNotBeenSent: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent") }
/// Sorry, an error occurred
internal static var errorUnknown: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "error_unknown") }
/// To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.
internal static var fullScreenIntentBannerMessage: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "full_screen_intent_banner_message") }
/// Enhance your call experience
internal static var fullScreenIntentBannerTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "full_screen_intent_banner_title") }
/// 🔐️ Join me on %1$@
internal static func inviteFriendsRichTitle(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "invite_friends_rich_title", String(describing: p1))
@ -1617,6 +1621,8 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static var screenRoomNotificationSettingsModeMentionsAndKeywords: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_notification_settings_mode_mentions_and_keywords") }
/// In this room, notify me for
internal static var screenRoomNotificationSettingsRoomCustomSettingsTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title") }
/// Send again
internal static var screenRoomRetrySendMenuSendAgainAction: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action") }
/// Your message failed to send
internal static var screenRoomRetrySendMenuTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_retry_send_menu_title") }
/// Admins
Reference in New Issue
Block a user