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synced 2025-03-10 21:39:12 +00:00
Converting detected plain text mentions into permalinks (#1963)
* it works but a test fail because URL(string) fails * done! * let
This commit is contained in:
@ -176,31 +176,29 @@ struct AttributedStringBuilder: AttributedStringBuilderProtocol {
private func addLinksAndMentions(_ attributedString: NSMutableAttributedString) {
let string = attributedString.string
var matches = MatrixEntityRegex.userIdentifierRegex.matches(in: string, options: [])
matches.append(contentsOf: MatrixEntityRegex.roomIdentifierRegex.matches(in: string, options: []))
var matches = MatrixEntityRegex.userIdentifierRegex.matches(in: string, options: []).map { TypedMatch(match: $0, type: .permalink(type: .userID)) }
matches.append(contentsOf: MatrixEntityRegex.roomIdentifierRegex.matches(in: string, options: []).map { TypedMatch(match: $0, type: .permalink(type: .roomID)) })
// As of right now we do not handle event id links in any way so there is no need to add them as links
// matches.append(contentsOf: MatrixEntityRegex.eventIdentifierRegex.matches(in: string, options: []))
matches.append(contentsOf: MatrixEntityRegex.roomAliasRegex.matches(in: string, options: []))
let linkMatches = MatrixEntityRegex.linkRegex.matches(in: string, options: [])
matches.append(contentsOf: linkMatches)
matches.append(contentsOf: MatrixEntityRegex.roomAliasRegex.matches(in: string, options: []).map { TypedMatch(match: $0, type: .permalink(type: .roomAlias)) })
let allUserMentionsMatches = MatrixEntityRegex.allUsersRegex.matches(in: attributedString.string, options: [])
matches.append(contentsOf: allUserMentionsMatches)
matches.append(contentsOf: MatrixEntityRegex.linkRegex.matches(in: string, options: []).map { TypedMatch(match: $0, type: .link) })
let allUsersMentionsCount = allUserMentionsMatches.count
matches.append(contentsOf: MatrixEntityRegex.allUsersRegex.matches(in: attributedString.string, options: []).map { TypedMatch(match: $0, type: .atRoom) })
guard matches.count > 0 else {
// Sort the links by length so the longest one always takes priority
matches.sorted { $0.range.length > $1.range.length }.enumerated().forEach { offset, match in
guard let matchRange = Range(match.range, in: string) else {
matches.sorted { $0.match.range.length > $1.match.range.length }.forEach { [attributedString] typedMatch in
guard let matchRange = Range(typedMatch.match.range, in: string) else {
var hasLink = false
attributedString.enumerateAttribute(.link, in: match.range, options: []) { value, _, stop in
attributedString.enumerateAttribute(.link, in: typedMatch.match.range, options: []) { value, _, stop in
if value != nil {
hasLink = true
stop.pointee = true
@ -211,17 +209,24 @@ struct AttributedStringBuilder: AttributedStringBuilderProtocol {
if offset > matches.count - allUsersMentionsCount - 1 {
attributedString.addAttribute(.MatrixAllUsersMention, value: true, range: match.range)
} else {
switch typedMatch.type {
case .atRoom:
attributedString.addAttribute(.MatrixAllUsersMention, value: true, range: typedMatch.match.range)
case let .permalink(type):
let identifier = String(string[matchRange])
if let url = type.getPermalinkFrom(identifier: identifier, baseURL: permalinkBaseURL) {
attributedString.addAttribute(.link, value: url, range: typedMatch.match.range)
case .link:
var link = String(string[matchRange])
if linkMatches.contains(match), !link.contains("://") {
if !link.contains("://") {
link.insert(contentsOf: "https://", at: link.startIndex)
if let url = URL(string: link) {
attributedString.addAttribute(.link, value: url, range: match.range)
attributedString.addAttribute(.link, value: url, range: typedMatch.match.range)
@ -320,3 +325,31 @@ protocol MentionBuilderProtocol {
func handleUserMention(for attributedString: NSMutableAttributedString, in range: NSRange, url: URL, userID: String)
func handleAllUsersMention(for attributedString: NSMutableAttributedString, in range: NSRange)
private struct TypedMatch {
enum MatchType {
case permalink(type: MentionType)
case link
case atRoom
enum MentionType {
case roomAlias
case roomID
case userID
func getPermalinkFrom(identifier: String, baseURL: URL) -> URL? {
switch self {
case .roomAlias:
return try? PermalinkBuilder.permalinkTo(roomAlias: identifier, baseURL: baseURL)
case .roomID:
return try? PermalinkBuilder.permalinkTo(roomIdentifier: identifier, baseURL: baseURL)
case .userID:
return try? PermalinkBuilder.permalinkTo(userIdentifier: identifier, baseURL: baseURL)
let match: NSTextCheckingResult
let type: MatchType
@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
import XCTest
class AttributedStringBuilderTests: XCTestCase {
let attributedStringBuilder = AttributedStringBuilder(permalinkBaseURL: ServiceLocator.shared.settings.permalinkBaseURL, mentionBuilder: MentionBuilder(mentionsEnabled: true))
let maxHeaderPointSize = ceil(UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body).pointSize * 1.2)
private let permalinkBaseURL = ServiceLocator.shared.settings.permalinkBaseURL
private lazy var attributedStringBuilder = AttributedStringBuilder(permalinkBaseURL: permalinkBaseURL, mentionBuilder: MentionBuilder(mentionsEnabled: true))
private let maxHeaderPointSize = ceil(UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body).pointSize * 1.2)
func testRenderHTMLStringWithHeaders() {
let h1HTMLString = "<h1>Large Heading</h1>"
@ -191,22 +192,25 @@ class AttributedStringBuilderTests: XCTestCase {
func testUserIdLink() {
let userId = "@user:matrix.org"
let string = "The user is \(userId)."
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromHTML(string), expectedLink: userId, expectedRuns: 3)
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(string), expectedLink: userId, expectedRuns: 3)
let expectedLink = "\(permalinkBaseURL)/#/\(userId)"
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromHTML(string), expectedLink: expectedLink, expectedRuns: 3)
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(string), expectedLink: expectedLink, expectedRuns: 3)
func testRoomAliasLink() {
let roomAlias = "#matrix:matrix.org"
let string = "The room alias is \(roomAlias)."
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromHTML(string), expectedLink: roomAlias, expectedRuns: 3)
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(string), expectedLink: roomAlias, expectedRuns: 3)
let expectedLink = "https://matrix.to/#/%23matrix%3Amatrix.org"
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromHTML(string), expectedLink: expectedLink, expectedRuns: 3)
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(string), expectedLink: expectedLink, expectedRuns: 3)
func testRoomIdLink() {
let roomId = "!roomidentifier:matrix.org"
let string = "The room is \(roomId)."
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromHTML(string), expectedLink: roomId, expectedRuns: 3)
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(string), expectedLink: roomId, expectedRuns: 3)
let expectedLink = "https://matrix.to/#/!roomidentifier%3Amatrix.org"
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromHTML(string), expectedLink: expectedLink, expectedRuns: 3)
checkLinkIn(attributedString: attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(string), expectedLink: expectedLink, expectedRuns: 3)
// As of right now we do not handle event id links in any way so there is no need to add them as links
Reference in New Issue
Block a user