mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:39:12 +00:00
Translations update
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Прыняць";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Дадаць у хроніку";
"action_back" = "Назад";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Выклік";
"action_cancel" = "Скасаваць";
"action_choose_photo" = "Выбраць фота";
"action_clear" = "Ачысціць";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Пакінуць пакой";
"action_manage_account" = "Кіраванне ўліковым запісам";
"action_manage_devices" = "Кіраванне прыладамі";
"action_message" = "Паведамленне";
"action_next" = "Далей";
"action_no" = "Не";
"action_not_now" = "Не зараз";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Злучэнне небяспечнае";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Вам будзе прапанавана ўвесці дзве лічбы, паказаныя на гэтай прыладзе.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Увядзіце наступны нумар на іншай прыладзе.";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Гатовы да сканавання";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Адкрыйце %1$@ на настольнай прыладзе";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Націсніце на свой аватар";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Выберыце %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Звязаць новую прыладу”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Выконвайце паказаныя інструкцыі";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Адсканіруйце QR-код з дапамогай гэтай прылады";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Адкрыйце %1$@ на іншай прыладзе, каб атрымаць QR-код";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Выкарыстоўвайце QR-код, паказаны на іншай прыладзе.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Няправільны QR-код";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Дадаць тэму";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Ужо ўдзельнік";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Ужо запрасілі";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Зашыфравана";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Не зашыфравана";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Публічны пакой";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Рэдагаваць пакой";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Адбылася невядомая памылка, і інфармацыю нельга было змяніць.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Немагчыма абнавіць пакой";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Напускане на стаята";
"action_manage_account" = "Управление на профила";
"action_manage_devices" = "Управление на устройства";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Next";
"action_no" = "Не";
"action_not_now" = "Не сега";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "You’ll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Open %1$@ on a desktop device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Добавяне на тема";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Вече е член";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Вече е бил поканен";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Редактиране на стаята";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "There was an unknown error and the information couldn't be changed.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Не може да се обнови стаята";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Přijmout";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Přidat na časovou osu";
"action_back" = "Zpět";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Hovor";
"action_cancel" = "Zrušit";
"action_choose_photo" = "Vybrat fotku";
"action_clear" = "Vymazat";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Opustit místnost";
"action_manage_account" = "Spravovat účet";
"action_manage_devices" = "Spravovat zařízení";
"action_message" = "Zpráva";
"action_next" = "Další";
"action_no" = "Ne";
"action_not_now" = "Teď ne";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Připojení není zabezpečené";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Budete požádáni o zadání dvou níže uvedených číslic.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Zadejte níže uvedené číslo na svém dalším zařízení";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Připraveno ke skenování";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Otevřete %1$@ na stolním počítači";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Klikněte na svůj avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Vybrat %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "\"Připojit nové zařízení\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Postupujte podle uvedených pokynů";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Naskenujte QR kód pomocí tohoto zařízení";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Otevřete %1$@ na jiném zařízení pro získání QR kódu";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Použijte QR kód zobrazený na druhém zařízení.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Špatný QR kód";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Přidat téma";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Již členem";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Již pozván(a)";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Šifrováno";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Není šifrováno";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Veřejná místnost";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Upravit místnost";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Došlo k neznámé chybě a informace nebylo možné změnit.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Nelze aktualizovat místnost";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Akzeptieren";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Zum Nachrichtenverlauf hinzufügen";
"action_back" = "Zurück";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Anruf";
"action_cancel" = "Abbrechen";
"action_choose_photo" = "Foto auswählen";
"action_clear" = "Löschen";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Verlassen";
"action_manage_account" = "Konto verwalten";
"action_manage_devices" = "Geräte verwalten";
"action_message" = "Nachricht";
"action_next" = "Weiter";
"action_no" = "Nein";
"action_not_now" = "Später";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Die Verbindung ist nicht sicher";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Du wirst aufgefordert, die beiden unten abgebildeten Ziffern einzugeben.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Trage die unten angezeigte Zahl auf einem anderen Device ein";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Bereit zum Scannen";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "%1$@ auf einem Desktop-Gerät öffnen";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Klick auf deinen Avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Wähle %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "\"Neues Gerät verknüpfen\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Befolge die angezeigten Anweisungen";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scanne den QR-Code mit diesem Gerät";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Öffne %1$@ auf einem anderen Gerät, um den QR-Code zu erhalten";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Verwende den QR-Code, der auf dem anderen Gerät angezeigt wird.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Falscher QR-Code";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Thema hinzufügen";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Bereits Mitglied";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Bereits eingeladen";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Verschlüsselt";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Nicht verschlüsselt";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Öffentlicher Raum";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Raum bearbeiten";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Es ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten und die Informationen konnten nicht geändert werden.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Raum kann nicht aktualisiert werden";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Salir de la sala";
"action_manage_account" = "Gestionar cuenta";
"action_manage_devices" = "Administrar dispositivos";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Siguiente";
"action_no" = "No";
"action_not_now" = "Ahora no";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "You’ll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Open %1$@ on a desktop device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Añadir tema";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Ya eres miembro";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Ya estás invitado";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Editar sala";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Se ha producido un error desconocido y no se ha podido cambiar la información.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "No se puede actualizar la sala";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Quitter le salon";
"action_manage_account" = "Gérer le compte";
"action_manage_devices" = "Gérez les sessions";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Suivant";
"action_no" = "Non";
"action_not_now" = "Pas maintenant";
@ -498,6 +499,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "La connexion n’est pas sécurisée";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Il vous sera demandé de saisir les deux chiffres affichés sur cet appareil.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Saisissez le nombre ci-dessous sur votre autre appareil";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Ouvrez %1$@ sur un ordinateur";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Cliquez sur votre image de profil";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Choisissez %1$@";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Ajouter un sujet";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Déjà membre";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Déjà invité(e)";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Modifier le salon";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Une erreur inconnue s’est produite et les informations n’ont pas pu être modifiées.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Impossible de mettre à jour le salon";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Elfogadás";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Hozzáadás az idővonalhoz";
"action_back" = "Vissza";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Hívás";
"action_cancel" = "Mégse";
"action_choose_photo" = "Fénykép kiválasztása";
"action_clear" = "Törlés";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Szoba elhagyása";
"action_manage_account" = "Fiók kezelése";
"action_manage_devices" = "Eszközök kezelése";
"action_message" = "Üzenet";
"action_next" = "Következő";
"action_no" = "Nem";
"action_not_now" = "Most nem";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "A kapcsolat nem biztonságos";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "A rendszer kérni fogja, hogy adja meg az alábbi két számjegyet az eszközén.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Adja meg az alábbi számot a másik eszközén";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Készen áll a beolvasásra";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Nyissa meg az %1$@et egy asztali eszközön";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Kattintson a profilképére";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Válassza ezt: %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "„Új eszköz összekapcsolása”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Kövesse a látható utasításokat";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Olvassa be a QR-kódot ezzel az eszközzel";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Nyissa meg az %1$@et egy másik eszközön a QR-kód lekéréséhez.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Használja a másik eszközön látható QR-kódot.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Hibás QR-kód";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Téma hozzáadása";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Már tag";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Már meghívták";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Titkosítva";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Nincs titkosítva";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Nyilvános szoba";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Szoba szerkesztése";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Ismeretlen hiba történt, és az információkat nem lehetett megváltoztatni.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Nem sikerült frissíteni a szobát";
@ -666,7 +671,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Kevesebb megjelenítése";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Több megjelenítése";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Új";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_title" = "Csevegés";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ és ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " éppen ír…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " éppen ír…";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Tinggalkan ruangan";
"action_manage_account" = "Kelola akun";
"action_manage_devices" = "Kelola perangkat";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Berikutnya";
"action_no" = "Tidak";
"action_not_now" = "Jangan sekarang";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Koneksi tidak aman";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan dua digit yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Masukkan nomor di perangkat Anda";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Buka %1$@ di perangkat desktop";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Klik pada avatar Anda";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Pilih %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Tautkan perangkat baru”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Buka %1$@ di perangkat lain untuk mendapatkan kode QR";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Gunakan kode QR yang ditampilkan di perangkat lain.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Kode QR salah";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Tambahkan topik";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Sudah menjadi anggota";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Sudah diundang";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Sunting Ruangan";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui dan informasinya tidak dapat diubah.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Tidak dapat memperbarui ruangan";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Esci dalla stanza";
"action_manage_account" = "Gestisci account";
"action_manage_devices" = "Gestisci dispositivi";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Avanti";
"action_no" = "No";
"action_not_now" = "Non ora";
@ -498,6 +499,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "La connessione non è sicura";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Ti verrà chiesto di inserire le due cifre mostrate su questo dispositivo.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Inserisci il numero qui sotto sull'altro dispositivo";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Apri %1$@ su un dispositivo desktop";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Clicca sul tuo avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Seleziona %1$@";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Aggiungi argomento";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Già membro";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Già invitato";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Modifica stanza";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto e non è stato possibile modificare le informazioni.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Impossibile aggiornare la stanza";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Aceitar";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Adicionar à cronologia";
"action_back" = "Voltar";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Chamar";
"action_cancel" = "Cancelar";
"action_choose_photo" = "Escolher foto";
"action_clear" = "Limpar";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Sair da sala";
"action_manage_account" = "Gerir conta";
"action_manage_devices" = "Gerir dispositivos";
"action_message" = "Enviar mensagem";
"action_next" = "Próximo";
"action_no" = "Não";
"action_not_now" = "Agora não";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Ligação insegura";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Ser-te-á pedido que insiras os dois dígitos indicados neste dispositivo.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Insere o número abaixo no teu dispositivo";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Pronto para ler";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Abre a %1$@ num computador";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Carrega no teu avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Seleciona %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Ligar novo dispositivo”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Segue as instruções apresentadas";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Lê o código QR com este dispositivo";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Abre a %1$@ noutro dispositivo para obteres o código QR";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Lê o código QR apresentado no outro dispositivo.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Código QR inválido";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Adicionar descrição";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Já é participante";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Já foi convidado";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Cifrada";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Não cifrada";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Sala pública";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Editar sala";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido e não foi possível alterar a informação.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Não foi possível atualizar a sala";
@ -666,7 +671,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Mostrar menos";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Mostrar mais";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Novas";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_title" = "Conversa";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ e ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " estão a escrever…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " está a escrever…";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Părăsiți camera";
"action_manage_account" = "Administrare cont";
"action_manage_devices" = "Gestionare dispozitive";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Următorul";
"action_no" = "Nu";
"action_not_now" = "Nu acum";
@ -498,6 +499,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Conexiunea nu este sigură";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Vi se va cere să introduceți cele două cifre afișate pe acest dispozitiv.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Introduceți numărul de mai jos pe celălalt dispozitiv";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Deschideți %1$@ pe un dispozitiv desktop";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Faceți clic pe avatarul dumneavoastră";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Selectați %1$@";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Adăugare subiect";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Deja membru";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Deja invitat";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Editați camera";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "A apărut o eroare la actualizarea detaliilor camerei";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Nu s-a putut actualiza camera";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Разрешить";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Добавить в хронологию";
"action_back" = "Назад";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Позвонить";
"action_cancel" = "Отмена";
"action_choose_photo" = "Выбрать фото";
"action_clear" = "Очистить";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Покинуть комнату";
"action_manage_account" = "Настройки аккаунта";
"action_manage_devices" = "Управление устройствами";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Далее";
"action_no" = "Нет";
"action_not_now" = "Не сейчас";
@ -498,6 +499,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Соединение не защищено";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Вам нужно будет ввести две цифры, показанные на этом устройстве.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Введите показанный номер на своем другом устройстве";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Откройте %1$@ на настольном устройстве";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Нажмите на свое изображение";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Выбрать %1$@";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Добавить тему";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Уже зарегистрирован";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Уже приглашены";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Редактировать комнату";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Произошла неизвестная ошибка и информацию не удалось изменить.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Не удалось обновить комнату";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"action_accept" = "Prijať";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Pridať na časovú os";
"action_back" = "Späť";
"action_call" = "Call";
"action_call" = "Zavolať";
"action_cancel" = "Zrušiť";
"action_choose_photo" = "Vybrať fotku";
"action_clear" = "Vyčistiť";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Opustiť miestnosť";
"action_manage_account" = "Spravovať účet";
"action_manage_devices" = "Spravovať zariadenia";
"action_message" = "Poslať správu";
"action_next" = "Ďalej";
"action_no" = "Nie";
"action_not_now" = "Teraz nie";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Pripojenie nie je bezpečené";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Budete požiadaní o zadanie dvoch číslic zobrazených na tomto zariadení.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Zadajte nižšie uvedené číslo na vašom druhom zariadení";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Pripravené na skenovanie";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Otvorte %1$@ na stolnom zariadení";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Kliknite na svoj obrázok";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Vyberte %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "„Prepojiť nové zariadenie“";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Postupujte podľa zobrazených pokynov";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Naskenujte QR kód pomocou tohto zariadenia";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Ak chcete získať QR kód, otvorte %1$@ na inom zariadení";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Použite QR kód zobrazený na druhom zariadení.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Nesprávny QR kód";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Pridať tému";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Už ste členom";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Už ste pozvaní";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Zašifrované";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Nešifrované";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Verejná miestnosť";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Upraviť miestnosť";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Vyskytla sa neznáma chyba a informácie nebolo možné zmeniť.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Nepodarilo sa aktualizovať miestnosť";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Lämna rum";
"action_manage_account" = "Hantera konto";
"action_manage_devices" = "Hantera enheter";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Nästa";
"action_no" = "Nej";
"action_not_now" = "Inte nu";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "You’ll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Open %1$@ on a desktop device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Lägg till ämne";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Redan medlem";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Redan inbjuden";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Redigera rummet";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Ett okänt fel uppstod och informationen kunde inte ändras.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Kunde inte uppdatera rummet";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "Вийти з кімнати";
"action_manage_account" = "Керування обліковим записом";
"action_manage_devices" = "Керування пристроями";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "Далі";
"action_no" = "Ні";
"action_not_now" = "Не зараз";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "You’ll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Open %1$@ on a desktop device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Додати тему";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Уже учасник";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Уже запрошені";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Редагувати кімнату";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Сталася невідома помилка, й інформацію не вдалося змінити.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Не вдалося оновити кімнату";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "离开房间";
"action_manage_account" = "管理账户";
"action_manage_devices" = "管理设备";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "下一步";
"action_no" = "否";
"action_not_now" = "以后再说";
@ -498,6 +499,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "连接不安全";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "您会被要求输入此设备上显示的两位数。";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "在您的其他设备上输入下面的数字";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "在桌面设备上打开 %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "点击你的头像";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "选择 %1$@";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "添加主题";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "已经是成员";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "已邀请";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "编辑聊天室";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "出现未知错误,无法更改信息。";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "无法更新聊天室";
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
"action_leave_room" = "離開聊天室";
"action_manage_account" = "管理帳號";
"action_manage_devices" = "管理裝置";
"action_message" = "Message";
"action_next" = "下一步";
"action_no" = "否";
"action_not_now" = "以後再說";
@ -498,11 +499,12 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "You’ll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Open %1$@ on a desktop device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -578,6 +580,9 @@
"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "新增主題";
"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "已是成員";
"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "已邀請";
"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "編輯聊天室";
"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "There was an unknown error and the information couldn't be changed.";
"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "無法更新聊天室";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user