diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings index faac1a6e7..6b054f0f1 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Адхіліць чат"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Няма запрашэнняў"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) запрасіў(-ла) вас"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Далучыцца да пакоя"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Націсніце, каб далучыцца"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ пакуль не падтрымлівае прасторы. Вы можаце атрымаць доступ да прастор праз вэб-старонку."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Прасторы пакуль не падтрымліваюцца"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings index 5025a7e28..78fede831 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Decline chat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Няма покани"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) ви покани"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings index e75bef01b..454e840f0 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Odmítnout chat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Žádné pozvánky"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) vás pozval(a)"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Připojit se do místnosti"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Zaklepejte a připojte se"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ zatím nepodporuje prostory. Prostory můžete používat na webu."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Prostory zatím nejsou podporovány"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings index fb2a82022..efccaf113 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Einladung ablehnen"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Keine Einladungen"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) hat dich eingeladen"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "Sie wurden von diesem Chatroom verbannt%1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "Sie wurden aus diesem Chatroom verbannt"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Grund:%1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Der Beitritt zum Chatroom schlug fehl."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "Dieser Chatroom ist entweder nur auf Einladung zugänglich oder es kann zu Zugangsbeschränkungen auf Spaceebene kommen."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Vergessen Sie diesen Raum"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "Sie benötigen eine Einladung, um diesem Raum beizutreten"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Raum beitreten"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "Möglicherweise müssen Sie eingeladen sein oder Mitglied eines Spaces sein, um beitreten zu können."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Anklopfen"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ unterstützt noch keine Spaces. Du kannst auf Spaces im Web zugreifen."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces werden noch nicht unterstützt"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings index 2709061b6..5f4af84b0 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Απόρριψη συνομιλίας"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Χωρίς προσκλήσεις"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) σέ προσκάλεσε"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Συμμετοχή στο δωμάτιο"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Χτύπα για συμμετοχή"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "Το %1$@ δεν υποστηρίζει ακόμα χώρους. Μπορείς να έχεις πρόσβαση σε χώρους στον ιστό."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Οι Χώροι δεν υποστηρίζονται ακόμα"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings index 758c55c51..d78453774 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Decline chat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "No Invites"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) invited you"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings index de16299da..0345d1665 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Decline chat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "No Invites"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) invited you"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index 6138e69ea..ca23d0f58 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Rechazar el chat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Sin invitaciones"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) te invitó"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings index 1d241d954..e08a93788 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Keeldu vestlusest"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Kutseid pole"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) saatis sulle kutse"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Liitu jututoaga"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Liitumiseks koputa jututoa uksele"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ veel ei toeta kogukondadega liitumise ja kasutamise võimalust. Vajadusel saad seda teha veebiliidese vahendusel."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Kogukonnad pole veel toetatud"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings index df0cdec04..e1bc384d5 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "رد گپ"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "بدون دعوت"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) دعوتتان کرد"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "پیوستن به اتاق"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "در زدن برای پیوستن"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ هنوز از فضاها پشتیبانی نمی‌کند. می‌توانید روی وب به فضاها دسترسی داشته باشید."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "فضاها هنوز پشتیبانی نمی‌شوند"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings index 273e73528..2fbe65c33 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Hylkää keskustelu"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Ei kutsuja"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) kutsui sinut"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Liity huoneeseen"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Lähetä liittymispyyntö"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ ei tue vielä tiloja. Voit käyttää tiloja selainversiolla."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Tiloja ei vielä tueta"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index d64eee758..f5b5b7df4 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation" = "L'identité de %1$@ semble avoir changé. %2$@"; "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "L'identité de %1$@ %2$@ semble avoir changé. %3$@"; "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new_user_id" = "(%1$@)"; -"crypto_identity_change_verification_violation_new" = "%1$@’s %2$@ verified identity has changed. %3$@"; -"crypto_identity_change_withdraw_verification_action" = "Withdraw verification"; +"crypto_identity_change_verification_violation_new" = "L'identité vérifiée de %1$@ %2$@ a changé. %3$@"; +"crypto_identity_change_withdraw_verification_action" = "Révoquer la vérification"; "dialog_permission_camera" = "Pour permettre à l’application d’utiliser l’appareil photo, veuillez accorder l’autorisation dans les paramètres du système."; "dialog_permission_generic" = "Veuillez accorder l’autorisation dans les paramètres du système."; "dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Autorisez l’accès dans Paramètres / Localisation."; @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Refuser l’invitation"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Aucune invitation"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) vous a invité(e)"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Rejoindre"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Demander à joindre"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "Les Spaces ne sont pas encore pris en charge par %1$@ . Vous pouvez voir les Spaces sur le Web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Les Spaces ne sont pas encore pris en charge"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings index cc460af59..b3546e966 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Csevegés elutasítása"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Nincsenek meghívások"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) meghívta"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Csatlakozás a szobához"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Kopogtasson a csatlakozáshoz"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "Az %1$@ még nem támogatja a tereket. A tereket a weben érheti el."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "A terek még nem támogatottak"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings index fe6e6f3e6..c2c597647 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Tolak obrolan"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Tidak ada undangan"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) mengundang Anda"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Gabung dengan ruangan"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Ketuk untuk bergabung"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ belum mendukung space. Anda dapat mengakses space di web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Space belum didukung"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings index e61e95dfa..5467d0369 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Rifiuta l'invito alla conversazione"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Nessun invito"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) ti ha invitato"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Entra nella stanza"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Bussa per partecipare"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ non supporta ancora gli spazi. Puoi accedere agli spazi sul web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Gli spazi non sono ancora supportati"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings index c98bb244d..b3e374a5d 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "ჩატზე უარის თქვა"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "მოწვევები არ არის"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) მოგიწვიათ"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings index 962abe263..d72b16978 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Chat weigeren"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Geen uitnodigingen"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) heeft je uitgenodigd"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Toetreden tot de kamer"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Klop om deel te nemen"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ ondersteunt nog geen spaces. Je kunt spaces benaderen via de webbrowser."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces worden nog niet ondersteund"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings index 0b7416eea..6162fec72 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Odrzuć czat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Brak zaproszeń"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) zaprosił Cię"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Dołącz do pokoju"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Wyślij prośbę o dołączenie"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ jeszcze nie obsługuje przestrzeni. Uzyskaj dostęp do przestrzeni w wersji web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Przestrzenie nie są jeszcze obsługiwane"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings index f9895e38f..360c6abe7 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Recusar chat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Sem convites"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@(%2$@) convidou você"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ não suporta espaços ainda. Você pode acessar os espaços na web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings index 8c25161c8..d52a6f927 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Rejeitar conversa"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Sem convites"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) convidou-te"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Entrar na sala"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Bater à porta"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "A %1$@ ainda não funciona com espaços. Podes usá-los na aplicação web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Os espaços ainda não estão implementados"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings index 735a92bb7..01c81d356 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Refuzați conversația"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Nicio invitație"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) v-a invitat."; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Alăturați-vă camerei"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Bateți pentru a vă alătura"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ nu suporta încă spații. Puteți accesa spațiile pe web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spațiile nu sunt încă suportate"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index bc78f3259..117db5fc7 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation" = "Судя по всему, идентификатор %1$@ изменился. %2$@"; "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "Пользователь %1$@ сменил имя пользователя на %2$@. %3$@"; "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new_user_id" = "(%1$@)"; -"crypto_identity_change_verification_violation_new" = "%1$@’s %2$@ verified identity has changed. %3$@"; -"crypto_identity_change_withdraw_verification_action" = "Withdraw verification"; +"crypto_identity_change_verification_violation_new" = "%1$@’s %2$@ подтвержденная личность изменилась. %3$@"; +"crypto_identity_change_withdraw_verification_action" = "Вывод верификации"; "dialog_permission_camera" = "Чтобы приложение могло использовать камеру, предоставьте разрешение в системных настройках."; "dialog_permission_generic" = "Пожалуйста, предоставьте разрешение в системных настройках."; "dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Предоставьте доступ в меню «Настройки» -> «Местоположение»."; @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Отклонить чат"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Нет приглашений"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) пригласил вас"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Присоединиться к комнате"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Постучите, чтобы присоединиться"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ еще не поддерживает пространства. Вы можете получить к ним доступ в веб-версии."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Пространства пока не поддерживаются"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/InfoPlist.strings index 2bb28d9e6..5fc021d39 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/InfoPlist.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ "NSFaceIDUsageDescription" = "Face ID sa používa na prístup k vašej aplikácii."; "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Udeľte prístup k polohe, aby Element X mohol zdieľať vašu polohu."; "NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "Ak chcete nahrávať a odosielať správy so zvukom, Element X musí mať prístup k mikrofónu."; -"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" = "Umožňuje ukladanie fotografií a videí do vašej knižnice."; +"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" = "Toto vám umožní ukladať obrázky a videá do vašej knižnice fotografií."; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings index ec028284d..f4bf7a9f7 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ "action_copy_caption" = "Copy caption"; "action_copy_link" = "Kopírovať odkaz"; "action_copy_link_to_message" = "Kopírovať odkaz do správy"; -"action_copy_text" = "Copy text"; +"action_copy_text" = "Kopírovať text"; "action_create" = "Vytvoriť"; "action_create_a_room" = "Vytvoriť miestnosť"; "action_deactivate" = "Deaktivovať"; @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ "action_reject" = "Odmietnuť"; "action_remove" = "Odstrániť"; "action_remove_caption" = "Odstrániť titulok"; -"action_remove_message" = "Remove message"; +"action_remove_message" = "Odstrániť správu"; "action_reply" = "Odpovedať"; "action_reply_in_thread" = "Odpovedať vo vlákne"; "action_report_bug" = "Nahlásiť chybu"; @@ -385,9 +385,9 @@ "screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Správa (voliteľné)"; "screen_join_room_knock_sent_description" = "Ak bude vaša žiadosť prijatá, dostanete pozvánku na vstup do miestnosti."; "screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Žiadosť o pripojenie bola odoslaná"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, accept all"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to accept all requests to join?"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Accept all requests"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Áno, prijať všetky"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Ste si istí, že chcete prijať všetky žiadosti o pripojenie?"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Prijať všetky žiadosti"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_button_title" = "Prijať všetky"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_failed_alert_description" = "We couldn’t accept all requests. Would you like to try again?"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_failed_alert_title" = "Failed to accept all requests"; @@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_failed_alert_description" = "We couldn’t accept this request. Would you like to try again?"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_failed_alert_title" = "Failed to accept request"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_loading_title" = "Accepting request to join"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline and ban"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline and ban %1$@? This user won’t be able to request access to join this room again."; -"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Decline and ban from accessing"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Áno, odmietnuť a zakázať"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Ste si istí, že chcete odmietnuť a zakázať používateľa %1$@? Tento používateľ nebude môcť znova požiadať o prístup k tejto miestnosti."; +"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Odmietnuť a zakázať prístup"; "screen_knock_requests_list_ban_loading_title" = "Declining and banning access"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline %1$@ request to join this room?"; -"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Decline access"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Áno, odmietnuť"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Ste si istí, že chcete odmietnuť používateľovi %1$@ žiadosť o vstup do tejto miestnosti?"; +"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Odmietnuť prístup"; "screen_knock_requests_list_decline_and_ban_action_title" = "Odmietnuť a zakázať"; "screen_knock_requests_list_decline_failed_alert_description" = "We couldn’t decline this request. Would you like to try again?"; "screen_knock_requests_list_decline_failed_alert_title" = "Failed to decline request"; @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "screen_media_details_redact_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?"; "screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by"; "screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on"; -"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps."; +"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Titulky nemusia byť viditeľné pre ľudí používajúcich staršie aplikácie."; "screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Nepodarilo sa spracovať médiá na odoslanie, skúste to prosím znova."; "screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Nepodarilo sa nahrať médiá, skúste to prosím znova."; "screen_pinned_timeline_empty_state_description" = "Stlačte správu a vyberte možnosť „%1$@“, ktorú chcete zahrnúť sem."; @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Odmietnuť konverzáciu"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Žiadne pozvánky"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) vás pozval/a"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Pripojiť sa do miestnosti"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Zaklopaním sa pripojíte"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ zatiaľ nepodporuje priestory. K priestorom môžete pristupovať na webe."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Priestory zatiaľ nie sú podporované"; @@ -652,11 +660,11 @@ "screen_media_browser_files_empty_state_title" = "No files uploaded yet"; "screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…"; "screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…"; -"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files"; -"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media"; -"screen_media_browser_media_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here."; -"screen_media_browser_media_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet"; -"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files"; +"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Súbory"; +"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Médiá"; +"screen_media_browser_media_empty_state_subtitle" = "Tu sa zobrazia obrázky a videá nahrané do tejto miestnosti."; +"screen_media_browser_media_empty_state_title" = "Žiadne médiá zatiaľ neboli nahrané"; +"screen_media_browser_title" = "Médiá a súbory"; "screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Nepodarilo sa vybrať médium, skúste to prosím znova."; "screen_migration_message" = "Ide o jednorazový proces, ďakujeme za trpezlivosť."; "screen_migration_title" = "Nastavenie vášho účtu."; @@ -1058,7 +1066,7 @@ "state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ urobil/a neznámu zmenu svojho členstva"; "test_language_identifier" = "sk"; "test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en"; -"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device"; +"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historické správy nie sú na tomto zariadení k dispozícii"; "timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_unverified_device" = "You need to verify this device for access to historical messages"; "timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_user_not_joined" = "You don't have access to this message"; "timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings index 3753d6ccb..c678ba802 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "common_verification_cancelled" = "Verifiering avbruten"; "common_verification_complete" = "Verifieringen slutförd"; "common_verification_failed" = "Verification failed"; -"common_verified" = "Verified"; +"common_verified" = "Verifierad"; "common_verify_device" = "Verifiera enheten"; "common_verify_identity" = "Verify identity"; "common_video" = "Video"; @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ "confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Din nyckellagring är inte synkroniserad"; "crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ kraschade senast den användes. Vill du dela en kraschrapport med oss?"; "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation" = "Identitet för %1$@ verkar ha ändrats. %2$@"; -"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "%1$@’s %2$@ identity appears to have changed. %3$@"; +"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "Identitet för %1$@ %2$@ verkar ha förändrats. %3$@"; "crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new_user_id" = "(%1$@)"; "crypto_identity_change_verification_violation_new" = "%1$@’s %2$@ verified identity has changed. %3$@"; "crypto_identity_change_withdraw_verification_action" = "Withdraw verification"; @@ -368,11 +368,11 @@ "screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Anpassad bas-URL för Element Call"; "screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Ange en anpassad bas-URL för Element Call."; "screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Ogiltig URL, se till att du inkluderar protokollet (http/https) och rätt adress."; -"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_description" = "Anyone can join this room"; -"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_title" = "Anyone"; -"screen_create_room_room_access_section_header" = "Room Access"; -"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_description" = "Anyone can ask to join the room but an administrator or a moderator will have to accept the request"; -"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_title" = "Ask to join"; +"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_description" = "Vem som helst kan gå med i det här rummet"; +"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_title" = "Vem som helst"; +"screen_create_room_room_access_section_header" = "Rumsåtkomst"; +"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_description" = "Vem som helst kan be om att gå med i rummet men en administratör eller en moderator måste acceptera begäran"; +"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_title" = "Be om att gå med"; "screen_create_room_room_address_section_footer" = "In order for this room to be visible in the public room directory, you will need a room address."; "screen_create_room_room_address_section_title" = "Room address"; "screen_create_room_room_visibility_section_title" = "Room visibility"; @@ -382,9 +382,9 @@ "screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_confirmation" = "Yes, cancel"; "screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_description" = "Are you sure that you want to cancel your request to join this room?"; "screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_title" = "Cancel request to join"; -"screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Message (optional)"; +"screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Meddelande (valfritt)"; "screen_join_room_knock_sent_description" = "You will receive an invite to join the room if your request is accepted."; -"screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Request to join sent"; +"screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Begäran om att gå med skickad"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, accept all"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to accept all requests to join?"; "screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Accept all requests"; @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Avböj chatt"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Inga inbjudningar"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) bjöd in dig"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Gå med i rummet"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Knacka för att gå med"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ stöder inte utrymmen än. Du kan komma åt utrymmen på webben."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Utrymmen stöds inte ännu"; @@ -724,7 +732,7 @@ "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Välj %1$@"; "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "”Länka ny enhet”"; "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Skanna QR-koden med den här enheten"; -"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_subtitle" = "Only available if your account provider supports it."; +"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_subtitle" = "Endast tillgängligt om din kontoleverantör stöder det."; "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Öppna %1$@ på en annan enhet för att få QR-koden"; "screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Använd QR-koden som visas på den andra enheten."; "screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Fel QR-kod"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings index d9950fa74..f1dbde0a3 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Відхилити бесіду"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Немає запрошень"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) запрошує вас"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Приєднатися до кімнати"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Постукати, щоб приєднатися"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ ще не підтримує простори. Ви можете отримати доступ до них у вебверсії."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Простори поки що не підтримуються"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uz.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uz.lproj/Localizable.strings index c6286d55f..100322951 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uz.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uz.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Chatni rad etish"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "Takliflar yo'q"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@(%2$@ ) sizni taklif qildi"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings index 7d63aedf0..125b17d32 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "拒绝聊天"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "没有邀请"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@)邀请了你"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "加入聊天室"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "加入聊天室"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ 尚不支持空间。您可以通过 Web 端访问空间"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "空间尚不支持"; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/InfoPlist.strings new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c6957458 --- /dev/null +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/InfoPlist.strings @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "To take pictures or videos and send them as a message Element X needs access to the camera."; +"NSFaceIDUsageDescription" = "Face ID is used to access your app."; +"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Grant location access so that Element X can share your location."; +"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "To record and send messages with audio, Element X needs to access the microphone."; +"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" = "This lets you save images and videos to your photo library."; diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings index 34103bab9..79b89359d 100644 --- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -622,7 +622,15 @@ "screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Decline chat"; "screen_invites_empty_list" = "沒有邀請"; "screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@(%2$@)邀請您"; +"screen_join_room_ban_by_message" = "You were banned from this room by %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_ban_message" = "You were banned from this room"; +"screen_join_room_ban_reason" = "Reason: %1$@."; +"screen_join_room_fail_message" = "Joining the room failed."; +"screen_join_room_fail_reason" = "This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level."; +"screen_join_room_forget_action" = "Forget this room"; +"screen_join_room_invite_required_message" = "You need an invite in order to join this room"; "screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room"; +"screen_join_room_join_restricted_message" = "You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join."; "screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Send request to join"; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web."; "screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet"; diff --git a/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift b/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift index 0dc4dcaa6..a1d25f774 100644 --- a/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift +++ b/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift @@ -1286,6 +1286,16 @@ internal enum L10n { internal static func screenInvitesInvitedYou(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_invites_invited_you", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2)) } + /// You were banned from this room by %1$@. + internal static func screenJoinRoomBanByMessage(_ p1: Any) -> String { + return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_ban_by_message", String(describing: p1)) + } + /// You were banned from this room + internal static var screenJoinRoomBanMessage: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_ban_message") } + /// Reason: %1$@. + internal static func screenJoinRoomBanReason(_ p1: Any) -> String { + return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_ban_reason", String(describing: p1)) + } /// Cancel request internal static var screenJoinRoomCancelKnockAction: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_cancel_knock_action") } /// Yes, cancel @@ -1294,8 +1304,18 @@ internal enum L10n { internal static var screenJoinRoomCancelKnockAlertDescription: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_description") } /// Cancel request to join internal static var screenJoinRoomCancelKnockAlertTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_title") } + /// Joining the room failed. + internal static var screenJoinRoomFailMessage: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_fail_message") } + /// This room is either invite-only or there might be restrictions to access at space level. + internal static var screenJoinRoomFailReason: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_fail_reason") } + /// Forget this room + internal static var screenJoinRoomForgetAction: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_forget_action") } + /// You need an invite in order to join this room + internal static var screenJoinRoomInviteRequiredMessage: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_invite_required_message") } /// Join room internal static var screenJoinRoomJoinAction: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_join_action") } + /// You may need to be invited or be a member of a space in order to join. + internal static var screenJoinRoomJoinRestrictedMessage: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_join_restricted_message") } /// Send request to join internal static var screenJoinRoomKnockAction: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_join_room_knock_action") } /// Message (optional)