mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:39:12 +00:00
Translations update (#3592)
Co-authored-by: pixlwave <6060466+pixlwave@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Без водступу";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Спасылка";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Дадаць далучэнне";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Карыстальніцкі URL сервера Element Call";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Усталюйце карыстальніцкі асноўны URL для Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Адрас пазначаны няправільна, пераканайцеся, што вы ўказалі пратакол (http/https) і правільны адрас.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Не атрымалася апрацаваць медыяфайл для загрузкі, паспрабуйце яшчэ раз.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Не атрымалася загрузіць медыяфайлы, паспрабуйце яшчэ раз.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Увядзіце свае даныя";
"screen_login_title" = "Сардэчна запрашаем!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Увайсці ў %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Не ўдалося выбраць носьбіт, паўтарыце спробу.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Гэта аднаразовы працэс, дзякуем за чаканне.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Налада ўліковага запісу.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Пры загрузцы налад апавяшчэнняў адбылася памылка.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Не атрымалася адключыць гук у гэтым пакоі, паўтарыце спробу.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Не ўдалося ўключыць гук у гэтым пакоі. Паўтарыце спробу.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Уласныя";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Стандартныя";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Падзяліцца пакоем";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ унеслі невядомую змену ў сяброўства";
"test_language_identifier" = "be";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Выпраўленне непаладак";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Запусціць тэсты";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Запусціце тэсты яшчэ раз";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Unindent";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Връзка";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Прикачване на файл";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Custom Element Call base URL";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Set a custom base URL for Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Failed uploading media, please try again.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Въведете своите данни";
"screen_login_title" = "Добре дошли отново!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Влизане в %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Failed selecting media, please try again.";
"screen_migration_message" = "This is a one time process, thanks for waiting.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Setting up your account.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "An error occurred when loading notification settings.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Failed muting this room, please try again.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Failed unmuting this room, please try again.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Персонализирани";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "По подразбиране";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Споделяне на стаята";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ made an unknown change to their membership";
"test_language_identifier" = "bg";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Run tests";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
"action_confirm_password" = "Potvrdit heslo";
"action_continue" = "Pokračovat";
"action_copy" = "Kopírovat";
"action_copy_caption" = "Copy caption";
"action_copy_caption" = "Kopírovat titulek";
"action_copy_link" = "Kopírovat odkaz";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Kopírovat odkaz na zprávu";
"action_copy_text" = "Copy text";
"action_copy_text" = "Kopírovat text";
"action_create" = "Vytvořit";
"action_create_a_room" = "Vytvořit místnost";
"action_deactivate" = "Deaktivovat";
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"action_reject" = "Odmítnout";
"action_remove" = "Odstranit";
"action_remove_caption" = "Odstranit titulek";
"action_remove_message" = "Remove message";
"action_remove_message" = "Odstranit zprávu";
"action_reply" = "Odpovědět";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Odpovědět ve vlákně";
"action_report_bug" = "Nahlásit chybu";
@ -373,21 +373,25 @@
"screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Zpráva (nepovinné)";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_description" = "Pokud bude váš požadavek přijat, obdržíte pozvánku na vstup do místnosti.";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Žádost o vstup odeslána";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, accept all";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to accept all requests to join?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Accept all requests";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Ano, přijmout všechny";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Opravdu chcete přijmout všechny žádosti o vstup?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Přijmout všechny požadavky";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_button_title" = "Přijmout vše";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline and ban";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline and ban %1$@? This user won’t be able to request access to join this room again.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Decline and ban from accessing";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline %1$@ request to join this room?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Decline access";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Ano, odmítnout a vykázat";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Opravdu chcete odmítnout a vykázat %1$@? Tento uživatel nebude moci znovu požádat o vstup do této místnosti.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Odmítnout a zakázat vstup";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Ano, odmítnout";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Opravdu chcete odmítnout %1$@ žádost o vstup do této místnosti?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Odmítnout vstup";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_and_ban_action_title" = "Odmítnout a vykázat";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Když někdo požádá o vstup do místnosti, uvidíte jeho žádost zde.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Žádná čekající žádost o vstup";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Žádosti o vstup";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Titulky nemusí být viditelné pro lidi, kteří používají starší aplikace.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Nahrání média se nezdařilo, zkuste to prosím znovu.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Nahrání média se nezdařilo, zkuste to prosím znovu.";
"screen_pinned_timeline_empty_state_description" = "Přidržte zprávu a vyberte „%1$@“, kterou chcete zahrnout sem.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Zadejte své údaje";
"screen_login_title" = "Vítejte zpět!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Přihlaste se k %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Obrázky a videa nahraná do této místnosti budou zobrazeny zde.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "Zatím nebyla nahrána žádná média";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Načítání souborů...";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Načítání médií...";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Soubory";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Média";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Média a soubory";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Výběr média se nezdařil, zkuste to prosím znovu.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Jedná se o jednorázový proces, prosíme o strpení.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Nastavení vašeho účtu";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Při načítání nastavení oznámení došlo k chybě.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Ztišení této místnosti se nezdařilo, zkuste to prosím znovu.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Nepodařilo se zrušit ztišení této místnosti, zkuste to prosím znovu.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Média a soubory";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Vlastní";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Výchozí";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Sdílet místnost";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ provedl(a) neznámou změnu svého členství";
"test_language_identifier" = "en";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historické zprávy nejsou na tomto zařízení k dispozici";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Nelze dešifrovat zprávu";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "Tato zpráva byla zablokována buď proto, že jste neověřili své zařízení, nebo proto, že odesílatel potřebuje ověřit vaši totožnost.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Odstraňování problémů";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Spustit testy";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Spustit testy znovu";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Falls jemand um Aufnahme in den Raum bittet, können Sie dessen Anfrage hier sehen.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Keine ausstehende Beitrittsanfrage";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Beitrittsanfragen";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "Dateiformat";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "Dateiname";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Hochgeladen von";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Hochgeladen am";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Bildunterschriften sind für Nutzer älterer Apps möglicherweise nicht sichtbar.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Fehler beim Verarbeiten des hochgeladenen Mediums. Bitte versuche es erneut.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Das Hochladen der Medien ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuche es erneut.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Gebe deine Daten ein";
"screen_login_title" = "Willkommen zurück!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Anmelden bei %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "In diesen Chatroom hochgeladene Bilder und Videos werden hier angezeigt.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "Noch keine Medien hochgeladen";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Dateien werden geladen…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Medien werden geladen…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Dateien";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Medien";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Medien und Dateien";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Medienauswahl fehlgeschlagen, bitte versuche es erneut.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Dies ist ein einmaliger Vorgang, danke fürs Warten.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Dein Konto wird eingerichtet.";
@ -620,7 +633,7 @@
"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Konto erstellen";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Willkommen beim schnellsten %1$@ aller Zeiten. Optimiert für Geschwindigkeit und Einfachheit.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Willkommen zu %1$@. Aufgeladen, für Geschwindigkeit und Einfachheit.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Sei in deinem Element";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Sei in Deinem Element";
"screen_polls_history_empty_ongoing" = "Keine laufenden Umfragen vorhanden.";
"screen_polls_history_empty_past" = "Keine vergangenen Umfragen vorhanden.";
"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "Aktuell";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Beim Laden der Benachrichtigungseinstellungen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Die Stummschaltung ist fehlgeschlagen, bitte versuche es erneut.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Die Deaktivierung der Stummschaltung ist fehlgeschlagen, bitte versuche es erneut.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Medien und Dateien";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Benutzerdefiniert";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Standard";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Teilen";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ hat eine unbekannte Änderung vorgenommen";
"test_language_identifier" = "en";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Der Nachrichtenverlauf ist auf diesem Gerät nicht verfügbar";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Nachricht kann nicht entschlüsselt werden";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "Diese Nachricht wurde entweder blockiert, weil Ihr Gerät nicht verifiziert ist oder weil der Absender Ihre Identität überprüfen muss.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Fehlerbehebung";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Tests durchführen";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Tests erneut durchführen";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Όταν κάποιος θα ζητήσει να συμμετάσχει στο δωμάτιο, θα μπορείς να δεις το αίτημά του εδώ.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Δεν υπάρχει εκκρεμές αίτημα συμμετοχής";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Αιτήματα συμμετοχής";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Οι λεζάντες ενδέχεται να μην είναι ορατές σε άτομα που χρησιμοποιούν παλαιότερες εφαρμογές.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Αποτυχία μεταφόρτωσης μέσου, δοκίμασε ξανά.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Αποτυχία μεταφόρτωσης πολυμέσων, δοκίμασε ξανά.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Εισήγαγε τα στοιχεία σου";
"screen_login_title" = "Καλωσόρισες ξανά!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Συνδέσου στο %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Αποτυχία επιλογής πολυμέσου, δοκίμασε ξανά.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Αυτή είναι μια εφάπαξ διαδικασία, ευχαριστώ που περίμενες.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Ρύθμιση του λογαριασμού σου.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη φόρτωση των ρυθμίσεων ειδοποίησης.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Αποτυχία σίγασης αυτού του δωματίου, δοκίμασε ξανά.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Αποτυχία κατάργησης σίγασης αυτού του δωματίου, δοκίμασε ξανά.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Προσαρμοσμένο";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Προεπιλογή";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Κοινή χρήση δωματίου";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "Ο χρήστης %1$@ έκανε μια άγνωστη αλλαγή στην ιδιότητα μέλους του.";
"test_language_identifier" = "el";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Εκτέλεση δοκιμών";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Επανεκτέλεση δοκιμών";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Failed uploading media, please try again.";
@ -586,8 +590,12 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Enter your details";
"screen_login_title" = "Welcome back!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Sign in to %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
@ -748,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "An error occurred when loading notification settings.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Failed muting this room, please try again.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Failed unmuting this room, please try again.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Custom";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Default";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Share room";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Quitar sangría";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Enlace";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Adjuntar archivo";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "URL base personalizada de Element Call";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Define una URL base personalizada para Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL no válida, asegúrate de incluir el protocolo (http/https) y la dirección correcta.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Error al procesar el contenido multimedia, por favor inténtalo de nuevo.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Error al subir el contenido multimedia, por favor inténtalo de nuevo.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Introduce tus datos";
"screen_login_title" = "¡Hola de nuevo!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Iniciar sesión en %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Error al seleccionar archivos multimedia, por favor inténtalo de nuevo.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Este proceso solo se hace una vez, gracias por esperar.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Configura tu cuenta";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Se ha producido un error al cargar la configuración de las notificaciones.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "No se ha podido silenciar esta sala, inténtalo de nuevo.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Error al dejar de silenciar esta sala, por favor inténtalo de nuevo.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Personalizado";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Por defecto";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Compartir sala";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ realizó un cambio desconocido en su membresía";
"test_language_identifier" = "es";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Run tests";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Kui keegi soovib jututoaga liituda, siis need päringud on kuvatud siin.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Pole ühtegi liitumispalvet";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Liitumispalved";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Selgitused ja alapealkirjad ei pruugi olla nähtavad vanemate rakenduste kasutajatele.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Meediafaili töötlemine enne üleslaadimist ei õnnestunud. Palun proovi uuesti.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Meediafaili üleslaadimine ei õnnestunud. Palun proovi uuesti.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Sisesta oma andmed";
"screen_login_title" = "Tere tulemast tagasi!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Logi sisse serverisse %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Antud jututuppa üleslaaditud pildid ja videod kuvatakse siin.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "Mitte keegi pole veel meediat üles laadinud";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Laadime faile…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Laadime meediat…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Failid";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Meedia";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Meedia ja failid";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Meediafaili valimine ei õnnestunud. Palun proovi uuesti.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Tänud, et ootad - seda toimingut on vaja teha vaid üks kord.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Seadistame sinu kasutajakontot.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Teavituste seadistuste laadimisel tekkis viga.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Selle jututoa summutamine ei õnnestunud. Palun proovi uuesti.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Selle jututoa summutamise eemaldamine ei õnnestunud. Palun proovi uuesti.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Meedia ja failid";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Kohandatud";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Vaikimisi";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Jaga jututuba";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ tegi oma liikmelisuses teadmata muutatuse";
"test_language_identifier" = "et";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Vanu sõnumeid ei saa selles seadmes näha";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Sõnumi dekrüptimine ei õnnestu";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "Kuna seade on verifitseerimata või saatja pole sind verifitseerinud, siis sõnumi näitamine on blokeeritud.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Veaotsing";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Käivita testid";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Käivita testid uuesti";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "تونرفتگی";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "پیوند";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "افزودن پیوست";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "نشانی پایهٔ تماس المنتی سفارشی";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "تنظمی نشانی پایهای سفارشی برای تماس المنتی.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "پردازش رسانه برای بارگذاری شکست خورد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "بارگذاری رسانه شکست خورد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "جزییاتتان را وارد کنید";
"screen_login_title" = "خوش برگشتید!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "ورود به %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "گزینش رسانه شکست خورد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید.";
"screen_migration_message" = "فرایندی یک باره است. ممنون از شکیباییتان.";
"screen_migration_title" = "برپایی حسابتان.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "An error occurred when loading notification settings.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Failed muting this room, please try again.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Failed unmuting this room, please try again.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "سفارشی";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "پیشگزیده";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "همرسانی اتاق";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ تغییری نامعلوم در عضویتش داد";
"test_language_identifier" = "fa";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "رفعاشکال";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "اجرای آزمونها";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "اجرای دوبارهٔ آزمونها";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Median käsittely epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Median lähettäminen epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Syötä tietosi";
"screen_login_title" = "Tervetuloa takaisin!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Kirjaudu sisään %1$@ -palvelimelle";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Median valinta epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Tämä on kertaluonteinen prosessi, kiitos odottamisesta.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Tiliä määritetään.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Ilmoitusasetuksia ladattaessa tapahtui virhe.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Tämän huoneen mykistäminen epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Tämän huoneen mykistyksen poistaminen epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Mukautettu";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Oletus";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Jaa huone";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ teki tuntemattoman muutoksen jäsenyyteensä";
"test_language_identifier" = "fi";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Vianmääritys";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Suorita testit";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Suorita testit uudelleen";
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
"common_shared_location" = "Position partagée";
"common_signing_out" = "Déconnexion";
"common_something_went_wrong" = "Une erreur s'est produite";
"common_starting_chat" = "Création de la discussion...";
"common_starting_chat" = "Création de la discussion…";
"common_sticker" = "Autocollant";
"common_success" = "Succès";
"common_suggestions" = "Suggestions";
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
"common_verify_identity" = "Vérifier l'identité";
"common_video" = "Vidéo";
"common_voice_message" = "Message vocal";
"common_waiting" = "En attente...";
"common_waiting" = "En attente…";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "En attente de la clé de déchiffrement";
"common.copied_to_clipboard" = "Copié dans le presse-papiers";
"common.do_not_show_this_again" = "Ne plus afficher";
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
"common_unable_to_decrypt_verification_violation" = "L'identité vérifiée de l'expéditeur a changé";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Confirmez votre clé de récupération pour conserver l’accès à votre stockage de clés et à l’historique des messages.";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_primary_button_title" = "Saisissez votre clé de récupération";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_secondary_button_title" = "Clé de récupération oubliée?";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_secondary_button_title" = "Clé de récupération oubliée ?";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Le stockage de vos clés n'est pas synchronisé";
"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ s’est arrêté la dernière fois qu’il a été utilisé. Souhaitez-vous partager un rapport d’incident avec nous ?";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation" = "L'identité de %1$@ semble avoir changé. %2$@";
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
"dialog_title_confirmation" = "Confirmation";
"dialog_title_warning" = "Attention";
"dialog_unsaved_changes_description_ios" = "Vos modifications ne seront pas enregistrées";
"dialog_unsaved_changes_title" = "Enregistrer les changements?";
"dialog_unsaved_changes_title" = "Enregistrer les changements ?";
"emoji_picker_category_activity" = "Activités";
"emoji_picker_category_flags" = "Drapeaux";
"emoji_picker_category_foods" = "Nourriture et boissons";
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Améliorez votre expérience d'appel";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Rejoignez-moi sur %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Salut, parle-moi sur %1$@ : %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter cette discussion? Vous ne pourrez pas la rejoindre à nouveau sans y être invité.";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter cette discussion ? Vous ne pourrez pas la rejoindre à nouveau sans y être invité.";
"leave_room_alert_empty_subtitle" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ce salon ? Vous êtes la seule personne ici. Si vous partez, personne ne pourra rejoindre le salon à l’avenir, y compris vous.";
"leave_room_alert_private_subtitle" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter ce salon ? Ce salon n’est pas public et vous ne pourrez pas le rejoindre sans invitation.";
"leave_room_alert_subtitle" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter le salon ?";
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Échec de l’envoi - veuillez ouvrir le salon";
"notification_invite_body" = "Vous a invité(e) à discuter";
"notification_invite_body_with_sender" = "%1$@ vous a invité à discuter";
"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "Mentionné(e): %1$@";
"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "Mentionné(e) : %1$@";
"notification_new_messages" = "Nouveaux messages";
"notification_reaction_body" = "A réagi avec %1$@";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Vous a invité(e) à rejoindre le salon";
@ -330,11 +330,11 @@
"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room" = "%1$@ dans %2$@";
"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_and_invitation" = "%1$@ dans %2$@ et %3$@";
"preference_rageshake" = "Rageshake pour signaler un problème";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Vous semblez secouez votre téléphone avec frustration. Souhaitez-vous ouvrir le formulaire pour reporter un problème?";
"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Vous semblez secouez votre téléphone avec frustration. Souhaitez-vous ouvrir le formulaire pour reporter un problème ?";
"rich_text_editor_bullet_list" = "Afficher une liste à puces";
"rich_text_editor_close_formatting_options" = "Fermer les options de formatage";
"rich_text_editor_code_block" = "Afficher le bloc de code";
"rich_text_editor_composer_placeholder" = "Message...";
"rich_text_editor_composer_placeholder" = "Message…";
"rich_text_editor_create_link" = "Créer un lien";
"rich_text_editor_edit_link" = "Modifier le lien";
"rich_text_editor_format_bold" = "Appliquer le format gras";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Décaler vers la gauche";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Lien";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Ajouter une pièce jointe";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Légende facultative...";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Légende facultative…";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "URL de base pour Element Call personnalisée";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Configurer une URL de base pour Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL invalide, assurez-vous d’inclure le protocol (http/https) et l’adresse correcte.";
@ -368,25 +368,29 @@
"screen_create_room_room_visibility_section_title" = "Visibilité du salon";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_action" = "Annuler la demande";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_confirmation" = "Oui, annuler";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler votre demande d'accès à ce salon?";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler votre demande d'accès à ce salon ?";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_title" = "Annuler la demande d'adhésion";
"screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Message (facultatif)";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_description" = "Vous recevrez une invitation à rejoindre le salon si votre demande est acceptée.";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Demande de rejoindre le salon envoyée";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Oui, tout accepter";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir accepter toutes les demandes pour rejoindre le salon ?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir accepter toutes les demandes pour rejoindre le salon ?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Tout accepter";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_button_title" = "Tout accepter";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Oui, rejeter et bannir";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir rejeter la demande et bannir %1$@? Cet utilisateur ne pourra pas demander à nouveau à rejoindre ce salon.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir rejeter la demande et bannir %1$@ ? Cet utilisateur ne pourra pas demander à nouveau à rejoindre ce salon.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Refuser et interdire l'accès";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Oui, refuser";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir refuser la demande de %1$@ à rejoindre le salon?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir refuser la demande de %1$@ à rejoindre le salon ?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Refuser l'accès";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_and_ban_action_title" = "Refuser et bannir";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Lorsque quelqu'un demandera à rejoindre le salon, vous pourrez voir sa demande ici.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Personne ne demande à rejoindre le salon";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Demandes en attente";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "Format du fichier";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "Nom du fichier";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Envoyé par";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Envoyé le";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Les légendes peuvent ne pas être visibles pour les utilisateurs d'anciennes applications.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Échec du traitement des médias à télécharger, veuillez réessayer.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Échec du téléchargement du média, veuillez réessayer.";
@ -405,7 +409,7 @@
"screen_room_multiple_knock_requests_view_all_button_title" = "Tout afficher";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ sur %2$@";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Messages épinglés";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_loading_description" = "Chargement du message...";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_loading_description" = "Chargement du message…";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "Voir tout";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_accept_button_title" = "Accepter";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_title" = "%1$@ souhaite rejoindre ce salon";
@ -443,15 +447,15 @@
"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "l'authentification biométrique";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "déverrouillage biométrique";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "Veuillez vous authentification pour accéder à l’application";
"screen_app_lock_forgot_pin" = "Code PIN oublié?";
"screen_app_lock_forgot_pin" = "Code PIN oublié ?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_change_pin" = "Modifier le code PIN";
"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_biometric_unlock" = "Autoriser le déverrouillage biométrique";
"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_face_id_ios" = "Autoriser Face ID";
"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_optic_id_ios" = "Autoriser Optic ID";
"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_touch_id_ios" = "Autoriser Touch ID";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin" = "Supprimer le code PIN";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_message" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le code PIN?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_title" = "Supprimer le code PIN?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_message" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer le code PIN ?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_title" = "Supprimer le code PIN ?";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_allow_title" = "Autoriser %1$@";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_skip" = "Je préfère utiliser le code PIN";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_subtitle" = "Gagnez du temps en utilisant %1$@ pour déverrouiller l’application à chaque fois.";
@ -527,7 +531,7 @@
"screen_deactivate_account_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Veuillez confirmer que vous souhaitez désactiver votre compte. Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.";
"screen_deactivate_account_delete_all_messages" = "Supprimer tous mes messages";
"screen_deactivate_account_delete_all_messages_notice" = "Attention : les futurs utilisateurs pourraient voir des conversations incomplètes.";
"screen_deactivate_account_description" = "La désactivation de votre compte est %1$@, cela va:";
"screen_deactivate_account_description" = "La désactivation de votre compte est %1$@, cela va :";
"screen_deactivate_account_description_bold_part" = "irréversible";
"screen_deactivate_account_list_item_1" = "%1$@ votre compte (vous ne pourrez plus vous reconnecter et votre identifiant ne pourra pas être réutilisé).";
"screen_deactivate_account_list_item_1_bold_part" = "Désactiver définitivement";
@ -535,13 +539,13 @@
"screen_deactivate_account_list_item_3" = "Supprimer les informations de votre compte du serveur d'identité.";
"screen_deactivate_account_list_item_4" = "Rendre vos messages invisibles aux futurs membres des salons si vous choisissez de les supprimer. Vos messages seront toujours visibles pour les utilisateurs qui les ont déjà récupérés.";
"screen_deactivate_account_title" = "Désactiver votre compte";
"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce sondage?";
"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce sondage ?";
"screen_edit_profile_display_name" = "Pseudonyme";
"screen_edit_profile_display_name_placeholder" = "Votre pseudonyme";
"screen_edit_profile_error" = "Une erreur inconnue s’est produite et les informations n’ont pas pu être modifiées.";
"screen_edit_profile_error_title" = "Impossible de mettre à jour le profil";
"screen_edit_profile_title" = "Modifier le profil";
"screen_edit_profile_updating_details" = "Mise à jour du profil...";
"screen_edit_profile_updating_details" = "Mise à jour du profil…";
"screen_encryption_reset_action_continue_reset" = "Continuer la réinitialisation";
"screen_encryption_reset_bullet_1" = "Les détails de votre compte, vos contacts, vos préférences et votre liste de discussions seront conservés";
"screen_encryption_reset_bullet_2" = "Vous perdrez l’historique de vos messages";
@ -569,15 +573,15 @@
"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Les Spaces ne sont pas encore pris en charge";
"screen_join_room_subtitle_knock" = "Cliquez ci-dessous et un administrateur sera prévenu. Une fois votre demande approuvée, pour pourrez rejoindre la discussion.";
"screen_join_room_subtitle_no_preview" = "Vous devez être un membre du salon pour pouvoir lire l'historique des messages.";
"screen_join_room_title_knock" = "Vous souhaitez rejoindre ce salon?";
"screen_join_room_title_knock" = "Vous souhaitez rejoindre ce salon ?";
"screen_join_room_title_no_preview" = "La prévisualisation n'est pas disponible";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_action_turn_off" = "Désactiver";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_description" = "Vous perdrez vos messages chiffrés si vous vous déconnectez de toutes vos sessions.";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_title" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir désactiver la sauvegarde?";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description" = "Désactiver la sauvegarde supprimera votre clé de récupération actuelle et désactivera d’autres mesures de sécurité. Dans ce cas:";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_title" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir désactiver la sauvegarde ?";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description" = "Désactiver la sauvegarde supprimera votre clé de récupération actuelle et désactivera d’autres mesures de sécurité. Dans ce cas :";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_1" = "Pas d’accès à l’historique des discussions chiffrées sur vos nouveaux appareils";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_2" = "Perte de l’accès à vos messages chiffrés si vous êtes déconnectés de %1$@ partout";
"screen_key_backup_disable_title" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir désactiver la sauvegarde?";
"screen_key_backup_disable_title" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir désactiver la sauvegarde ?";
"screen_login_error_deactivated_account" = "Ce compte a été désactivé.";
"screen_login_error_invalid_credentials" = "Nom d’utilisateur et/ou mot de passe incorrects";
"screen_login_error_invalid_user_id" = "Il ne s’agit pas d’un identifiant utilisateur valide. Format attendu : « @user:homeserver.org »";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Saisissez vos identifiants";
"screen_login_title" = "Content de vous revoir !";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Connectez-vous à %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "Ce fichier sera supprimé du salon et les membres n'y auront plus accès.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Supprimer le fichier ?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Les images et vidéos envoyées dans ce salon seront affichées ici.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "Aucun média n'a encore été envoyé dans ce salon";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Chargement des fichiers…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Chargement des médias…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Fichiers";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Média";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Médias et fichiers";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Échec de la sélection du média, veuillez réessayer.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Il s’agit d’une opération ponctuelle, merci d’attendre quelques instants.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Configuration de votre compte.";
@ -669,14 +682,14 @@
"screen_recovery_key_change_description" = "Obtenez une nouvelle clé de récupération dans le cas où vous avez oublié l’ancienne. Après le changement, l’ancienne clé ne sera plus utilisable.";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key" = "Générer une nouvelle clé";
"screen_recovery_key_change_success" = "Clé de récupération modifée";
"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Changer la clé de récupération?";
"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Changer la clé de récupération ?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_create_new_recovery_key" = "Créer une nouvelle clé de récupération";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_description" = "Assurez vous que personne d'autre ne regarde votre écran!";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_description" = "Assurez vous que personne d'autre ne regarde votre écran !";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Veuillez réessayer pour confirmer l'accès à votre stockage de clés.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "Clé de récupération incorrecte";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "Si vous avez une clé de sécurité ou une phrase de sécurité, cela fonctionnera également.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "Saisissez la clé ici…";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Clé de récupération perdue?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Clé de récupération perdue ?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_success" = "Clé de récupération confirmée";
"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Clé de récupération copiée";
"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Génération…";
@ -685,7 +698,7 @@
"screen_recovery_key_save_key_description" = "Taper pour copier la clé";
"screen_recovery_key_save_title" = "Sauvegarder la clé";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_description" = "La clé ne pourra plus être affichée après cette étape.";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_title" = "Avez-vous sauvegardé votre clé de récupération?";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_title" = "Avez-vous sauvegardé votre clé de récupération ?";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_description" = "Votre sauvegarde est protégée par votre clé de récupération. Si vous avez besoin d’une nouvelle clé après la configuration, vous pourrez en créer une nouvelle en cliquant sur \"Changer la clé de récupération\".";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key" = "Générer la clé de récupération";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Ne partagez cela avec personne !";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Une erreur s’est produite lors du chargement des paramètres de notification.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Échec de la mise en sourdine de ce salon, veuillez réessayer.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Échec de la désactivation de la mise en sourdine de ce salon, veuillez réessayer.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Médias et fichiers";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Personnalisé";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Défaut";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Partager le salon";
@ -766,7 +780,7 @@
"screen_room_member_details_verify_button_title" = "Vérifier %1$@";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_action" = "Bannir";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_description" = "L‘utilisateur ne pourra pas rejoindre le salon à nouveau, même si il est invité.";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_title" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir bannir ce membre?";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_title" = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir bannir ce membre ?";
"screen_room_member_list_banned_empty" = "Il n’y a pas d’utilisateur banni dans ce salon.";
"screen_room_member_list_banning_user" = "Bannissement de %1$@";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_ban" = "Retirer et bannir ce membre";
@ -810,7 +824,7 @@
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_permissions_header" = "Autorisations";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset" = "Réinitialisation des autorisations";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset_confirm_description" = "La réinitialisation des autorisations entraîne la perte des réglages actuels.";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset_confirm_title" = "Réinitialisation des autorisations?";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset_confirm_title" = "Réinitialisation des autorisations ?";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_roles_header" = "Rôles";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_room_details" = "Détails du salon";
"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_title" = "Rôles et autorisations";
@ -844,7 +858,7 @@
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "Salons";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms_empty_state_title" = "Vous n’êtes membre d’aucun salon";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "Non-lus";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads_empty_state_title" = "Félicitations!\nVous n’avez plus de messages non-lus!";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads_empty_state_title" = "Félicitations !\nVous n’avez plus de messages non-lus !";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Conversations";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_read" = "Marquer comme lu";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_unread" = "Marquer comme non lu";
@ -866,7 +880,7 @@
"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_title" = "Ouvrir une session existante";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_canceled" = "Réessayer la vérification";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_initial" = "Je suis prêt.e";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "En attente de correspondance";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "En attente de correspondance…";
"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Comparer un groupe unique d’Emojis.";
"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Comparez les emoji uniques en veillant à ce qu’ils apparaissent dans le même ordre.";
"screen_session_verification_request_details_timestamp" = "Connecté";
@ -896,7 +910,7 @@
"screen_signed_out_subtitle" = "La déconnexion peut être due à une des raisons ci-dessous. Veuillez vous connecter à nouveau pour continuer à utiliser %@.";
"screen_signed_out_title" = "Vous avez été déconnecté";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Déconnexion...";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Déconnexion…";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "Vous êtes en train de vous déconnecter de votre dernière session. Si vous vous déconnectez maintenant, vous perdrez l’accès à l’historique de vos discussions chiffrées.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "Vous avez désactivé la sauvegarde";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "Vos clés étaient en cours de sauvegarde lorsque vous avez perdu la connexion au réseau. Il faudrait rétablir cette connexion afin de pouvoir terminer la sauvegarde avant de vous déconnecter.";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ a effectué un changement inconnu à son adhésion";
"test_language_identifier" = "fr";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Les anciens messages ne sont pas disponibles sur cet appareil";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Impossible de déchiffrer le message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "Ce message a été bloqué soit parce que vous n'avez pas vérifié votre session, soit parce que l'expéditeur doit vérifier votre identité.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Dépannage";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Exécuter les tests";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Relancer les tests";
@ -1007,7 +1024,7 @@
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_description" = "Vérifier que l’application peut afficher des notifications.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_failure" = "Vous n’avez pas cliqué sur la notification.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_permission_failure" = "Impossible d'afficher la notification.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_success" = "Vous avez cliqué sur la notification!";
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_success" = "Vous avez cliqué sur la notification !";
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_title" = "Affichage des notifications";
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_waiting" = "Veuillez cliquer sur la notification pour continuer le test.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_description" = "Vérification que Firebase est disponible.";
@ -1079,7 +1096,7 @@
"screen_room_change_role_section_administrators" = "Administrateurs";
"screen_room_change_role_section_moderators" = "Modérateurs";
"screen_room_change_role_section_users" = "Membres";
"screen_room_change_role_unsaved_changes_title" = "Enregistrer les changements?";
"screen_room_change_role_unsaved_changes_title" = "Enregistrer les changements ?";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Inviter des amis";
"screen_room_details_leave_conversation_title" = "Quitter la discussion";
"screen_room_details_leave_room_title" = "Quitter le salon";
@ -1099,5 +1116,5 @@
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Se déconnecter";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Vos clés sont en cours de sauvegarde";
"screen_signout_preference_item" = "Se déconnecter";
"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "Avez-vous sauvegardé votre clé de récupération?";
"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "Avez-vous sauvegardé votre clé de récupération ?";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_title" = "Dépanner les notifications";
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"a11y_voice_message_record" = "Hangüzenet felvétele.";
"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "Rögzítés leállítása";
"action_accept" = "Elfogadás";
"action_add_caption" = "Add caption";
"action_add_caption" = "Felirat hozzáadása";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Hozzáadás az idővonalhoz";
"action_back" = "Vissza";
"action_call" = "Hívás";
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
"action_confirm_password" = "Jelszó megerősítése";
"action_continue" = "Folytatás";
"action_copy" = "Másolás";
"action_copy_caption" = "Copy caption";
"action_copy_caption" = "Felirat másolása";
"action_copy_link" = "Hivatkozás másolása";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Üzenetre mutató hivatkozás másolása";
"action_copy_text" = "Copy text";
"action_copy_text" = "Szöveg másolása";
"action_create" = "Létrehozás";
"action_create_a_room" = "Szoba létrehozása";
"action_deactivate" = "Deaktiválás";
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"action_discard" = "Elvetés";
"action_done" = "Kész";
"action_edit" = "Szerkesztés";
"action_edit_caption" = "Edit caption";
"action_edit_caption" = "Felirat szerkesztése";
"action_edit_poll" = "Szavazás szerkesztése";
"action_enable" = "Engedélyezés";
"action_end_poll" = "Szavazás lezárása";
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
"action_react" = "Reakció";
"action_reject" = "Elutasítás";
"action_remove" = "Eltávolítás";
"action_remove_caption" = "Remove caption";
"action_remove_message" = "Remove message";
"action_remove_caption" = "Felirat eltávolítása";
"action_remove_message" = "Üzenet eltávolítása";
"action_reply" = "Válasz";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Válasz az üzenetszálban";
"action_report_bug" = "Hiba jelentése";
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"banner_set_up_recovery_title" = "Helyreállítás beállítása";
"common_about" = "Névjegy";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat";
"common_adding_caption" = "Adding caption";
"common_adding_caption" = "Felirat hozzáadása";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Speciális beállítások";
"common_analytics" = "Elemzések";
"common_appearance" = "Megjelenítés";
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"common_direct_chat" = "Közvetlen csevegés";
"common_edited_suffix" = "(szerkesztve)";
"common_editing" = "Szerkesztés";
"common_editing_caption" = "Editing caption";
"common_editing_caption" = "Felirat szerkesztése";
"common_emote" = "* %1$@ %2$@";
"common_encryption" = "Titkosítás";
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Titkosítás engedélyezve";
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Nem sikerült elküldeni a meghívót (meghívókat)";
"common_unlock" = "Feloldás";
"common_unmute" = "Némítás feloldása";
"common_unsupported_call" = "Unsupported call";
"common_unsupported_call" = "Nem támogatott hívás";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Nem támogatott esemény";
"common_username" = "Felhasználónév";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Az ellenőrzés megszakítva";
@ -361,8 +361,8 @@
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_header" = "Szobahozzáférés";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_description" = "Bárki kérheti, hogy csatlakozzon a szobához, de egy adminisztrátornak vagy moderátornak el kell fogadnia a kérést";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_title" = "Csatlakozás kérése";
"screen_create_room_room_address_invalid_symbols_error_description" = "Some characters are not allowed. Only letters, digits and the following symbols are supported ! $ & ‘ ( ) * + / ; = ? @ [ ] - . _";
"screen_create_room_room_address_not_available_error_description" = "This room address already exists. Please try editing the room address field or change the room name";
"screen_create_room_room_address_invalid_symbols_error_description" = "Egyes karakterek nem engedélyezettek. Csak a betűk, a számjegyek és a következő szimbólumok támogatottak: $ & '() * +/; =? @ [] - . _";
"screen_create_room_room_address_not_available_error_description" = "Ez a szobacím már létezik. Próbálja meg szerkeszteni a szobacím mezőt, vagy módosítsa a szoba nevét.";
"screen_create_room_room_address_section_footer" = "Ahhoz, hogy ez a szoba látható legyen a nyilvános szobák címtárában, meg kell adnia a szoba címét.";
"screen_create_room_room_address_section_title" = "Szoba címe";
"screen_create_room_room_visibility_section_title" = "Szoba láthatósága";
@ -373,21 +373,25 @@
"screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Üzenet (nem kötelező)";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_description" = "Ha a kérését elfogadják, meghívót kap a szobához való csatlakozáshoz.";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Csatlakozási kérés elküldve";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, accept all";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to accept all requests to join?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Accept all requests";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_button_title" = "Accept all";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline and ban";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline and ban %1$@? This user won’t be able to request access to join this room again.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Decline and ban from accessing";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline %1$@ request to join this room?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Decline access";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_and_ban_action_title" = "Decline and ban";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Igen, az összes elfogadása";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Biztos, hogy elfogadja az összes csatlakozási kérelmet?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Minden kérés elfogadása";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_button_title" = "Összes elfogadása";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Igen, elutasítás és kitiltás";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Biztos, hogy elutasítja %1$@ kérését és ki is tiltja? Többé nem fogja tudni azt kérni, hogy csatlakozhasson ehhez a szobához.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "A hozzáférés elutasítása és kitiltás";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Igen, elutasítás";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Biztos, hogy elutasítja %1$@ kérését, hogy csatlakozzon a szobához?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Hozzáférés elutasítása";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_and_ban_action_title" = "Elutasítás és kitiltás";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Ha valaki csatlakozni kíván a szobához, itt láthatja a kérését.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Nincs függőben lévő csatlakozási kérelem";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Csatlakozási kérelmek";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "Fájlformátum";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "Fájlnév";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Feltöltötte:";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Feltöltve:";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Előfordulhat, hogy a feliratok nem láthatók a régebbi alkalmazásokat használók számára.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Nem sikerült feldolgozni a feltöltendő médiát, próbálja újra.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Nem sikerült a média feltöltése, próbálja újra.";
"screen_pinned_timeline_empty_state_description" = "Nyomjon hosszan az üzenetre, és válassza a „%1$@” lehetőséget, hogy itt szerepeljen.";
@ -402,16 +406,16 @@
"screen_resolve_send_failure_you_unsigned_device_subtitle" = "Egy vagy több eszköze nincs ellenőrizve. Így is elküldheti az üzenetet, vagy egyelőre megszakíthatja, és később, az összes eszköz ellenőrzése után újrapróbálkozhat.";
"screen_resolve_send_failure_you_unsigned_device_title" = "Az üzenet nem lett elküldve, mert egy vagy több eszközét nem ellenőrizte";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Az egész szoba értesítése";
"screen_room_multiple_knock_requests_view_all_button_title" = "View all";
"screen_room_multiple_knock_requests_view_all_button_title" = "Összes megtekintése";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ / %2$@";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ kitűzött üzenet";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_loading_description" = "Üzenet betöltése…";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "Összes megtekintése";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_accept_button_title" = "Accept";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_title" = "%1$@ wants to join this room";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_view_button_title" = "View";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_accept_button_title" = "Elfogadás";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_title" = "%1$@ szeretne csatlakozni ehhez a szobához";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_view_button_title" = "Megtekintés";
"screen_room_details_pinned_events_row_title" = "Kitűzött üzenetek";
"screen_room_details_requests_to_join_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_room_details_requests_to_join_title" = "Csatlakozási kérelem";
"screen_roomlist_knock_event_sent_description" = "Csatlakozási kérés elküldve";
"screen_timeline_item_menu_send_failure_changed_identity" = "Az üzenet nem lett elküldve, mert %1$@ ellenőrzött személyazonossága megváltozott.";
"screen_timeline_item_menu_send_failure_unsigned_device" = "Az üzenet nem lett elküldve, mert %1$@ nem ellenőrizte az összes eszközét.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Adja meg adatait";
"screen_login_title" = "Örülünk, hogy visszatért!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Bejelentkezés ide: %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "Ez a fájl el lesz távolítva a szobából, és a tagok nem férhetnek hozzá.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Törli a fájlt?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Az ebbe a szobába feltöltött képek és videók itt jelennek meg.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "Még nincs feltöltött média";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Fájlok betöltése…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Média betöltése…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Fájlok";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Média";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Média és fájlok";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Nem sikerült kiválasztani a médiát, próbálja újra.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Ez egy egyszeri folyamat, köszönjük a türelmét.";
"screen_migration_title" = "A fiók beállítása.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Hiba történt az értesítési beállítások betöltésekor.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Nem sikerült elnémítani ezt a szobát, próbálja újra.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Nem sikerült feloldani a szoba némítását, próbálja újra.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Média és fájlok";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Egyéni";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Alapértelmezett";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Szoba megosztása";
@ -817,7 +831,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_add_reaction" = "Emodzsi hozzáadása";
"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room" = "Ez a(z) %1$@ kezdete.";
"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room_no_name" = "Ez a beszélgetés kezdete.";
"screen_room_timeline_legacy_call" = "Unsupported call. Ask if the caller can use the new Element X app.";
"screen_room_timeline_legacy_call" = "Nem támogatott hívás. Kérdezze meg, hogy a hívó fél tudja-e használni az új Element X alkalmazást.";
"screen_room_timeline_less_reactions" = "Kevesebb megjelenítése";
"screen_room_timeline_message_copied" = "Üzenet másolva";
"screen_room_timeline_no_permission_to_post" = "Nincs jogosultsága arra, hogy bejegyzést tegyen közzé ebben a szobában";
@ -878,10 +892,10 @@
"screen_session_verification_request_title" = "Ellenőrzés kérve";
"screen_session_verification_they_dont_match" = "Nem egyeznek";
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Megegyeznek";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_subtitle" = "Make sure you have the app open in the other device before starting verification from here.";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_title" = "Open the app on another verified device";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_subtitle" = "You should see a popup on the other device. Start the verification from there now.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_title" = "Start verification on the other device";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_subtitle" = "Győződjön meg róla, hogy az alkalmazás nyitva van a másik eszközön, mielőtt innen elindítja az ellenőrzést.";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_title" = "Nyissa meg az alkalmazást egy másik ellenőrzött eszközön";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_subtitle" = "A másik eszközön egy felugró ablaknak kell megjelennie. Kezdje el az ellenőrzést onnan.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_title" = "Ellenőrzés megkezdése a másik eszközön";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "A folytatáshoz fogadja el az ellenőrzési folyamat indítási kérését a másik munkamenetében.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Várakozás a kérés elfogadására";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Hely megosztása";
@ -946,8 +960,8 @@
"state_event_room_invite_you" = "%1$@ meghívta";
"state_event_room_join" = "%1$@ csatlakozott a szobához";
"state_event_room_join_by_you" = "Csatlakozott a szobához";
"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ kérte, hogy csatlakozhasson";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ engedélyezte, hogy %2$@ csatlakozhasson";
"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ kéri, hogy csatlakozhasson";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ hozzáférést kapott a következőhöz: %2$@";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted_by_you" = "Engedélyezte, hogy %1$@ csatlakozhasson";
"state_event_room_knock_by_you" = "Kérte, hogy csatlakozhasson";
"state_event_room_knock_denied" = "%1$@ elutasította %2$@ kérését, hogy csatlakozhasson";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ ismeretlen változást hajtott végre a tagságában";
"test_language_identifier" = "hu";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "A korábbi üzenetek nem érhetők el ezen az eszközön";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Nem sikerült visszafejteni az üzenetet";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "Ez az üzenet azért lett blokkolva, mert vagy nem ellenőrizte az eszközt, vagy a feladónak ellenőriznie kell az Ön személyazonosságát.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Hibaelhárítás";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Tesztek futtatása";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Tesztek újbóli futtatása";
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@
<string>%1$@ +%2$d other want to join this room</string>
<string>%1$@ és még %2$d felhasználó szeretne csatlakozni ehhez a szobához</string>
<string>%1$@ +%2$d others want to join this room</string>
<string>%1$@ és még %2$d felhasználó szeretne csatlakozni ehhez a szobához</string>
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Gagal memproses media untuk diunggah, silakan coba lagi.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Gagal mengunggah media, silakan coba lagi.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Masukkan detail Anda";
"screen_login_title" = "Selamat datang kembali!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Masuk ke %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Gagal memilih media, silakan coba lagi.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Ini adalah proses satu kali, terima kasih telah menunggu.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Menyiapkan akun Anda.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Terjadi kesalahan saat memuat pengaturan notifikasi.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Gagal membisukan ruangan ini, silakan coba lagi.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Gagal membunyikan ruangan ini, silakan coba lagi.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Khusus";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Bawaan";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Bagikan ruangan";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ membuat perubahan keanggotaan yang tidak diketahui";
"test_language_identifier" = "id";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Pemecahan masalah";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Jalankan tes";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Jalankan tes lagi";
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"a11y_voice_message_record" = "Registra un messaggio vocale.";
"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "Ferma la registrazione";
"action_accept" = "Accetta";
"action_add_caption" = "Add caption";
"action_add_caption" = "Aggiungi didascalia";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Aggiungi alla conversazione";
"action_back" = "Indietro";
"action_call" = "Chiama";
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
"action_confirm_password" = "Conferma password";
"action_continue" = "Continua";
"action_copy" = "Copia";
"action_copy_caption" = "Copy caption";
"action_copy_caption" = "Copia didascalia";
"action_copy_link" = "Copia collegamento";
"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Copia collegamento al messaggio";
"action_copy_text" = "Copy text";
"action_copy_text" = "Copia testo";
"action_create" = "Crea";
"action_create_a_room" = "Crea una stanza";
"action_deactivate" = "Disattiva";
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"action_discard" = "Annulla";
"action_done" = "Fine";
"action_edit" = "Modifica";
"action_edit_caption" = "Edit caption";
"action_edit_caption" = "Modifica didascalia";
"action_edit_poll" = "Modifica sondaggio";
"action_enable" = "Attiva";
"action_end_poll" = "Termina sondaggio";
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"action_forgot_password" = "Password dimenticata?";
"action_forward" = "Inoltra";
"action_go_back" = "Indietro";
"action_ignore" = "Ignore";
"action_ignore" = "Ignora";
"action_invite" = "Invita";
"action_invite_friends" = "Invita persone";
"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Invita persone su %1$@";
@ -79,14 +79,14 @@
"action_ok" = "OK";
"action_open_settings" = "Impostazioni";
"action_open_with" = "Apri con";
"action_pin" = "Pin";
"action_pin" = "Fissa";
"action_quick_reply" = "Risposta rapida";
"action_quote" = "Citazione";
"action_react" = "Reagisci";
"action_reject" = "Rifiuta";
"action_remove" = "Rimuovi";
"action_remove_caption" = "Remove caption";
"action_remove_message" = "Remove message";
"action_remove_caption" = "Rimuovi didascalia";
"action_remove_message" = "Rimuovi messaggio";
"action_reply" = "Rispondi";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Rispondi nella discussione";
"action_report_bug" = "Segnala un problema";
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"action_send_message" = "Invia messaggio";
"action_share" = "Condividi";
"action_share_link" = "Condividi collegamento";
"action_show" = "Show";
"action_show" = "Mostra";
"action_sign_in_again" = "Accedi di nuovo";
"action_signout" = "Disconnetti";
"action_signout_anyway" = "Disconnetti comunque";
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"banner_set_up_recovery_title" = "Configura il ripristino";
"common_about" = "Informazioni";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Regole sull'utilizzo consentito";
"common_adding_caption" = "Adding caption";
"common_adding_caption" = "Aggiunta didascalia";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Impostazioni avanzate";
"common_analytics" = "Statistiche di utilizzo";
"common_appearance" = "Aspetto";
@ -140,13 +140,13 @@
"common_dark" = "Scuro";
"common_decryption_error" = "Errore di decrittazione";
"common_developer_options" = "Opzioni sviluppatore";
"common_device_id" = "Device ID";
"common_device_id" = "ID dispositivo";
"common_direct_chat" = "Conversazione diretta";
"common_edited_suffix" = "(modificato)";
"common_editing" = "Modifica in corso";
"common_editing_caption" = "Editing caption";
"common_editing_caption" = "Modifica didascalia";
"common_emote" = "* %1$@ %2$@";
"common_encryption" = "Encryption";
"common_encryption" = "Crittografia";
"common_encryption_enabled" = "Crittografia abilitata";
"common_enter_your_pin" = "Inserisci il PIN";
"common_error" = "Errore";
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"common_favourited" = "Preferita";
"common_file" = "File";
"common_forward_message" = "Inoltra messaggio";
"common_frequently_used" = "Frequently used";
"common_frequently_used" = "Usati di frequente";
"common_gif" = "GIF";
"common_image" = "Immagine";
"common_in_reply_to" = "In risposta a %1$@";
@ -233,15 +233,15 @@
"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Impossibile inviare inviti";
"common_unlock" = "Sblocca";
"common_unmute" = "Annulla silenzioso";
"common_unsupported_call" = "Unsupported call";
"common_unsupported_call" = "Chiamata non supportata";
"common_unsupported_event" = "Evento non supportato";
"common_username" = "Nome utente";
"common_verification_cancelled" = "Verifica annullata";
"common_verification_complete" = "Verifica completata";
"common_verification_failed" = "Verification failed";
"common_verified" = "Verified";
"common_verification_failed" = "Verifica fallita";
"common_verified" = "Verificato";
"common_verify_device" = "Verifica dispositivo";
"common_verify_identity" = "Verify identity";
"common_verify_identity" = "Verifica l'identità";
"common_video" = "Video";
"common_voice_message" = "Messaggio vocale";
"common_waiting" = "In attesa…";
@ -252,15 +252,15 @@
"common.pinned" = "Fissato";
"common.send_to" = "Invia a";
"common.you" = "Tu";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_insecure_device" = "Sent from an insecure device";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_verification_violation" = "Sender's verified identity has changed";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Il backup della chat non è attualmente sincronizzato. Devi confermare la chiave di recupero per mantenere l'accesso al backup della chat.";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_primary_button_title" = "Enter your recovery key";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_secondary_button_title" = "Forgot your recovery key?";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Inserisci la chiave di recupero";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_insecure_device" = "Inviato da un dispositivo non sicuro";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_verification_violation" = "L'identità verificata del mittente è cambiata";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Conferma la chiave di recupero per mantenere l'accesso all'archiviazione delle chiavi e alla cronologia dei messaggi.";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_primary_button_title" = "Inserisci la tua chiave di recupero";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_secondary_button_title" = "Hai dimenticato la chiave di recupero?";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "L'archiviazione delle chiavi non è sincronizzata";
"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ si è chiuso inaspettatamente l'ultima volta che è stato usato. Vuoi condividere con noi un rapporto sull'arresto anomalo?";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation" = "L'identità di %1$@ sembra essere cambiata. %2$@";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "%1$@’s %2$@ identity appears to have changed. %3$@";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "L'identità di %1$@ %2$@ sembra essere cambiata. %3$@";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new_user_id" = "(%1$@)";
"dialog_permission_camera" = "Per permettere all'applicazione di usare la fotocamera, concedi l'autorizzazione nelle impostazioni di sistema.";
"dialog_permission_generic" = "Concedi l'autorizzazione nelle impostazioni di sistema.";
@ -352,42 +352,46 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Rientro a sinistra";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Collegamento";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Aggiungi allegato";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Aggiungi una didascalia";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "URL base di Element Call personalizzato";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Imposta un URL di base personalizzato per Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL non valido, assicurati di includere il protocollo (http/https) e l'indirizzo corretto.";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_description" = "Anyone can join this room";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_title" = "Anyone";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_header" = "Room Access";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_description" = "Anyone can ask to join the room but an administrator or a moderator will have to accept the request";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_title" = "Ask to join";
"screen_create_room_room_address_invalid_symbols_error_description" = "Some characters are not allowed. Only letters, digits and the following symbols are supported ! $ & ‘ ( ) * + / ; = ? @ [ ] - . _";
"screen_create_room_room_address_not_available_error_description" = "This room address already exists. Please try editing the room address field or change the room name";
"screen_create_room_room_address_section_footer" = "In order for this room to be visible in the public room directory, you will need a room address.";
"screen_create_room_room_address_section_title" = "Room address";
"screen_create_room_room_visibility_section_title" = "Room visibility";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_action" = "Cancel request";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_confirmation" = "Yes, cancel";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_description" = "Are you sure that you want to cancel your request to join this room?";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_title" = "Cancel request to join";
"screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Message (optional)";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_description" = "You will receive an invite to join the room if your request is accepted.";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Request to join sent";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, accept all";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to accept all requests to join?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Accept all requests";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_button_title" = "Accept all";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline and ban";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline and ban %1$@? This user won’t be able to request access to join this room again.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Decline and ban from accessing";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Yes, decline";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Are you sure you want to decline %1$@ request to join this room?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Decline access";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_and_ban_action_title" = "Decline and ban";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_description" = "Chiunque può entrare in questa stanza";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_title" = "Chiunque";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_header" = "Accesso alla stanza";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_description" = "Chiunque può chiedere di entrare nella stanza, ma un amministratore o un moderatore dovrà accettare la richiesta";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_knocking_option_title" = "Chiedi di entrare";
"screen_create_room_room_address_invalid_symbols_error_description" = "Alcuni caratteri non sono consentiti. Sono supportate solo lettere, cifre e i seguenti simboli ! $ & '() * +/; =? @ [] - . _";
"screen_create_room_room_address_not_available_error_description" = "L'indirizzo di questa stanza esiste già. Prova a modificare il campo dell'indirizzo o a cambiare il nome della stanza";
"screen_create_room_room_address_section_footer" = "Affinché questa stanza sia visibile nell'elenco delle stanze pubbliche, è necessario un indirizzo della stanza.";
"screen_create_room_room_address_section_title" = "Indirizzo della stanza";
"screen_create_room_room_visibility_section_title" = "Visibilità della stanza";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_action" = "Cancella richiesta";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_confirmation" = "Sì, annulla";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_description" = "Sei sicuro di voler annullare la tua richiesta di accesso a questa stanza?";
"screen_join_room_cancel_knock_alert_title" = "Annulla la richiesta di accesso";
"screen_join_room_knock_message_description" = "Messaggio (opzionale)";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_description" = "Riceverai un invito a entrare nella stanza se la tua richiesta viene accettata.";
"screen_join_room_knock_sent_title" = "Richiesta di accesso inviata";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Sì, accetta tutte";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_description" = "Sei sicuro di voler accettare tutte le richieste di accesso?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_alert_title" = "Accetta tutte le richieste";
"screen_knock_requests_list_accept_all_button_title" = "Accetta tutte";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Sì, rifiuta e blocca";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_description" = "Sei sicuro di voler rifiutare e bloccare %1$@? Questo utente non potrà richiedere nuovamente l'accesso per entrare in questa stanza.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_ban_alert_title" = "Rifiuta e blocca l'accesso";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_confirm_button_title" = "Sì, rifiuta";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_description" = "Sei sicuro di voler rifiutare la richiesta di %1$@ ad entrare in a questa stanza?";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_alert_title" = "Rifiuta l'accesso";
"screen_knock_requests_list_decline_and_ban_action_title" = "Rifiuta e blocca";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Quando qualcuno ti chiederà di entrare nella stanza, potrai vedere la sua richiesta qui.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Nessuna richiesta di accesso in sospeso";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Richieste di accesso";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Le didascalie potrebbero non essere visibili agli utenti di app meno recenti.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Elaborazione del file multimediale da caricare fallita, riprova.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Caricamento del file multimediale fallito, riprova.";
"screen_pinned_timeline_empty_state_description" = "Premi su un messaggio e scegli “%1$@” per includerlo qui.";
@ -402,17 +406,17 @@
"screen_resolve_send_failure_you_unsigned_device_subtitle" = "Uno o più dispositivi non sono verificati. Puoi inviare il messaggio comunque, oppure annullarlo e riprovare più tardi dopo aver verificato tutti i tuoi dispositivi.";
"screen_resolve_send_failure_you_unsigned_device_title" = "Il tuo messaggio non è stato inviato perché non hai verificato uno o più dispositivi.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notifica l'intera stanza";
"screen_room_multiple_knock_requests_view_all_button_title" = "View all";
"screen_room_multiple_knock_requests_view_all_button_title" = "Visualizza tutte";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ di %2$@";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Messaggi fissati";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_loading_description" = "Caricamento messaggio…";
"screen_room_pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "Mostra tutti";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_accept_button_title" = "Accept";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_title" = "%1$@ wants to join this room";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_view_button_title" = "View";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_accept_button_title" = "Accetta";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_title" = "%1$@ vuole entrare in questa stanza";
"screen_room_single_knock_request_view_button_title" = "Visualizza";
"screen_room_details_pinned_events_row_title" = "Messaggi fissati";
"screen_room_details_requests_to_join_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_roomlist_knock_event_sent_description" = "Request to join sent";
"screen_room_details_requests_to_join_title" = "Richieste di accesso";
"screen_roomlist_knock_event_sent_description" = "Richiesta di accesso inviata";
"screen_timeline_item_menu_send_failure_changed_identity" = "Messaggio non inviato perché l'identità verificata di %1$@ è cambiata.";
"screen_timeline_item_menu_send_failure_unsigned_device" = "Messaggio non inviato perché %1$@ non ha verificato tutti i dispositivi.";
"screen_timeline_item_menu_send_failure_you_unsigned_device" = "Messaggio non inviato perché non hai verificato uno o più dispositivi.";
@ -424,8 +428,8 @@
"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Stai per creare un account su %@";
"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode" = "Modalità sviluppatore";
"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode_description" = "Attiva per avere accesso alle funzionalità per sviluppatori.";
"screen_advanced_settings_media_compression_description" = "Upload photos and videos faster and reduce data usage";
"screen_advanced_settings_media_compression_title" = "Optimise media quality";
"screen_advanced_settings_media_compression_description" = "Carica foto e video più velocemente e riduci l'utilizzo dei dati";
"screen_advanced_settings_media_compression_title" = "Ottimizza la qualità dei contenuti multimediali";
"screen_advanced_settings_rich_text_editor_description" = "Disattiva l'editor di testo avanzato per scrivere manualmente in Markdown";
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts" = "Ricevute di visualizzazione";
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts_description" = "Se disattivato, le tue ricevute di visualizzazione non verranno inviate a nessuno. Riceverai comunque ricevute di visualizzazione da altri utenti.";
@ -492,14 +496,14 @@
"screen_change_server_title" = "Seleziona il tuo server";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_disable" = "Disattiva il backup";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_enable" = "Attiva il backup";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_description" = "Il backup ti garantisce di non perdere la cronologia dei messaggi. %1$@.";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_title" = "Backup";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_disabled_error" = "Key storage must be turned on to set up recovery.";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_toggle_description" = "Upload keys from this device";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_toggle_title" = "Allow key storage";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_description" = "Archivia la tua identità crittografica e le chiavi dei messaggi in modo sicuro sul server. Ciò ti consentirà di visualizzare la cronologia dei messaggi su tutti i nuovi dispositivi. %1$@.";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_title" = "Archiviazione chiavi";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_disabled_error" = "L'archiviazione delle chiavi deve essere attivata per configurare il ripristino.";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_toggle_description" = "Carica le chiavi da questo dispositivo";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_toggle_title" = "Consenti l'archiviazione delle chiavi";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_change" = "Cambia la chiave di recupero";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_change_description" = "Recover your cryptographic identity and message history with a recovery key if you’ve lost all your existing devices.";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm_description" = "Il backup delle conversazioni non è attualmente sincronizzato.";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_change_description" = "Recupera la tua identità crittografica e la cronologia dei messaggi con una chiave di recupero se hai perso tutti i dispositivi esistenti.";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm_description" = "L'archiviazione delle chiavi non è sincronizzata.";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_setup_description" = "Ottieni l'accesso ai tuoi messaggi cifrati se perdi tutti i tuoi dispositivi o se sei disconnesso da %1$@ ovunque.";
"screen_create_account_title" = "Crea account";
"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_1" = "Apri %1$@ in un dispositivo desktop";
@ -519,10 +523,10 @@
"screen_create_poll_title" = "Crea sondaggio";
"screen_create_room_action_create_room" = "Nuova stanza";
"screen_create_room_error_creating_room" = "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione della stanza";
"screen_create_room_private_option_description" = "I messaggi in questa stanza sono cifrati. La crittografia non può essere disattivata in seguito.";
"screen_create_room_private_option_title" = "Stanza privata (solo su invito)";
"screen_create_room_public_option_description" = "I messaggi non sono cifrati e chiunque può leggerli. Puoi attivare la crittografia in un secondo momento.";
"screen_create_room_public_option_title" = "Stanza pubblica (chiunque)";
"screen_create_room_private_option_description" = "Solo le persone invitate possono accedere a questa stanza. Tutti i messaggi sono cifrati end-to-end.";
"screen_create_room_private_option_title" = "Stanza privata";
"screen_create_room_public_option_description" = "Chiunque può trovare questa stanza.\nPuoi modificarlo in qualsiasi momento nelle impostazioni della stanza.";
"screen_create_room_public_option_title" = "Stanza pubblica";
"screen_create_room_topic_label" = "Argomento (facoltativo)";
"screen_deactivate_account_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Conferma di voler disattivare il tuo account. Questa azione è irreversibile.";
"screen_deactivate_account_delete_all_messages" = "Elimina tutti i miei messaggi";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Inserisci i tuoi dati";
"screen_login_title" = "Bentornato!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Accedi a %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Le immagini e i video caricati in questa stanza verranno mostrati qui.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "Nessun file multimediale ancora caricato";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "File";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Contenuti multimediali";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "File e contenuti multimediali";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Selezione del file multimediale fallita, riprova.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Si tratta di una procedura che si effettua una sola volta, grazie per l'attesa.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Configurazione del tuo account.";
@ -653,7 +666,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Seleziona %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "\"Collega un nuovo dispositivo\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scansiona il codice QR con questo dispositivo";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_subtitle" = "Only available if your account provider supports it.";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_subtitle" = "Disponibile solo se il provider del tuo account lo supporta.";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Apri %1$@ su un altro dispositivo per ottenere il codice QR";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Usa il codice QR mostrato sull'altro dispositivo.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Codice QR sbagliato";
@ -672,7 +685,7 @@
"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Cambiare la chiave di recupero?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_create_new_recovery_key" = "Crea una nuova chiave di recupero";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_description" = "Assicurati che nessuno possa vedere questa schermata!";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Riprova per confermare l'accesso al backup della chat.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Riprova per confermare l'accesso all'archivio delle chiavi.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "Chiave di recupero errata";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "Se hai una chiave di sicurezza o una password, andrà bene anche questo.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "Inserisci...";
@ -681,14 +694,14 @@
"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Chiave di recupero copiata";
"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Generazione…";
"screen_recovery_key_save_action" = "Salva la chiave di recupero";
"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "Annota la chiave di recupero in un posto sicuro o salvala in un gestore di password.";
"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "Annota questa chiave di recupero in un posto sicuro, come un gestore di password, una nota cifrata o una cassaforte fisica.";
"screen_recovery_key_save_key_description" = "Tocca per copiare la chiave di recupero";
"screen_recovery_key_save_title" = "Salva la tua chiave di recupero";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_description" = "Dopo questo passaggio non potrai accedere alla nuova chiave di recupero.";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_title" = "Hai salvato la chiave di recupero?";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_description" = "Il backup della chat è protetto da una chiave di recupero. Se hai bisogno di una nuova chiave di recupero dopo la configurazione, puoi ricrearla selezionando \"Cambia chiave di recupero\".";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key" = "Genera la tua chiave di recupero";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Assicurati di conservare la chiave di recupero in un posto sicuro";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Non condividerla con nessuno!";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_success" = "Configurazione del recupero completata";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_title" = "Configura il recupero";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Seleziona se vuoi nascondere tutti i messaggi attuali e futuri di questo utente";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento delle impostazioni di notifica.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Impostazione del silenzioso fallita per questa stanza, riprova.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Disattivazione del silenzioso di questa stanza fallita, riprova.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Personalizzato";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Predefinito";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Condividi stanza";
@ -762,8 +776,8 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Sblocca";
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_description" = "Potrai vedere di nuovo tutti i suoi messaggi.";
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Sblocca utente";
"screen_room_member_details_verify_button_subtitle" = "Use the web app to verify this user.";
"screen_room_member_details_verify_button_title" = "Verify %1$@";
"screen_room_member_details_verify_button_subtitle" = "Usa l'app web per verificare questo utente.";
"screen_room_member_details_verify_button_title" = "Verifica %1$@";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_action" = "Escludi";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_description" = "Non potrà entrare nuovamente in questa stanza se invitato.";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_title" = "Vuoi davvero escludere questo membro?";
@ -817,7 +831,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_add_reaction" = "Aggiungi emoji";
"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room" = "Questo è l'inizio di %1$@.";
"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room_no_name" = "Questo è l'inizio della conversazione.";
"screen_room_timeline_legacy_call" = "Unsupported call. Ask if the caller can use the new Element X app.";
"screen_room_timeline_legacy_call" = "Chiamata non supportata. Chiedi se il chiamante può utilizzare la nuova app Element X.";
"screen_room_timeline_less_reactions" = "Mostra meno";
"screen_room_timeline_message_copied" = "Messaggio copiato";
"screen_room_timeline_no_permission_to_post" = "Non sei autorizzato a postare in questa stanza";
@ -861,7 +875,7 @@
"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "Confronta i numeri";
"screen_session_verification_complete_subtitle" = "La tua nuova sessione è ora verificata. Ha accesso ai tuoi messaggi crittografati e gli altri utenti la vedranno come attendibile.";
"screen_session_verification_enter_recovery_key" = "Inserisci la chiave di recupero";
"screen_session_verification_failed_subtitle" = "Either the request timed out, the request was denied, or there was a verification mismatch.";
"screen_session_verification_failed_subtitle" = "La richiesta è scaduta, è stata rifiutata o c'è stata una mancata corrispondenza nella verifica.";
"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_subtitle" = "Dimostra la tua identità per accedere alla cronologia dei messaggi crittografati.";
"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_title" = "Apri una sessione esistente";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_canceled" = "Riprova la verifica";
@ -869,19 +883,19 @@
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "In attesa di un riscontro";
"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Confronta un set unico di emoji.";
"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Confronta le emoji uniche, assicurandoti che appaiano nello stesso ordine.";
"screen_session_verification_request_details_timestamp" = "Signed in";
"screen_session_verification_request_failure_title" = "Verification failed";
"screen_session_verification_request_footer" = "Only continue if you initiated this verification.";
"screen_session_verification_request_subtitle" = "Verify the other device to keep your message history secure.";
"screen_session_verification_request_success_subtitle" = "Now you can read or send messages securely on your other device.";
"screen_session_verification_request_success_title" = "Device verified";
"screen_session_verification_request_title" = "Verification requested";
"screen_session_verification_request_details_timestamp" = "Accesso effettuato";
"screen_session_verification_request_failure_title" = "Verifica fallita";
"screen_session_verification_request_footer" = "Continua solo se tu hai avviato questa verifica.";
"screen_session_verification_request_subtitle" = "Verifica l'altro dispositivo per proteggere la cronologia dei messaggi.";
"screen_session_verification_request_success_subtitle" = "Ora puoi leggere o inviare messaggi in modo sicuro sull'altro dispositivo.";
"screen_session_verification_request_success_title" = "Dispositivo verificato";
"screen_session_verification_request_title" = "Richiesta di verifica";
"screen_session_verification_they_dont_match" = "Non corrispondono";
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Corrispondono";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_subtitle" = "Make sure you have the app open in the other device before starting verification from here.";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_title" = "Open the app on another verified device";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_subtitle" = "You should see a popup on the other device. Start the verification from there now.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_title" = "Start verification on the other device";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_subtitle" = "Assicurati di avere l'app aperta sull'altro dispositivo prima di iniziare la verifica da qui.";
"screen_session_verification_use_another_device_title" = "Apri l'app su un altro dispositivo verificato";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_subtitle" = "Dovresti vedere un popup sull'altro dispositivo. Inizia subito la verifica da lì.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_title" = "Avvia la verifica sull'altro dispositivo";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Accetta la richiesta di avviare il processo di verifica nell'altra sessione per continuare.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "In attesa di accettare la richiesta";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Condividi posizione";
@ -946,8 +960,8 @@
"state_event_room_invite_you" = "%1$@ ti ha invitato";
"state_event_room_join" = "%1$@ si è unito alla stanza";
"state_event_room_join_by_you" = "Ti sei unito alla stanza";
"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ ha chiesto di unirsi";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ ha permesso a %2$@ di unirsi";
"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ ha richiesto di entrare";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ ha permesso a %2$@ di entrare";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted_by_you" = "Hai permesso a %1$@ di partecipare";
"state_event_room_knock_by_you" = "Hai richiesto di unirti";
"state_event_room_knock_denied" = "%1$@ ha rifiutato la richiesta di unirsi di %2$@";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ ha apportato una modifica sconosciuta alla propria presenza nella stanza";
"test_language_identifier" = "it";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "La cronologia messaggi non è disponibile su questo dispositivo";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Impossibile decifrare il messaggio";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "Questo messaggio è stato bloccato perché il dispositivo non è verificato o perché il mittente deve verificare la tua identità.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Risoluzione dei problemi";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Esegui i test";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Esegui nuovamente i test";
@ -1067,8 +1084,8 @@
"screen_login_subtitle" = "Matrix è una rete aperta per comunicazioni sicure e decentralizzate.";
"screen_notification_settings_mentions_section_title" = "Menzioni";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_retry_button" = "Riprova";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Assicurati di conservare la chiave di recupero in un posto sicuro";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Enter your recovery key";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Non condividerla con nessuno!";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Inserisci la tua chiave di recupero";
"screen_report_content_block_user" = "Blocca utente";
"screen_reset_encryption_password_placeholder" = "Inserisci...";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_photo" = "Scatta foto";
@ -1094,7 +1111,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Mostra meno";
"screen_roomlist_filter_people" = "Persone";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Cambia fornitore dell'account";
"screen_session_verification_request_failure_subtitle" = "Either the request timed out, the request was denied, or there was a verification mismatch.";
"screen_session_verification_request_failure_subtitle" = "La richiesta è scaduta, è stata rifiutata o c'è stata una mancata corrispondenza nella verifica.";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Disconnetti";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Disconnetti";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Il backup delle chiavi è ancora in corso";
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@
<string>%1$@ +%2$d other want to join this room</string>
<string>%1$@ +%2$d vogliono entrare in questa stanza</string>
<string>%1$@ +%2$d others want to join this room</string>
<string>%1$@ +%2$d vogliono entrare in questa stanza</string>
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "აბზაცის გარეშე";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Ბმული";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "დაამატეთ დანართი";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "მორგებული Element-ის ზარის საბაზისო URL";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "დააყენეთ საბაზისო URL Element-ის ზარებისათვის.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "არასწორი URL, გთხოვთ, დარწმუნდეთ, რომ შეიტანეთ პროტოკოლი (http/https) და სწორი მისამართი.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "მედიის ატვირთვა ვერ მოხერხდა. გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "მედიის ატვირთვა ვერ მოხერხდა, გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი დეტალები";
"screen_login_title" = "კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "შესვლა %1$@-ში";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "მედიის შერჩევა ვერ მოხერხდა, გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.";
"screen_migration_message" = "ეს არის ერთჯერადი პროცესი, მადლობა ლოდინისთვის.";
"screen_migration_title" = "თქვენი ანგარიშის კონფიგურაცია";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "შეტყობინებების პარამეტრების ჩატვირთვისას მოხდა შეცდომა.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "ამ ოთახის დადუმება ვერ მოხერხდა. გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "ამ ოთახის დადუმების მოხსნა ვერ მოხერხდა. გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "მორგებული";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "ნაგულისხმევი";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "ოთახის გაზიარება";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ უცნობი ცვლილება შეიტანა თავის წევრობაში";
"test_language_identifier" = "ka";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Run tests";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Inspringing ongedaan maken";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Link";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Bijlage toevoegen";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Aangepaste basis-URL voor Element Call";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Stel een aangepaste basis-URL in voor Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Ongeldige URL, zorg ervoor dat je het protocol (http/https) en het juiste adres invult.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Het verwerken van media voor uploaden is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Het uploaden van media is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Vul je gegevens in";
"screen_login_title" = "Welkom terug!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Inloggen bij %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Het selecteren van media is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Dit is een eenmalig proces, bedankt voor het wachten.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Je account instellen.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het laden van de meldingsinstellingen.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Het dempen van deze kamer is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Het dempen opheffen voor deze kamer is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Aangepast";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Standaard";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Kamer delen";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ heeft een onbekende lidmaatschapswijziging";
"test_language_identifier" = "en";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Problemen oplossen";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Tests uitvoeren";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Tests opnieuw uitvoeren";
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Polityka użytkowania";
"common_adding_caption" = "Adding caption";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Ustawienia zaawansowane";
"common_analytics" = "Analityka";
"common_analytics" = "Dane analityczne";
"common_appearance" = "Wygląd";
"common_audio" = "Dźwięk";
"common_blocked_users" = "Zablokowani użytkownicy";
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Wprowadź swój klucz przywracania";
"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ uległ awarii podczas ostatniego użycia. Czy chcesz przesłać nam raport o awarii?";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation" = "Tożsamość %1$@ mogła ulec zmianie. %2$@";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "%1$@’s %2$@ identity appears to have changed. %3$@";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new" = "Wygląda na to, że tożsamość %1$@ %2$@ uległa zmianie. %3$@";
"crypto_identity_change_pin_violation_new_user_id" = "(%1$@)";
"dialog_permission_camera" = "Aby umożliwić aplikacji korzystanie z aparatu, prosimy o udzielenie zezwolenia w ustawieniach systemowych.";
"dialog_permission_generic" = "Proszę nadać uprawnienia w ustawieniach systemowych.";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Bez wcięcia";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Link";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Dodaj załącznik";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Własny bazowy URL dla połączeń Element";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Ustaw własny bazowy URL dla połączeń Element";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Nieprawidłowy adres URL, upewnij się, że zawiera protokół (http/https) i poprawny adres.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Przetwarzanie multimediów do przesłania nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Przesyłanie multimediów nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Wprowadź swoje dane";
"screen_login_title" = "Witaj ponownie!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Zaloguj się do %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Nie udało się wybrać multimediów. Spróbuj ponownie.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Jest to jednorazowy proces, dziękujemy za czekanie.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Konfigurowanie Twojego konta.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania ustawień powiadomień.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Wyciszenie tego pokoju nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Nie udało się wyłączyć wyciszenia tego pokoju. Spróbuj ponownie.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Niestandardowy";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Domyślny";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Udostępnij pokój";
@ -856,7 +870,7 @@
"screen_server_confirmation_title_register" = "Zamierzasz utworzyć konto na %1$@";
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_subtitle" = "Coś tu nie gra. Albo upłynął limit czasu, albo żądanie zostało odrzucone.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_subtitle" = "Upewnij się, że emoji poniżej pasują do tych pokazanych na innej sesji.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Porównaj emotki";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Porównaj emoji";
"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_subtitle" = "Upewnij się, że liczby poniżej pasują do tych wyświetlanych na innej sesji.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "Porównaj liczby";
"screen_session_verification_complete_subtitle" = "Twoja nowa sesja jest teraz zweryfikowana. Ma ona dostęp do Twoich zaszyfrowanych wiadomości, a inni użytkownicy będą widzieć ją jako zaufaną.";
@ -868,7 +882,7 @@
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_initial" = "Jestem gotowy(a)";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "Oczekiwanie na dopasowanie";
"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Porównaj unikalny zestaw emoji.";
"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Porównaj unikalne emoji, upewniając się, że pojawiły się w tej samej kolejności.";
"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Porównaj unikalny zestaw emoji i upewnij się, że są w tej samej kolejności.";
"screen_session_verification_request_details_timestamp" = "Zalogowano";
"screen_session_verification_request_failure_title" = "Weryfikacja nie powiodła się";
"screen_session_verification_request_footer" = "Kontynuuj tylko, jeśli to Ty zainicjowałeś tę weryfikację.";
@ -883,7 +897,7 @@
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_subtitle" = "You should see a popup on the other device. Start the verification from there now.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_another_device_title" = "Start verification on the other device";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Zaakceptuj prośbę o rozpoczęcie procesu weryfikacji w innej sesji, aby kontynuować.";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Oczekiwanie na zaakceptowanie żądania";
"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Oczekiwanie na zaakceptowanie prośby";
"screen_share_location_title" = "Udostępnij lokalizację";
"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Udostępnij moją lokalizację";
"screen_share_open_apple_maps" = "Otwórz w Apple Maps";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ dokonał nieznanej zmiany w swoim członkostwie";
"test_language_identifier" = "pl";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Rozwiązywanie problemów";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Uruchom testy";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Uruchom testy ponownie";
@ -352,9 +352,9 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Desidentar";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Link";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Adicionar anexo";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Custom Element Call base URL";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Set a custom base URL for Element Call.";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "URL base do Element Call personalizado";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Defina um URL base personalizado para Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL inválida, por favor verifique se o protocolo (http/https) e o endereço correto estão presentes.";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_description" = "Anyone can join this room";
"screen_create_room_room_access_section_anyone_option_title" = "Anyone";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Falha ao processar mídia para upload. Tente novamente.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Falha ao enviar mídia. Tente novamente.";
@ -492,14 +496,14 @@
"screen_change_server_title" = "Selecione seu servidor";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_disable" = "Desativar o backup";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_enable" = "Ativar o backup";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_description" = "O backup garante que você não perca seu histórico de mensagens. %1$@.";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_description" = "Armazene sua identidade criptográfica e chaves de mensagem com segurança no servidor. Isso permitirá que você visualize seu histórico de mensagens em quaisquer novos dispositivos.%1$@ .";
"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_title" = "Armazenamento de chaves";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_disabled_error" = "Key storage must be turned on to set up recovery.";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_toggle_description" = "Upload keys from this device";
"screen_chat_backup_key_storage_toggle_title" = "Allow key storage";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_change" = "Alterar chave de recuperação";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_change_description" = "Recover your cryptographic identity and message history with a recovery key if you’ve lost all your existing devices.";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm_description" = "Seu backup das conversas está atualmente fora de sincronia.";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm_description" = "Seu armazenamento de chaves está fora de sincronia no momento.";
"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_setup_description" = "Tenha acesso às suas mensagens criptografadas se você perder todos os seus dispositivos ou for desconectado do %1$@ em qualquer lugar.";
"screen_create_account_title" = "Create account";
"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_1" = "Open %1$@ in a desktop device";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Insira seus dados";
"screen_login_title" = "Bem-vindo de volta!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Iniciar sessão em %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Falha ao selecionar a mídia, tente novamente.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Este é um processo único, obrigado por esperar.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Configurando sua conta.";
@ -681,14 +694,14 @@
"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Chave de recuperação copiada";
"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Gerando...";
"screen_recovery_key_save_action" = "Salvar chave de recuperação";
"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "Anote sua chave de recuperação em algum lugar seguro ou salve-a em um gerenciador de senhas.";
"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "Anote essa chave de recuperação em algum lugar seguro, como um gerenciador de senhas, uma nota criptografada ou um cofre físico.";
"screen_recovery_key_save_key_description" = "Toque para copiar a chave de recuperação";
"screen_recovery_key_save_title" = "Salve sua chave de recuperação";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_description" = "Você não poderá acessar sua nova chave de recuperação após essa etapa.";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_title" = "Você salvou sua chave de recuperação?";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_description" = "Seu backup das conversas é protegido por uma chave de recuperação. Se precisar de uma nova chave de recuperação após a configuração, você pode recriá-la selecionando “Alterar chave de recuperação”.";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key" = "Gere sua chave de recuperação";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Certifique-se de que você pode armazenar sua chave de recuperação em algum lugar seguro";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Não compartilhe isso com ninguém!";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_success" = "Configuração de recuperação bem-sucedida";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_title" = "Configurar a recuperação";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Marque se você deseja ocultar todas as mensagens atuais e futuras desse usuário";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar as configurações de notificação.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Falha ao silenciar esta sala, tente novamente.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Falha ao ativar o som desta sala. Tente novamente.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Personalizado";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Padrão";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Compartilhar sala";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ fez uma alteração desconhecida em sua associação";
"test_language_identifier" = "pt-br";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Execute testes";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
@ -1067,7 +1084,7 @@
"screen_login_subtitle" = "A Matrix é uma rede aberta para comunicação segura e descentralizada.";
"screen_notification_settings_mentions_section_title" = "Menções";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_retry_button" = "Tente novamente";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Certifique-se de que você pode armazenar sua chave de recuperação em algum lugar seguro";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Não compartilhe isso com ninguém!";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Enter your recovery key";
"screen_report_content_block_user" = "Bloquear usuário";
"screen_reset_encryption_password_placeholder" = "Inserir...";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Falha ao processar multimédia para carregamento, por favor tente novamente.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Falhar ao carregar multimédia, por favor tente novamente.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Insere o teus detalhes";
"screen_login_title" = "Bem-vindo(a) de volta!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Iniciar sessão em %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Falha ao selecionar multimédia, por favor tente novamente.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Este processo só acontece uma única vez, obrigado por esperares.";
"screen_migration_title" = "A configurar a tua conta…";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Erro ao carregar as configurações de notificação.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Não foi possível silenciar esta sala, por favor tenta novamente.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Não foi possível dessilenciar esta sala, por favor tenta novamente.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Personalizado";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Predefinição";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Partilhar sala";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ efetuou uma alteração desconhecida à sua participação na sala";
"test_language_identifier" = "pt";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Resolução de problemas";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Correr testes";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Correr testes novamente";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Dez-identare";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Link";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Adăugați un atașament";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Adresa URL de bază Element Call";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Setați o adresă URL de bază personalizată pentru Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL invalid, vă rugăm să vă asigurați că includeți protocolul (http/https) și adresa corectă.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Procesarea datelor media a eșuat, vă rugăm să încercați din nou.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Încărcarea fișierelor media a eșuat, încercați din nou.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Introduceți detaliile";
"screen_login_title" = "Bine ați revenit!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Conectați-vă la %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Selectarea fișierelor media a eșuat, încercați din nou.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Acesta este un proces care se desfășoară o singură dată, vă mulțumim pentru așteptare.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Contul dumneavoastră se configurează";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "A apărut o eroare la încărcarea setărilor pentru notificari.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Dezactivarea notificarilor pentru această cameră a eșuat, încercați din nou.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Activarea notificarilor pentru această cameră a eșuat, încercați din nou.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Personalizat";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Implicit";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Partajați camera";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ a făcut o modificare necunoscută asupra calității sale de membru";
"test_language_identifier" = "ro";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Depanare";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Rulați testele";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Rulați din nou testele";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Вы сможете увидеть запрос, когда кто-то попросит присоединиться к комнате.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Нет ожидающих запросов на присоединение";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Запросы на присоединение";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Подпись может быть не видна пользователям старых приложений.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Не удалось обработать медиафайл для загрузки, попробуйте еще раз.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Не удалось загрузить медиафайлы, попробуйте еще раз.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Введите свои данные";
"screen_login_title" = "Рады видеть вас снова!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Войти в %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Здесь будут показаны изображения и видео, загруженные в данную комнату.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "Пока что нет загруженных медиафайлов";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Загрузка файлов...";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Загрузка медиа…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Файлы";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Медиа";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Медиа и файлы";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Не удалось выбрать носитель, попробуйте еще раз.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Это одноразовый процесс, спасибо, что подождали.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Настройка учетной записи.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Произошла ошибка при загрузке настроек уведомлений.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Не удалось отключить звук в этой комнате, попробуйте еще раз.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Не удалось включить звук в эту комнату, попробуйте еще раз.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Медиа и файлы";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Пользовательский";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "По умолчанию";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Поделиться комнатой";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ внес неизвестное изменение для своих участников";
"test_language_identifier" = "ru";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "На этом устройстве недоступна история сообщений";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Не удалось расшифровать сообщение";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "Это сообщение было заблокировано по причине того, что вы не подтвердили свое устройство, либо отправителю необходимо подтвердить вашу личность.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Устранение неполадок";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Выполнение тестов";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Повторное выполнение тестов";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "Keď niekto požiada, aby sa pripojil k miestnosti, jeho žiadosť si môžete pozrieť tu.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "Žiadna čakajúca žiadosť o pripojenie";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Žiadosti o pripojenie";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Nepodarilo sa spracovať médiá na odoslanie, skúste to prosím znova.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Nepodarilo sa nahrať médiá, skúste to prosím znova.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Zadajte svoje údaje";
"screen_login_title" = "Vitajte späť!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Prihlásiť sa do %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Nepodarilo sa vybrať médium, skúste to prosím znova.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Ide o jednorazový proces, ďakujeme za trpezlivosť.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Nastavenie vášho účtu.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Pri načítaní nastavení oznámení došlo k chybe.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Nepodarilo sa stlmiť túto miestnosť, skúste to prosím znova.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Nepodarilo sa zrušiť stlmenie tejto miestnosti, skúste to prosím znova.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Vlastné";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Predvolené";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Zdieľať miestnosť";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ urobil/a neznámu zmenu svojho členstva";
"test_language_identifier" = "sk";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Riešenie problémov";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Spustiť testy";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Spustiť testy znova";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Ta bort indrag";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Länk";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Lägg till bilaga";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Anpassad bas-URL för Element Call";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Ange en anpassad bas-URL för Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Ogiltig URL, se till att du inkluderar protokollet (http/https) och rätt adress.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Misslyckades att bearbeta media för uppladdning, vänligen pröva igen.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Misslyckades att ladda upp media, vänligen pröva igen.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Ange dina uppgifter";
"screen_login_title" = "Välkommen tillbaka!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Logga in på %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Misslyckades att välja media, vänligen pröva igen.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Detta är en engångsprocess, tack för att du väntar.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Konfigurerar ditt konto";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Ett fel uppstod vid laddning av aviseringsinställningar.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Misslyckades att tysta det här rummet, vänligen pröva igen.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Misslyckades att avtysta det här rummet, vänligen pröva igen.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Anpassad";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Förval";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Dela rum";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ gjorde en okänd ändring till deras medlemsskap.";
"test_language_identifier" = "sv";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Felsök";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Kör tester";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Kör tester igen";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Не вдалося обробити медіафайл для завантаження, спробуйте ще раз.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Не вдалося завантажити медіафайл, спробуйте ще раз.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Введіть свої дані";
"screen_login_title" = "З поверненням!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Увійти в %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Не вдалося вибрати медіафайл, спробуйте ще раз.";
"screen_migration_message" = "Це одноразовий процес, дякую за очікування.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Налаштування облікового запису.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Виникла помилка при завантаженні налаштувань сповіщень.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Не вдалося вимкнути цю кімнату. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Не вдалося ввімкнути звук цієї кімнати. Повторіть спробу.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Власні";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Типово";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Поділитися кімнатою";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ вносить невідомі зміни щодо свого членства";
"test_language_identifier" = "uk";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Усунення несправностей";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Запустити тести";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Запустити тести знову";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Paragrafni bekor qilish";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Havola";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Biriktirma qo'shing";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Maxsus element qo‘ng‘iroqlar bazasi URL manzili";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Element qo'ng'irog'iga maxsus asosiy url or'natish";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Mediani yuklab bo‘lmadi, qayta urinib ko‘ring.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Media yuklanmadi, qayta urinib ko‘ring.";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "Tafsilotlaringizni kiriting";
"screen_login_title" = "Qaytib kelganingizdan xursandmiz!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Kirish%1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Media tanlash jarayonida xatolik yuz berdi, qayta urinib ko'ring";
"screen_migration_message" = "Bu bir martalik jarayon, kutganingiz uchun rahmat.";
"screen_migration_title" = "Hisobingiz sozlanmoqda.";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Bildirishnoma sozlamalarini yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi.";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Bu xona ovozini o‘chirib bo‘lmadi, qayta urinib ko‘ring.";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Bu xonaning ovozi yoqilmadi, qayta urinib ko‘ring.";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Maxsus";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Standart";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Xonani baham ko'ring";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ aʼzoligiga nomaʼlum oʻzgarishlar kiritdi";
"test_language_identifier" = "en";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Run tests";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "处理要上传的媒体失败,请重试。";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "上传媒体失败,请重试。";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "输入您的详细信息";
"screen_login_title" = "欢迎回来!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "登录到 %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "选择媒体失败,请重试。";
"screen_migration_message" = "这是一个一次性的过程,感谢您的等待。";
"screen_migration_title" = "设置您的账户。";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "加载通知设置时出错。";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "无法将此聊天室静音,请重试。";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "无法取消此聊天室的静音,请重试。";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "自定义";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "默认";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "分享聊天室";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ 对其成员资格进行了未知更改";
"test_language_identifier" = "zh-Hans";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "排查问题";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "运行测试";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "再次运行测试";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "減少縮排";
"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "連結";
"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "新增附件";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Optional caption…";
"rich_text_editor_composer_caption_placeholder" = "Add a caption";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Custom Element Call base URL";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Set a custom base URL for Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
@ -387,6 +387,10 @@
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_description" = "When somebody will ask to join the room, you’ll be able to see their request here.";
"screen_knock_requests_list_empty_state_title" = "No pending request to join";
"screen_knock_requests_list_title" = "Requests to join";
"screen_media_details_file_format" = "File format";
"screen_media_details_filename" = "File name";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by";
"screen_media_details_uploaded_on" = "Uploaded on";
"screen_media_upload_preview_caption_warning" = "Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Failed processing media to upload, please try again.";
"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "無法上傳媒體檔案,請稍後再試。";
@ -586,6 +590,15 @@
"screen_login_form_header" = "輸入您的詳細資料";
"screen_login_title" = "歡迎回來!";
"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "登入 %1$@";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle" = "This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.";
"screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete file?";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle" = "Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.";
"screen_media_browser_empty_state_title" = "No media uploaded yet";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_files" = "Loading files…";
"screen_media_browser_list_loading_media" = "Loading media…";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_files" = "Files";
"screen_media_browser_list_mode_media" = "Media";
"screen_media_browser_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Failed selecting media, please try again.";
"screen_migration_message" = "這是一次性的程序,感謝您耐心等候。";
"screen_migration_title" = "正在設定您的帳號。";
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@
"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "載入通知設定時發生錯誤。";
"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "無法關閉聊天室通知,請再試一次。";
"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "無法開啟聊天室通知,請再試一次。";
"screen_room_details_media_gallery_title" = "Media and files";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "自訂";
"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "預設";
"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "分享聊天室";
@ -986,6 +1000,9 @@
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ made an unknown change to their membership";
"test_language_identifier" = "zh-tw";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"timeline_decryption_failure_historical_event_no_key_backup" = "Historical messages are not available on this device";
"timeline_decryption_failure_unable_to_decrypt" = "Unable to decrypt message";
"timeline_decryption_failure_withheld_unverified" = "This message was blocked either because you did not verify your device or because the sender needs to verify your identity.";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Run tests";
"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
@ -1356,16 +1356,32 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static func screenLoginTitleWithHomeserver(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_login_title_with_homeserver", String(describing: p1))
/// This file will be removed from the room and members won’t have access to it.
internal static var screenMediaBrowserDeleteConfirmationSubtitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_subtitle") }
/// Delete file?
internal static var screenMediaBrowserDeleteConfirmationTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_delete_confirmation_title") }
/// Images and videos uploaded to this room will be shown here.
internal static var screenMediaBrowserEmptyStateSubtitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_empty_state_subtitle") }
/// No media uploaded yet
internal static var screenMediaBrowserEmptyStateTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_empty_state_title") }
/// Loading files…
internal static var screenMediaBrowserListLoadingFiles: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_list_loading_files") }
/// Loading media…
internal static var screenMediaBrowserListLoadingMedia: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_list_loading_media") }
/// Files
internal static var screenMediaBrowserListModeFiles: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_list_mode_files") }
/// Media
internal static var screenMediaBrowserListModeMedia: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_list_mode_media") }
/// Media and files
internal static var screenMediaBrowserTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_browser_title") }
/// File format
internal static var screenMediaDetailsFileFormat: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_details_file_format") }
/// File name
internal static var screenMediaDetailsFilename: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_details_filename") }
/// Uploaded by
internal static var screenMediaDetailsUploadedBy: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_details_uploaded_by") }
/// Uploaded on
internal static var screenMediaDetailsUploadedOn: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_details_uploaded_on") }
/// Failed selecting media, please try again.
internal static var screenMediaPickerErrorFailedSelection: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection") }
/// Captions might not be visible to people using older apps.
@ -1788,6 +1804,8 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static var screenRoomDetailsLeaveConversationTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_details_leave_conversation_title") }
/// Leave room
internal static var screenRoomDetailsLeaveRoomTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_details_leave_room_title") }
/// Media and files
internal static var screenRoomDetailsMediaGalleryTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_details_media_gallery_title") }
/// Custom
internal static var screenRoomDetailsNotificationModeCustom: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom") }
/// Default
Reference in New Issue
Block a user