diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings
index fadb9f02c..ef91271ab 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/be.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Прагляд зыходнага кода";
"action_yes" = "Так";
"action.load_more" = "Загрузіць больш";
+"action.pin" = "Замацаваць";
"common_about" = "Аб праграме";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Палітыка дапушчальнага выкарыстання";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Пашыраныя налады";
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@
"common_success" = "Поспех";
"common_suggestions" = "Прапановы";
"common_syncing" = "Сінхранізацыя";
-"common_system" = "Сістэма";
+"common_system" = "Сістэмная";
"common_text" = "Тэкст";
"common_third_party_notices" = "Паведамленні трэціх асоб";
"common_thread" = "Гутарка";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Не знойдзена сумяшчальная праграма для выканання гэтага дзеяння.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Некаторыя паведамленні не былі адпраўлены";
"error_unknown" = "Выбачце, адбылася памылка";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "Сапраўднасць гэтага зашыфраванага паведамлення не можа быць гарантаваная на гэтай прыладзе.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Зашыфравана невядомай ці выдаленай прыладай.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Зашыфравана прыладай, не пацверджанай яе ўладальнікам.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Зашыфравана неправераным карыстальнікам.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Каб не прапусціць важны званок, зменіце налады, каб дазволіць поўнаэкранныя апавяшчэнні, калі тэлефон заблакіраваны.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Палепшыце якасць званкоў";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Далучайцеся да мяне %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Усталюйце карыстальніцкі асноўны URL для Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Адрас пазначаны няправільна, пераканайцеся, што вы ўказалі пратакол (http/https) і правільны адрас.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Апавясціць увесь пакой";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Змяніць правайдара ўліковага запісу";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Адрас хатняга сервера";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Увядзіце пошукавы запыт або адрас дамена.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
index f580b85e7..aecb4cdda 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Преглед на източника";
"action_yes" = "Да";
"action.load_more" = "Зареждане на още";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Относно";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Acceptable use policy";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Разширени настройки";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No compatible app was found to handle this action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Some messages have not been sent";
"error_unknown" = "Sorry, an error occurred";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Присъединете се към мен в %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Set a custom base URL for Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notify the whole room";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Промяна на доставчика на акаунт";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Homeserver address";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Въведете термин за търсене или адрес на домейн.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 7851c341e..711daf2ab 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Zobrazit zdroj";
"action_yes" = "Ano";
"action.load_more" = "Načíst více";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "O aplikaci";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Zásady používání";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Pokročilá nastavení";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nebyla nalezena žádná kompatibilní aplikace, která by tuto akci zpracovala.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Některé zprávy nebyly odeslány";
"error_unknown" = "Omlouváme se, došlo k chybě";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Abyste nikdy nezmeškali důležitý hovor, změňte nastavení tak, abyste povolili oznámení na celé obrazovce, když je telefon uzamčen.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Vylepšete si zážitek z volání";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Připojte se ke mně na %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Nastavte vlastní URL pro Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Neplatné URL, ujistěte se, že jste uvedli protokol (http/https) a správnou adresu.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Informujte celou místnost";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Změna poskytovatele účtu";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresa domovského serveru";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Zadejte hledaný výraz nebo adresu domény.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
index e50452415..b5758ab89 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"action_quick_reply" = "Schnelle Antwort";
"action_quote" = "Zitat";
"action_react" = "Reagieren";
-"action_reject" = "Reject";
+"action_reject" = "Ablehnen";
"action_remove" = "Entfernen";
"action_reply" = "Antworten";
"action_reply_in_thread" = "Im Thread antworten";
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Quellcode anzeigen";
"action_yes" = "Ja";
"action.load_more" = "Mehr laden ...";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Über";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Nutzungsrichtlinie";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Erweiterte Einstellungen";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Für diese Aktion wurde keine kompatible App gefunden.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Einige Nachrichten wurden nicht gesendet";
"error_unknown" = "Entschuldigung, es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Begleite mich auf %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Lege eine eigene Basis-URL für Element Call fest.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Ungültige URL, bitte stelle sicher, dass du das Protokoll (http/https) und die richtige Adresse angibst.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Alle Mitglieder benachrichtigen";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Kontoanbieter ändern";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Homeserver-Adresse";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Gib einen Suchbegriff oder eine Domainadresse ein.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
index ec7aab3e7..a6ad9cf7b 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,13 +102,14 @@
"action_view_source" = "Προβολή πηγής";
"action_yes" = "Ναι";
"action.load_more" = "Φόρτωσε περισσότερα";
+"action.pin" = "Καρφίτσωμα";
"common_about" = "Σχετικά";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Πολιτική αποδεκτής χρήσης";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους";
"common_analytics" = "Στατιστικά στοιχεία";
"common_appearance" = "Εμφάνιση";
"common_audio" = "Ήχος";
-"common_blocked_users" = "Blocked users";
+"common_blocked_users" = "Αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες";
"common_bubbles" = "Φυσαλίδες";
"common_call_invite" = "Κλήση σε εξέλιξη (δεν υποστηρίζεται)";
"common_call_started" = "Η κλήση ξεκίνησε";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Δεν βρέθηκε συμβατή εφαρμογή για να χειριστεί αυτήν την ενέργεια.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Ορισμένα μηνύματα δεν έχουν σταλεί";
"error_unknown" = "Λυπούμαστε, παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "Η αυθεντικότητα αυτού του κρυπτογραφημένου μηνύματος δεν είναι εγγυημένη σε αυτήν τη συσκευή.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Κρυπτογραφημένο από άγνωστη ή διαγεγραμμένη συσκευή.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Κρυπτογραφημένο από μια συσκευή που δεν έχει επαληθευτεί από τον ιδιοκτήτη της.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Κρυπτογραφημένο από μη επαληθευμένο χρήστη.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Για να διασφαλίσεις ότι δεν θα χάσεις ποτέ μια σημαντική κλήση, άλλαξε τις ρυθμίσεις σου για να επιτρέψεις τις ειδοποιήσεις πλήρους οθόνης όταν το τηλέφωνό σου είναι κλειδωμένο.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Βελτίωσε την εμπειρία κλήσεων";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Έλα μαζί μου στο %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Όρισε μια προσαρμοσμένη διεύθυνση βάσης URL για κλήση Element.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση URL, βεβαιώσου ότι έχεις συμπεριλάβει το πρωτόκολλο (http/https) και τη σωστή διεύθυνση.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Ειδοποίησε όλο το δωμάτιο";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ από %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Καρφιτσωμένα μηνύματα";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "Προβολή Όλων";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Αλλαγή παρόχου λογαριασμού";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Διεύθυνση οικιακού διακομιστή";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Εισήγαγε έναν όρο αναζήτησης ή μια διεύθυνση τομέα.";
@@ -355,8 +363,8 @@
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_title" = "Τα PIN δεν ταιριάζουν";
"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_message" = "Θα χρειαστεί να συνδεθείς ξανά και να δημιουργήσεις ένα νέο PIN για να προχωρήσεις";
"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_title" = "Έχεις αποσυνδεθεί";
-"screen_blocked_users_empty" = "You have no blocked users";
-"screen_blocked_users_unblocking" = "Unblocking…";
+"screen_blocked_users_empty" = "Δεν έχεις αποκλεισμένους χρήστες";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblocking" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού…";
"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Επισύναψη στιγμιοτύπου οθόνης";
"screen_bug_report_contact_me" = "Μπορείς να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μου εάν έχεις οποιεσδήποτε επιπλέον ερωτήσεις.";
"screen_bug_report_contact_me_title" = "Επικοινώνησε μαζί μου";
@@ -482,7 +490,7 @@
"screen_notification_settings_mentions_section_title" = "Αναφορές";
"screen_notification_settings_mode_all" = "Όλα";
"screen_notification_settings_mode_mentions" = "Αναφορές";
-"screen_notification_settings_notification_section_title" = "Ειδοποιήσε με για";
+"screen_notification_settings_notification_section_title" = "Ειδοποίησέ με για";
"screen_notification_settings_room_mention_label" = "Ειδοποίηση για @room";
"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_action_required" = "Για να λαμβάνεις ειδοποιήσεις, άλλαξε το %1$@ .";
"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_action_required_content_link" = "ρυθμίσεις συστήματος";
@@ -578,7 +586,7 @@
"screen_room_attachment_source_poll" = "Δημοσκόπηση";
"screen_room_attachment_text_formatting" = "Μορφοποίηση Κειμένου";
"screen_room_change_permissions_administrators" = "Μόνο διαχειριστές";
-"screen_room_change_permissions_ban_people" = "Ban people";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_ban_people" = "Αποκλεισμός ατόμων";
"screen_room_change_permissions_delete_messages" = "Αφαίρεση μηνυμάτων";
"screen_room_change_permissions_invite_people" = "Πρόσκληση ατόμων";
"screen_room_change_permissions_moderators" = "Διαχειριστές και συντονιστές";
@@ -632,19 +640,19 @@
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού";
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_description" = "Θα μπορείς να δεις ξανά όλα τα μηνύματα του.";
"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Κατάργηση αποκλεισμού χρήστη";
-"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_action" = "Ban";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_action" = "Αποκλεισμός";
"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_description" = "Δεν θα μπορεί να συμμετέχει ξανά σε αυτό το δωμάτιο εάν προσκληθεί.";
-"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_title" = "Are you sure you want to ban this member?";
-"screen_room_member_list_banned_empty" = "There are no banned users in this room.";
-"screen_room_member_list_banning_user" = "Banning %1$@";
-"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_ban" = "Remove and ban member";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_title" = "Θες σίγουρα να αποκλείσεις αυτό το μέλος;";
+"screen_room_member_list_banned_empty" = "Δεν υπάρχουν αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες σε αυτό το δωμάτιο.";
+"screen_room_member_list_banning_user" = "Αποκλεισμός του χρήστη %1$@";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_ban" = "Αφαίρεση και αποκλεισμός μέλους";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove" = "Αφαίρεση από το δωμάτιο";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_ban" = "Αφαίρεση και αποκλεισμός μέλους";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_kick" = "Μόνο αφαίρεση μέλους";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_title" = "Αφαίρεση μέλους και απαγόρευση συμμετοχής στο μέλλον;";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_action" = "Αναίρεση αποκλεισμού";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_message" = "Θα μπορεί να συμμετάσχει ξανά στο δωμάτιο εάν προσκληθεί.";
-"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_title" = "Unban user";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_title" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού χρήστη";
"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_user_info" = "Προβολή προφίλ";
"screen_room_member_list_mode_banned" = "Αποκλεισμένοι";
"screen_room_member_list_mode_members" = "Μέλη";
@@ -653,7 +661,7 @@
"screen_room_member_list_role_administrator" = "Διαχειριστής";
"screen_room_member_list_role_moderator" = "Συντονιστής";
"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Μέλη δωματίου";
-"screen_room_member_list_unbanning_user" = "Unbanning %1$@";
+"screen_room_member_list_unbanning_user" = "Άρση αποκλεισμού %1$@";
"screen_room_notification_settings_allow_custom" = "Να επιτρέπεται η προσαρμοσμένη ρύθμιση";
"screen_room_notification_settings_allow_custom_footnote" = "Η ενεργοποίηση αυτής της ρύθμισης θα παρακάμψει την προεπιλεγμένη ρύθμιση";
"screen_room_notification_settings_custom_settings_title" = "Ειδοποιήσε με σε αυτήν τη συνομιλία για";
@@ -709,12 +717,12 @@
"screen_roomlist_filter_low_priority" = "Χαμηλής Προτεραιότητας";
"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_subtitle" = "Μπορείς να καταργήσεις την επιλογή φίλτρων για να δεις τις άλλες συνομιλίες σου";
"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_title" = "Δεν έχεις συνομιλίες για αυτήν την επιλογή";
-"screen_roomlist_filter_people_empty_state_title" = "You don’t have any DMs yet";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_people_empty_state_title" = "Δεν έχεις ακόμα ΠΜ";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "Δωμάτια";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms_empty_state_title" = "Δεν είσαι ακόμα σε κανένα δωμάτιο";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "Μη αναγνωσμένα";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads_empty_state_title" = "Συγχαρητήρια!\nΔεν έχεις μη αναγνωσμένα μηνύματα!";
-"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Συζητήσεις";
+"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Συνομιλίες";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_read" = "Επισήμανση ως αναγνωσμένου";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_unread" = "Επισήμανση ως μη αναγνωσμένου";
"screen_roomlist_room_directory_button_title" = "Περιήγηση σε όλα τα δωμάτια";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 61e17406d..74caa9af2 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -313,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Set a custom base URL for Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notify the whole room";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Change account provider";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Homeserver address";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Enter a search term or a domain address.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 455b0dd2b..39f05f674 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Ver Fuente";
"action_yes" = "Sí";
"action.load_more" = "Cargar más";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Acerca de";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Política de uso aceptable";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Ajustes avanzados";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No se encontró ninguna aplicación compatible con esta acción.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Algunos mensajes no se han enviado";
"error_unknown" = "Lo siento, se ha producido un error";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Únete a mí en %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Define una URL base personalizada para Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL no válida, asegúrate de incluir el protocolo (http/https) y la dirección correcta.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notificar a toda la sala";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Cambiar el proveedor de la cuenta";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Dirección del servidor principal";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Introduzca un término de búsqueda o una dirección de dominio.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 6fce1025f..ff2b75cc8 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/et.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Vaata lähtekoodi";
"action_yes" = "Jah";
"action.load_more" = "Näita veel";
+"action.pin" = "Kinnita";
"common_about" = "Rakenduse teave";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Vastuvõetava kasutamise põhimõtted";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Täiendavad seadistused";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Ei õnnestunud leida selle tegevuse jaoks vajalikku välist rakendust.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Mõned sõnumid on saatmata";
"error_unknown" = "Vabandust, ilmnes viga";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "Selle krüptitud sõnumi tõepärasus pole selles seadmes tagatud.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Krüptitud tundmatu või kustutatud seadme poolt.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Krüptitud seadme poolt, mida tema omanik pole verifitseerinud.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Krüptitud verifitseerimata kasutaja poolt.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Selleks, et sul ainsamgi tähtis kõne ei jääks märkamata, siis palun muuda oma nutiseadme seadistusi nii, et lukustusvaates oleksid täisekraani mõõtu teavitused.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Täiusta oma telefonikõnede kogemust";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Liitu minuga rakenduses %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Seadista kohandatud teenuseaadress Element Calli jaoks.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Vigane url. Palun vaata, et url algaks protokolliga (http/https) ning aadress ise oleks ka õige.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Teavita kogu jututuba";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ / %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ kinnitatud sõnumit";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "Näita kõiki";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Muuda teenusepakkujat";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Koduserveri aadress";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Sisesta otsingusõna või domeeni nimi.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 47eb529dc..cbc0d2aff 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Afficher la source";
"action_yes" = "Oui";
"action.load_more" = "Voir plus";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "À propos";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Politique d’utilisation acceptable";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Paramètres avancés";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Aucune application compatible n’a été trouvée pour gérer cette action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Certains messages n’ont pas été envoyés";
"error_unknown" = "Désolé, une erreur s’est produite";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Afin de ne jamais manquer un appel important, veuillez modifier vos paramètres pour autoriser les notifications en plein écran lorsque votre appareil est verrouillé.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Améliorez votre expérience d'appel";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Rejoignez-moi sur %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Configurer une URL de base pour Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL invalide, assurez-vous d’inclure le protocol (http/https) et l’adresse correcte.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notifier tout le salon";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Changer de fournisseur de compte";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresse du serveur d’accueil";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Entrez un terme de recherche ou une adresse de domaine.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 4c9c92b6e..c0e72cfcf 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Forrás megtekintése";
"action_yes" = "Igen";
"action.load_more" = "Továbbiak betöltése";
+"action.pin" = "Kitűzés";
"common_about" = "Névjegy";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Elfogadható használatra vonatkozó szabályzat";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Speciális beállítások";
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@
"common_waiting" = "Várakozás…";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Várakozás a visszafejtési kulcsra";
"common.do_not_show_this_again" = "Ne jelenjen meg többé";
-"common.open_source_licenses" = "Open source licenses";
+"common.open_source_licenses" = "Nyílt forráskódú licencek";
"common.send_to" = "Címzett";
"common_no_room_name" = "Nincs szobanév";
"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Biztos, hogy befejezi ezt a szavazást?";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nem található kompatibilis alkalmazás a művelet kezeléséhez.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Néhány üzenet nem került elküldésre";
"error_unknown" = "Elnézést, hiba történt";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "A titkosított üzenetek valódiságát ezen az eszközön nem lehet garantálni.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Ismeretlen vagy törölt eszköz által titkosítva.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "A tulajdonos által nem ellenőrzött eszköz által titkosítva.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Nem ellenőrzött felhasználó által titkosítva.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Annak érdekében, hogy soha ne maradjon le egyetlen fontos hívásról sem, módosítsa a beállításokat, hogy engedélyezze a teljes képernyős értesítéseket, amikor a telefon zárolva van.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Növelje a hívásélményét";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Csatlakozz hozzám itt: %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Egyéni alapwebcím beállítása az Element Callhoz.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Érvénytelen webcím, győződjön meg arról, hogy szerepel-e benne a protokoll (http/https), és hogy helyes-e a cím.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Az egész szoba értesítése";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Fiókszolgáltató módosítása";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Matrix-kiszolgáló webcíme";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Adjon meg egy keresési kifejezést vagy egy tartománycímet.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 4d1bea218..5dcd8a6b0 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/id.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Tampilkan sumber";
"action_yes" = "Ya";
"action.load_more" = "Muat lainnya";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Tentang";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Kebijakan penggunaan wajar";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Pengaturan tingkat lanjut";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Tidak ada aplikasi yang kompatibel yang ditemukan untuk menangani tindakan ini.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Beberapa pesan belum terkirim";
"error_unknown" = "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Untuk memastikan Anda tidak melewatkan panggilan penting, silakan ubah pengaturan Anda untuk memperbolehkan notifikasi layar penuh ketika ponsel Anda terkunci.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Tingkatkan pengalaman panggilan Anda";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Bergabunglah dengan saya di %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Tetapkan URL dasar khusus untuk Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL tidak valid, pastikan Anda menyertakan protokol (http/https) dan alamat yang benar.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Beri tahu seluruh ruangan";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Ubah penyedia akun";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Alamat homeserver";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Masukkan istilah pencarian atau alamat domain.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 6d2dde8e0..0912b4a3e 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Vedi codice sorgente";
"action_yes" = "Sì";
"action.load_more" = "Carica altro";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Informazioni";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Regole sull'utilizzo consentito";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Impostazioni avanzate";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Non è stata trovata alcuna app compatibile per gestire questa azione.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Alcuni messaggi non sono stati inviati";
"error_unknown" = "Siamo spiacenti, si è verificato un errore";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Per non perdere mai una chiamata importante, modifica le impostazioni per consentire le notifiche a schermo intero quando il telefono è bloccato.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Migliora la tua esperienza di chiamata";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Unisciti a me su %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Imposta un URL di base personalizzato per Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL non valido, assicurati di includere il protocollo (http/https) e l'indirizzo corretto.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notifica l'intera stanza";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Cambia fornitore dell'account";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Indirizzo dell'homeserver";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Inserisci un termine di ricerca o un indirizzo di dominio.";
@@ -321,7 +329,7 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts" = "Ricevute di visualizzazione";
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts_description" = "Se disattivato, le tue ricevute di visualizzazione non verranno inviate a nessuno. Riceverai comunque ricevute di visualizzazione da altri utenti.";
"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence" = "Condividi presenza online";
-"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence_description" = "Se disattivato, non potrai inviare o ricevere ricevute di visualizzazione o notifiche di scrittura.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence_description" = "Se disattivato, non potrai inviare o ricevere ricevute di lettura o notifiche di scrittura.";
"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "Attiva l'opzione per visualizzare il codice sorgente del messaggio nella conversazione.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Non registreremo né profileremo alcun dato personale";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Condividi dati di utilizzo anonimi per aiutarci a identificare problemi.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings
index bca5667e7..45514726e 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
"Notification" = "შეტყობინება";
"a11y_delete" = "წაშლა";
"a11y_hide_password" = "პაროლის დამალვა";
-"a11y_jump_to_bottom" = "Jump to bottom";
+"a11y_jump_to_bottom" = "ბოლოში გადასვლა";
"a11y_notifications_mentions_only" = "მხოლოდ მოხსენიებები";
"a11y_notifications_muted" = "დადუმებულია";
-"a11y_page_n" = "Page %1$d";
+"a11y_page_n" = "გვერდი %1$d";
"a11y_pause" = "პაუზა";
"a11y_pin_field" = "PIN ველი";
"a11y_play" = "დაკვრა";
"a11y_poll" = "გამოკითხვა";
"a11y_poll_end" = "დასრულდა გამოკითხვა";
-"a11y_react_with" = "React with %1$@";
-"a11y_react_with_other_emojis" = "React with other emojis";
-"a11y_read_receipts_multiple" = "Read by %1$@ and %2$@";
-"a11y_read_receipts_single" = "Read by %1$@";
-"a11y_read_receipts_tap_to_show_all" = "Tap to show all";
-"a11y_remove_reaction_with" = "Remove reaction with %1$@";
+"a11y_react_with" = "რეაგირება %1$@-ით";
+"a11y_react_with_other_emojis" = "რეაგირება სხვა ემოჯით";
+"a11y_read_receipts_multiple" = "ნანახია %1$@-სა და %2$@-ს მიერ";
+"a11y_read_receipts_single" = "წაიკითხეს: %@";
+"a11y_read_receipts_tap_to_show_all" = "შეეხეთ ყველაფრის საჩვენებლად";
+"a11y_remove_reaction_with" = "%1$@ რეაქციის წაშლა";
"a11y_send_files" = "ფაილების გაგზავნა";
"a11y_show_password" = "პაროლის ჩვენება";
-"a11y_start_call" = "Start a call";
+"a11y_start_call" = "დარეკვა";
"a11y_user_menu" = "მომხმარებლის მენიუ";
"a11y_voice_message_record" = "ხმოვანი შეტყობინების ჩაწერა.";
-"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "Stop recording";
+"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "ჩაწერის შეწყვეტა";
"action_accept" = "მიღება";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "დამატება ქრონოლოგიაში";
"action_back" = "უკან";
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@
"action_create" = "შექმნა";
"action_create_a_room" = "ოთახის შექმნა";
"action_decline" = "უარყოფა";
-"action_delete_poll" = "Delete Poll";
+"action_delete_poll" = "გამოკითხვის წაშლა";
"action_disable" = "გამორთვა";
"action_discard" = "Discard";
"action_done" = "მზადაა";
"action_edit" = "რედაქტირება";
"action_edit_poll" = "გამოკითხვის რედაქტირება";
-"action_enable" = "Enable";
+"action_enable" = "ჩართვა";
"action_end_poll" = "გამოკითხვის დასრულება";
-"action_enter_pin" = "Enter PIN";
+"action_enter_pin" = "შეიყვანეთ PIN";
"action_forgot_password" = "დაგავიწყდათ პაროლი?";
"action_forward" = "გადაგზავნა";
"action_go_back" = "Go back";
@@ -97,16 +97,17 @@
"action_start_verification" = "დადასტურების დაწყება";
"action_static_map_load" = "დააწკაპუნეთ რუკის ჩასატვირთად";
"action_take_photo" = "ფოტოს გადაღება";
-"action_tap_for_options" = "Tap for options";
-"action_try_again" = "Try again";
+"action_tap_for_options" = "შეეხეთ ვარიანტების სანახავად";
+"action_try_again" = "ხელახლა ცდა";
"action_view_source" = "წყაროს ნახვა";
"action_yes" = "დიახ";
-"action.load_more" = "Load more";
+"action.load_more" = "მეტის ჩატვირთვა";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "შესახებ";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "მისაღები გამოყენების პოლიტიკა";
"common_advanced_settings" = "გაფართოებული პარამეტრები";
"common_analytics" = "ანალიტიკა";
-"common_appearance" = "Appearance";
+"common_appearance" = "გარეგნობა";
"common_audio" = "აუდიო";
"common_blocked_users" = "Blocked users";
"common_bubbles" = "ბუშტები";
@@ -116,10 +117,10 @@
"common_copyright" = "საავტორო უფლება";
"common_creating_room" = "ოთახის შექმნა...";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "დატოვა ოთახი";
-"common_dark" = "Dark";
+"common_dark" = "მუქი";
"common_decryption_error" = "გაშიფვრის შეცდომა";
"common_developer_options" = "დეველოპერის პარამეტრები";
-"common_direct_chat" = "Direct chat";
+"common_direct_chat" = "პირდაპირი ჩატი";
"common_edited_suffix" = "(რედაქტირებულია)";
"common_editing" = "რედაქტირება";
"common_emote" = "* %1$@ %2$@";
@@ -138,18 +139,18 @@
"common_in_reply_to" = "%1$@-ს პასუხად";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "ეს Matrix ID ვერ მოიძებნა, ამიტომ მოწვევა შეიძლება არ იყოს მიღებული.";
"common_leaving_room" = "ოთახის დატოვება";
-"common_light" = "Light";
+"common_light" = "ღია";
"common_link_copied_to_clipboard" = "ბმული კოპირებულია გაცვლის ბუფერში";
"common_loading" = "იტვირთება…";
"common_message" = "შეტყობინება";
-"common_message_actions" = "Message actions";
+"common_message_actions" = "შეტყობინებაზე მოქმედებები";
"common_message_layout" = "შეტყობინებების ფორმა";
"common_message_removed" = "მესიჯი წაშლილია";
"common_modern" = "თანამედროვე";
"common_mute" = "დადუმება";
"common_no_results" = "შედეგი არ არის";
"common_offline" = "ხაზგარეშე";
-"common_optic_id_ios" = "Optic ID";
+"common_optic_id_ios" = "ოპტიკური ID";
"common_or" = "or";
"common_password" = "პაროლი";
"common_people" = "ხალხი";
@@ -165,10 +166,10 @@
"common_refreshing" = "განახლება…";
"common_replying_to" = "პასუხი %1$@-ს";
"common_report_a_bug" = "ხარვეზის შეტყობინება";
-"common_report_a_problem" = "Report a problem";
+"common_report_a_problem" = "შეტყობინება პრობლემაზე";
"common_report_submitted" = "რეპორტი გაგზავნილია";
"common_rich_text_editor" = "მდიდარი ტექსტის რედაქტორი";
-"common_room" = "Room";
+"common_room" = "ოთახი";
"common_room_name" = "ოთახის სახელი";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "მაგ. თქვენი პროექტის სახელი";
"common_saved_changes" = "Saved changes";
@@ -177,21 +178,21 @@
"common_search_for_someone" = "ვიღაცის ძებნა";
"common_search_results" = "ძიების შედეგები";
"common_security" = "უსაფრთხოება";
-"common_seen_by" = "Seen by";
+"common_seen_by" = "Ნანახი";
"common_sending" = "იგზავნება...";
-"common_sending_failed" = "Sending failed";
-"common_sent" = "Sent";
+"common_sending_failed" = "გაგზავნა ვერ მოხერხდა";
+"common_sent" = "გაგზავნილი";
"common_server_not_supported" = "სერვერი არ არის მხარდაჭერილი";
"common_server_url" = "სერვერის ვებ-მისამართი";
"common_settings" = "პარამეტრები";
"common_shared_location" = "გაზიარებული მდებარეობა";
-"common_signing_out" = "Signing out";
+"common_signing_out" = "გასვლა…";
"common_starting_chat" = "ჩატის დაწყება...";
"common_sticker" = "სტიკერი";
"common_success" = "წარმატება";
"common_suggestions" = "შეთავაზებები";
"common_syncing" = "სინქრონიზაცია";
-"common_system" = "System";
+"common_system" = "სისტემა";
"common_text" = "ტექსტი";
"common_third_party_notices" = "მესამე პირის შენიშვნები";
"common_thread" = "თემა";
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@
"common_video" = "ვიდეო";
"common_voice_message" = "ხმოვანი შეტყობინება";
"common_waiting" = "მოცდა...";
-"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Waiting for this message";
+"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "ლოდინი ამ შეტყობინებისათვის";
"common.do_not_show_this_again" = "Do not show this again";
"common.open_source_licenses" = "Open source licenses";
"common.send_to" = "Send to";
@@ -219,17 +220,17 @@
"common_poll_summary" = "გამოკითხვა: %1$@";
"common_something_went_wrong" = "Something went wrong";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_no_access" = "You don't have access to this message";
-"common_verify_device" = "Verify device";
-"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Your chat backup is currently out of sync. You need to enter your recovery key to maintain access to your chat backup.";
-"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Enter your recovery key";
+"common_verify_device" = "დაადასტურეთ მოწყობილობა";
+"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "თქვენი ჩეთების სარეზერვო ასლი ამჟამად არ არის სინქრონიზებული. თქვენ უნდა შეიყვანოთ თქვენი აღდგენის გასაღები, რათა შეინარჩუნოთ წვდომა ჩეთების სარეზერვო ასლზე.";
+"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "შეიყვანეთ აღდგენის გასაღები";
"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ ავარიულად გაითიშა ბოლოს გამოიყენებისას. გსურთ, გამოგვიგზავნოთ ავარიული გათიშვის ჟურნალი?";
"dialog_permission_camera" = "იმისათვის, რომ აპლიკაციამ გამოიყენოს კამერა, გთხოვთ, მიანიჭოთ ნებართვა სისტემის პარამეტრებში.";
"dialog_permission_generic" = "გთხოვთ, მიანიჭოთ ნებართვა სისტემის პარამეტრებში.";
-"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Grant access in Settings -> Location.";
-"dialog_permission_location_title_ios" = "%1$@ does not have access to your location.";
+"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "მიანიჭეთ წვდომა პარამეტრებში -> ლოკაციაში.";
+"dialog_permission_location_title_ios" = "%1$@ თქვენს ადგილმდებარეობაზე არ აქვს წვდომა.";
"dialog_permission_microphone" = "იმისათვის, რომ აპლიკაციამ მიკროფონი გამოიყენოს, გთხოვთ, მიანიჭოთ ნებართვა სისტემის პარამეტრებში.";
-"dialog_permission_microphone_description_ios" = "Grant access so you can record and send messages with audio.";
-"dialog_permission_microphone_title_ios" = "%1$@ needs permission to access your microphone.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone_description_ios" = "მოგვეცით წვდომა, რათა შეძლოთ ხმოვანი შეტყობინებების ჩაწერა და გაგზავნა.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone_title_ios" = "%1$@ თქვენს მიკროფონზე წვდომას საჭიროებს.";
"dialog_permission_notification" = "იმისათვის, რომ აპლიკაციამ გამოაჩინოს შეტყობინებები, გთხოვთ, მიანიჭოთ ნებართვა სისტემის პარამეტრებში.";
"dialog_title_confirmation" = "დადასტურება";
"dialog_title_warning" = "გაფრთხილება";
@@ -247,11 +248,15 @@
"error_failed_loading_map" = "ვერ გამოვიდა რუკის %1$@ ჩატვირთვა. გთხოვთ, მოგვიანებით სცადოთ.";
"error_failed_loading_messages" = "შეტყობინებების ჩატვირთვა ვერ მოხერხდა";
"error_failed_locating_user" = "%1$@ ვერ მოახერხა თქვენი ადგილმდებარეობაზე წვდომა. გთხოვთ, მოგვიანებით სცადოთ.";
-"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Failed to upload your voice message.";
+"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "თქვენი ხმოვანი შეტყობინების ატვირთვა ვერ მოხერხდა.";
"error_message_not_found" = "Message not found";
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "თავსებადი აპლიკაცია ვერ მოიძებნა ამ მოქმედების შესასრულებლად.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "ზოგიერთი შეტყობინება არ გაიგზავნა";
"error_unknown" = "ბოდიშით, შეცდომა მოხდა";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ შემომიერთდით %1$@";
@@ -270,7 +275,7 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** გაგზავნა ვერ მოხერხდა - გთხოვთ, გახსნათ ოთახი";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "უარყოფა";
"notification_invite_body" = "მოგიწვიათ ჩატში";
-"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "Mentioned you: %1$@";
+"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "მოგახსენათ: %1$@";
"notification_new_messages" = "ახალი შეტყობინებები";
"notification_reaction_body" = "რეაგირება მოხდა: %1$@";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "მოგიწვიათ ოთახში";
@@ -307,7 +312,10 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "მორგებული Element-ის ზარის საბაზისო URL";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "დააყენეთ საბაზისო URL Element-ის ზარებისათვის.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "არასწორი URL, გთხოვთ, დარწმუნდეთ, რომ შეიტანეთ პროტოკოლი (http/https) და სწორი მისამართი.";
-"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notify the whole room";
+"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "მთელი ოთახისათვის შეტყობინება";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "ანგარიშის მიმწოდებლის შეცვლა";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "სახლის სერვერის მისამართი";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "შეიყვანეთ საძიებო სიტყვა ან დომენის მისამართი.";
@@ -322,7 +330,7 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts_description" = "If turned off, your read receipts won't be sent to anyone. You will still receive read receipts from other users.";
"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence" = "Share presence";
"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence_description" = "If turned off, you won’t be able to send or receive read receipts or typing notifications.";
-"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "Enable option to view message source in the timeline.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "ჩართეთ ოპცია რათა შეტყობინების წყაროს დროის ისტორია ნახოთ.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "ჩვენ არ ჩავწერთ და არ დავაფიქსირებთ პერსონალურ მონაცემებს";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "გააზიარეთ ანონიმური გამოყენების მონაცემები, რათა დაგვეხმაროთ პრობლემების იდენტიფიცირებაში.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "შეგიძლიათ, წაიკითხოთ ჩვენი ყველა პირობა %1$@.";
@@ -331,9 +339,9 @@
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "თქვენს მონაცემებს მესამე პირს არ გადავცემთ";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "დაგვეხმარეთ, გავაუმჯობესოთ %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "გააზიარეთ ანალიტიკური მონაცემები";
-"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "biometric authentication";
-"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "biometric unlock";
-"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "Authentication is needed to access your app";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "ბიომეტრიული ავტორიზაცია";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "ბიომეტრიული განბლოკვა";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "თქვენს აპლიკაციაში წვდომისთვის საჭიროა აუტენტიფიკაცია";
"screen_app_lock_forgot_pin" = "დაგავიწყდათ PIN?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_change_pin" = "PIN კოდის შეცვლა";
"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_biometric_unlock" = "ბიომეტრიული განბლოკვის დაშვება";
@@ -343,16 +351,16 @@
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin" = "პინ კოდის წაშლა";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_message" = "დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ PIN-ის წაშლა?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_title" = "გსურთ PIN-ის წაშლა?";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_allow_title" = "Allow %1$@";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_skip" = "I’d rather use PIN";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_subtitle" = "Save yourself some time and use %1$@ to unlock the app each time";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_choose_pin" = "Choose PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_allow_title" = "%1$@ დაშვება";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_skip" = "მირჩევნია PIN-ის გამოყენება";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_subtitle" = "დაზოგეთ დრო და გამოიყენეთ %1$@ აპლიკაციის განსაბლოკად.";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_choose_pin" = "აირჩიეთ PIN";
"screen_app_lock_setup_confirm_pin" = "დაადასტურეთ PIN";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "Lock %1$@ to add extra security to your chats.\n\nChoose something memorable. If you forget this PIN, you will be logged out of the app.";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_content" = "You cannot choose this as your PIN code for security reasons";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_title" = "Choose a different PIN";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_content" = "Please enter the same PIN twice";
-"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_title" = "PINs don't match";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "თქვენი ჩატების დამატებითი უსაფრთხოებისათვის დაბლოკეთ %1$@.\n\nაირჩიეთ რაიმე ისეთი, რაც დაგამახსოვრდებათ. თუ დაგავიწყდებათ ეს PIN, აპლიკაციიდან გამოხვალთ.";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_content" = "თქვენ არ შეგიძლიათ აირჩიოთ ეს PIN კოდი უსაფრთხოების მიზეზების გამო";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_title" = "აირჩიეთ სხვა PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_content" = "გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ იგივე PIN ორჯერ";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_title" = "PIN-ები არ ემთხვევა";
"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_message" = "გასაგრძელებლად საჭიროა ხელახლა შესვლა და ახალი PIN-ის შექმნა";
"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_title" = "თქვენ ახლა გადიხართ...";
"screen_blocked_users_empty" = "You have no blocked users";
@@ -413,7 +421,7 @@
"screen_create_room_public_option_description" = "შეტყობინებები არ არის დაშიფრული და ყველას შეუძლია მათი წაკითხვა. შეგიძლიათ ჩართოთ დაშიფვრა მოგვიანებით.";
"screen_create_room_public_option_title" = "საჯარო ოთახი (ნებისმიერი)";
"screen_create_room_topic_label" = "თემა (სურვილისამებრ)";
-"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this poll?";
+"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ ამ გამოკითხვის წაშლა?";
"screen_edit_profile_display_name" = "ნაჩვენები სახელი";
"screen_edit_profile_display_name_placeholder" = "თქვენი ნაჩვენები სახელი";
"screen_edit_profile_error" = "დაფიქსირდა უცნობი შეცდომა და ინფორმაციის შეცვლა ვერ მოხერხდა.";
@@ -477,8 +485,8 @@
"screen_notification_settings_enable_notifications" = "შეტყობინებების ჩართვა ამ მოწყობილობაზე";
"screen_notification_settings_failed_fixing_configuration" = "კონფიგურაცია არ გამოსწორებულა, გთხოვთ, კვლავ სცადოთ.";
"screen_notification_settings_group_chats" = "ჯგუფური ჩატები";
-"screen_notification_settings_invite_for_me_label" = "Invitations";
-"screen_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you may not get notified in some rooms.";
+"screen_notification_settings_invite_for_me_label" = "მოსაწვევები";
+"screen_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "თქვენი სახლის სერვერი არ უჭერს მხარს ამ პარამეტრს დაშიფრულ ოთახებში, ზოგიერთ ოთახში შეიძლება არ მიიღოთ შეტყობინება.";
"screen_notification_settings_mentions_section_title" = "ხსენებები";
"screen_notification_settings_mode_all" = "ყველა";
"screen_notification_settings_mode_mentions" = "ხსენებები";
@@ -494,11 +502,11 @@
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება უსწრაფეს %1$@-ში. დამუხტულია სიჩქარისა და სიმარტივისათვის.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება %1$@-ში! დამუხტული სიჩქარისა და სიმარტივისთვის.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "იყავი შენს element-ში";
-"screen_polls_history_empty_ongoing" = "Can't find any ongoing polls.";
-"screen_polls_history_empty_past" = "Can't find any past polls.";
-"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "Ongoing";
-"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "Past";
-"screen_polls_history_title" = "Polls";
+"screen_polls_history_empty_ongoing" = "მიმდინარე გამოკითხვები ვერ მოიძებნა.";
+"screen_polls_history_empty_past" = "ბოლო გამოკითხვების მოძებნა ვერ მოხერხდა.";
+"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "მიმდინარე";
+"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "წარსული";
+"screen_polls_history_title" = "გამოკითხვები";
"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Establishing a secure connection";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_description" = "A secure connection could not be made to the new device. Your existing devices are still safe and you don't need to worry about them.";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_header" = "What now?";
@@ -545,16 +553,16 @@
"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "გსურთ აღდგენის გასაღების შეცვლა?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_create_new_recovery_key" = "Create new recovery key";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_description" = "დარწმუნდით, რომ ვერავინ ხედავს ამ ეკრანს!";
-"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Please try again to confirm access to your chat backup.";
-"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "Incorrect recovery key";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა, რათა თქვენი ჩეთის სარეზერვო ასლაზე წვდომა დაადასტუროთ";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "აღდგენის არასწორი გასაღები";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "თუ თქვენ გაქვთ უსაფრთხოების გასაღები ან უსაფრთხოების ფრაზა, ეს ასევე იმუშავებს.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_label" = "Recovery key or passcode";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "შეყვანა";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Lost your recovery key?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_success" = "აღდგენის გასაღები დადასტურებულია";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "შეიყვანეთ თქვენი აღდგენის გასაღები";
-"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Copied recovery key";
-"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Generating…";
+"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "დაკოპირებულია აღდგენის გასაღები";
+"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "გენერირება...";
"screen_recovery_key_save_action" = "აღდგენის გასაღების შენახვა";
"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "ჩაწერეთ თქვენი აღდგენის გასაღები სადმე უსაფრთხო ადგილას ან შეინახეთ პაროლის მენეჯერში.";
"screen_recovery_key_save_key_description" = "აღდგენის გასაღების დასაკოპირებლად, დააწკაპუნეთ";
@@ -621,7 +629,7 @@
"screen_room_directory_search_loading_error" = "Failed loading";
"screen_room_directory_search_title" = "Room directory";
"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner" = "შეტყობინებების ისტორია ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია.";
-"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner_unverified" = "Message history is unavailable in this room. Verify this device to see your message history.";
+"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner_unverified" = "შეტყობინებების ისტორია ამ ოთახში მიუწვდომელია. დაადასტურეთ ეს მოწყობილობა თქვენი შეტყობინებების ისტორიის სანახავად.";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "მომხმარებლის მონაცემების მოძიება ვერ მოხერხდა";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "გსურთ მათი კვლავ მოწვევა?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "თქვენ მარტო ხართ ამ ჩატში";
@@ -664,7 +672,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_error_loading_settings" = "შეტყობინებების პარამეტრების ჩატვირთვისას მოხდა შეცდომა.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_error_restoring_default" = "ნაგულისხმევი რეჟიმის აღდგენა ვერ მოხერხდა, გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_error_setting_mode" = "რეჟიმის დაყენება ვერ მოხერხდა, გთხოვთ, სცადოთ ხელახლა.";
-"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "თქვენი სახლის სერვერი არ უჭერს მხარს ამ პარამეტრს დაშიფრულ ოთახებში, თქვენ არ მიიღებთ შეტყობინებას ამ ოთახში.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "ყველა შეტყობინება";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "ამ ოთახში, შემატყობინეთ:";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Ხელახლა გაგზავნა";
@@ -727,8 +735,8 @@
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_subtitle" = "რაღაცა არასწორადაა. ან მოთხოვნის ვადაა ამოწურული, ან მოთხოვნა უარყოფილი იყო.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_subtitle" = "დაადასტურეთ, რომ ქვემოთ მოყვანილი ემოჯიები შეესაბამება თქვენს სხვა სესიაზე ნაჩვენებს.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "შეადარეთ ემოჯიები";
-"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_subtitle" = "Confirm that the numbers below match those shown on your other session.";
-"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "Compare numbers";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_subtitle" = "დაადასტურეთ, რომ ქვემოთ მოცემული ნომრები ემთხვევა თქვენს სხვა სესიაზე ნაჩვენები ნომრებს.";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "შეადარეთ რიცხვები";
"screen_session_verification_complete_subtitle" = "თქვენი ახალი სესია დადასტურებულია. მას აქვს წვდომა დაშიფრულ შეტყობინებებზე და სხვა მომხმარებლები მას სანდოდ ხედავენ.";
"screen_session_verification_enter_recovery_key" = "Enter recovery key";
"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_subtitle" = "დაამტკიცეთ, რომ ეს თქვენ ხართ, რათა მიიღოთ წვდომა თქვენი დაშიფრული შეტყობინებების ისტორიასთან.";
@@ -736,7 +744,7 @@
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_canceled" = "დადასტურების ხელახლა ცდა";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_initial" = "მზად ვარ";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "ველოდებით დამთხვევას";
-"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Compare a unique set of emojis.";
+"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "შეადარეთ ემოციების უნიკალური ნაკრები.";
"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "შეადარეთ უნიკალური ემოჯი, დარწმუნდით, რომ ისინი ერთი დ იმავე თანმიმდევრობით გამოჩნდნენ.";
"screen_session_verification_they_dont_match" = "ისინი არ ემთხვევიან ერთმანეთს";
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "ისინი ემთხვევიან ერთმანეთს";
@@ -755,16 +763,16 @@
"screen_signed_out_title" = "თქვენ ანგარიშიდან გამოსული ხართ";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ გამოსვლა?";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "გასვლა…";
-"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you will lose access to your encrypted messages.";
-"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "You have turned off backup";
-"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "Your keys were still being backed up when you went offline. Reconnect so that your keys can be backed up before signing out.";
-"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Your keys are still being backed up";
-"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_subtitle" = "Please wait for this to complete before signing out.";
-"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_title" = "Your keys are still being backed up";
-"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you'll lose access to your encrypted messages.";
-"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_title" = "Recovery not set up";
-"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you might lose access to your encrypted messages.";
-"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "Have you saved your recovery key?";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "თქვენ აპირებთ გასვლას თქვენი ბოლო სესიიდან. თუ ახლა გამოხვალთ, დაკარგავთ წვდომას თქვენს დაშიფრულ შეტყობინებებზე.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "თქვენ გამორთეთ სარეზერვო ასლი";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "თქვენი გასაღებების სარეზერვო ასლის შექმნა მიმდინარეობდა იმ დროს, როდესაც გამოხვედით. დაკავშირდით ისევ ისე, რომ სარეზერვო ასლი შეიქმნას ანგარიშიდან გამოსვლის გარეშე.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "თქვენი გასაღებების სარეზერვო ასლი ჯერ კიდევ შექმნის პროცესშია";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_subtitle" = "გთხოვთ დაელოდეთ ამის დასრულებას სისტემიდან გამოსვლამდე.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_title" = "თქვენი გასაღებების სარეზერვო ასლი ჯერ კიდევ შექმნის პროცესშია";
+"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_subtitle" = "თქვენ აპირებთ გასვლას თქვენი ბოლო სესიიდან. თუ ახლა გამოხვალთ, დაკარგავთ წვდომას თქვენს დაშიფრულ შეტყობინებებზე.";
+"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_title" = "აღდგენა არ არის დაყენებული";
+"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_subtitle" = "თქვენ აპირებთ გასვლას თქვენი ბოლო სესიიდან. თუ ახლა გამოხვალთ, შესაძლოა დაკარგოთ წვდომა თქვენს დაშიფრულ შეტყობინებებზე.";
+"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "შეინახეთ თქვენი აღდგენის გასაღები?";
"screen_start_chat_error_starting_chat" = "ჩატის დაწყების მცდელობისას შეცდომა მოხდა";
"screen_view_location_title" = "ადგილმდებარეობა";
"screen_waitlist_message" = "ახლა დიდი მოთხოვნაა %1$@-ზე %2$@-ში. დაბრუნდით რამდენიმე დღეში და სცადეთ ერთხელაც.\n\nმადლობა მოთმენისათვის!";
@@ -911,10 +919,10 @@
"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_action" = "განბლოკვა";
"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_description" = "თქვენ კვლავ შეძლებთ მათგან ყველა შეტყობინების ნახვას.";
"screen_dm_details_unblock_user" = "Მომხმარებლის განბლოკვა";
-"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete Poll";
+"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation_title" = "გამოკითხვის წაშლა";
"screen_edit_poll_title" = "გამოკითხვის რედაქტირება";
"screen_login_subtitle" = "Matrix არის ღია ქსელი უსაფრთხო, დეცენტრალიზებული კომუნიკაციისთვის.";
-"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_retry_button" = "Try again";
+"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_retry_button" = "ხელახლა ცდა";
"screen_report_content_block_user" = "მომხმარებლის დაბლოკვა";
"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_photo" = "ფოტოს გადაღება";
"screen_room_change_permissions_everyone" = "ყველა";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
index a507a973c..715826477 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ka.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
- Read by %1$@ and %2$d other
+ წაკითხულია %1$@ და %2$d-ს ადამიანის მიერ
- Read by %1$@ and %2$d others
+ წაკითხულია %1$@ და %2$d-ს ადამიანის მიერ
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e7176389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "Aby robić zdjęcia lub nagrywać wideo i wysłać je jako wiadomość, Element X wymaga dostępu do aparatu.";
+"NSFaceIDUsageDescription" = "Face ID jest w użyciu, aby uzyskać dostęp do aplikacji.";
+"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Przyznaj dostęp do lokalizacji, aby Element X mógł udostępnić Twoją lokalizację.";
+"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "Aby nagrywać lub wysyłać wiadomości audio, Element X potrzebuje dostępu do mikrofonu.";
+"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" = "Umożliwia zapisywanie zdjęć i filmów w bibliotece.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..735b361de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+"Notification" = "Powiadomienie";
+"a11y_delete" = "Usuń";
+"a11y_hide_password" = "Ukryj hasło";
+"a11y_jump_to_bottom" = "Przejdź na dół";
+"a11y_notifications_mentions_only" = "Tylko wzmianki";
+"a11y_notifications_muted" = "Wyciszone";
+"a11y_page_n" = "Strona %1$d";
+"a11y_pause" = "Wstrzymaj";
+"a11y_pin_field" = "Pole PIN";
+"a11y_play" = "Odtwórz";
+"a11y_poll" = "Ankieta";
+"a11y_poll_end" = "Zakończona ankieta";
+"a11y_react_with" = "Zareaguj z %1$@";
+"a11y_react_with_other_emojis" = "Zareaguj innym emoji";
+"a11y_read_receipts_multiple" = "Odczytane przez %1$@ i %2$@";
+"a11y_read_receipts_single" = "Odczytane przez %1$@";
+"a11y_read_receipts_tap_to_show_all" = "Stuknij, aby pokazać wszystkich";
+"a11y_remove_reaction_with" = "Usuń reakcję %1$@";
+"a11y_send_files" = "Wyślij pliki";
+"a11y_show_password" = "Pokaż hasło";
+"a11y_start_call" = "Rozpocznij rozmowę";
+"a11y_user_menu" = "Menu użytkownika";
+"a11y_voice_message_record" = "Nagraj wiadomość głosową.";
+"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "Zatrzymaj nagrywanie";
+"action_accept" = "Akceptuj";
+"action_add_to_timeline" = "Dodaj do osi czasu";
+"action_back" = "Wróć";
+"action_call" = "Zadzwoń";
+"action_cancel" = "Anuluj";
+"action_choose_photo" = "Wybierz zdjęcie";
+"action_clear" = "Wyczyść";
+"action_close" = "Zamknij";
+"action_complete_verification" = "Dokończ weryfikację";
+"action_confirm" = "Potwierdź";
+"action_continue" = "Kontynuuj";
+"action_copy" = "Kopiuj";
+"action_copy_link" = "Kopiuj link";
+"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Kopiuj link do wiadomości";
+"action_create" = "Utwórz";
+"action_create_a_room" = "Utwórz pokój";
+"action_decline" = "Odrzuć";
+"action_delete_poll" = "Usuń ankietę";
+"action_disable" = "Wyłącz";
+"action_discard" = "Odrzuć";
+"action_done" = "Gotowe";
+"action_edit" = "Edytuj";
+"action_edit_poll" = "Edytuj ankietę";
+"action_enable" = "Włącz";
+"action_end_poll" = "Zakończ ankietę";
+"action_enter_pin" = "Wprowadź PIN";
+"action_forgot_password" = "Nie pamiętasz hasła?";
+"action_forward" = "Dalej";
+"action_go_back" = "Wróć";
+"action_invite" = "Zaproś";
+"action_invite_friends" = "Zaproś znajomych";
+"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Zaproś znajomych do %1$@";
+"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Zaproś ludzi do %1$@";
+"action_invites_list" = "Zaproszenia";
+"action_join" = "Dołącz";
+"action_learn_more" = "Dowiedz się więcej";
+"action_leave" = "Opuść";
+"action_leave_conversation" = "Opuść rozmowę";
+"action_leave_room" = "Opuść pokój";
+"action_manage_account" = "Zarządzaj kontem";
+"action_manage_devices" = "Zarządzaj urządzeniami";
+"action_message" = "Wiadomość";
+"action_next" = "Dalej";
+"action_no" = "Nie";
+"action_not_now" = "Nie teraz";
+"action_ok" = "Ok";
+"action_open_settings" = "Ustawienia";
+"action_open_with" = "Otwórz za pomocą";
+"action_quick_reply" = "Szybka odpowiedź";
+"action_quote" = "Cytuj";
+"action_react" = "Dodaj reakcję";
+"action_reject" = "Odrzuć";
+"action_remove" = "Usuń";
+"action_reply" = "Odpowiedz";
+"action_reply_in_thread" = "Odpowiedz w wątku";
+"action_report_bug" = "Zgłoś błąd";
+"action_report_content" = "Zgłoś treść";
+"action_reset" = "Resetuj";
+"action_retry" = "Spróbuj ponownie";
+"action_retry_decryption" = "Ponów próbę odszyfrowania";
+"action_save" = "Zapisz";
+"action_search" = "Szukaj";
+"action_send" = "Wyślij";
+"action_send_message" = "Wyślij wiadomość";
+"action_share" = "Udostępnij";
+"action_share_link" = "Udostępnij link";
+"action_sign_in_again" = "Zaloguj się ponownie";
+"action_signout" = "Wyloguj się";
+"action_signout_anyway" = "Wyloguj się mimo to";
+"action_skip" = "Pomiń";
+"action_start" = "Rozpocznij";
+"action_start_chat" = "Rozpocznij chat";
+"action_start_verification" = "Rozpocznij weryfikację";
+"action_static_map_load" = "Stuknij, aby załadować mapę";
+"action_take_photo" = "Zrób zdjęcie";
+"action_tap_for_options" = "Stuknij, by wyświetlić opcje";
+"action_try_again" = "Spróbuj ponownie";
+"action_view_source" = "Wyświetl źródło";
+"action_yes" = "Tak";
+"action.load_more" = "Załaduj więcej";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
+"common_about" = "O programie";
+"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Polityka użytkowania";
+"common_advanced_settings" = "Ustawienia zaawansowane";
+"common_analytics" = "Analityka";
+"common_appearance" = "Wygląd";
+"common_audio" = "Dźwięk";
+"common_blocked_users" = "Zablokowani użytkownicy";
+"common_bubbles" = "Bąbelki";
+"common_call_invite" = "Rozmowa w trakcie (niewspierane)";
+"common_call_started" = "Rozpoczęto rozmowę";
+"common_chat_backup" = "Backup czatu";
+"common_copyright" = "Copyright";
+"common_creating_room" = "Tworzenie pokoju...";
+"common_current_user_left_room" = "Opuścił pokój";
+"common_dark" = "Ciemny";
+"common_decryption_error" = "Błąd deszyfrowania";
+"common_developer_options" = "Opcje programisty";
+"common_direct_chat" = "Czat prywatny";
+"common_edited_suffix" = "(edytowane)";
+"common_editing" = "Edytowanie";
+"common_emote" = "* %1$@ %2$@";
+"common_encryption_enabled" = "Szyfrowanie włączone";
+"common_enter_your_pin" = "Wprowadź kod PIN";
+"common_error" = "Błąd";
+"common_everyone" = "Wszyscy";
+"common_face_id_ios" = "Face ID";
+"common_failed" = "Niepowodzenie";
+"common_favourite" = "Ulubione";
+"common_favourited" = "Ulubione";
+"common_file" = "Plik";
+"common_forward_message" = "Przekaż wiadomość";
+"common_gif" = "GIF";
+"common_image" = "Zdjęcie";
+"common_in_reply_to" = "W odpowiedzi do %1$@";
+"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "Nie można znaleźć identyfikatora Matrix ID, zaproszenie mogło nie dotrzeć.";
+"common_leaving_room" = "Opuszczanie pokoju";
+"common_light" = "Jasny";
+"common_link_copied_to_clipboard" = "Link został skopiowany do schowka";
+"common_loading" = "Ładowanie…";
+"common_message" = "Wiadomość";
+"common_message_actions" = "Akcje wiadomości";
+"common_message_layout" = "Układ wiadomości";
+"common_message_removed" = "Wiadomość usunięta";
+"common_modern" = "Nowoczesny";
+"common_mute" = "Wycisz";
+"common_no_results" = "Brak wyników";
+"common_offline" = "Offline";
+"common_optic_id_ios" = "Optic ID";
+"common_or" = "lub";
+"common_password" = "Hasło";
+"common_people" = "Osoby";
+"common_permalink" = "Link bezpośredni";
+"common_permission" = "Uprawnienie";
+"common_please_wait" = "Proszę czekać...";
+"common_poll_total_votes" = "Łączna liczba głosów: %1$@";
+"common_poll_undisclosed_text" = "Wyniki zostaną wyświetlone po zakończeniu ankiety";
+"common_privacy_policy" = "Polityka prywatności";
+"common_reaction" = "Reakcja";
+"common_reactions" = "Reakcje";
+"common_recovery_key" = "Klucz przywracania";
+"common_refreshing" = "Odświeżanie...";
+"common_replying_to" = "Odpowiadanie do %1$@";
+"common_report_a_bug" = "Zgłoś błąd";
+"common_report_a_problem" = "Zgłoś problem";
+"common_report_submitted" = "Zgłoszenie wysłane";
+"common_rich_text_editor" = "Bogaty edytor tekstu";
+"common_room" = "Pokój";
+"common_room_name" = "Nazwa pokoju";
+"common_room_name_placeholder" = "np. nazwa projektu";
+"common_saved_changes" = "Zapisano zmiany";
+"common_saving" = "Zapisywanie";
+"common_screen_lock" = "Blokada ekranu";
+"common_search_for_someone" = "Wyszukaj kogoś";
+"common_search_results" = "Wyniki wyszukiwania";
+"common_security" = "Bezpieczeństwo";
+"common_seen_by" = "Wyświetlone przez";
+"common_sending" = "Wysyłanie…";
+"common_sending_failed" = "Błąd wysyłania";
+"common_sent" = "Wysłano";
+"common_server_not_supported" = "Serwer nie jest obsługiwany";
+"common_server_url" = "Adres URL serwera";
+"common_settings" = "Ustawienia";
+"common_shared_location" = "Udostępniona lokalizacja";
+"common_signing_out" = "Wylogowywanie";
+"common_starting_chat" = "Rozpoczynanie czatu…";
+"common_sticker" = "Naklejka";
+"common_success" = "Sukces";
+"common_suggestions" = "Sugestie";
+"common_syncing" = "Synchronizuję";
+"common_system" = "System";
+"common_text" = "Tekst";
+"common_third_party_notices" = "Informacje stron trzecich";
+"common_thread" = "Wątek";
+"common_topic" = "Temat";
+"common_topic_placeholder" = "O czym jest ten pokój?";
+"common_touch_id_ios" = "Touch ID";
+"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Nie można odszyfrować";
+"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "Nie udało się wysłać zaproszenia do jednego lub więcej użytkowników.";
+"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Nie można wysłać zaproszeń";
+"common_unlock" = "Odblokuj";
+"common_unmute" = "Wyłącz wyciszenie";
+"common_unsupported_event" = "Nieobsługiwane zdarzenie";
+"common_username" = "Nazwa użytkownika";
+"common_verification_cancelled" = "Weryfikacja anulowana";
+"common_verification_complete" = "Weryfikacja zakończona";
+"common_video" = "Film";
+"common_voice_message" = "Wiadomość głosowa";
+"common_waiting" = "Oczekiwanie…";
+"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Oczekiwanie na tę wiadomość";
+"common.do_not_show_this_again" = "Nie pokazuj ponownie";
+"common.open_source_licenses" = "Licencje open-source";
+"common.send_to" = "Wyślij do";
+"common_no_room_name" = "Brak nazwy pokoju";
+"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz zakończyć tę ankietę?";
+"common_poll_summary" = "Ankieta: %1$@";
+"common_something_went_wrong" = "Coś poszło nie tak";
+"common_unable_to_decrypt_no_access" = "Nie masz uprawnień do tej wiadomości";
+"common_verify_device" = "Weryfikuj urządzenie";
+"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Twoja kopia zapasowa czatu jest obecnie niezsynchronizowana. Aby zachować dostęp do kopii zapasowej czatu, musisz potwierdzić klucz odzyskiwania.";
+"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Potwierdź klucz odzyskiwania";
+"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ uległ awarii podczas ostatniego użycia. Czy chcesz przesłać nam raport o awarii?";
+"dialog_permission_camera" = "Aby umożliwić aplikacji korzystanie z aparatu, prosimy o udzielenie zezwolenia w ustawieniach systemowych.";
+"dialog_permission_generic" = "Proszę nadać uprawnienia w ustawieniach systemowych.";
+"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Przyznaj dostęp w Ustawienia -> Lokalizacja.";
+"dialog_permission_location_title_ios" = "%1$@ nie ma dostępu do Twojej lokalizacji.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone" = "Aby umożliwić aplikacji korzystanie z mikrofonu, prosimy o udzielenie zezwolenia w ustawieniach systemowych.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone_description_ios" = "Przyznaj dostęp, aby móc nagrywać i wysyłać wiadomości z dźwiękiem.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone_title_ios" = "%1$@ potrzebuje uprawnień, aby uzyskać dostęp do mikrofonu.";
+"dialog_permission_notification" = "Aby aplikacja mogła wyświetlać powiadomienia, udziel uprawnienia w ustawieniach systemowych.";
+"dialog_title_confirmation" = "Potwierdzenie";
+"dialog_title_warning" = "Ostrzeżenie";
+"dialog_unsaved_changes_description_ios" = "Zmiany nie zostaną zapisane";
+"dialog_unsaved_changes_title" = "Zapisać zmiany?";
+"emoji_picker_category_activity" = "Aktywności";
+"emoji_picker_category_flags" = "Flagi";
+"emoji_picker_category_foods" = "Jedzenie i napoje";
+"emoji_picker_category_nature" = "Zwierzęta i natura";
+"emoji_picker_category_objects" = "Obiekty";
+"emoji_picker_category_people" = "Buźki i osoby";
+"emoji_picker_category_places" = "Podróż i miejsca";
+"emoji_picker_category_symbols" = "Symbole";
+"error_failed_creating_the_permalink" = "Nie udało się utworzyć linku bezpośredniego";
+"error_failed_loading_map" = "%1$@ nie mogło wczytać mapy. Spróbuj ponownie później.";
+"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Nie udało się załadować wiadomości";
+"error_failed_locating_user" = "%1$@ nie mógł uzyskać dostępu do Twojej lokalizacji. Spróbuj ponownie później.";
+"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Nie udało się przesłać Twojej wiadomości głosowej.";
+"error_message_not_found" = "Nie znaleziono wiadomości";
+"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nie znaleziono kompatybilnej aplikacji do obsługi tej akcji.";
+"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Niektóre wiadomości nie zostały wysłane";
+"error_unknown" = "Przepraszamy, wystąpił błąd";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
+"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Upewnij się, że nie pominiesz żadnego połączenia. Zmień swoje ustawienia i zezwól na powiadomienia na blokadzie ekranu.";
+"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Popraw jakość swoich rozmów";
+"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Dołącz do mnie na %1$@";
+"invite_friends_text" = "Hej, porozmawiajmy na %1$@: %2$@";
+"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić tę konwersację? Konwersacja nie jest publiczna i nie będziesz mógł dołączyć ponownie bez zaproszenia.";
+"leave_room_alert_empty_subtitle" = "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz opuścić ten pokój? Jesteś tu jedyną osobą. Jeśli wyjdziesz, nikt nie będzie mógł dołączyć, w tym Ty.";
+"leave_room_alert_private_subtitle" = "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić ten pokój? Ten pokój nie jest publiczny i nie będziesz mógł do niego wrócić bez zaproszenia.";
+"leave_room_alert_subtitle" = "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz wyjść z tego pokoju?";
+"login_initial_device_name_ios" = "%1$@ iOS";
+"notification_channel_call" = "Zadzwoń";
+"notification_channel_listening_for_events" = "Nasłuchiwanie wydarzeń";
+"notification_channel_noisy" = "Głośne powiadomienia";
+"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Dzwoniące połączenia";
+"notification_channel_silent" = "Ciche powiadomienia";
+"notification_incoming_call" = "Przychodzące połączenie";
+"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Nie udało się wysłać - proszę otworzyć pokój";
+"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Odrzuć";
+"notification_invite_body" = "Zaprosił(a) cię do czatu";
+"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "Wspomniano o Tobie: %1$@";
+"notification_new_messages" = "Nowe wiadomości";
+"notification_reaction_body" = "Zareagował z %1$@";
+"notification_room_invite_body" = "Zaprosił Cię do dołączenia do pokoju";
+"notification_sender_me" = "Ja";
+"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "Wyświetlasz powiadomienie! Kliknij mnie!";
+"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
+"notification_ticker_text_group" = "%1$@: %2$@ %3$@";
+"notification_unread_notified_messages_and_invitation" = "%1$@ i %2$@";
+"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room" = "%1$@ w %2$@";
+"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_and_invitation" = "%1$@ w %2$@ i %3$@";
+"preference_rageshake" = "Gniewne wstrząsanie, aby zgłosić błąd";
+"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Wygląda na to, że potrząsasz telefonem z frustracji. Czy chcesz otworzyć ekran zgłaszania błędów?";
+"rich_text_editor_bullet_list" = "Przełącz listę punktową";
+"rich_text_editor_close_formatting_options" = "Zamknij opcje formatowania";
+"rich_text_editor_code_block" = "Przełącz blok kodu";
+"rich_text_editor_composer_placeholder" = "Wiadomość...";
+"rich_text_editor_create_link" = "Utwórz link";
+"rich_text_editor_edit_link" = "Edytuj link";
+"rich_text_editor_format_bold" = "Zastosuj pogrubiony format";
+"rich_text_editor_format_italic" = "Zastosuj format kursywy";
+"rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough" = "Zastosuj format przekreślenia";
+"rich_text_editor_format_underline" = "Zastosuj format podkreślenia";
+"rich_text_editor_full_screen_toggle" = "Przełącz tryb pełnoekranowy";
+"rich_text_editor_indent" = "Wcięcie";
+"rich_text_editor_inline_code" = "Zastosuj format kodu wbudowanego";
+"rich_text_editor_link" = "Wstaw łącze";
+"rich_text_editor_numbered_list" = "Przełącz listę numerowaną";
+"rich_text_editor_open_compose_options" = "Otwórz opcje tworzenia";
+"rich_text_editor_quote" = "Przełącz cytat";
+"rich_text_editor_remove_link" = "Usuń link";
+"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Bez wcięcia";
+"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Link";
+"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Dodaj załącznik";
+"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Własny bazowy URL dla połączeń Element";
+"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Ustaw własny bazowy URL dla połączeń Element";
+"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Nieprawidłowy adres URL, upewnij się, że zawiera protokół (http/https) i poprawny adres.";
+"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Powiadom cały pokój";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
+"screen_account_provider_change" = "Zmień dostawcę konta";
+"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adres serwera domowego";
+"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Wprowadź wyszukiwane hasło lub adres domeny.";
+"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Szukaj serwera firmowego, społeczności lub prywatnego.";
+"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Znajdź dostawcę konta";
+"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Zamierzasz się zalogować %@";
+"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Zamierzasz założyć konto na %@";
+"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode" = "Tryb dewelopera";
+"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode_description" = "Włącz, aby uzyskać dostęp do funkcji dla deweloperów.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_rich_text_editor_description" = "Wyłącz edytor tekstu bogatego, aby pisać tekst Markdown ręcznie.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts" = "Read receipts";
+"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts_description" = "If turned off, your read receipts won't be sent to anyone. You will still receive read receipts from other users.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence" = "Share presence";
+"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence_description" = "If turned off, you won’t be able to send or receive read receipts or typing notifications.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "Włącz opcję, aby wyświetlić źródło wiadomości na osi czasu.";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Nie będziemy rejestrować ani profilować żadnych danych osobistych";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Udostępniaj anonimowe dane dotyczące użytkowania, aby pomóc nam identyfikować problemy.";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Możesz przeczytać wszystkie nasze warunki %1$@.";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "tutaj";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Możesz to wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "Nie będziemy udostępniać Twoich danych podmiotom trzecim";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Pomóż nam ulepszyć %1$@";
+"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Udostępniaj dane analityczne";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "uwierzytelnienie biometryczne";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "odblokowanie biometryczne";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "Wymagane jest uwierzytelnienie, aby uzyskać dostęp do aplikacji";
+"screen_app_lock_forgot_pin" = "Nie pamiętasz kodu PIN?";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_change_pin" = "Zmień kod PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_biometric_unlock" = "Zezwól na uwierzytelnienie biometryczne";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_face_id_ios" = "Zezwól na Face ID";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_optic_id_ios" = "Zezwól na Optic ID";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_touch_id_ios" = "Zezwól na Touch ID";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin" = "Usuń PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_message" = "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć PIN?";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_title" = "Usunąć PIN?";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_allow_title" = "Zezwól na %1$@";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_skip" = "Wolę korzystać z kodu PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_subtitle" = "Zaoszczędź sobie trochę czasu i korzystaj z %1$@ do odblokowywania aplikacji";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_choose_pin" = "Wybierz PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_confirm_pin" = "Potwierdź PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "Zablokuj %1$@, aby zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo swoich czatów.\n\nWybierz coś łatwego do zapamiętania. Jeśli zapomnisz tego PINU, zostaniesz wylogowany z aplikacji.";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_content" = "Nie możesz wybrać tego PINU ze względów bezpieczeństwa";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_title" = "Wybierz inny kod PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_content" = "Wprowadź ten sam kod PIN dwa razy";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_title" = "PINY nie pasują do siebie";
+"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_message" = "Aby kontynuować, zaloguj się ponownie i utwórz nowy kod PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_title" = "Trwa wylogowywanie";
+"screen_blocked_users_empty" = "You have no blocked users";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblocking" = "Unblocking…";
+"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Dołącz zrzut ekranu";
+"screen_bug_report_contact_me" = "Możecie skontaktować się ze mną, jeśli macie jakiekolwiek dodatkowe pytania.";
+"screen_bug_report_contact_me_title" = "Napisz do mnie";
+"screen_bug_report_edit_screenshot" = "Edytuj zrzut ekranu";
+"screen_bug_report_editor_description" = "Opisz problem. Co zrobiłeś? Czego oczekiwałeś? Co się stało zamiast tego. Podaj jak najwięcej szczegółów.";
+"screen_bug_report_editor_placeholder" = "Opisz problem...";
+"screen_bug_report_editor_supporting" = "Jeśli to możliwe, napisz zgłoszenje w języku angielskim.";
+"screen_bug_report_error_description_too_short" = "The description is too short, please provide more details about what happened. Thanks!";
+"screen_bug_report_include_crash_logs" = "Wyślij logi awarii";
+"screen_bug_report_include_logs" = "Zezwól na logi";
+"screen_bug_report_include_screenshot" = "Wyślij zrzut ekranu";
+"screen_bug_report_logs_description" = "Logi zostaną dołączone do Twojej wiadomości, aby upewnić się, że wszystko działa poprawnie. Aby wysłać wiadomość bez logów, wyłącz to ustawienie.";
+"screen_bug_report_view_logs" = "Wyświetl logi";
+"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = "Matrix.org jest ogromnym i darmowym serwerem na publicznej sieci Matrix zapewniający bezpieczną i zdecentralizowaną komunikację zarządzaną przez Fundację Matrix.org.";
+"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Inne";
+"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Użyj innego dostawcy konta, takiego jak własny serwer lub konta służbowego.";
+"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Zmień dostawcę konta";
+"screen_change_server_error_invalid_homeserver" = "Nie mogliśmy połączyć się z tym serwerem domowym. Sprawdź, czy adres URL serwera został wprowadzony poprawnie. Jeśli adres URL jest poprawny, skontaktuj się z administratorem serwera w celu uzyskania dalszej pomocy.";
+"screen_change_server_error_invalid_well_known" = "Sliding sync isn't available due to an issue in the well-known file:\n%1$@";
+"screen_change_server_error_no_sliding_sync_message" = "Ten serwer obecnie nie obsługuje technologii Sliding Sync.";
+"screen_change_server_form_header" = "Adres URL serwera domowego";
+"screen_change_server_form_notice" = "Możesz połączyć się tylko z serwerem, który obsługuje technologię Sliding Sync. Administrator serwera domowego będzie musiał ją skonfigurować. %1$@";
+"screen_change_server_subtitle" = "Jaki jest adres Twojego serwera?";
+"screen_change_server_title" = "Wybierz swój serwer";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_disable" = "Wyłącz backup";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_enable" = "Włącz backup";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_description" = "Backup zapewnia, że nie stracisz swojej historii wiadomości. %1$@";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_title" = "Backup";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_change" = "Zmień klucz przywracania";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm" = "Wprowadź klucz przywracania";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm_description" = "Backup czatu nie jest zsynchronizowany.";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_setup" = "Skonfiguruj przywracanie";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_setup_description" = "Uzyskaj dostęp do swoich wiadomości szyfrowanych, jeśli utracisz wszystkie swoje urządzenia lub zostaniesz wylogowany z %1$@.";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_1" = "Open %1$@ in a desktop device";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_2" = "Sign into your account again";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_3" = "When asked to verify your device, select %1$@";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_3_reset_all" = "“Reset all”";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_4" = "Follow the instructions to create a new recovery key";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_5" = "Save your new recovery key in a password manager or encrypted note";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_title" = "Reset the encryption for your account using another device";
+"screen_create_poll_add_option_btn" = "Dodaj opcję";
+"screen_create_poll_anonymous_desc" = "Pokaż wyniki dopiero po zakończeniu ankiety";
+"screen_create_poll_anonymous_headline" = "Ukryj głosy";
+"screen_create_poll_answer_hint" = "Opcja %1$d";
+"screen_create_poll_cancel_confirmation_content_ios" = "Twoje zmiany nie zostaną zapisane";
+"screen_create_poll_cancel_confirmation_title_ios" = "Anuluj ankietę";
+"screen_create_poll_question_desc" = "Pytanie lub temat";
+"screen_create_poll_question_hint" = "Czego dotyczy ankieta?";
+"screen_create_poll_title" = "Utwórz ankietę";
+"screen_create_room_action_create_room" = "Nowy pokój";
+"screen_create_room_error_creating_room" = "Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia pokoju";
+"screen_create_room_private_option_description" = "Wiadomości w tym pokoju są szyfrowane. Szyfrowania nie można później wyłączyć.";
+"screen_create_room_private_option_title" = "Pokój prywatny (tylko zaproszenie)";
+"screen_create_room_public_option_description" = "Wiadomości nie są szyfrowane i każdy może je odczytać. Możesz aktywować szyfrowanie później.";
+"screen_create_room_public_option_title" = "Pokój publiczny (każdy)";
+"screen_create_room_topic_label" = "Temat (opcjonalnie)";
+"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę ankietę?";
+"screen_edit_profile_display_name" = "Wyświetlana nazwa";
+"screen_edit_profile_display_name_placeholder" = "Twoja wyświetlana nazwa";
+"screen_edit_profile_error" = "Wystąpił nieznany błąd przez co nie można było zmienić informacji.";
+"screen_edit_profile_error_title" = "Nie można zaktualizować profilu";
+"screen_edit_profile_title" = "Edytuj profil";
+"screen_edit_profile_updating_details" = "Aktualizowanie profilu...";
+"screen_identity_confirmation_create_new_recovery_key" = "Create a new recovery key";
+"screen_identity_confirmation_subtitle" = "Verify this device to set up secure messaging.";
+"screen_identity_confirmation_title" = "Confirm that it's you";
+"screen_identity_confirmed_subtitle" = "Now you can read or send messages securely, and anyone you chat with can also trust this device.";
+"screen_identity_confirmed_title" = "Device verified";
+"screen_identity_use_another_device" = "Use another device";
+"screen_identity_waiting_on_other_device" = "Waiting on other device…";
+"screen_invites_decline_chat_message" = "Czy na pewno chcesz odrzucić zaproszenie do dołączenia do %1$@?";
+"screen_invites_decline_chat_title" = "Odrzuć zaproszenie";
+"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_message" = "Czy na pewno chcesz odrzucić rozmowę prywatną z %1$@?";
+"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Odrzuć czat";
+"screen_invites_empty_list" = "Brak zaproszeń";
+"screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@ (%2$@) zaprosił Cię";
+"screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room";
+"screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Knock to join";
+"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web.";
+"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet";
+"screen_join_room_subtitle_knock" = "Click the button below and a room administrator will be notified. You’ll be able to join the conversation once approved.";
+"screen_join_room_subtitle_no_preview" = "You must be a member of this room to view the message history.";
+"screen_join_room_title_knock" = "Want to join this room?";
+"screen_join_room_title_no_preview" = "Preview is not available";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_action_turn_off" = "Wyłącz";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_description" = "Utracisz dostęp do wiadomości szyfrowanych, jeśli zostaniesz wylogowany ze wszystkich urządzeń.";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_title" = "Czy na pewno chcesz wyłączyć backup?";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_description" = "Wyłączenie backupu spowoduje usunięcie kopii klucza szyfrowania i wyłączenie innych funkcji bezpieczeństwa. W takim przypadku będziesz:";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_1" = "Posiadał historii wiadomości szyfrowanych na nowych urządzeniach";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_2" = "Utracisz dostęp do wiadomości szyfrowanych, jeśli zostaniesz wszędzie wylogowany z %1$@";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_title" = "Czy na pewno chcesz wyłączyć backup?";
+"screen_login_error_deactivated_account" = "To konto zostało dezaktywowane.";
+"screen_login_error_invalid_credentials" = "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika i/lub hasło";
+"screen_login_error_invalid_user_id" = "To nie jest prawidłowy identyfikator użytkownika. Oczekiwany format: '@user:homeserver.org'";
+"screen_login_error_refresh_tokens" = "This server is configured to use refresh tokens. These aren't supported when using password based login.";
+"screen_login_error_unsupported_authentication" = "Wybrany serwer domowy nie obsługuje uwierzytelniania hasłem, ani OIDC. Skontaktuj się z jego administratorem lub wybierz inny serwer domowy.";
+"screen_login_form_header" = "Wprowadź swoje dane";
+"screen_login_title" = "Witaj ponownie!";
+"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Zaloguj się do %1$@";
+"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Nie udało się wybrać multimediów. Spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Przetwarzanie multimediów do przesłania nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Przesyłanie multimediów nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_migration_message" = "Jest to jednorazowy proces, dziękujemy za czekanie.";
+"screen_migration_title" = "Konfigurowanie Twojego konta.";
+"screen_notification_optin_subtitle" = "Możesz zmienić ustawienia później.";
+"screen_notification_optin_title" = "Zezwól na powiadomienia i nie przegap żadnej wiadomości";
+"screen_notification_settings_additional_settings_section_title" = "Dodatkowe ustawienia";
+"screen_notification_settings_calls_label" = "Połączenia audio i wideo";
+"screen_notification_settings_configuration_mismatch" = "Niezgodność konfiguracji";
+"screen_notification_settings_configuration_mismatch_description" = "Uprościliśmy Ustawienia powiadomień, aby ułatwić nawigowanie między opcjami. Niektóre ustawienia, które wybrałeś mogły zniknąć, lecz są wciąż aktywne.\n\nNiektóre ustawienia mogą ulec zmianie, jeśli kontynuujesz.";
+"screen_notification_settings_direct_chats" = "Czaty prywatne";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_custom_settings_section_title" = "Ustawienia własne wybranego czatu";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_failed_updating_default_mode" = "Wystąpił błąd podczas aktualizacji ustawienia powiadomień.";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_mode_all_messages" = "Wszystkie wiadomości";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_mode_mentions_and_keywords" = "Tylko wzmianki i słowa kluczowe";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_screen_direct_section_header" = "Na czatach prywatnych, powiadamiaj mnie przez";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_screen_group_section_header" = "Na czatach grupowych powiadamiaj mnie przez";
+"screen_notification_settings_enable_notifications" = "Włącz powiadomienia na tym urządzeniu";
+"screen_notification_settings_failed_fixing_configuration" = "Konfiguracja nie została poprawiona, spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_notification_settings_group_chats" = "Czaty grupowe";
+"screen_notification_settings_invite_for_me_label" = "Zaproszenia";
+"screen_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Twój serwer domowy nie wspiera tej opcji w pokojach szyfrowanych, możesz nie otrzymać powiadomień z niektórych pokoi.";
+"screen_notification_settings_mentions_section_title" = "Wzmianki";
+"screen_notification_settings_mode_all" = "Wszystkie";
+"screen_notification_settings_mode_mentions" = "Wzmianki";
+"screen_notification_settings_notification_section_title" = "Powiadamiaj mnie przez";
+"screen_notification_settings_room_mention_label" = "Powiadom mnie na @pokój";
+"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_action_required" = "Aby otrzymywać powiadomienia, zmień swoje%1$@ .";
+"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_action_required_content_link" = "ustawienia systemowe";
+"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_turned_off" = "Powiadomienia systemowe wyłączone";
+"screen_notification_settings_title" = "Powiadomienia";
+"screen_onboarding_sign_in_manually" = "Zaloguj się ręcznie";
+"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Zaloguj się za pomocą kodu QR";
+"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Utwórz konto";
+"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Witamy w %1$@. Szybszy i prostszy niż kiedykolwiek.";
+"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Witamy w %1$@. Doładowany, dla szybkości i prostoty.";
+"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Be in your element";
+"screen_polls_history_empty_ongoing" = "Nie znaleziono ankiet w trakcie.";
+"screen_polls_history_empty_past" = "Nie znaleziono ankiet.";
+"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "W trakcie";
+"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "Przeszłe";
+"screen_polls_history_title" = "Ankiety";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Establishing a secure connection";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_description" = "A secure connection could not be made to the new device. Your existing devices are still safe and you don't need to worry about them.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_header" = "What now?";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_1" = "Try signing in again with a QR code in case this was a network problem";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_2" = "If you encounter the same problem, try a different wifi network or use your mobile data instead of wifi";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_3" = "If that doesn’t work, sign in manually";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "You’ll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_description" = "Sign in to your other device and then try again, or use another device that’s already signed in.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_subtitle" = "Other device not signed in";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_subtitle" = "The sign in was cancelled on the other device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_title" = "Sign in request cancelled";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_subtitle" = "The sign in was declined on the other device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_title" = "Sign in declined";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_subtitle" = "Sign in expired. Please try again.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_title" = "The sign in was not completed in time";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_subtitle" = "Your other device does not support signing in to %@ with a QR code.\n\nTry signing in manually, or scan the QR code with another device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_title" = "QR code not supported";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_subtitle" = "Your account provider does not support %1$@.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_title" = "%1$@ not supported";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Open %1$@ on a desktop device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_button" = "Go to camera settings";
+"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_description" = "You need to give permission for %1$@ to use your device’s camera in order to continue.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_title" = "Allow camera access to scan the QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_scanning_state_title" = "Scan the QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_start_over_button" = "Start over";
+"screen_qr_code_login_unknown_error_description" = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_loading" = "Waiting for your other device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_subtitle" = "Your account provider may ask for the following code to verify the sign in.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_title" = "Your verification code";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_description" = "Uzyskaj nowy klucz przywracania, jeśli straciłeś dostęp do obecnego. Po zmianie klucza przywracania stary nie będzie już działał.";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key" = "Generuj nowy klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Upewnij się, że klucz przywracania będzie trzymany w bezpiecznym miejscu";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_success" = "Zmieniono klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Zmienić klucz przywracania?";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_create_new_recovery_key" = "Create new recovery key";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_description" = "Upewnij się, że nikt nie widzi tego ekranu!";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Spróbuj ponownie, aby potwierdzić dostęp do backupu czatu.";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "Nieprawidłowy klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "To też zadziała, jeśli posiadasz klucz lub frazę bezpieczeństwa.";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_label" = "Recovery key or passcode";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "Wprowadź...";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Lost your recovery key?";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_success" = "Potwierdzono klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Wprowadź klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Skopiowano klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Generuję...";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_action" = "Zapisz klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "Zapisz klucz przywracania w bezpiecznym miejscu lub zapisz go w menedżerze haseł.";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_key_description" = "Stuknij, by skopiować klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_title" = "Zapisz klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_description" = "Po tym kroku nie będziesz mieć dostępu do nowego klucza przywracania.";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_title" = "Czy zapisałeś swój klucz przywracania?";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_description" = "Backup czatu jest chroniony przez klucz przywracania. Jeśli potrzebujesz utworzyć nowy klucz, możesz to zrobić wybierając `Zmień klucz przywracania`.";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key" = "Wygeneruj klucz przywracania";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Upewnij się, że klucz przywracania możesz przechowywać w bezpiecznym miejscu";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_success" = "Skonfigurowano przywracanie pomyślnie";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_title" = "Skonfiguruj przywracanie";
+"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Sprawdź, czy chcesz ukryć wszystkie bieżące i przyszłe wiadomości od tego użytkownika.";
+"screen_report_content_explanation" = "Ta wiadomość zostanie zgłoszona do administratora Twojego serwera domowego. Nie będzie mógł on przeczytać żadnych zaszyfrowanych wiadomości.";
+"screen_report_content_hint" = "Powód zgłoszenia treści";
+"screen_room_alias_resolver_resolve_alias_failure" = "Failed to resolve room alias.";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Kamera";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Nagraj film";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Załącznik";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Zdjęcia i filmy";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Lokalizacja";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_poll" = "Ankieta";
+"screen_room_attachment_text_formatting" = "Formatowanie tekstu";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_administrators" = "Admins only";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_ban_people" = "Ban people";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_delete_messages" = "Remove messages";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_invite_people" = "Invite people";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_moderators" = "Admins and moderators";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_remove_people" = "Remove people";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_avatar" = "Change room avatar";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_name" = "Change room name";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_topic" = "Change room topic";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_send_messages" = "Send messages";
+"screen_room_change_role_administrators_title" = "Edit Admins";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_add_admin_description" = "You will not be able to undo this action. You are promoting the user to have the same power level as you.";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_add_admin_title" = "Add Admin?";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_action" = "Demote";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_description" = "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_title" = "Demote yourself?";
+"screen_room_change_role_invited_member_name" = "%1$@ (Pending)";
+"screen_room_change_role_moderators_admin_section_footer" = "Admins automatically have moderator privileges";
+"screen_room_change_role_moderators_title" = "Edit Moderators";
+"screen_room_change_role_unsaved_changes_description" = "You have unsaved changes.";
+"screen_room_change_role_unsaved_changes_title" = "Save changes?";
+"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Dodaj temat";
+"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Jest już członkiem";
+"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Już zaproszony";
+"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
+"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
+"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
+"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Edytuj pokój";
+"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Wystąpił nieznany błąd i nie można było zmienić informacji.";
+"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Nie można zaktualizować pokoju";
+"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "Wiadomości są zabezpieczone kłódkami. Tylko Ty i odbiorcy macie unikalne klucze do ich odblokowania.";
+"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Szyfrowanie wiadomości włączone";
+"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania ustawień powiadomień.";
+"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Wyciszenie tego pokoju nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Nie udało się wyłączyć wyciszenia tego pokoju. Spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Niestandardowy";
+"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Domyślny";
+"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Powiadomienia";
+"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Udostępnij pokój";
+"screen_room_details_title" = "Room info";
+"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Aktualizuję pokój…";
+"screen_room_directory_search_loading_error" = "Failed loading";
+"screen_room_directory_search_title" = "Room directory";
+"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner" = "Historia wiadomości jest obecnie niedostępna.";
+"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner_unverified" = "Historia wiadomości jest niedostępna w tym pokoju. Zweryfikuj to urządzenie, aby zobaczyć historię wiadomości.";
+"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Nie można pobrać danych użytkownika";
+"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Czy chcesz zaprosić ich z powrotem?";
+"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "Jesteś sam na tym czacie";
+"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Zablokuj";
+"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Zablokowani użytkownicy nie będą mogli wysyłać Ci wiadomości, a wszystkie ich wiadomości zostaną ukryte. Możesz odblokować ich w dowolnym momencie.";
+"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Zablokuj użytkownika";
+"screen_room_member_details_title" = "Profile";
+"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Odblokuj";
+"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_description" = "Będziesz mógł ponownie zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości od tego użytkownika.";
+"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Odblokuj użytkownika";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_action" = "Ban";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_description" = "They won’t be able to join this room again if invited.";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_title" = "Are you sure you want to ban this member?";
+"screen_room_member_list_banned_empty" = "There are no banned users in this room.";
+"screen_room_member_list_banning_user" = "Banning %1$@";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_ban" = "Remove and ban member";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove" = "Remove from room";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_ban" = "Remove and ban member";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_kick" = "Only remove member";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_title" = "Remove member and ban from joining in the future?";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_action" = "Unban";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_message" = "They will be able to join this room again if invited.";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_title" = "Unban user";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_user_info" = "View profile";
+"screen_room_member_list_mode_banned" = "Banned";
+"screen_room_member_list_mode_members" = "Members";
+"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Oczekiwanie";
+"screen_room_member_list_removing_user" = "Removing %1$@…";
+"screen_room_member_list_role_administrator" = "Admin";
+"screen_room_member_list_role_moderator" = "Moderator";
+"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Członkowie pokoju";
+"screen_room_member_list_unbanning_user" = "Unbanning %1$@";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_allow_custom" = "Zezwalaj na ustawienia niestandardowe";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_allow_custom_footnote" = "Włączenie tej opcji nadpisze ustawienie domyślne";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_custom_settings_title" = "Powiadamiaj mnie o tym czacie przez";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_default_setting_footnote" = "Możesz to zmienić w swoim %1$@.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_default_setting_footnote_content_link" = "ustawienia globalne";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_default_setting_title" = "Ustawienie domyślne";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_edit_remove_setting" = "Usuń ustawienia własne";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_error_loading_settings" = "Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania ustawień powiadomień.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_error_restoring_default" = "Nie udało się przywrócić trybu domyślnego, spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_error_setting_mode" = "Nie udało się ustawić trybu, spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Twój serwer domowy nie wspiera tej opcji w pokojach szyfrowanych, możesz nie otrzymać powiadomień z tego pokoju.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Wszystkie wiadomości";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "W tym pokoju, powiadamiaj mnie przez";
+"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Wyślij ponownie";
+"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Nie udało się wysłać wiadomości";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Admins";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Change my role";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_role_demote_to_member" = "Demote to member";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_role_demote_to_moderator" = "Demote to moderator";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_member_moderation" = "Member moderation";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_messages_and_content" = "Messages and content";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_moderators" = "Moderators";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_permissions_header" = "Permissions";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset" = "Reset permissions";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset_confirm_description" = "Once you reset permissions, you will lose the current settings.";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset_confirm_title" = "Reset permissions?";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_roles_header" = "Roles";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_room_details" = "Room details";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_title" = "Roles and permissions";
+"screen_room_timeline_add_reaction" = "Dodaj emoji";
+"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room" = "To jest początek %1$@";
+"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room_no_name" = "To jest początek tej konwersacji";
+"screen_room_timeline_less_reactions" = "Pokaż mniej";
+"screen_room_timeline_message_copied" = "Skopiowano wiadomość";
+"screen_room_timeline_no_permission_to_post" = "Nie masz uprawnień, aby pisać w tym pokoju";
+"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Pokaż mniej";
+"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Pokaż więcej";
+"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nowe";
+"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
+"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ and ";
+"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " are typing…";
+"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " is typing…";
+"screen_room_typing_two_members" = "%1$@ and %2$@";
+"screen_room_voice_message_tooltip" = "Przytrzymaj, aby nagrywać";
+"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Utwórz nową rozmowę lub pokój";
+"screen_roomlist_empty_message" = "Wyślij komuś wiadomość, aby rozpocząć.";
+"screen_roomlist_empty_title" = "Brak czatów.";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites" = "Favourites";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites_empty_state_subtitle" = "You can add a chat to your favourites in the chat settings.\nFor now, you can deselect filters in order to see your other chats";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites_empty_state_title" = "You don’t have favourite chats yet";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_invites" = "Invites";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_invites_empty_state_title" = "You don't have any pending invites.";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_low_priority" = "Low Priority";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_subtitle" = "You can deselect filters in order to see your other chats";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_title" = "You don’t have chats for this selection";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_people_empty_state_title" = "You don’t have any DMs yet";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "Rooms";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms_empty_state_title" = "You’re not in any room yet";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "Unreads";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads_empty_state_title" = "Congrats!\nYou don’t have any unread messages!";
+"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Wszystkie czaty";
+"screen_roomlist_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
+"screen_roomlist_mark_as_unread" = "Mark as unread";
+"screen_roomlist_room_directory_button_title" = "Browse all rooms";
+"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Zmień dostawcę konta";
+"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_element_dot_io" = "Serwer prywatny dla pracowników Element.";
+"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_matrix_dot_org" = "Matrix to otwarta sieć do bezpiecznej i zdecentralizowanej komunikacji.";
+"screen_server_confirmation_message_register" = "Tutaj będą przechowywane Twoje konwersacje - w podobnej formie jak wiadomości widnieją na skrzynce e-mail.";
+"screen_server_confirmation_title_login" = "Zamierzasz się zalogować do %1$@";
+"screen_server_confirmation_title_register" = "Zamierzasz utworzyć konto na %1$@";
+"screen_session_verification_cancelled_subtitle" = "Coś tu nie gra. Albo upłynął limit czasu, albo żądanie zostało odrzucone.";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_subtitle" = "Upewnij się, że poniższe emotikony pasują do tych wyświetlanych na innej sesji.";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Porównaj emotki";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_subtitle" = "Upewnij się, że liczby poniżej pasują do tych wyświetlanych na innej sesji.";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "Porównaj liczby";
+"screen_session_verification_complete_subtitle" = "Twoja nowa sesja jest teraz zweryfikowana. Ma ona dostęp do Twoich zaszyfrowanych wiadomości, a inni użytkownicy będą widzieć ją jako zaufaną.";
+"screen_session_verification_enter_recovery_key" = "Enter recovery key";
+"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_subtitle" = "Udowodnij, że to ty, aby uzyskać dostęp do historii zaszyfrowanych wiadomości.";
+"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_title" = "Otwórz istniejącą sesję";
+"screen_session_verification_positive_button_canceled" = "Ponów weryfikację";
+"screen_session_verification_positive_button_initial" = "Jestem gotowy(a)";
+"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "Oczekiwanie na dopasowanie";
+"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Porównaj unikalny zestaw emoji.";
+"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Porównaj unikalne emoji, upewniając się, że pojawiły się w tej samej kolejności.";
+"screen_session_verification_they_dont_match" = "Nie pasują do siebie";
+"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Pasują do siebie";
+"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Zaakceptuj prośbę o rozpoczęcie procesu weryfikacji w innej sesji, aby kontynuować.";
+"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Oczekiwanie na zaakceptowanie żądania";
+"screen_share_location_title" = "Udostępnij lokalizację";
+"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Udostępnij moją lokalizację";
+"screen_share_open_apple_maps" = "Otwórz w Apple Maps";
+"screen_share_open_google_maps" = "Otwórz w Google Maps";
+"screen_share_open_osm_maps" = "Otwórz w OpenStreetMap";
+"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Udostępnij tę lokalizację";
+"screen_signed_out_reason_1" = "Zmieniono hasło w innej sesji";
+"screen_signed_out_reason_2" = "Sesja została usunięta z innej sesji";
+"screen_signed_out_reason_3" = "Administrator serwera unieważnił Twój dostęp";
+"screen_signed_out_subtitle" = "Mogłeś zostać wylogowany z powodów wymienionych poniżej. Zaloguj się ponownie, aby dalej korzystać z %@.";
+"screen_signed_out_title" = "Zostałeś wylogowany";
+"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Czy na pewno chcesz się wylogować?";
+"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Wylogowywanie…";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "Zamierzasz wylogować się ze swojej ostatniej sesji. Jeśli wylogujesz się teraz, stracisz dostęp do swoich wiadomości szyfrowanych.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "Wyłączyłeś backup";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "Twoje klucze były nadal archiwizowane po przejściu w tryb offline. Połącz się ponownie, aby zapisać w chmurze przed wylogowaniem.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Twoje klucze są nadal archiwizowane";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_subtitle" = "Zanim się wylogujesz, poczekaj na zakończenie operacji.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_title" = "Twoje klucze są nadal archiwizowane";
+"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_subtitle" = "Zamierzasz wylogować się ze swojej ostatniej sesji. Jeśli wylogujesz się teraz, stracisz dostęp do swoich wiadomości szyfrowanych.";
+"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_title" = "Nie ustawiono przywracania";
+"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_subtitle" = "Zamierzasz wylogować się ze swojej ostatniej sesji. Jeśli wylogujesz się teraz, stracisz dostęp do swoich wiadomości szyfrowanych.";
+"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "Czy zapisałeś swój klucz przywracania?";
+"screen_start_chat_error_starting_chat" = "Wystąpił błąd podczas próby rozpoczęcia czatu";
+"screen_view_location_title" = "Lokalizacja";
+"screen_waitlist_message" = "Obecnie istnieje duże zapotrzebowanie na %1$@ na %2$@. Wróć do aplikacji za kilka dni i spróbuj ponownie.\n\nDziękujemy za Twoją cierpliwość!";
+"screen_waitlist_title" = "Już prawie gotowe!";
+"screen_waitlist_title_success" = "Witamy!";
+"screen_welcome_bullet_1" = "Połączenia, ankiety, wyszukiwanie i inne zostaną dodane później w tym roku.";
+"screen_welcome_bullet_2" = "Historia wiadomości dla pokoi szyfrowanych nie jest jeszcze dostępna.";
+"screen_welcome_bullet_3" = "Chętnie poznamy Twoją opinię. Daj nam znać, co myślisz na stronie ustawień.";
+"screen_welcome_button" = "Naprzód!";
+"screen_welcome_subtitle" = "Oto, co musisz wiedzieć:";
+"screen_welcome_title" = "Witamy w %1$@!";
+"session_verification_banner_message" = "Wygląda na to, że używasz nowego urządzenia. Zweryfikuj się innym urządzeniem, aby uzyskać dostęp do zaszyfrowanych wiadomości.";
+"session_verification_banner_title" = "Potwierdź, że to Ty";
+"settings_rageshake" = "Gniewne wstrząsanie";
+"settings_rageshake_detection_threshold" = "Próg wykrywania";
+"settings_version_number" = "Wersja: %1$@ (%2$@)";
+"state_event_avatar_changed_too" = "(zdjęcie profilowe też zostało zmienione)";
+"state_event_avatar_url_changed" = "%1$@ zmienił swoje zdjęcie profilowe";
+"state_event_avatar_url_changed_by_you" = "Zmieniłeś swoje zdjęcie profilowe";
+"state_event_demoted_to_member" = "%1$@ was demoted to member";
+"state_event_demoted_to_moderator" = "%1$@ was demoted to moderator";
+"state_event_display_name_changed_from" = "%1$@ zmienił swoją wyświetlaną nazwę z %2$@ na %3$@";
+"state_event_display_name_changed_from_by_you" = "Zmieniłeś swoją wyświetlaną nazwę z %1$@ na %2$@";
+"state_event_display_name_removed" = "%1$@ usunął swoją wyświetlaną nazwę (byo to %2$@)";
+"state_event_display_name_removed_by_you" = "Usunąłeś swoją wyświetlaną nazwę (było to %1$@)";
+"state_event_display_name_set" = "%1$@ ustawił swoją wyświetlaną nazwę na %2$@";
+"state_event_display_name_set_by_you" = "Ustawiłeś swoją wyświetlaną nazwę na %1$@";
+"state_event_promoted_to_administrator" = "%1$@ was promoted to admin";
+"state_event_promoted_to_moderator" = "%1$@ was promoted to moderator";
+"state_event_room_avatar_changed" = "%1$@ zmienił zdjęcie profilowe pokoju";
+"state_event_room_avatar_changed_by_you" = "Zmieniłeś zdjęcie profilowe pokoju";
+"state_event_room_avatar_removed" = "%1$@ usunął zdjęcie profilowe pokoju";
+"state_event_room_avatar_removed_by_you" = "Usunąłeś zdjęcie profilowe pokoju";
+"state_event_room_ban" = "%1$@ zbanował %2$@";
+"state_event_room_ban_by_you" = "Zbanowałeś %1$@";
+"state_event_room_created" = "%1$@ stworzył pokój";
+"state_event_room_created_by_you" = "Stworzyłeś pokój";
+"state_event_room_invite" = "%1$@ zaprosił %2$@";
+"state_event_room_invite_accepted" = "%1$@ zaakceptował zaproszenie";
+"state_event_room_invite_accepted_by_you" = "Zaakceptowałeś zaproszenie";
+"state_event_room_invite_by_you" = "Zaprosiłeś %1$@";
+"state_event_room_invite_you" = "%1$@ zaprosił Cię";
+"state_event_room_join" = "%1$@ dołączył do pokoju";
+"state_event_room_join_by_you" = "Dołączyłeś(aś) do pokoju";
+"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ prosi o możliwość dołączenia";
+"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ zezwolił %2$@ na dołączenie";
+"state_event_room_knock_accepted_by_you" = "Zezwoliłeś %1$@ na dołączenie";
+"state_event_room_knock_by_you" = "Poprosiłeś o możliwość dołączenia";
+"state_event_room_knock_denied" = "%1$@ odrzucił prośbę %2$@ o dołączenie";
+"state_event_room_knock_denied_by_you" = "Odrzuciłeś prośbę %1$@ o dołączenie";
+"state_event_room_knock_denied_you" = "%1$@ odrzucił Twoją prośbę o dołączenie";
+"state_event_room_knock_retracted" = "%1$@ nie jest już zainteresowany dołączeniem";
+"state_event_room_knock_retracted_by_you" = "Anulowałeś prośbę o dołączenie";
+"state_event_room_leave" = "%1$@ opuścił pokój";
+"state_event_room_leave_by_you" = "Opuściłeś pokój";
+"state_event_room_name_changed" = "%1$@ zmienił nazwę pokoju na: %2$@";
+"state_event_room_name_changed_by_you" = "Zmieniłeś nazwę pokoju na: %1$@";
+"state_event_room_name_removed" = "%1$@ usunął nazwę pokoju";
+"state_event_room_name_removed_by_you" = "Usunąłeś nazwę pokoju";
+"state_event_room_none" = "%1$@ nie wprowadził żadnych zmian";
+"state_event_room_none_by_you" = "Nie wprowadzono żadnych zmian";
+"state_event_room_reject" = "%1$@ odrzucił zaproszenie";
+"state_event_room_reject_by_you" = "Odrzuciłeś(aś) zaproszenie";
+"state_event_room_remove" = "%1$@ usunął %2$@";
+"state_event_room_remove_by_you" = "Usunąłeś %1$@";
+"state_event_room_third_party_invite" = "%1$@ wysłał zaproszenie do %2$@, aby dołączył do pokoju";
+"state_event_room_third_party_invite_by_you" = "Wysłano zaproszenie do %1$@, aby dołączył do pokoju";
+"state_event_room_third_party_revoked_invite" = "%1$@ cofnął zaproszenie dla %2$@ do tego pokoju";
+"state_event_room_third_party_revoked_invite_by_you" = "Odwołano zaproszenie %1$@, aby dołączył do pokoju";
+"state_event_room_topic_changed" = "%1$@ zmienił temat na: %2$@";
+"state_event_room_topic_changed_by_you" = "Zmieniłeś temat na: %1$@";
+"state_event_room_topic_removed" = "%1$@ usunął temat pokoju";
+"state_event_room_topic_removed_by_you" = "Usunąłeś temat pokoju";
+"state_event_room_unban" = "%1$@ odbanował %2$@";
+"state_event_room_unban_by_you" = "Odbanowałeś %1$@";
+"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ dokonał nieznanej zmiany w swoim członkostwie";
+"test_language_identifier" = "pl";
+"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_title" = "Troubleshoot notifications";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Run tests";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_failure" = "Some tests failed. Please check the details.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_notice" = "Run the tests to detect any issue in your configuration that may make notifications not behave as expected.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_quick_fix_action" = "Attempt to fix";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_success" = "All tests passed successfully.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_title" = "Troubleshoot notifications";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_waiting" = "Some tests require your attention. Please check the details.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_check_permission_description" = "Check that the application can show notifications.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_check_permission_title" = "Check permissions";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_description" = "Get the name of the current provider.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_failure" = "No push providers selected.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_success" = "Current push provider: %1$@.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_title" = "Current push provider";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_description" = "Ensure that the application has at least one push provider.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_failure" = "No push providers found.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_title" = "Detect push providers";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_description" = "Check that the application can display notification.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_failure" = "The notification has not been clicked.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_permission_failure" = "Cannot display the notification.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_success" = "The notification has been clicked!";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_title" = "Display notification";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_waiting" = "Please click on the notification to continue the test.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_description" = "Ensure that Firebase is available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_failure" = "Firebase is not available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_success" = "Firebase is available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_title" = "Check Firebase";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_description" = "Ensure that Firebase token is available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_failure" = "Firebase token is not known.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_success" = "Firebase token: %1$@.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_title" = "Check Firebase token";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_description" = "Ensure that the application is receiving push.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_1" = "Error: pusher has rejected the request.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_2" = "Error: %1$@.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_3" = "Error, cannot test push.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_4" = "Error, timeout waiting for push.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_success" = "Push loop back took %1$d ms.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_title" = "Test Push loop back";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_description" = "Ensure that UnifiedPush distributors are available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_failure" = "No push distributors found.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_title" = "Check UnifiedPush";
+"dialog_title_error" = "Błąd";
+"dialog_title_success" = "Sukces";
+"notification_fallback_content" = "Powiadomienie";
+"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Dołącz";
+"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
+"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Szybka odpowiedź";
+"screen_room_mentions_at_room_title" = "Wszyscy";
+"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "Tutaj będą przechowywane Twoje konwersacje - w podobnej formie jak wiadomości widnieją na skrzynce e-mail.";
+"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "Tutaj będą przechowywane Twoje konwersacje - w podobnej formie jak wiadomości widnieją na skrzynce e-mail.";
+"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Udostępniaj anonimowe dane dotyczące użytkowania, aby pomóc nam identyfikować problemy.";
+"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "Możesz przeczytać wszystkie nasze warunki %1$@.";
+"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "tutaj";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_action" = "Odblokuj";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_description" = "Będziesz mógł ponownie zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości od tego użytkownika.";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_title" = "Odblokuj użytkownika";
+"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ uległ awarii podczas ostatniego użycia. Czy chcesz przesłać nam raport o awarii?";
+"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Zaproś znajomych";
+"screen_create_room_room_name_label" = "Nazwa pokoju";
+"screen_create_room_title" = "Utwórz pokój";
+"screen_dm_details_block_alert_action" = "Zablokuj";
+"screen_dm_details_block_alert_description" = "Zablokowani użytkownicy nie będą mogli wysyłać Ci wiadomości, a wszystkie ich wiadomości zostaną ukryte. Możesz odblokować ich w dowolnym momencie.";
+"screen_dm_details_block_user" = "Zablokuj użytkownika";
+"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Odblokuj";
+"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_description" = "Będziesz mógł ponownie zobaczyć wszystkie wiadomości od tego użytkownika.";
+"screen_dm_details_unblock_user" = "Odblokuj użytkownika";
+"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation_title" = "Usuń ankietę";
+"screen_edit_poll_title" = "Edytuj ankietę";
+"screen_login_subtitle" = "Matrix to otwarta sieć do bezpiecznej i zdecentralizowanej komunikacji.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_retry_button" = "Spróbuj ponownie";
+"screen_report_content_block_user" = "Zablokuj użytkownika";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_photo" = "Zrób zdjęcie";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_everyone" = "Wszyscy";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_member_moderation" = "Member moderation";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_messages_and_content" = "Messages and content";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_details" = "Room details";
+"screen_room_change_role_section_administrators" = "Admins";
+"screen_room_change_role_section_moderators" = "Moderators";
+"screen_room_change_role_section_users" = "Members";
+"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Zaproś znajomych";
+"screen_room_details_leave_conversation_title" = "Opuść rozmowę";
+"screen_room_details_leave_room_title" = "Opuść pokój";
+"screen_room_details_roles_and_permissions" = "Roles and permissions";
+"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Nazwa pokoju";
+"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Bezpieczeństwo";
+"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Temat";
+"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Przetwarzanie multimediów do przesłania nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_mentions_and_keywords" = "Tylko wzmianki i słowa kluczowe";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_people" = "Osoby";
+"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Wyloguj się";
+"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Wyloguj się";
+"screen_signout_preference_item" = "Wyloguj się";
+"screen_waitlist_message_success" = "Witamy w %1$@!";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a44e184a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pl.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ a11y_digits_entered
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Wprowadzono %1$d cyfrę
+ few
+ Wprowadzono %1$d cyfry
+ many
+ Wprowadzono %1$d cyfr
+ a11y_read_receipts_multiple_with_others
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Odczytano przez %1$@ i %2$d inną
+ few
+ Odczytano przez %1$@ i %2$d innych
+ many
+ Odczytano przez %1$@ i %2$d innych
+ common_member_count
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d członek
+ few
+ %1$d członki
+ many
+ %1$d członków
+ common_poll_votes_count
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d głos
+ few
+ %d głosy
+ many
+ %d głosów
+ notification_compat_summary_line_for_room
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$@: %2$d wiadomość
+ few
+ %1$@: %2$d wiadomości
+ many
+ %1$@: %2$d wiadomości
+ notification_compat_summary_title
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d powiadomienie
+ few
+ %d powiadomienia
+ many
+ %d powiadomień
+ notification_invitations
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d zaproszenie
+ few
+ %d zaproszenia
+ many
+ %d zaproszeń
+ notification_new_messages_for_room
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d nowa wiadomość
+ few
+ %d nowe wiadomości
+ many
+ %d nowych wiadomości
+ notification_unread_notified_messages
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d nieprzeczytana wiadomość
+ few
+ %d nieprzeczytane wiadomość
+ many
+ %d nieprzeczytanych wiadomości
+ notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_rooms
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d pokój
+ few
+ %d pokoje
+ many
+ %d pokoi
+ screen_app_lock_subtitle
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Masz %1$d próbę, żeby odblokować
+ few
+ Masz %1$d próby, żeby odblokować
+ many
+ Masz %1$d prób, żeby odblokować
+ screen_app_lock_subtitle_wrong_pin
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Błędny PIN. Pozostała %1$d próba
+ few
+ Błędny PIN. Pozostały %1$d próby
+ many
+ Błędny PIN. Pozostało %1$d prób
+ screen_room_member_list_header_title
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d osoba
+ few
+ %1$d osoby
+ many
+ %1$d osób
+ screen_room_timeline_state_changes
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d zmiana pokoju
+ few
+ %1$d zmian pokoju
+ many
+ %1$d zmiany pokoju
+ screen_room_typing_many_members
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$@, %2$@ and %3$d other
+ other
+ %1$@, %2$@ and %3$d others
+ screen_room_typing_many_members_second_component_ios
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d other
+ other
+ %d others
+ screen_room_typing_notification
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$@ piszę
+ few
+ %1$@ piszą
+ many
+ %1$@ piszą
+ troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_success
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Found %1$d push provider: %2$@
+ other
+ Found %1$d push providers: %2$@
+ troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_success
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d distributor found: %2$@.
+ other
+ %1$d distributors found: %2$@.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..582067644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+"Notification" = "Notificação";
+"a11y_delete" = "Excluir";
+"a11y_hide_password" = "Ocultar senha";
+"a11y_jump_to_bottom" = "Ir para o final";
+"a11y_notifications_mentions_only" = "Apenas menções";
+"a11y_notifications_muted" = "Silenciado";
+"a11y_page_n" = "Página %1$d";
+"a11y_pause" = "Pausar";
+"a11y_pin_field" = "Campo de PIN";
+"a11y_play" = "Reproduzir";
+"a11y_poll" = "Enquete";
+"a11y_poll_end" = "Enquete encerrada";
+"a11y_react_with" = "Reagir com %1$@";
+"a11y_react_with_other_emojis" = "Reaja com outros emojis";
+"a11y_read_receipts_multiple" = "Lido por %1$@ e %2$@";
+"a11y_read_receipts_single" = "Lido por %1$@";
+"a11y_read_receipts_tap_to_show_all" = "Toque para mostrar tudo";
+"a11y_remove_reaction_with" = "Remova a reação com %1$@";
+"a11y_send_files" = "Enviar arquivos";
+"a11y_show_password" = "Mostrar senha";
+"a11y_start_call" = "Iniciar uma chamada";
+"a11y_user_menu" = "Menu do usuário";
+"a11y_voice_message_record" = "Gravar mensagem de voz.";
+"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "Parar gravação";
+"action_accept" = "Aceitar";
+"action_add_to_timeline" = "Adicionar à linha do tempo";
+"action_back" = "Voltar";
+"action_call" = "Chamar";
+"action_cancel" = "Cancelar";
+"action_choose_photo" = "Escolher foto";
+"action_clear" = "Limpar";
+"action_close" = "Fechar";
+"action_complete_verification" = "Verificação completa";
+"action_confirm" = "Confirmar";
+"action_continue" = "Continuar";
+"action_copy" = "Copiar";
+"action_copy_link" = "Copiar link";
+"action_copy_link_to_message" = "Copiar link para a mensagem";
+"action_create" = "Criar";
+"action_create_a_room" = "Criar uma sala";
+"action_decline" = "Recusar";
+"action_delete_poll" = "Excluir Enquete";
+"action_disable" = "Desabilitar";
+"action_discard" = "Descartar";
+"action_done" = "Concluído";
+"action_edit" = "Editar";
+"action_edit_poll" = "Editar enquete";
+"action_enable" = "Habilitar";
+"action_end_poll" = "Encerrar enquete";
+"action_enter_pin" = "Inserir PIN";
+"action_forgot_password" = "Esqueceu a senha?";
+"action_forward" = "Encaminhar";
+"action_go_back" = "Voltar";
+"action_invite" = "Convidar";
+"action_invite_friends" = "Convidar pessoas";
+"action_invite_friends_to_app" = "Convidar pessoas para %1$@";
+"action_invite_people_to_app" = "Convide pessoas para %1$@";
+"action_invites_list" = "Convites";
+"action_join" = "Entrar";
+"action_learn_more" = "Saber mais";
+"action_leave" = "Sair";
+"action_leave_conversation" = "Sair da conversa";
+"action_leave_room" = "Sair da sala";
+"action_manage_account" = "Gerenciar conta";
+"action_manage_devices" = "Gerenciar dispositivos";
+"action_message" = "Mensagem";
+"action_next" = "Próximo";
+"action_no" = "Não";
+"action_not_now" = "Agora não";
+"action_ok" = "OK";
+"action_open_settings" = "Configurações";
+"action_open_with" = "Abrir com";
+"action_quick_reply" = "Resposta rápida";
+"action_quote" = "Citação";
+"action_react" = "Reagir";
+"action_reject" = "Recusar";
+"action_remove" = "Remover";
+"action_reply" = "Responder";
+"action_reply_in_thread" = "Responder no tópico";
+"action_report_bug" = "Reportar erro";
+"action_report_content" = "Denunciar conteúdo";
+"action_reset" = "Redefinir";
+"action_retry" = "Tentar novamente";
+"action_retry_decryption" = "Tente descriptografar novamente";
+"action_save" = "Salvar";
+"action_search" = "Pesquisar";
+"action_send" = "Enviar";
+"action_send_message" = "Enviar mensagem";
+"action_share" = "Compartilhar";
+"action_share_link" = "Compartilhar link";
+"action_sign_in_again" = "Iniciar sessão novamente";
+"action_signout" = "Sair";
+"action_signout_anyway" = "Sair mesmo assim";
+"action_skip" = "Pular";
+"action_start" = "Começar";
+"action_start_chat" = "Iniciar bate-papo";
+"action_start_verification" = "Iniciar verificação";
+"action_static_map_load" = "Toque para carregar o mapa";
+"action_take_photo" = "Tirar foto";
+"action_tap_for_options" = "Toque para opções";
+"action_try_again" = "Tente novamente";
+"action_view_source" = "Ver fonte";
+"action_yes" = "Sim";
+"action.load_more" = "Carregar mais";
+"action.pin" = "Fixar";
+"common_about" = "Sobre";
+"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Política de uso aceitável";
+"common_advanced_settings" = "Configurações avançadas";
+"common_analytics" = "Telemetria";
+"common_appearance" = "Aparência";
+"common_audio" = "Áudio";
+"common_blocked_users" = "Usuários bloqueados";
+"common_bubbles" = "Bolhas";
+"common_call_invite" = "Chamada em progresso (sem suporte)";
+"common_call_started" = "Chamada iniciada";
+"common_chat_backup" = "Backup de conversas";
+"common_copyright" = "Direitos autorais";
+"common_creating_room" = "Criando sala…";
+"common_current_user_left_room" = "Saiu da sala";
+"common_dark" = "Escuro";
+"common_decryption_error" = "Erro de descriptografia";
+"common_developer_options" = "Opções do desenvolvedor";
+"common_direct_chat" = "Conversa privada";
+"common_edited_suffix" = "(editado)";
+"common_editing" = "Editando";
+"common_emote" = "* %1$@ %2$@";
+"common_encryption_enabled" = "Criptografia ativada";
+"common_enter_your_pin" = "Insira seu PIN";
+"common_error" = "Erro";
+"common_everyone" = "Todos";
+"common_face_id_ios" = "Face ID";
+"common_failed" = "Falhou";
+"common_favourite" = "Favorito";
+"common_favourited" = "Favoritado";
+"common_file" = "Arquivo";
+"common_forward_message" = "Encaminhar mensagem";
+"common_gif" = "GIF";
+"common_image" = "Imagem";
+"common_in_reply_to" = "Em resposta a %1$@";
+"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "Este ID Matrix não foi encontrado, então o convite pode não ser recebido";
+"common_leaving_room" = "Saindo da sala";
+"common_light" = "Claro";
+"common_link_copied_to_clipboard" = "Link copiado para área de transferência";
+"common_loading" = "Carregando...";
+"common_message" = "Mensagem";
+"common_message_actions" = "Ações de mensagem";
+"common_message_layout" = "Layout da mensagem";
+"common_message_removed" = "Mensagem removida";
+"common_modern" = "Moderno";
+"common_mute" = "Silenciar";
+"common_no_results" = "Sem resultados";
+"common_offline" = "Offline";
+"common_optic_id_ios" = "ID ótico";
+"common_or" = "ou";
+"common_password" = "Senha";
+"common_people" = "Pessoas";
+"common_permalink" = "Link permanente";
+"common_permission" = "Permissão";
+"common_please_wait" = "Por favor, aguarde...";
+"common_poll_total_votes" = "Total de votos: %1$@";
+"common_poll_undisclosed_text" = "Os resultados serão exibidos após o término da enquete";
+"common_privacy_policy" = "Política de Privacidade";
+"common_reaction" = "Reação";
+"common_reactions" = "Reações";
+"common_recovery_key" = "Chave de recuperação";
+"common_refreshing" = "Atualizando…";
+"common_replying_to" = "Respondendo a %1$@";
+"common_report_a_bug" = "Reportar um erro";
+"common_report_a_problem" = "Reportar um problema";
+"common_report_submitted" = "Relatório enviado";
+"common_rich_text_editor" = "Editor de rich text";
+"common_room" = "Sala";
+"common_room_name" = "Nome da sala";
+"common_room_name_placeholder" = "por exemplo, o nome do seu projeto";
+"common_saved_changes" = "Mudanças salvas";
+"common_saving" = "Salvando";
+"common_screen_lock" = "Bloqueio de tela";
+"common_search_for_someone" = "Procurar alguém";
+"common_search_results" = "Resultados da busca";
+"common_security" = "Segurança";
+"common_seen_by" = "Visto por";
+"common_sending" = "Enviando...";
+"common_sending_failed" = "Envio falhou";
+"common_sent" = "Enviado";
+"common_server_not_supported" = "Servidor não suportado";
+"common_server_url" = "URL do Servidor";
+"common_settings" = "Configurações";
+"common_shared_location" = "Localização compartilhada";
+"common_signing_out" = "Saindo";
+"common_starting_chat" = "Iniciando o chat...";
+"common_sticker" = "Adesivo";
+"common_success" = "Sucesso";
+"common_suggestions" = "Sugestões";
+"common_syncing" = "Sincronizando";
+"common_system" = "Sistema";
+"common_text" = "Texto";
+"common_third_party_notices" = "Avisos de terceiros";
+"common_thread" = "Tópico";
+"common_topic" = "Tópico";
+"common_topic_placeholder" = "Sobre o que é essa sala?";
+"common_touch_id_ios" = "Touch ID";
+"common_unable_to_decrypt" = "Não é possível descriptografar";
+"common_unable_to_invite_message" = "Não foi possível enviar convites para um ou mais usuários.";
+"common_unable_to_invite_title" = "Não foi possível enviar o(s) convite(s)";
+"common_unlock" = "Desbloquear";
+"common_unmute" = "Desmutar";
+"common_unsupported_event" = "Evento não suportado";
+"common_username" = "Nome do usuário";
+"common_verification_cancelled" = "Verificação cancelada";
+"common_verification_complete" = "Verificação concluída";
+"common_video" = "Vídeo";
+"common_voice_message" = "Mensagem de voz";
+"common_waiting" = "Esperando...";
+"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Aguardando esta mensagem";
+"common.do_not_show_this_again" = "Não mostrar isto novamente";
+"common.open_source_licenses" = "Licenças de código aberto";
+"common.send_to" = "Enviar para";
+"common_no_room_name" = "Sem nome de sala";
+"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Tem certeza de que deseja encerrar esta enquete?";
+"common_poll_summary" = "Enquete: %1$@";
+"common_something_went_wrong" = "Algo deu errado";
+"common_unable_to_decrypt_no_access" = "Você não tem acesso a esta mensagem";
+"common_verify_device" = "Verificar dispositivo";
+"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Your chat backup is currently out of sync. You need to enter your recovery key to maintain access to your chat backup.";
+"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Insira sua chave de recuperação";
+"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ fechou inesperadamente na última vez que foi usado. Gostaria de compartilhar um relatório de falhas conosco?";
+"dialog_permission_camera" = "Para permitir que o aplicativo use a câmera, conceda a permissão nas configurações do sistema.";
+"dialog_permission_generic" = "Por favor, conceda a permissão nas configurações do sistema.";
+"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Permita o acesso em Configurações -> Localização.";
+"dialog_permission_location_title_ios" = "%1$@ does not have access to your location.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone" = "Para permitir que o aplicativo use o microfone, conceda a permissão nas configurações do sistema.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone_description_ios" = "Grant access so you can record and send messages with audio.";
+"dialog_permission_microphone_title_ios" = "%1$@ needs permission to access your microphone.";
+"dialog_permission_notification" = "Para permitir que o aplicativo exiba notificações, conceda a permissão nas configurações do sistema.";
+"dialog_title_confirmation" = "Confirmação";
+"dialog_title_warning" = "Aviso";
+"dialog_unsaved_changes_description_ios" = "Suas mudanças não serão salvas";
+"dialog_unsaved_changes_title" = "Salvar mudanças?";
+"emoji_picker_category_activity" = "Atividades";
+"emoji_picker_category_flags" = "Bandeiras";
+"emoji_picker_category_foods" = "Comida & Bebida";
+"emoji_picker_category_nature" = "Animais & Natureza";
+"emoji_picker_category_objects" = "Objetos";
+"emoji_picker_category_people" = "Sorrisos & Pessoas";
+"emoji_picker_category_places" = "Viagens & Lugares";
+"emoji_picker_category_symbols" = "Símbolos";
+"error_failed_creating_the_permalink" = "Falha ao criar o link permanente";
+"error_failed_loading_map" = "%1$@ não conseguiu carregar o mapa. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.";
+"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Falha ao carregar mensagens";
+"error_failed_locating_user" = "%1$@ não conseguiu acessar sua localização. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.";
+"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Falha ao enviar sua mensagem de voz.";
+"error_message_not_found" = "Mensagem não encontrada";
+"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nenhum aplicativo compatível foi encontrado para lidar com essa ação.";
+"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Algumas mensagens não foram enviadas";
+"error_unknown" = "Desculpe, ocorreu um erro";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Criptografada por um dispositivo desconhecido ou apagado.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Criptografado por um dispositivo que não foi verificado pelo seu dono.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Criptografado por um usuário não verificado.";
+"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
+"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
+"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Junte-se a mim no %1$@";
+"invite_friends_text" = "Ei, fale comigo em %1$@: %2$@";
+"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this conversation? This conversation is not public and you won't be able to rejoin without an invite.";
+"leave_room_alert_empty_subtitle" = "Tem certeza de que deseja sair desta sala? Você é a única pessoa aqui. Se você sair, ninguém poderá ingressar no futuro, inclusive você.";
+"leave_room_alert_private_subtitle" = "Tem certeza de que deseja sair desta sala? Esta sala não é pública e você não poderá entrar novamente sem um convite.";
+"leave_room_alert_subtitle" = "Tem certeza de que deseja sair da sala?";
+"login_initial_device_name_ios" = "%1$@ iOS";
+"notification_channel_call" = "Chamada";
+"notification_channel_listening_for_events" = "Ouvindo eventos";
+"notification_channel_noisy" = "Notificações barulhentas";
+"notification_channel_ringing_calls" = "Ringing calls";
+"notification_channel_silent" = "Notificações silenciosas";
+"notification_incoming_call" = "Incoming call";
+"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Falha ao enviar - por favor, abra a sala";
+"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Rejeitar";
+"notification_invite_body" = "Convidou você para conversar";
+"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "Mentioned you: %1$@";
+"notification_new_messages" = "Novas mensagens";
+"notification_reaction_body" = "Reagiu com %1$@";
+"notification_room_invite_body" = "Convidou você para entrar na sala";
+"notification_sender_me" = "Eu";
+"notification_test_push_notification_content" = "Você está visualizando a notificação! Clique em mim!";
+"notification_ticker_text_dm" = "%1$@: %2$@";
+"notification_ticker_text_group" = "%1$@: %2$@ %3$@";
+"notification_unread_notified_messages_and_invitation" = "%1$@ e %2$@";
+"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room" = "%1$@ em %2$@";
+"notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_and_invitation" = "%1$@ em %2$@ e %3$@";
+"preference_rageshake" = "Rageshake para relatar um bug";
+"rageshake_detection_dialog_content" = "Você parece estar sacudindo o telefone em sinal de frustração. Você gostaria de abrir a tela de relatório de erros?";
+"rich_text_editor_bullet_list" = "Alternar lista de marcadores";
+"rich_text_editor_close_formatting_options" = "Fechar opções de formatação";
+"rich_text_editor_code_block" = "Alternar bloco de código";
+"rich_text_editor_composer_placeholder" = "Mensagem...";
+"rich_text_editor_create_link" = "Criar um link";
+"rich_text_editor_edit_link" = "Editar link";
+"rich_text_editor_format_bold" = "Aplicar negrito";
+"rich_text_editor_format_italic" = "Aplicar formato itálico";
+"rich_text_editor_format_strikethrough" = "Aplicar formato tachado";
+"rich_text_editor_format_underline" = "Aplicar sublinhado";
+"rich_text_editor_full_screen_toggle" = "Alternar o modo de tela cheia";
+"rich_text_editor_indent" = "Indent";
+"rich_text_editor_inline_code" = "Aplicar formato de código embutido";
+"rich_text_editor_link" = "Definir link";
+"rich_text_editor_numbered_list" = "Alternar lista numerada";
+"rich_text_editor_open_compose_options" = "Abrir opções de composição";
+"rich_text_editor_quote" = "Alternar citação";
+"rich_text_editor_remove_link" = "Remover link";
+"rich_text_editor_unindent" = "Unindent";
+"rich_text_editor_url_placeholder" = "Link";
+"rich_text_editor_a11y_add_attachment" = "Adicionar anexo";
+"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Custom Element Call base URL";
+"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Set a custom base URL for Element Call.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
+"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notify the whole room";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
+"screen_account_provider_change" = "Alterar provedor da conta";
+"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Endereço do servidor";
+"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Insira um termo de pesquisa ou um endereço de domínio.";
+"screen_account_provider_form_subtitle" = "Procure uma empresa, comunidade ou servidor privado.";
+"screen_account_provider_form_title" = "Encontre um provedor de contas";
+"screen_account_provider_signin_title" = "Você está prestes a entrar em %@";
+"screen_account_provider_signup_title" = "Você está prestes a criar uma conta em %@";
+"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode" = "Modo de desenvolvedor";
+"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode_description" = "Habilite para ter acesso a recursos e funcionalidades para desenvolvedores.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_rich_text_editor_description" = "Desative o editor de rich text para digitar Markdown manualmente.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts" = "Read receipts";
+"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts_description" = "If turned off, your read receipts won't be sent to anyone. You will still receive read receipts from other users.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence" = "Share presence";
+"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence_description" = "If turned off, you won’t be able to send or receive read receipts or typing notifications.";
+"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "Enable option to view message source in the timeline.";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Não registraremos nem criaremos perfil baseado em qualquer dado pessoal";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Compartilhe dados de uso anônimos para nos ajudar a identificar problemas.";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Você pode ler todos os nossos termos %1$@ .";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "aqui";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Você pode desativar isso a qualquer momento";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "Não compartilharemos seus dados com terceiros";
+"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Ajude a melhorar o %1$@";
+"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Compartilhar dados de utilização";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "biometric authentication";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "biometric unlock";
+"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "Authentication is needed to access your app";
+"screen_app_lock_forgot_pin" = "Esqueceu o PIN?";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_change_pin" = "Mudar código de PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_biometric_unlock" = "Permitir desbloqueio biométrico";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_face_id_ios" = "Permitir Face ID";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_optic_id_ios" = "Permitir ID ótico";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_touch_id_ios" = "Permitir Touch ID";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin" = "Remover PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_message" = "Tem certeza de que quer remover o PIN?";
+"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_title" = "Remover PIN?";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_allow_title" = "Allow %1$@";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_skip" = "I’d rather use PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_subtitle" = "Save yourself some time and use %1$@ to unlock the app each time";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_choose_pin" = "Escolher PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_confirm_pin" = "Confirmar PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "Lock %1$@ to add extra security to your chats.\n\nChoose something memorable. If you forget this PIN, you will be logged out of the app.";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_content" = "You cannot choose this as your PIN code for security reasons";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_forbidden_dialog_title" = "Choose a different PIN";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_content" = "Please enter the same PIN twice";
+"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_title" = "Os PINs não correspondem";
+"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_message" = "You’ll need to re-login and create a new PIN to proceed";
+"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_title" = "Você está sendo desconectado";
+"screen_blocked_users_empty" = "You have no blocked users";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblocking" = "Unblocking…";
+"screen_bug_report_attach_screenshot" = "Anexar captura de tela";
+"screen_bug_report_contact_me" = "Você pode entrar em contato comigo se tiver alguma pergunta adicional.";
+"screen_bug_report_contact_me_title" = "Entre em contato comigo";
+"screen_bug_report_edit_screenshot" = "Editar captura de tela";
+"screen_bug_report_editor_description" = "Descreva o problema. O que você fez? O que você esperava que acontecesse? O que realmente aconteceu? Por favor, forneça o máximo de detalhes possível.";
+"screen_bug_report_editor_placeholder" = "Descreva o problema...";
+"screen_bug_report_editor_supporting" = "Se possível, escreva a descrição em inglês.";
+"screen_bug_report_error_description_too_short" = "The description is too short, please provide more details about what happened. Thanks!";
+"screen_bug_report_include_crash_logs" = "Enviar registros de falhas";
+"screen_bug_report_include_logs" = "Permitir registros";
+"screen_bug_report_include_screenshot" = "Enviar captura de tela";
+"screen_bug_report_logs_description" = "Os registros serão incluídos com sua mensagem para garantir que tudo esteja funcionando corretamente. Para enviar sua mensagem sem registros, desative essa configuração.";
+"screen_bug_report_view_logs" = "View logs";
+"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = "O Matrix.org é um grande servidor gratuito na rede pública Matrix para comunicação segura e descentralizada, administrado pela Fundação Matrix.org.";
+"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Outro";
+"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Use um provedor de conta diferente, como seu próprio servidor privado ou uma conta corporativa.";
+"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Alterar provedor da conta";
+"screen_change_server_error_invalid_homeserver" = "Não conseguimos acessar esse servidor. Verifique se você inseriu a URL do servidor corretamente. Se a URL estiver correta, entre em contato com o administrador do servidor para obter mais ajuda.";
+"screen_change_server_error_invalid_well_known" = "Sliding sync isn't available due to an issue in the well-known file:\n%1$@";
+"screen_change_server_error_no_sliding_sync_message" = "Este servidor atualmente não oferece suporte à tecnologia sliding sync.";
+"screen_change_server_form_header" = "URL do servidor";
+"screen_change_server_form_notice" = "Você só pode se conectar a um servidor existente que ofereça suporte à tecnologia sliding sync. O administrador do seu servidor precisará configurá-lo. %1$@";
+"screen_change_server_subtitle" = "Qual é o endereço do seu servidor?";
+"screen_change_server_title" = "Selecione seu servidor";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_disable" = "Desativar o backup";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_action_enable" = "Ativar o backup";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_description" = "O backup garante que você não perca seu histórico de mensagens. %1$@.";
+"screen_chat_backup_key_backup_title" = "Backup";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_change" = "Mudar chave de recuperação";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm" = "Insira a chave de recuperação";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_confirm_description" = "Seu backup das conversas está atualmente fora de sincronia.";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_setup" = "Configurar a recuperação";
+"screen_chat_backup_recovery_action_setup_description" = "Tenha acesso às suas mensagens criptografadas se você perder todos os seus dispositivos ou for desconectado do %1$@ em qualquer lugar.";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_1" = "Open %1$@ in a desktop device";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_2" = "Sign into your account again";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_3" = "When asked to verify your device, select %1$@";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_3_reset_all" = "“Reset all”";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_4" = "Follow the instructions to create a new recovery key";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_list_item_5" = "Save your new recovery key in a password manager or encrypted note";
+"screen_create_new_recovery_key_title" = "Reset the encryption for your account using another device";
+"screen_create_poll_add_option_btn" = "Adicionar opção";
+"screen_create_poll_anonymous_desc" = "Mostrar resultados somente após o término da enquete";
+"screen_create_poll_anonymous_headline" = "Ocultar votos";
+"screen_create_poll_answer_hint" = "Opção %1$d";
+"screen_create_poll_cancel_confirmation_content_ios" = "Suas alterações não serão salvas";
+"screen_create_poll_cancel_confirmation_title_ios" = "Cancelar enquete";
+"screen_create_poll_question_desc" = "Pergunta ou tópico";
+"screen_create_poll_question_hint" = "Sobre o que é a enquete?";
+"screen_create_poll_title" = "Criar enquete";
+"screen_create_room_action_create_room" = "Nova sala";
+"screen_create_room_error_creating_room" = "Ocorreu um erro ao criar a sala";
+"screen_create_room_private_option_description" = "As mensagens nesta sala serão criptografadas. A criptografia não pode ser desativada posteriormente.";
+"screen_create_room_private_option_title" = "Sala privativa (somente por convite)";
+"screen_create_room_public_option_description" = "As mensagens não serão criptografadas e qualquer pessoa pode lê-las. Você pode ativar a criptografia posteriormente.";
+"screen_create_room_public_option_title" = "Sala pública (qualquer pessoa)";
+"screen_create_room_topic_label" = "Tópico (opcional)";
+"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this poll?";
+"screen_edit_profile_display_name" = "Nome de exibição";
+"screen_edit_profile_display_name_placeholder" = "Seu nome de exibição";
+"screen_edit_profile_error" = "Um erro desconhecido foi encontrado e as informações não puderam ser alteradas.";
+"screen_edit_profile_error_title" = "Não foi possível atualizar o perfil";
+"screen_edit_profile_title" = "Editar perfil";
+"screen_edit_profile_updating_details" = "Atualizando o perfil...";
+"screen_identity_confirmation_create_new_recovery_key" = "Create a new recovery key";
+"screen_identity_confirmation_subtitle" = "Verify this device to set up secure messaging.";
+"screen_identity_confirmation_title" = "Confirm that it's you";
+"screen_identity_confirmed_subtitle" = "Now you can read or send messages securely, and anyone you chat with can also trust this device.";
+"screen_identity_confirmed_title" = "Device verified";
+"screen_identity_use_another_device" = "Use another device";
+"screen_identity_waiting_on_other_device" = "Waiting on other device…";
+"screen_invites_decline_chat_message" = "Tem certeza de que deseja recusar o convite para ingressar em %1$@?";
+"screen_invites_decline_chat_title" = "Recusar convite";
+"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_message" = "Tem certeza de que deseja recusar esse chat privado com %1$@?";
+"screen_invites_decline_direct_chat_title" = "Recusar chat";
+"screen_invites_empty_list" = "Sem convites";
+"screen_invites_invited_you" = "%1$@(%2$@) convidou você";
+"screen_join_room_join_action" = "Join room";
+"screen_join_room_knock_action" = "Knock to join";
+"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_description" = "%1$@ does not support spaces yet. You can access spaces on web.";
+"screen_join_room_space_not_supported_title" = "Spaces are not supported yet";
+"screen_join_room_subtitle_knock" = "Click the button below and a room administrator will be notified. You’ll be able to join the conversation once approved.";
+"screen_join_room_subtitle_no_preview" = "You must be a member of this room to view the message history.";
+"screen_join_room_title_knock" = "Want to join this room?";
+"screen_join_room_title_no_preview" = "Preview is not available";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_action_turn_off" = "Desligar";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_description" = "Você perderá suas mensagens criptografadas se estiver desconectado de todos os dispositivos.";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_title" = "Tem certeza de que deseja desativar o backup?";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_description" = "Desativar o backup removerá o backup da chave de criptografia atual e desativará outros recursos de segurança. Neste caso, você irá:";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_1" = "Não ter histórico de mensagens criptografadas em novos dispositivos";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_2" = "Perder o acesso às suas mensagens criptografadas se você estiver desconectado %1$@ em todos os lugares";
+"screen_key_backup_disable_title" = "Tem certeza de que deseja desativar o backup?";
+"screen_login_error_deactivated_account" = "Essa conta foi desativada.";
+"screen_login_error_invalid_credentials" = "Nome de usuário e/ou senha incorretos";
+"screen_login_error_invalid_user_id" = "Esse não é um identificador de usuário válido. Formato esperado: '@usuário:servidor.org'";
+"screen_login_error_refresh_tokens" = "This server is configured to use refresh tokens. These aren't supported when using password based login.";
+"screen_login_error_unsupported_authentication" = "O servidor selecionado não suporta senha ou login no OIDC. Entre em contato com o administrador ou escolha outro servidor.";
+"screen_login_form_header" = "Insira seus dados";
+"screen_login_title" = "Bem-vindo de volta!";
+"screen_login_title_with_homeserver" = "Iniciar sessão em %1$@";
+"screen_media_picker_error_failed_selection" = "Falha ao selecionar a mídia, tente novamente.";
+"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_processing" = "Falha ao processar mídia para upload. Tente novamente.";
+"screen_media_upload_preview_error_failed_sending" = "Falha ao enviar mídia. Tente novamente.";
+"screen_migration_message" = "Este é um processo único, obrigado por esperar.";
+"screen_migration_title" = "Configurando sua conta.";
+"screen_notification_optin_subtitle" = "Você pode alterar suas configurações mais tarde.";
+"screen_notification_optin_title" = "Permita notificações e nunca perca uma mensagem";
+"screen_notification_settings_additional_settings_section_title" = "Configurações adicionais";
+"screen_notification_settings_calls_label" = "Chamadas de áudio e vídeo";
+"screen_notification_settings_configuration_mismatch" = "Incompatibilidade de configuração";
+"screen_notification_settings_configuration_mismatch_description" = "Simplificamos as configurações de notificações para facilitar a localização das opções. Algumas configurações personalizadas que você escolheu no passado não são mostradas aqui, mas ainda estão ativas.\n\nSe você continuar, algumas de suas configurações poderão mudar.";
+"screen_notification_settings_direct_chats" = "Conversas privadas";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_custom_settings_section_title" = "Configuração personalizada por chat";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_failed_updating_default_mode" = "Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar a configuração de notificação.";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_mode_all_messages" = "Todas as mensagens";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_mode_mentions_and_keywords" = "Somente menções e palavras-chave";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_screen_direct_section_header" = "Em conversas privadas, me notifique para";
+"screen_notification_settings_edit_screen_group_section_header" = "Em conversas em grupos, me notifique para";
+"screen_notification_settings_enable_notifications" = "Ativar notificações neste dispositivo";
+"screen_notification_settings_failed_fixing_configuration" = "A configuração não foi corrigida, tente novamente.";
+"screen_notification_settings_group_chats" = "Bate-papos em grupo";
+"screen_notification_settings_invite_for_me_label" = "Invitations";
+"screen_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you may not get notified in some rooms.";
+"screen_notification_settings_mentions_section_title" = "Menções";
+"screen_notification_settings_mode_all" = "Todos";
+"screen_notification_settings_mode_mentions" = "Menções";
+"screen_notification_settings_notification_section_title" = "Me notifique para";
+"screen_notification_settings_room_mention_label" = "Notifique-me em @room";
+"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_action_required" = "To receive notifications, please change your %1$@.";
+"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_action_required_content_link" = "configurações do sistema";
+"screen_notification_settings_system_notifications_turned_off" = "Notificações do sistema desativadas";
+"screen_notification_settings_title" = "Notificações";
+"screen_onboarding_sign_in_manually" = "Iniciar sessão manualmente";
+"screen_onboarding_sign_in_with_qr_code" = "Iniciar sessão com código QR";
+"screen_onboarding_sign_up" = "Criar conta";
+"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Bem-vindo ao mais rápido %1$@ de todos os tempos. Turbinado para velocidade e simplicidade.";
+"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Bem-vindo ao %1$@. Turbinado, para velocidade e simplicidade";
+"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Be in your element";
+"screen_polls_history_empty_ongoing" = "Can't find any ongoing polls.";
+"screen_polls_history_empty_past" = "Can't find any past polls.";
+"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "Ongoing";
+"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "Past";
+"screen_polls_history_title" = "Polls";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Establishing a secure connection";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_description" = "A secure connection could not be made to the new device. Your existing devices are still safe and you don't need to worry about them.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_header" = "What now?";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_1" = "Try signing in again with a QR code in case this was a network problem";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_2" = "If you encounter the same problem, try a different wifi network or use your mobile data instead of wifi";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_3" = "If that doesn’t work, sign in manually";
+"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "You’ll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_description" = "Sign in to your other device and then try again, or use another device that’s already signed in.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_device_not_signed_in_scan_state_subtitle" = "Other device not signed in";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_subtitle" = "The sign in was cancelled on the other device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_cancelled_title" = "Sign in request cancelled";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_subtitle" = "The sign in was declined on the other device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_declined_title" = "Sign in declined";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_subtitle" = "Sign in expired. Please try again.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_expired_title" = "The sign in was not completed in time";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_subtitle" = "Your other device does not support signing in to %@ with a QR code.\n\nTry signing in manually, or scan the QR code with another device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_linking_not_suported_title" = "QR code not supported";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_subtitle" = "Your account provider does not support %1$@.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_error_sliding_sync_not_supported_title" = "%1$@ not supported";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_button_title" = "Ready to scan";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Open %1$@ on a desktop device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Scan the QR code with this device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_button" = "Go to camera settings";
+"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_description" = "You need to give permission for %1$@ to use your device’s camera in order to continue.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_title" = "Allow camera access to scan the QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_scanning_state_title" = "Scan the QR code";
+"screen_qr_code_login_start_over_button" = "Start over";
+"screen_qr_code_login_unknown_error_description" = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_loading" = "Waiting for your other device";
+"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_subtitle" = "Your account provider may ask for the following code to verify the sign in.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_title" = "Your verification code";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_description" = "Obtenha uma nova chave de recuperação caso tenha perdido a existente. Depois de alterar sua chave de recuperação, a antiga não funcionará mais.";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key" = "Gere uma nova chave de recuperação";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Certifique-se de que você pode armazenar sua chave de recuperação em algum lugar seguro";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_success" = "Chave de recuperação alterada";
+"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Alterar chave de recuperação?";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_create_new_recovery_key" = "Create new recovery key";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_description" = "Certifique-se de que ninguém possa ver essa tela!";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Please try again to confirm access to your chat backup.";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "Incorrect recovery key";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "Se você tiver uma chave de segurança ou frase de segurança, isso também funcionará.";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_label" = "Recovery key or passcode";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "Inserir...";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Lost your recovery key?";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_success" = "Chave de recuperação confirmada";
+"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Insira sua chave de recuperação";
+"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Copied recovery key";
+"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Generating…";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_action" = "Salvar chave de recuperação";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "Anote sua chave de recuperação em algum lugar seguro ou salve-a em um gerenciador de senhas.";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_key_description" = "Toque para copiar a chave de recuperação";
+"screen_recovery_key_save_title" = "Salve sua chave de recuperação";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_description" = "Você não poderá acessar sua nova chave de recuperação após essa etapa.";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_title" = "Você salvou sua chave de recuperação?";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_description" = "Seu backup das conversas é protegido por uma chave de recuperação. Se precisar de uma nova chave de recuperação após a configuração, você pode recriá-la selecionando “Alterar chave de recuperação”.";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key" = "Gere sua chave de recuperação";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Certifique-se de que você pode armazenar sua chave de recuperação em algum lugar seguro";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_success" = "Configuração de recuperação bem-sucedida";
+"screen_recovery_key_setup_title" = "Configurar a recuperação";
+"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Marque se você deseja ocultar todas as mensagens atuais e futuras desse usuário";
+"screen_report_content_explanation" = "Essa mensagem será reportada ao administrador do seu homeserver. Eles não conseguirão ler nenhuma mensagem criptografada.";
+"screen_report_content_hint" = "Motivo para denunciar este conteúdo";
+"screen_room_alias_resolver_resolve_alias_failure" = "Failed to resolve room alias.";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_camera" = "Câmera";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_video" = "Gravar vídeo";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_files" = "Anexo";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_gallery" = "Biblioteca de fotos e vídeos";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_location" = "Localização";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_poll" = "Enquete";
+"screen_room_attachment_text_formatting" = "Formatação de texto";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_administrators" = "Admins only";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_ban_people" = "Ban people";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_delete_messages" = "Remove messages";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_invite_people" = "Invite people";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_moderators" = "Admins and moderators";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_remove_people" = "Remove people";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_avatar" = "Change room avatar";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_name" = "Change room name";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_topic" = "Change room topic";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_send_messages" = "Send messages";
+"screen_room_change_role_administrators_title" = "Edit Admins";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_add_admin_description" = "You will not be able to undo this action. You are promoting the user to have the same power level as you.";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_add_admin_title" = "Add Admin?";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_action" = "Demote";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_description" = "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.";
+"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_title" = "Demote yourself?";
+"screen_room_change_role_invited_member_name" = "%1$@ (Pending)";
+"screen_room_change_role_moderators_admin_section_footer" = "Admins automatically have moderator privileges";
+"screen_room_change_role_moderators_title" = "Edit Moderators";
+"screen_room_change_role_unsaved_changes_description" = "You have unsaved changes.";
+"screen_room_change_role_unsaved_changes_title" = "Save changes?";
+"screen_room_details_add_topic_title" = "Adicionar tópico";
+"screen_room_details_already_a_member" = "Já é membro";
+"screen_room_details_already_invited" = "Já foi convidado";
+"screen_room_details_badge_encrypted" = "Encrypted";
+"screen_room_details_badge_not_encrypted" = "Not encrypted";
+"screen_room_details_badge_public" = "Public room";
+"screen_room_details_edit_room_title" = "Editar sala";
+"screen_room_details_edition_error" = "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido e as informações não puderam ser alteradas.";
+"screen_room_details_edition_error_title" = "Não foi possível atualizar a sala";
+"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_subtitle" = "As mensagens são protegidas com bloqueios. Somente você e os destinatários têm as chaves exclusivas para desbloqueá-los.";
+"screen_room_details_encryption_enabled_title" = "Criptografia de mensagens ativada";
+"screen_room_details_error_loading_notification_settings" = "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar as configurações de notificação.";
+"screen_room_details_error_muting" = "Falha ao silenciar esta sala, tente novamente.";
+"screen_room_details_error_unmuting" = "Falha ao ativar o som desta sala. Tente novamente.";
+"screen_room_details_notification_mode_custom" = "Personalizado";
+"screen_room_details_notification_mode_default" = "Padrão";
+"screen_room_details_notification_title" = "Notificações";
+"screen_room_details_share_room_title" = "Compartilhar sala";
+"screen_room_details_title" = "Room info";
+"screen_room_details_updating_room" = "Atualizando a sala...";
+"screen_room_directory_search_loading_error" = "Failed loading";
+"screen_room_directory_search_title" = "Room directory";
+"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner" = "O histórico de mensagens não está disponível no momento.";
+"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner_unverified" = "Message history is unavailable in this room. Verify this device to see your message history.";
+"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Não foi possível recuperar os detalhes do usuário";
+"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Gostaria de convidá-los de volta?";
+"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "Você está sozinho neste chat";
+"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_action" = "Bloquear";
+"screen_room_member_details_block_alert_description" = "Usuários bloqueados não poderão enviar mensagens para você e todas as mensagens deles serão ocultadas. Você pode desbloqueá-los a qualquer momento.";
+"screen_room_member_details_block_user" = "Bloquear usuário";
+"screen_room_member_details_title" = "Profile";
+"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Desbloquear";
+"screen_room_member_details_unblock_alert_description" = "Você poderá ver todas as mensagens deles novamente.";
+"screen_room_member_details_unblock_user" = "Desbloquear usuário";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_action" = "Ban";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_description" = "They won’t be able to join this room again if invited.";
+"screen_room_member_list_ban_member_confirmation_title" = "Are you sure you want to ban this member?";
+"screen_room_member_list_banned_empty" = "There are no banned users in this room.";
+"screen_room_member_list_banning_user" = "Banning %1$@";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_ban" = "Remove and ban member";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove" = "Remove from room";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_ban" = "Remove and ban member";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_kick" = "Only remove member";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_remove_confirmation_title" = "Remove member and ban from joining in the future?";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_action" = "Unban";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_message" = "They will be able to join this room again if invited.";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_unban_title" = "Unban user";
+"screen_room_member_list_manage_member_user_info" = "View profile";
+"screen_room_member_list_mode_banned" = "Banned";
+"screen_room_member_list_mode_members" = "Members";
+"screen_room_member_list_pending_header_title" = "Pendente";
+"screen_room_member_list_removing_user" = "Removing %1$@…";
+"screen_room_member_list_role_administrator" = "Admin";
+"screen_room_member_list_role_moderator" = "Moderator";
+"screen_room_member_list_room_members_header_title" = "Membros da sala";
+"screen_room_member_list_unbanning_user" = "Unbanning %1$@";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_allow_custom" = "Permitir configuração personalizada";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_allow_custom_footnote" = "Ativar isso substituirá sua configuração padrão";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_custom_settings_title" = "Me notifique nesta conversa para";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_default_setting_footnote" = "Você pode alterá-lo no seu %1$@.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_default_setting_footnote_content_link" = "configurações globais";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_default_setting_title" = "Configuração padrão";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_edit_remove_setting" = "Remover configuração personalizada";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_error_loading_settings" = "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar as configurações de notificação.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_error_restoring_default" = "Falha ao restaurar o modo padrão, tente novamente.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_error_setting_mode" = "Falha ao definir o modo, tente novamente.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Todas as mensagens";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "Nesta sala, notifique-me para";
+"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Enviar novamente";
+"screen_room_retry_send_menu_title" = "Sua mensagem não foi enviada";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_admins" = "Admins";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_my_role" = "Change my role";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_role_demote_to_member" = "Demote to member";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_change_role_demote_to_moderator" = "Demote to moderator";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_member_moderation" = "Member moderation";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_messages_and_content" = "Messages and content";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_moderators" = "Moderators";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_permissions_header" = "Permissions";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset" = "Reset permissions";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset_confirm_description" = "Once you reset permissions, you will lose the current settings.";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_reset_confirm_title" = "Reset permissions?";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_roles_header" = "Roles";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_room_details" = "Room details";
+"screen_room_roles_and_permissions_title" = "Roles and permissions";
+"screen_room_timeline_add_reaction" = "Adicionar emoji";
+"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room" = "Este é o início do %1$@.";
+"screen_room_timeline_beginning_of_room_no_name" = "Este é o início desta conversa.";
+"screen_room_timeline_less_reactions" = "Mostrar menos";
+"screen_room_timeline_message_copied" = "Mensagem copiada";
+"screen_room_timeline_no_permission_to_post" = "Você não tem permissão para postar nesta sala";
+"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Mostrar menos";
+"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Mostrar mais";
+"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Novo";
+"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
+"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ and ";
+"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " are typing…";
+"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " is typing…";
+"screen_room_typing_two_members" = "%1$@ and %2$@";
+"screen_room_voice_message_tooltip" = "Segure para gravar";
+"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Criar uma nova conversa ou sala";
+"screen_roomlist_empty_message" = "Comece enviando uma mensagem para alguém.";
+"screen_roomlist_empty_title" = "Ainda não há conversas.";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites" = "Favourites";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites_empty_state_subtitle" = "You can add a chat to your favourites in the chat settings.\nFor now, you can deselect filters in order to see your other chats";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites_empty_state_title" = "You don’t have favourite chats yet";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_invites" = "Invites";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_invites_empty_state_title" = "You don't have any pending invites.";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_low_priority" = "Low Priority";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_subtitle" = "You can deselect filters in order to see your other chats";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_title" = "You don’t have chats for this selection";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_people_empty_state_title" = "You don’t have any DMs yet";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "Rooms";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms_empty_state_title" = "You’re not in any room yet";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "Unreads";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads_empty_state_title" = "Congrats!\nYou don’t have any unread messages!";
+"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Conversas";
+"screen_roomlist_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
+"screen_roomlist_mark_as_unread" = "Mark as unread";
+"screen_roomlist_room_directory_button_title" = "Browse all rooms";
+"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Alterar provedor da conta";
+"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_element_dot_io" = "Um servidor privado para funcionários do Element.";
+"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_matrix_dot_org" = "A Matrix é uma rede aberta para comunicação segura e descentralizada.";
+"screen_server_confirmation_message_register" = "Aqui é onde suas conversas vão ficar — assim como você usa um provedor de e-mails para manter seus e-mails.";
+"screen_server_confirmation_title_login" = "Você está prestes a fazer login em %1$@";
+"screen_server_confirmation_title_register" = "Você está prestes a criar uma conta em %1$@";
+"screen_session_verification_cancelled_subtitle" = "Algo não parece certo. Ou a solicitação atingiu o tempo limite ou a solicitação foi negada.";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_subtitle" = "Confirme se os emojis abaixo correspondem aos mostrados em sua outra sessão.";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Compare os emojis";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_subtitle" = "Confirm that the numbers below match those shown on your other session.";
+"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "Compare numbers";
+"screen_session_verification_complete_subtitle" = "Sua nova sessão está agora verificada. Ela tem acesso às suas mensagens criptografadas e outros usuários a verão como confiável.";
+"screen_session_verification_enter_recovery_key" = "Enter recovery key";
+"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_subtitle" = "Prove que é você para acessar seu histórico de mensagens criptografadas.";
+"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_title" = "Abrir uma sessão existente";
+"screen_session_verification_positive_button_canceled" = "Repetir verificação";
+"screen_session_verification_positive_button_initial" = "Estou pronto";
+"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "Esperando para combinar";
+"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Compare a unique set of emojis.";
+"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Compare os emojis únicos, garantindo que apareçam na mesma ordem.";
+"screen_session_verification_they_dont_match" = "Eles não combinam";
+"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "Eles combinam";
+"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_subtitle" = "Aceite a solicitação para iniciar o processo de verificação em sua outra sessão para continuar.";
+"screen_session_verification_waiting_to_accept_title" = "Aguardando para aceitar a solicitação";
+"screen_share_location_title" = "Compartilhar localização";
+"screen_share_my_location_action" = "Compartilhar minha localização";
+"screen_share_open_apple_maps" = "Abrir no Apple Maps";
+"screen_share_open_google_maps" = "Abrir no Google Maps";
+"screen_share_open_osm_maps" = "Abrir no OpenStreetMap";
+"screen_share_this_location_action" = "Compartilhe esta localização";
+"screen_signed_out_reason_1" = "Você alterou sua senha em outra sessão";
+"screen_signed_out_reason_2" = "Você excluiu essa sessão através de outra sessão";
+"screen_signed_out_reason_3" = "O administrador do seu servidor invalidou seu acesso";
+"screen_signed_out_subtitle" = "Você pode ter sido desconectado por um dos motivos listados abaixo. Faça login novamente para continuar usando %@.";
+"screen_signed_out_title" = "Você está desconectado";
+"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Você tem certeza que deseja sair?";
+"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Saindo...";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you will lose access to your encrypted messages.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "You have turned off backup";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "Your keys were still being backed up when you went offline. Reconnect so that your keys can be backed up before signing out.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Your keys are still being backed up";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_subtitle" = "Please wait for this to complete before signing out.";
+"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_title" = "Your keys are still being backed up";
+"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you'll lose access to your encrypted messages.";
+"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_title" = "Recovery not set up";
+"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you might lose access to your encrypted messages.";
+"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "Have you saved your recovery key?";
+"screen_start_chat_error_starting_chat" = "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar iniciar um chat";
+"screen_view_location_title" = "Localização";
+"screen_waitlist_message" = "Há uma grande demanda por %1$@ sobre %2$@ no momento. Volte ao aplicativo em alguns dias e tente novamente. \n\nObrigado pela sua paciência!";
+"screen_waitlist_title" = "Você está quase lá.";
+"screen_waitlist_title_success" = "Você está dentro.";
+"screen_welcome_bullet_1" = "Chamadas, enquetes, pesquisa e muito mais serão adicionadas ainda este ano.";
+"screen_welcome_bullet_2" = "O histórico de mensagens para salas criptografadas ainda não está disponível.";
+"screen_welcome_bullet_3" = "Adoraríamos ouvir sua opinião. Deixe-nos saber o que você pensa através da página de configurações.";
+"screen_welcome_button" = "Vamos lá!";
+"screen_welcome_subtitle" = "Aqui está o que você precisa saber:";
+"screen_welcome_title" = "Bem-vindo ao %1$@!";
+"session_verification_banner_message" = "Parece que você está usando um novo dispositivo. Verifique com outro dispositivo para acessar suas mensagens criptografadas.";
+"session_verification_banner_title" = "Verifique se é você";
+"settings_rageshake" = "Rageshake";
+"settings_rageshake_detection_threshold" = "Limiar de deteção";
+"settings_version_number" = "Versão: %1$@ (%2$@)";
+"state_event_avatar_changed_too" = "(o avatar também foi alterado)";
+"state_event_avatar_url_changed" = "%1$@ mudou seu avatar";
+"state_event_avatar_url_changed_by_you" = "Você mudou seu avatar";
+"state_event_demoted_to_member" = "%1$@ was demoted to member";
+"state_event_demoted_to_moderator" = "%1$@ was demoted to moderator";
+"state_event_display_name_changed_from" = "%1$@ mudou seu nome de exibição de %2$@ para %3$@";
+"state_event_display_name_changed_from_by_you" = "Você alterou seu nome de exibição de %1$@ para %2$@";
+"state_event_display_name_removed" = "%1$@ removeu seu nome de exibição (era %2$@)";
+"state_event_display_name_removed_by_you" = "Você removeu seu nome de exibição (era %1$@)";
+"state_event_display_name_set" = "%1$@ definiu seu nome de exibição como %2$@";
+"state_event_display_name_set_by_you" = "Você definiu seu nome de exibição como %1$@";
+"state_event_promoted_to_administrator" = "%1$@ was promoted to admin";
+"state_event_promoted_to_moderator" = "%1$@ was promoted to moderator";
+"state_event_room_avatar_changed" = "%1$@ mudou o avatar da sala";
+"state_event_room_avatar_changed_by_you" = "Você mudou o avatar da sala";
+"state_event_room_avatar_removed" = "%1$@ removeu o avatar da sala";
+"state_event_room_avatar_removed_by_you" = "Você removeu o avatar da sala";
+"state_event_room_ban" = "%1$@ baniu %2$@";
+"state_event_room_ban_by_you" = "Você baniu %1$@";
+"state_event_room_created" = "%1$@ criou a sala";
+"state_event_room_created_by_you" = "Você criou a sala";
+"state_event_room_invite" = "%1$@ convidou %2$@";
+"state_event_room_invite_accepted" = "%1$@ aceitou o convite";
+"state_event_room_invite_accepted_by_you" = "Você aceitou o convite";
+"state_event_room_invite_by_you" = "Você convidou %1$@";
+"state_event_room_invite_you" = "%1$@ convidou você";
+"state_event_room_join" = "%1$@ entrou na sala";
+"state_event_room_join_by_you" = "Você entrou na sala";
+"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ solicitou entrada";
+"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ permitiu que o %2$@ entrar";
+"state_event_room_knock_accepted_by_you" = "Você permitiu que o %1$@ entrasse";
+"state_event_room_knock_by_you" = "Você solicitou entrada";
+"state_event_room_knock_denied" = "%1$@ rejeitou a solicitação de %2$@ para entrar";
+"state_event_room_knock_denied_by_you" = "Você rejeitou a solicitação de %1$@ para entrar";
+"state_event_room_knock_denied_you" = "%1$@ rejeitou sua solicitação para entrar";
+"state_event_room_knock_retracted" = "%1$@ não está mais interessado em entrar";
+"state_event_room_knock_retracted_by_you" = "Você cancelou seu pedido para entrar";
+"state_event_room_leave" = "%1$@ saiu da sala";
+"state_event_room_leave_by_you" = "Você saiu da sala";
+"state_event_room_name_changed" = "%1$@ mudou o nome da sala para: %2$@";
+"state_event_room_name_changed_by_you" = "Você mudou o nome da sala para: %1$@";
+"state_event_room_name_removed" = "%1$@ removeu o nome da sala";
+"state_event_room_name_removed_by_you" = "Você removeu o nome da sala";
+"state_event_room_none" = "%1$@ made no changes";
+"state_event_room_none_by_you" = "You made no changes";
+"state_event_room_reject" = "%1$@ rejeitou o convite";
+"state_event_room_reject_by_you" = "Você rejeitou o convite";
+"state_event_room_remove" = "%1$@ removido %2$@";
+"state_event_room_remove_by_you" = "Você removeu %1$@";
+"state_event_room_third_party_invite" = "%1$@ enviou um convite para %2$@ para entrar na sala";
+"state_event_room_third_party_invite_by_you" = "Você enviou um convite para %1$@ para entrar na sala";
+"state_event_room_third_party_revoked_invite" = "%1$@ revogou o convite para %2$@ para entrar na sala";
+"state_event_room_third_party_revoked_invite_by_you" = "Você revogou o convite para %1$@ para entrar na sala";
+"state_event_room_topic_changed" = "%1$@ mudou o tópico para: %2$@";
+"state_event_room_topic_changed_by_you" = "Você mudou o tópico para: %1$@";
+"state_event_room_topic_removed" = "%1$@ removeu o tópico da sala";
+"state_event_room_topic_removed_by_you" = "Você removeu o tópico da sala";
+"state_event_room_unban" = "%1$@ desbaniu %2$@";
+"state_event_room_unban_by_you" = "Você desbaniu %1$@";
+"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ fez uma alteração desconhecida em sua associação";
+"test_language_identifier" = "pt-br";
+"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Troubleshoot";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_title" = "Troubleshoot notifications";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action" = "Execute testes";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_action_again" = "Run tests again";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_failure" = "Some tests failed. Please check the details.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_notice" = "Run the tests to detect any issue in your configuration that may make notifications not behave as expected.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_quick_fix_action" = "Attempt to fix";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_success" = "All tests passed successfully.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_title" = "Troubleshoot notifications";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_screen_waiting" = "Some tests require your attention. Please check the details.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_check_permission_description" = "Check that the application can show notifications.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_check_permission_title" = "Verifique as permissões";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_description" = "Get the name of the current provider.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_failure" = "No push providers selected.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_success" = "Current push provider: %1$@.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_current_push_provider_title" = "Current push provider";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_description" = "Ensure that the application has at least one push provider.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_failure" = "No push providers found.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_title" = "Detect push providers";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_description" = "Check that the application can display notification.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_failure" = "The notification has not been clicked.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_permission_failure" = "Cannot display the notification.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_success" = "The notification has been clicked!";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_title" = "Display notification";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_display_notification_waiting" = "Please click on the notification to continue the test.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_description" = "Ensure that Firebase is available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_failure" = "Firebase is not available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_success" = "Firebase is available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_availability_title" = "Check Firebase";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_description" = "Ensure that Firebase token is available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_failure" = "Firebase token is not known.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_success" = "Firebase token: %1$@.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_firebase_token_title" = "Check Firebase token";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_description" = "Ensure that the application is receiving push.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_1" = "Error: pusher has rejected the request.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_2" = "Erro: %1$@.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_3" = "Error, cannot test push.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_failure_4" = "Error, timeout waiting for push.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_success" = "Push loop back took %1$d ms.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_push_loop_back_title" = "Test Push loop back";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_description" = "Ensure that UnifiedPush distributors are available.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_failure" = "No push distributors found.";
+"troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_title" = "Check UnifiedPush";
+"dialog_title_error" = "Erro";
+"dialog_title_success" = "Sucesso";
+"notification_fallback_content" = "Notificação";
+"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Entrar";
+"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
+"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Resposta rápida";
+"screen_room_mentions_at_room_title" = "Todos";
+"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "Aqui é onde suas conversas vão ficar — assim como você usa um provedor de e-mails para manter seus e-mails.";
+"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "Aqui é onde suas conversas vão ficar — assim como você usa um provedor de e-mails para manter seus e-mails.";
+"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Compartilhe dados de uso anônimos para nos ajudar a identificar problemas.";
+"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "Você pode ler todos os nossos termos %1$@ .";
+"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "aqui";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_action" = "Desbloquear";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_description" = "Você poderá ver todas as mensagens deles novamente.";
+"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_title" = "Desbloquear usuário";
+"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ fechou inesperadamente na última vez que foi usado. Gostaria de compartilhar um relatório de falhas conosco?";
+"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Convidar pessoas";
+"screen_create_room_room_name_label" = "Nome da sala";
+"screen_create_room_title" = "Criar uma sala";
+"screen_dm_details_block_alert_action" = "Bloquear";
+"screen_dm_details_block_alert_description" = "Usuários bloqueados não poderão enviar mensagens para você e todas as mensagens deles serão ocultadas. Você pode desbloqueá-los a qualquer momento.";
+"screen_dm_details_block_user" = "Bloquear usuário";
+"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Desbloquear";
+"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_description" = "Você poderá ver todas as mensagens deles novamente.";
+"screen_dm_details_unblock_user" = "Desbloquear usuário";
+"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation_title" = "Excluir Enquete";
+"screen_edit_poll_title" = "Editar enquete";
+"screen_login_subtitle" = "A Matrix é uma rede aberta para comunicação segura e descentralizada.";
+"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_retry_button" = "Tente novamente";
+"screen_report_content_block_user" = "Bloquear usuário";
+"screen_room_attachment_source_camera_photo" = "Tirar foto";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_everyone" = "Todos";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_member_moderation" = "Member moderation";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_messages_and_content" = "Messages and content";
+"screen_room_change_permissions_room_details" = "Room details";
+"screen_room_change_role_section_administrators" = "Admins";
+"screen_room_change_role_section_moderators" = "Moderators";
+"screen_room_change_role_section_users" = "Members";
+"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Convidar pessoas";
+"screen_room_details_leave_conversation_title" = "Sair da conversa";
+"screen_room_details_leave_room_title" = "Sair da sala";
+"screen_room_details_roles_and_permissions" = "Roles and permissions";
+"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Nome da sala";
+"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Segurança";
+"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Tópico";
+"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Falha ao processar mídia para upload. Tente novamente.";
+"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_mentions_and_keywords" = "Somente menções e palavras-chave";
+"screen_roomlist_filter_people" = "Pessoas";
+"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_submit" = "Sair";
+"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_title" = "Sair";
+"screen_signout_preference_item" = "Sair";
+"screen_waitlist_message_success" = "Bem-vindo ao %1$@!";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41ea2b47d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ a11y_digits_entered
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d digit entered
+ other
+ %1$d digits entered
+ a11y_read_receipts_multiple_with_others
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Read by %1$@ and %2$d other
+ other
+ Read by %1$@ and %2$d others
+ common_member_count
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d membro
+ other
+ %1$d membros
+ common_poll_votes_count
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d voto
+ other
+ %d votos
+ notification_compat_summary_line_for_room
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$@: %2$d mensagem
+ other
+ %1$@: %2$d mensagens
+ notification_compat_summary_title
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d notificação
+ other
+ %d notificações
+ notification_invitations
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d convite
+ other
+ %d convites
+ notification_new_messages_for_room
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d nova mensagem
+ other
+ %d novas mensagens
+ notification_unread_notified_messages
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d mensagem notificada não lida
+ other
+ %d mensagens notificadas não lidas
+ notification_unread_notified_messages_in_room_rooms
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d sala
+ other
+ %d salas
+ screen_app_lock_subtitle
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Você tem %1$d tentativa de debloqueio
+ other
+ Você tem %1$d tentativas de debloqueio
+ screen_app_lock_subtitle_wrong_pin
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ PIN incorreto. Você tem mais %1$d chance
+ other
+ PIN incorreto. Você tem mais %1$d chances
+ screen_room_member_list_header_title
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d pessoa
+ other
+ %1$d pessoas
+ screen_room_timeline_state_changes
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d mudança de sala
+ other
+ %1$d mudanças de salas
+ screen_room_typing_many_members
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$@, %2$@ and %3$d other
+ other
+ %1$@, %2$@ and %3$d others
+ screen_room_typing_many_members_second_component_ios
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %d other
+ other
+ %d others
+ screen_room_typing_notification
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$@ is typing
+ other
+ %1$@ are typing
+ troubleshoot_notifications_test_detect_push_provider_success
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ Found %1$d push provider: %2$@
+ other
+ Found %1$d push providers: %2$@
+ troubleshoot_notifications_test_unified_push_success
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@COUNT@
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d distributor found: %2$@.
+ other
+ %1$d distributors found: %2$@.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/SAS.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/SAS.strings
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42fd615c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt-BR.lproj/SAS.strings
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+"aeroplane" = "Avião";
+"anchor" = "Âncora";
+"apple" = "Maçã";
+"ball" = "Bola";
+"banana" = "Banana";
+"bell" = "Sino";
+"bicycle" = "Bicicleta";
+"book" = "Livro";
+"butterfly" = "Borboleta";
+"cactus" = "Cacto";
+"cake" = "Bolo";
+"cat" = "Gato";
+"clock" = "Relógio";
+"cloud" = "Nuvem";
+"corn" = "Milho";
+"dog" = "Cachorro";
+"elephant" = "Elefante";
+"fire" = "Fogo";
+"fish" = "Peixe";
+"flag" = "Bandeira";
+"flower" = "Flor";
+"folder" = "Pasta";
+"gift" = "Presente";
+"glasses" = "Óculos";
+"globe" = "Globo";
+"guitar" = "Guitarra";
+"hammer" = "Martelo";
+"hat" = "Chapéu";
+"headphones" = "Fones de ouvido";
+"heart" = "Coração";
+"horse" = "Cavalo";
+"hourglass" = "Ampulheta";
+"key" = "Chave";
+"light_bulb" = "Lâmpada";
+"lion" = "Leão";
+"lock" = "Cadeado";
+"moon" = "Lua";
+"mushroom" = "Cogumelo";
+"octopus" = "Polvo";
+"panda" = "Panda";
+"paperclip" = "Clipe de papel";
+"pencil" = "Lápis";
+"penguin" = "Pinguim";
+"pig" = "Porco";
+"pin" = "Alfinete";
+"pizza" = "Pizza";
+"rabbit" = "Coelho";
+"robot" = "Robô";
+"rocket" = "Foguete";
+"rooster" = "Galo";
+"santa" = "Papai-noel";
+"scissors" = "Tesoura";
+"smiley" = "Sorriso";
+"spanner" = "Chave inglesa";
+"strawberry" = "Morango";
+"telephone" = "Telefone";
+"thumbs_up" = "Joinha";
+"train" = "Trem";
+"tree" = "Árvore";
+"trophy" = "Troféu";
+"trumpet" = "Trombeta";
+"turtle" = "Tartaruga";
+"umbrella" = "Guarda-chuva";
+"unicorn" = "Unicórnio";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings
index b8e20c87b..0ac00f433 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/pt.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Ver fonte";
"action_yes" = "Sim";
"action.load_more" = "Carrega mais";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Sobre";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Política de utilização aceitável";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Configurações avançadas";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nenhuma aplicação encontrada capaz de continuar esta ação.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Algumas mensagens não foram enviadas";
"error_unknown" = "Ocorreu um erro, desculpa";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Para garantir que nunca perdes uma chamada importante, altera as configurações para permitir notificações em ecrã inteiro quando o telemóvel está bloqueado.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Melhora a tua experiência de chamada";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Junta-te a mim na %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Define um URL base para a Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL inválido, certifica-te de que incluis o protocolo (http/https) e o endereço correto.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notificar toda a sala";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Alterar operador de conta";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Endereço do servidor";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Insira um termo para pesquisa ou um endereço.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings
index c8f725f5a..8f2957f9d 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Vedeți sursă";
"action_yes" = "Da";
"action.load_more" = "Încărcați mai mult";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Despre";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Politică de utilizare rezonabilă";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Setări avansate";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nu a fost găsită nicio aplicație capabilă să gestioneze această acțiune.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Unele mesaje nu au fost trimise";
"error_unknown" = "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Pentru a vă asigura că nu pierdeți niciodată un apel important, vă rugăm să modificați setările pentru a permite notificări fullscreen atunci când telefonul este blocat.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Îmbunătățiți-vă experiența in timpul unui apel";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Alăturați-vă mie pe %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Setați o adresă URL de bază personalizată pentru Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL invalid, vă rugăm să vă asigurați că includeți protocolul (http/https) și adresa corectă.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notificați întreaga cameră";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Schimbați furnizorul contului";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresa Homeserver-ului";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Introduceţi un termen de căutare sau o adresă de domeniu.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 49b0259ac..267091df7 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Показать источник";
"action_yes" = "Да";
"action.load_more" = "Загрузить еще";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "О приложении";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Политика допустимого использования";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Дополнительные настройки";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Не найдено совместимое приложение для обработки этого действия.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Некоторые сообщения не были отправлены";
"error_unknown" = "Извините, произошла ошибка";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Чтобы никогда не пропустить важный звонок, измените настройки, чтобы разрешить полноэкранные уведомления, когда ваш телефон заблокирован.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Улучшите качество звонков";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Присоединяйтесь ко мне в %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Задайте свой сервер Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Адрес указан неверно, удостоверьтесь, что вы указали протокол (http/https) и правильный адрес.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Уведомить всю комнату";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Переключить аккаунт";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Адрес домашнего сервера";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Введите поисковый запрос или адрес домена.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 5be3ef41d..f7516d8bb 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sk.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Zobraziť zdroj";
"action_yes" = "Áno";
"action.load_more" = "Načítať viac";
+"action.pin" = "Pripnúť";
"common_about" = "O aplikácii";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Zásady prijateľného používania";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Pokročilé nastavenia";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nebola nájdená žiadna kompatibilná aplikácia, ktorá by túto akciu dokázala spracovať.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Niektoré správy neboli odoslané";
"error_unknown" = "Prepáčte, vyskytla sa chyba";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "Pravosť tejto šifrovanej správy nie je možné zaručiť na tomto zariadení.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Zašifrované neznámym alebo odstráneným zariadením.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Šifrované zariadením, ktoré nie je overené jeho majiteľom.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Šifrované neovereným používateľom.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "Aby ste už nikdy nezmeškali dôležitý hovor, zmeňte svoje nastavenia a povoľte upozornenia na celú obrazovku, keď je váš telefón uzamknutý.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Vylepšite svoj zážitok z hovoru";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Pripojte sa ku mne na %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Nastaviť vlastnú základnú URL adresu pre Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Neplatná adresa URL, uistite sa, že ste uviedli protokol (http/https) a správnu adresu.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Informovať celú miestnosť";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ z %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pripnutých správ";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "Zobraziť všetko";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Zmeniť poskytovateľa účtu";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Adresa domovského servera";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Zadajte hľadaný výraz alebo adresu domény.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 4e3e80613..79e8bb83b 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Visa källkod";
"action_yes" = "Ja";
"action.load_more" = "Ladda mer";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Om";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Policy för godtagbar användning";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Avancerade inställningar";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Ingen kompatibel app hittades för att hantera den här åtgärden.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Vissa meddelanden har inte skickats";
"error_unknown" = "Tyvärr, ett fel uppstod";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Häng med mig på %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Ange en anpassad bas-URL för Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Ogiltig URL, se till att du inkluderar protokollet (http/https) och rätt adress.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Meddela hela rummet";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Byt kontoleverantör";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Hemserveradress";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Ange ett sökord eller en domänadress.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
index e56fa7a18..c0db58a14 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "Переглянути джерело";
"action_yes" = "Так";
"action.load_more" = "Завантажити ще";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "Відомості";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Політика прийнятного використання";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Додаткові налаштування";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Не знайдено сумісного застосунку для виконання цієї дії.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Деякі повідомлення не були надіслані";
"error_unknown" = "Вибачте, сталася помилка";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Приєднуйтеся до мене в %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Встановіть URL-адресу для Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Неправильна URL-адреса, будь ласка, переконайтеся, що ви вказали протокол (http/https) та правильну адресу.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Сповістіть усю кімнату";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Змінити провайдера облікового запису";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Адреса домашнього сервера";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Уведіть пошуковий термін або адресу домену.";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 52c9a55da..ef8606e91 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "查看来源";
"action_yes" = "是";
"action.load_more" = "载入更多";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "关于";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "可接受的使用政策";
"common_advanced_settings" = "高级设置";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "找不到完成此项操作的合适应用。";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "某些信息尚未发送";
"error_unknown" = "抱歉,发生了错误";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "Enhance your call experience";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ 加入我 %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "为 Element 通话设置根 URL。";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "URL 无效,请确保包含协议(http/https)和正确的地址。";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "通知整个房间";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "更改账户提供者";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "服务器地址";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "输入搜索词或域名地址。";
diff --git a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 5ae488048..68283c1ff 100644
--- a/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/ElementX/Resources/Localizations/zh-Hant-TW.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
"action_view_source" = "檢視原始碼";
"action_yes" = "是";
"action.load_more" = "載入更多";
+"action.pin" = "Pin";
"common_about" = "關於";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "可接受使用政策";
"common_advanced_settings" = "進階設定";
@@ -252,6 +253,10 @@
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "No compatible app was found to handle this action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "有些訊息尚未傳送";
"error_unknown" = "Sorry, an error occurred";
+"event_shield_reason_authenticity_not_guaranteed" = "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unknown_device" = "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device.";
+"event_shield_reason_unsigned_device" = "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner.";
+"event_shield_reason_unverified_identity" = "Encrypted by an unverified user.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_message" = "To ensure you never miss an important call, please change your settings to allow full-screen notifications when your phone is locked.";
"full_screen_intent_banner_title" = "提升您的通話體驗";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Join me on %1$@";
@@ -308,6 +313,9 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Set a custom base URL for Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Invalid URL, please make sure you include the protocol (http/https) and the correct address.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "通知整個聊天室";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator" = "%1$@ of %2$@";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description" = "%1$@ Pinned messages";
+"screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title" = "View All";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "更改帳號提供者";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "家伺服器位址";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "輸入關鍵字或網域名稱。";
diff --git a/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift b/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift
index 2be7a24b2..670faabe4 100644
--- a/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift
+++ b/ElementX/Sources/Generated/Strings.swift
@@ -2241,6 +2241,21 @@ internal enum L10n {
/// Send to
internal static var sendTo: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "common.send_to") }
+ internal enum Screen {
+ internal enum Room {
+ /// %1$@ of %2$@
+ internal static func pinnedBannerIndicator(_ p1: Any, _ p2: Any) -> String {
+ return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator", String(describing: p1), String(describing: p2))
+ }
+ /// %1$@ Pinned messages
+ internal static func pinnedBannerIndicatorDescription(_ p1: Any) -> String {
+ return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen.room.pinned_banner_indicator_description", String(describing: p1))
+ }
+ /// View All
+ internal static var pinnedBannerViewAllButtonTitle: String { return L10n.tr("Localizable", "screen.room.pinned_banner_view_all_button_title") }
+ }
+ }
// swiftlint:enable explicit_type_interface function_parameter_count identifier_name line_length
// swiftlint:enable nesting type_body_length type_name vertical_whitespace_opening_braces