Translations update (#2786)

Co-authored-by: Velin92 <>
Co-authored-by: Mauro Romito <>
This commit is contained in:
ElementRobot 2024-05-06 12:18:48 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 57fffa7fc7
commit c398338335
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
24 changed files with 199 additions and 208 deletions

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Націсніце на свой аватар";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Выберыце %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Звязаць новую прыладу”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Выберыце %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Паказаць QR-код”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Выконвайце паказаныя інструкцыі";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Адкрыйце %1$@ на іншай прыладзе, каб атрымаць QR-код";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Выкарыстоўвайце QR-код, паказаны на іншай прыладзе.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Няправільны QR-код";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Паказаць менш";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Паказаць больш";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Новы";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ i ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " пішуць…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " піша…";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Показване на по-малко";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Показване на повече";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "New";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ и ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " пишат…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " пише…";

View File

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Načítání zpráv se nezdařilo";
"error_failed_locating_user" = "%1$@ nemá přístup k vaší poloze. Zkuste to prosím později.";
"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Nepodařilo se nahrát hlasovou zprávu.";
"error_message_not_found" = "Message not found";
"error_message_not_found" = "Zpráva nebyla nalezena";
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nebyla nalezena žádná kompatibilní aplikace, která by tuto akci zpracovala.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Některé zprávy nebyly odeslány";
"error_unknown" = "Omlouváme se, došlo k chybě";
@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Klikněte na svůj avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Vybrat %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "\"Připojit nové zařízení\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Vybrat %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "\"Zobrazit QR kód\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Postupujte podle uvedených pokynů";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Otevřete %1$@ na jiném zařízení pro získání QR kódu";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Použijte QR kód zobrazený na druhém zařízení.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Špatný QR kód";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Zobrazit méně";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Zobrazit více";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nové";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ a ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = "píší…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = "píše…";

View File

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"common_privacy_policy" = "Datenschutz­erklärung";
"common_reaction" = "Reaktion";
"common_reactions" = "Reaktionen";
"common_recovery_key" = "<b>Wiederherstellungsschlüssel</b>";
"common_recovery_key" = "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel";
"common_refreshing" = "Wird erneuert...";
"common_replying_to" = "%1$@ antworten";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Einen Fehler melden";
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
"common_report_submitted" = "Bericht eingereicht";
"common_rich_text_editor" = "Rich-Text-Editor";
"common_room" = "Raum";
"common_room_name" = "Raum-Name";
"common_room_name" = "Raumname";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "z.B. dein Projektname";
"common_saved_changes" = "Gespeicherte Änderungen";
"common_saving" = "Speichern";
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
"common_voice_message" = "Sprachnachricht";
"common_waiting" = "Warten…";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Warte auf diese Nachricht";
"common_no_room_name" = "Kein Raum-Name";
"common_no_room_name" = "Kein Raumname";
"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Umfrage beenden möchtest?";
"common_poll_summary" = "Umfrage: %1$@";
"common_something_went_wrong" = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Fehler beim Laden der Nachrichten";
"error_failed_locating_user" = "%1$@ konnte nicht auf deinen Standort zugreifen. Bitte versuche es später erneut.";
"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Fehler beim Hochladen der Sprachnachricht.";
"error_message_not_found" = "Message not found";
"error_message_not_found" = "Nachricht nicht gefunden";
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Für diese Aktion wurde keine kompatible App gefunden.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Einige Nachrichten wurden nicht gesendet";
"error_unknown" = "Entschuldigung, es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten";
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "Option aktiveren, um Nachrichtenquelle in der Zeitleiste anzuzeigen.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Wir zeichnen keine persönlichen Daten auf und erstellen keine Profile.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Teile anonyme Nutzungsdaten, um uns bei der Identifizierung von Problemen zu helfen.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Du kannst alle unsere Bedingungen lesen %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Weitere Informationen findest du %1$@ .";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms_content_link" = "hier";
"screen_analytics_prompt_settings" = "Du kannst diese Funktion jederzeit deaktivieren";
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "Wir geben deine Daten nicht an Dritte weiter";
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"screen_app_lock_setup_confirm_pin" = "PIN bestätigen";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_blacklisted_dialog_content" = "Aus Sicherheitsgründen kann dieser PIN-Code nicht verwendet werden.";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_blacklisted_dialog_title" = "Bitte eine andere PIN verwenden.";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "Sperre %1$@ mit einem PIN Code, um den Zugriff auf Deine Chats zu beschränken.\n\nWähle etwas Einprägsames. Bei falscher Eingabe wirst du aus der App ausgeloggt.";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "Sperre %1$@ mit einem PIN Code, um den Zugriff auf deine Chats zu beschränken.\n\nWähle etwas Einprägsames. Bei falscher Eingabe wirst du aus der App ausgeloggt.";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_content" = "Bitte gib die gleiche PIN wie zuvor ein.";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_title" = "Die PINs stimmen nicht überein";
"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_message" = "Um fortzufahren, musst du dich erneut anmelden und eine neue PIN erstellen";
@ -432,11 +432,11 @@
"screen_join_room_title_no_preview" = "Vorschau nicht verfügbar";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_action_turn_off" = "Ausschalten";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_description" = "Du verlierst deine verschlüsselten Nachrichten, wenn du auf allen Geräten abgemeldet bist.";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_title" = "Bist du sicher, dass du das Backup ausschalten willst?";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description" = "Wenn du das Backup ausschaltest, wird dein aktuelles Backup des Verschlüsselungsschlüssels entfernt und andere Sicherheitsfunktionen werden deaktiviert. In diesem Fall wirst du:";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_1" = "Keine Historie für verschlüsselte Nachrichten auf neuen Geräten";
"screen_key_backup_disable_confirmation_title" = "Bist du sicher, dass du das Backup deaktivieren willst?";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description" = "Wenn du das Backup deaktivierst, wird dein aktuelles Backup des Verschlüsselungsschlüssels entfernt und andere Sicherheitsfunktionen werden deaktiviert. \nDas bedeutet:";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_1" = "Keine Historie für verschlüsselte Nachrichten auf neuen Geräten .";
"screen_key_backup_disable_description_point_2" = "Du verlierst den Zugriff auf deine verschlüsselten Nachrichten, wenn du dich überall von %1$@ abmeldest";
"screen_key_backup_disable_title" = "Bist du sicher, dass du das Backup ausschalten willst?";
"screen_key_backup_disable_title" = "Bist du sicher, dass du das Backup deaktivieren willst?";
"screen_login_error_deactivated_account" = "Dieses Konto wurde deaktiviert.";
"screen_login_error_invalid_credentials" = "Falscher Benutzername und/oder Passwort";
"screen_login_error_invalid_user_id" = "Dies ist keine gültige Benutzerkennung. Erwartetes Format: ''";
@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Klick auf deinen Avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Wähle %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "\"Neues Gerät verknüpfen\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Wähle %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "\"QR-Code anzeigen\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Befolge die angezeigten Anweisungen";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Öffne %1$@ auf einem anderen Gerät, um den QR-Code zu erhalten";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Verwende den QR-Code, der auf dem anderen Gerät angezeigt wird.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Falscher QR-Code";
@ -515,8 +514,8 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_loading" = "Warten auf dein anderes Gerät";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_subtitle" = "Dein Account-Provider kann nach dem folgenden Code fragen, um die Anmeldung zu bestätigen.";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_title" = "Dein Verifizierungscode";
"screen_recovery_key_change_description" = "Besorge dir einen neuen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel, wenn du deinen alten verloren hast. Nachdem du deinen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel geändert hast, funktioniert dein alter Schlüssel nicht mehr.";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key" = "Erstelle einen neuen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel";
"screen_recovery_key_change_description" = "Hier kannst Du einen neuen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel erstellen. Nachdem Du einen neuen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel erstellt hast, funktioniert dein alter Schlüssel nicht mehr.";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key" = "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel erstellen";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Stelle sicher, dass du deinen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel an einem sicheren Ort aufbewahren kannst";
"screen_recovery_key_change_success" = "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel geändert";
"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel ändern?";
@ -527,7 +526,7 @@
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "Dies funktioniert auch mit einem Sicherheitsschlüssel oder Sicherheitsphrase.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_label" = "<b>Wiederherstellungsschlüssel</b> oder Passcode";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "Eingeben...";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Hast Du Deinen Wiederherstellungschlüssel vergessen?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Hast du deinen Wiederherstellungschlüssel vergessen?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_success" = "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel bestätigt";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Bitte Wiederherstellungsschlüssel eingeben";
"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel kopiert";
@ -561,15 +560,15 @@
"screen_room_change_permissions_moderators" = "Administratoren und Moderatoren";
"screen_room_change_permissions_remove_people" = "Personen entfernen";
"screen_room_change_permissions_room_avatar" = "Avatar ändern";
"screen_room_change_permissions_room_name" = "Raum-Name ändern";
"screen_room_change_permissions_room_topic" = "Raum-Thema ändern";
"screen_room_change_permissions_room_name" = "Raumname ändern";
"screen_room_change_permissions_room_topic" = "Raumthema ändern";
"screen_room_change_permissions_send_messages" = "Nachrichten senden";
"screen_room_change_role_administrators_title" = "Admins bearbeiten";
"screen_room_change_role_confirm_add_admin_description" = "Du kannst diese Aktion nicht mehr rückgängig machen. Du vergibst dieselbe Rolle, wie auch Du sie hast.";
"screen_room_change_role_confirm_add_admin_description" = "Du kannst diese Aktion nicht mehr rückgängig machen. Du vergibst dieselbe Rolle, die du auch hast.";
"screen_room_change_role_confirm_add_admin_title" = "Als Administrator hinzufügen?";
"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_action" = "Zurückstufen";
"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_description" = "Du stufst dich selbst herab. Diese Änderung kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Wenn du der letzte Benutzer mit dieser Rolle bist, ist es nicht möglich, diese Rolle wiederzuerlangen.";
"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_title" = "Möchtest Du Dich selbst herabstufen?";
"screen_room_change_role_confirm_demote_self_title" = "Möchtest du dich selbst herabstufen?";
"screen_room_change_role_invited_member_name" = "%1$@ (Ausstehend)";
"screen_room_change_role_moderators_admin_section_footer" = "Administratoren haben automatisch Moderatorenrechte";
"screen_room_change_role_moderators_title" = "Moderatoren bearbeiten";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Weniger anzeigen";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Mehr anzeigen";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Neu";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ und ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " schreiben…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " schreibt…";
@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Bist du sicher, dass du dich abmelden willst?";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Abmelden...";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "Du bist dabei, dich von deiner letzten Sitzung abzumelden. Wenn du dich jetzt abmeldest, verlierst du den Zugriff auf deine verschlüsselten Nachrichten.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "Du hast das Backup ausgeschaltet";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "Du hast das Backup deaktiviert.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "Deine Schlüssel wurden noch gesichert, als du offline gegangen bist. Stelle die Verbindung wieder her, damit deine Schlüssel gesichert werden können, bevor du dich abmeldest.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Deine Schlüssel werden noch gesichert";
"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_subtitle" = "Bitte warte, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, bevor du dich abmeldest.";
@ -869,14 +869,14 @@
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "Hier werden deine Gespräche gespeichert - so wie du deine E-Mails bei einem E-Mail-Anbieter aufbewahren würden.";
"screen_account_provider_signup_subtitle" = "Hier werden deine Gespräche gespeichert - so wie du deine E-Mails bei einem E-Mail-Anbieter aufbewahren würden.";
"screen_analytics_settings_help_us_improve" = "Teile anonyme Nutzungsdaten, um uns bei der Identifizierung von Problemen zu helfen.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "Du kannst alle unsere Bedingungen lesen %1$@.";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms" = "Weitere Informationen findest du %1$@ .";
"screen_analytics_settings_read_terms_content_link" = "hier";
"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_action" = "Blockierung aufheben";
"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_description" = "Der Nutzer kann dir wieder Nachrichten senden & alle Nachrichten des Nutzers werden wieder angezeigt.";
"screen_blocked_users_unblock_alert_title" = "Blockierung aufheben";
"screen_bug_report_rash_logs_alert_title" = "%1$@ ist bei der letzten Nutzung abgestürzt. Möchtest du einen Absturzbericht mit uns teilen?";
"screen_create_room_add_people_title" = "Personen einladen";
"screen_create_room_room_name_label" = "Raum-Name";
"screen_create_room_room_name_label" = "Raumname";
"screen_create_room_title" = "Raum erstellen";
"screen_dm_details_block_alert_action" = "Blockieren";
"screen_dm_details_block_alert_description" = "Blockierte Benutzer können Dir keine Nachrichten senden und alle ihre alten Nachrichten werden ausgeblendet. Die Blockierung kann jederzeit aufgehoben werden.";
@ -901,7 +901,7 @@
"screen_room_details_leave_conversation_title" = "Unterhaltung verlassen";
"screen_room_details_leave_room_title" = "Verlassen";
"screen_room_details_roles_and_permissions" = "Rollen und Berechtigungen";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Raum-Name";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Raumname";
"screen_room_details_security_title" = "Sicherheit";
"screen_room_details_topic_title" = "Thema";
"screen_room_error_failed_processing_media" = "Fehler beim Verarbeiten des hochgeladenen Mediums. Bitte versuche es erneut.";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Mostrar menos";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Mostrar más";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nuevos";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ and ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " are typing…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " is typing…";

View File

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ sest arrêté la dernière fois quil a été utilisé. Souhaitez-vous partager un rapport dincident avec nous ?";
"dialog_permission_camera" = "Pour permettre à lapplication dutiliser lappareil photo, veuillez accorder lautorisation dans les paramètres du système.";
"dialog_permission_generic" = "Veuillez accorder lautorisation dans les paramètres du système.";
"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Autorisez laccès dans Paramètres / Localisation";
"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Autorisez laccès dans Paramètres / Localisation.";
"dialog_permission_location_title_ios" = "%1$@ na pas accès à votre position";
"dialog_permission_microphone" = "Pour permettre à lapplication dutiliser le microphone, veuillez accorder lautorisation dans les paramètres du système.";
"dialog_permission_microphone_description_ios" = "Donnez la permission afin de pouvoir enregistrer et envoyer des messages vocaux";
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Échec du chargement des messages";
"error_failed_locating_user" = "%1$@ na pas pu accéder à votre position. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.";
"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Échec lors de lenvoi du message vocal.";
"error_message_not_found" = "Message not found";
"error_message_not_found" = "Message introuvable";
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Aucune application compatible na été trouvée pour gérer cette action.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Certains messages nont pas été envoyés";
"error_unknown" = "Désolé, une erreur sest produite";
@ -320,8 +320,8 @@
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "Nous ne partagerons pas vos données avec des tiers";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Aidez à améliorer %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Partagez des données de statistiques dutilisation";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "Authentification biométrique";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "Déverrouillage biométrique";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "authentification biométrique";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "déverrouillage biométrique";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "Veuillez vous authentification pour accéder à lapplication";
"screen_app_lock_forgot_pin" = "Code PIN oublié?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_change_pin" = "Modifier le code PIN";
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Utilisez un autre fournisseur de compte, tel que votre propre serveur privé ou un serveur professionnel.";
"screen_change_account_provider_title" = "Changer de fournisseur de compte";
"screen_change_server_error_invalid_homeserver" = "Nous navons pas pu atteindre ce serveur daccueil. Vérifiez que vous avez correctement saisi lURL du serveur daccueil. Si lURL est correcte, contactez ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil pour obtenir de laide.";
"screen_change_server_error_invalid_well_known" = "Sliding sync n'est pas disponible en raison d'un problème dans le well-known file : %1$@";
"screen_change_server_error_invalid_well_known" = "Sliding sync n'est pas disponible en raison d'un problème dans le well-known file :\n%1$@";
"screen_change_server_error_no_sliding_sync_message" = "Ce serveur ne prend actuellement pas en charge la synchronisation glissante.";
"screen_change_server_form_header" = "URL du serveur daccueil";
"screen_change_server_form_notice" = "Vous ne pouvez vous connecter quà un serveur existant qui prend en charge le sliding sync. Ladministrateur de votre serveur daccueil devra le configurer. %1$@";
@ -488,36 +488,35 @@
"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "En cours";
"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "Terminés";
"screen_polls_history_title" = "Sondages";
"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Établissement de la connexion";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_description" = "A secure connection could not be made to the new device. Your existing devices are still safe and you don't need to worry about them.";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_header" = "What now?";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_1" = "Try signing in again with a QR code in case this was a network problem";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_2" = "If you encounter the same problem, try a different wifi network or use your mobile data instead of wifi";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_3" = "If that doesnt work, sign in manually";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "Connection not secure";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Youll be asked to enter the two digits shown on this device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Enter the number below on your other device";
"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Établissement d'une connexion sécurisée";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_description" = "Aucune connexion sécurisée n'a pu être établie avec la nouvelle session. Vos sessions existantes sont toujours en sécurité et vous n'avez pas à vous en soucier.";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_header" = "Et maintenant ?";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_1" = "Essayez de vous connecter à nouveau à l'aide du code QR au cas où il s'agirait d'un problème réseau";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_2" = "Si vous rencontrez le même problème, essayez un autre réseau wifi ou utilisez vos données mobiles au lieu du wifi";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_item_3" = "Si cela ne fonctionne pas, connectez-vous manuellement";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_title" = "La connexion nest pas sécurisée";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_subtitle" = "Il vous sera demandé de saisir les deux chiffres affichés sur cet appareil.";
"screen_qr_code_login_device_code_title" = "Saisissez le nombre ci-dessous sur votre autre appareil";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_1" = "Ouvrez %1$@ sur un ordinateur";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Cliquez sur votre image de profil";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Choisissez %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Associer une nouvelle session”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Choisissez %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Afficher le QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Suivez les instructions affichées";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Ouvrez %1$@ sur un autre appareil pour obtenir le QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Scannez le QR code affiché sur l'autre appareil.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "QR code erroné";
"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_button" = "Go to camera settings";
"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_description" = "You need to give permission for %1$@ to use your devices camera in order to continue.";
"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_title" = "Allow camera access to scan the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_button" = "Accéder aux paramètres de l'appareil photo";
"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_description" = "Vous devez autoriser %1$@ à utiliser la camera de votre appareil pour continuer.";
"screen_qr_code_login_no_camera_permission_state_title" = "Autoriser lusage de la caméra pour scanner le code QR";
"screen_qr_code_login_scanning_state_title" = "Scannez le QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_start_over_button" = "Start over";
"screen_qr_code_login_unknown_error_description" = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_loading" = "Waiting for your other device";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_subtitle" = "Your account provider may ask for the following code to verify the sign in.";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_title" = "Your verification code";
"screen_qr_code_login_start_over_button" = "Recommencer";
"screen_qr_code_login_unknown_error_description" = "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer.";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_loading" = "En attente de votre autre session";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_subtitle" = "Votre fournisseur de compte peut vous demander le code suivant pour vérifier la connexion.";
"screen_qr_code_login_verify_code_title" = "Votre code de vérification";
"screen_recovery_key_change_description" = "Obtenez une nouvelle clé de récupération dans le cas où vous avez oublié lancienne. Après le changement, lancienne clé ne sera plus utilisable.";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key" = "Générer une nouvelle clé";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Assurez-vous de conserver la clé dans un endroit sûr.";
"screen_recovery_key_change_generate_key_description" = "Assurez-vous de conserver la clé dans un endroit sûr";
"screen_recovery_key_change_success" = "Clé de récupération modifée";
"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Changer la clé de récupération?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_create_new_recovery_key" = "Créer une nouvelle clé de récupération";
@ -538,9 +537,9 @@
"screen_recovery_key_save_title" = "Sauvegarder la clé";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_description" = "La clé ne pourra plus être affichée après cette étape.";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_confirmation_title" = "Avez-vous sauvegardé votre clé de récupération?";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_description" = "Votre sauvegarde est protégée par votre clé de récupération. Si vous avez besoin dune nouvelle clé après la configuration, vous pourrez en créer une nouvelle en cliquant sur \"Changer la clé de récupération\"";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_description" = "Votre sauvegarde est protégée par votre clé de récupération. Si vous avez besoin dune nouvelle clé après la configuration, vous pourrez en créer une nouvelle en cliquant sur \"Changer la clé de récupération\".";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key" = "Générer la clé de récupération";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Assurez-vous de pouvoir enregistrer votre clé dans un endroit sécurisé.";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_generate_key_description" = "Assurez-vous de pouvoir enregistrer votre clé dans un endroit sécurisé";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_success" = "Sauvegarde mise en place avec succès";
"screen_recovery_key_setup_title" = "Configurer la sauvegarde";
"screen_report_content_block_user_hint" = "Cochez si vous souhaitez masquer tous les messages actuels et futurs de cet utilisateur.";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Afficher moins";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Afficher plus";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nouveau";
"screen_room_title" = "Discussion";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ et ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " écrivent…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " écrit…";
@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
"screen_signed_out_reason_1" = "Le mot de passe de votre compte a été modifié sur un autre appareil";
"screen_signed_out_reason_2" = "Cette session a été supprimée depuis un autre appareil";
"screen_signed_out_reason_3" = "Ladministrateur de votre serveur a révoqué votre accès.";
"screen_signed_out_subtitle" = "La déconnexion peut être due à une des raisons ci-dessous. Veuillez vous connecter à nouveau pour continuer à utiliser %1$@.";
"screen_signed_out_subtitle" = "La déconnexion peut être due à une des raisons ci-dessous. Veuillez vous connecter à nouveau pour continuer à utiliser %@.";
"screen_signed_out_title" = "Vous avez été déconnecté";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Déconnexion...";
@ -784,7 +784,7 @@
"state_event_room_join_by_you" = "Vous avez rejoint le salon";
"state_event_room_knock" = "%1$@ a demandé à rejoindre";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted" = "%1$@ a autorisé %2$@ à rejoindre";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted_by_you" = "Vous avez autoriser %1$@ à joindre le salon";
"state_event_room_knock_accepted_by_you" = "Vous avez autorisé %1$@ à joindre le salon";
"state_event_room_knock_by_you" = "Vous avez demandé à rejoindre";
"state_event_room_knock_denied" = "%1$@ a rejeté la demande de %2$@ pour rejoindre";
"state_event_room_knock_denied_by_you" = "Vous avez rejeté la demande de %1$@ pour rejoindre";
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@
"state_event_room_unban" = "%1$@ a débanni %2$@";
"state_event_room_unban_by_you" = "Vous avez débanni %1$@";
"state_event_room_unknown_membership_change" = "%1$@ a effectué un changement inconnu à son adhésion";
"test_language_identifier" = "Ang.";
"test_language_identifier" = "fr";
"test_untranslated_default_language_identifier" = "en";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_section" = "Dépannage";
"troubleshoot_notifications_entry_point_title" = "Résoudre les problèmes liés aux notifications";

View File

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
"error_failed_loading_messages" = "Nem sikerült betölteni az üzeneteket";
"error_failed_locating_user" = "Az %1$@ nem tudta elérni a tartózkodási helyét. Próbálja újra később.";
"error_failed_uploading_voice_message" = "Nem sikerült feltölteni a hangüzenetét.";
"error_message_not_found" = "Message not found";
"error_message_not_found" = "Az üzenet nem található";
"error_no_compatible_app_found" = "Nem található kompatibilis alkalmazás a művelet kezeléséhez.";
"error_some_messages_have_not_been_sent" = "Néhány üzenet nem került elküldésre";
"error_unknown" = "Elnézést, hiba történt";
@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Kattintson a profilképére";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Válassza ezt: %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "„Új eszköz összekapcsolása”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Válassza ezt: %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "„QR-kód megjelenítése”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Kövesse a látható utasításokat";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Nyissa meg az %1$@et egy másik eszközön a QR-kód lekéréséhez.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Használja a másik eszközön látható QR-kódot.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Hibás QR-kód";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Kevesebb megjelenítése";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Több megjelenítése";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Új";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ és ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " éppen ír…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " éppen ír…";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Klik pada avatar Anda";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Pilih %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Tautkan perangkat baru”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Pilih %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Tampilkan kode QR”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Buka %1$@ di perangkat lain untuk mendapatkan kode QR";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Gunakan kode QR yang ditampilkan di perangkat lain.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Kode QR salah";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Tampilkan lebih sedikit";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Tampilkan lebih banyak";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Baru";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@, dan ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " sedang mengetik…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " sedang mengetik…";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Mostra meno";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Mostra di più";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nuovo";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ e ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " stanno scrivendo…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " sta scrivendo…";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Afișați mai puțin";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Afișați mai mult";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nou";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ și ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " tastează";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " tastează";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Нажмите на свое изображение";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Выбрать %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "\"Привязать новое устройство\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Выбрать %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "\"Показать QR-код\"";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Откройте %1$@ на другом устройстве, чтобы получить QR-код";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Используйте QR-код, показанный на другом устройстве.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Неверный QR-код";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Показать меньше";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Показать больше";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Новый";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ и ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " печатают…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " печатает…";

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Kliknite na svoj obrázok";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Vyberte %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "„Prepojiť nové zariadenie“";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Vyberte %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "„Zobraziť QR kód“";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Postupujte podľa zobrazených pokynov";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Ak chcete získať QR kód, otvorte %1$@ na inom zariadení";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Použite QR kód zobrazený na druhom zariadení.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Nesprávny QR kód";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Zobraziť menej";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Zobraziť viac";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nové";
"screen_room_title" = "Konverzácia";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ a ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " píšu…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " píše…";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "För att ta bilder eller videor och skicka dem som ett meddelande behöver Element X åtkomst till kameran.";
"NSFaceIDUsageDescription" = "Face ID används för att komma åt din app.";
"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Ge platsåtkomst så att Element X kan dela din plats.";
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "För att spela in och skicka meddelanden med ljud måste Element X komma åt mikrofonen.";
"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" = "Gör det möjligt att spara foton och videor i ditt bibliotek.";

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
"Notification" = "Notification";
"a11y_delete" = "Radera";
"a11y_hide_password" = "Dölj lösenord";
"a11y_jump_to_bottom" = "Jump to bottom";
"a11y_jump_to_bottom" = "Hoppa till botten";
"a11y_notifications_mentions_only" = "Endast omnämningar";
"a11y_notifications_muted" = "Tystad";
"a11y_page_n" = "Page %1$d";
"a11y_page_n" = "Sida %1$d";
"a11y_pause" = "Pausa";
"a11y_pin_field" = "PIN-fält";
"a11y_play" = "Spela upp";
"a11y_poll" = "Omröstning";
"a11y_poll_end" = "Avslutade omröstning";
"a11y_react_with" = "React with %1$@";
"a11y_react_with_other_emojis" = "React with other emojis";
"a11y_read_receipts_multiple" = "Read by %1$@ and %2$@";
"a11y_read_receipts_single" = "Read by %1$@";
"a11y_read_receipts_tap_to_show_all" = "Tap to show all";
"a11y_remove_reaction_with" = "Remove reaction with %1$@";
"a11y_react_with" = "Reagera med %1$@";
"a11y_react_with_other_emojis" = "Reagera med andra emojier";
"a11y_read_receipts_multiple" = "Läst av %1$@ och %2$@";
"a11y_read_receipts_single" = "Läst av %1$@";
"a11y_read_receipts_tap_to_show_all" = "Tryck för att visa alla";
"a11y_remove_reaction_with" = "Ta bort reaktionen med %1$@";
"a11y_send_files" = "Skicka filer";
"a11y_show_password" = "Visa lösenord";
"a11y_start_call" = "Start a call";
"a11y_start_call" = "Starta ett samtal";
"a11y_user_menu" = "Användarmeny";
"a11y_voice_message_record" = "Spela in röstmeddelande.";
"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "Stop recording";
"a11y_voice_message_stop_recording" = "Stoppa inspelning";
"action_accept" = "Godkänn";
"action_add_to_timeline" = "Lägg till i tidslinjen";
"action_back" = "Tillbaka";
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"action_create" = "Skapa";
"action_create_a_room" = "Skapa ett rum";
"action_decline" = "Neka";
"action_delete_poll" = "Delete Poll";
"action_delete_poll" = "Radera omröstning";
"action_disable" = "Inaktivera";
"action_discard" = "Discard";
"action_done" = "Klar";
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"action_edit_poll" = "Redigera omröstning";
"action_enable" = "Aktivera";
"action_end_poll" = "Avsluta omröstning";
"action_enter_pin" = "Enter PIN";
"action_enter_pin" = "Ange PIN-kod";
"action_forgot_password" = "Glömt lösenordet?";
"action_forward" = "Vidarebefordra";
"action_go_back" = "Go back";
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"action_join" = "Gå med";
"action_learn_more" = "Läs mer";
"action_leave" = "Lämna";
"action_leave_conversation" = "Leave conversation";
"action_leave_conversation" = "Lämna konversation";
"action_leave_room" = "Lämna rum";
"action_manage_account" = "Hantera konto";
"action_manage_devices" = "Hantera enheter";
@ -94,16 +94,16 @@
"action_start_verification" = "Starta verifiering";
"action_static_map_load" = "Tryck för att ladda kartan";
"action_take_photo" = "Ta ett foto";
"action_tap_for_options" = "Tap for options";
"action_tap_for_options" = "Tryck för alternativ";
"action_try_again" = "Försök igen";
"action_view_source" = "Visa källkod";
"action_yes" = "Ja";
"action.load_more" = "Load more";
"action.load_more" = "Ladda mer";
"common_about" = "Om";
"common_acceptable_use_policy" = "Policy för godtagbar användning";
"common_advanced_settings" = "Avancerade inställningar";
"common_analytics" = "Analysdata";
"common_appearance" = "Appearance";
"common_appearance" = "Utseende";
"common_audio" = "Ljud";
"common_blocked_users" = "Blocked users";
"common_bubbles" = "Bubblor";
@ -112,10 +112,10 @@
"common_copyright" = "Upphovsrätt";
"common_creating_room" = "Skapar rum …";
"common_current_user_left_room" = "Lämnade rummet";
"common_dark" = "Dark";
"common_dark" = "Mörkt";
"common_decryption_error" = "Avkrypteringsfel";
"common_developer_options" = "Utvecklaralternativ";
"common_direct_chat" = "Direct chat";
"common_direct_chat" = "Direktchatt";
"common_edited_suffix" = "(redigerad)";
"common_editing" = "Redigerar";
"common_emote" = "* %1$@ %2$@";
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"common_everyone" = "Alla";
"common_face_id_ios" = "Face ID";
"common_failed" = "Failed";
"common_favourite" = "Favourite";
"common_favourite" = "Favorit";
"common_favourited" = "Favourited";
"common_file" = "Fil";
"common_forward_message" = "Vidarebefordra meddelande";
@ -134,11 +134,11 @@
"common_in_reply_to" = "Som svar på %1$@";
"common_invite_unknown_profile" = "Det här Matrix-ID:t kan inte hittas, så inbjudan kanske inte tas emot.";
"common_leaving_room" = "Lämnar rummet";
"common_light" = "Light";
"common_light" = "Ljust";
"common_link_copied_to_clipboard" = "Länk kopierad till klippbordet";
"common_loading" = "Laddar …";
"common_message" = "Meddelande";
"common_message_actions" = "Message actions";
"common_message_actions" = "Meddelandeåtgärder";
"common_message_layout" = "Meddelandearrangemang";
"common_message_removed" = "Meddelande borttaget";
"common_modern" = "Modernt";
@ -161,10 +161,10 @@
"common_refreshing" = "Uppdaterar …";
"common_replying_to" = "Svarar till %1$@";
"common_report_a_bug" = "Rapportera en bugg";
"common_report_a_problem" = "Report a problem";
"common_report_a_problem" = "Rapportera ett problem";
"common_report_submitted" = "Rapport inskickad";
"common_rich_text_editor" = "Riktextredigerare";
"common_room" = "Room";
"common_room" = "Rum";
"common_room_name" = "Rumsnamn";
"common_room_name_placeholder" = "t.ex. ditt projektnamn";
"common_saved_changes" = "Saved changes";
@ -173,15 +173,15 @@
"common_search_for_someone" = "Sök efter någon";
"common_search_results" = "Sökresultat";
"common_security" = "Säkerhet";
"common_seen_by" = "Seen by";
"common_seen_by" = "Sett av";
"common_sending" = "Skickar …";
"common_sending_failed" = "Sending failed";
"common_sent" = "Sent";
"common_sending_failed" = "Misslyckades att skicka";
"common_sent" = "Skickat";
"common_server_not_supported" = "Servern stöds inte";
"common_server_url" = "Server-URL";
"common_settings" = "Inställningar";
"common_shared_location" = "Delade plats";
"common_signing_out" = "Signing out";
"common_signing_out" = "Loggar ut";
"common_starting_chat" = "Startar chatt …";
"common_sticker" = "Dekal";
"common_success" = "Lyckades";
@ -206,23 +206,23 @@
"common_video" = "Video";
"common_voice_message" = "Röstmeddelande";
"common_waiting" = "Väntar …";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Waiting for this message";
"common_waiting_for_decryption_key" = "Väntar på detta meddelande";
"common_no_room_name" = "No room name";
"common_poll_end_confirmation" = "Är du säker på att du vill avsluta den här omröstningen?";
"common_poll_summary" = "Omröstning: %1$@";
"common_something_went_wrong" = "Something went wrong";
"common_unable_to_decrypt_no_access" = "You don't have access to this message";
"common_verify_device" = "Verify device";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Your chat backup is currently out of sync. You need to enter your recovery key to maintain access to your chat backup.";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Enter your recovery key";
"common_verify_device" = "Verifiera enheten";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_message" = "Din chattsäkerhetskopia är för närvarande inte synkroniserad. Du måste ange din återställningsnyckel för att behålla åtkomsten till din chattsäkerhetskopia.";
"confirm_recovery_key_banner_title" = "Ange din återställningsnyckel";
"crash_detection_dialog_content" = "%1$@ kraschade senast den användes. Vill du dela en kraschrapport med oss?";
"dialog_permission_camera" = "För att låta programmet använda kameran, vänligen ge behörigheten i systeminställningarna.";
"dialog_permission_generic" = "Vänligen ge behörigheten i systeminställningarna.";
"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Grant access in Settings -> Location.";
"dialog_permission_location_title_ios" = "%1$@ does not have access to your location.";
"dialog_permission_location_description_ios" = "Ge åtkomst i Inställningar -> Plats.";
"dialog_permission_location_title_ios" = "%1$@ har inte tillgång till din plats.";
"dialog_permission_microphone" = "För att låta programmet använda mikrofonen, vänligen ge behörigheten i systeminställningarna.";
"dialog_permission_microphone_description_ios" = "Grant access so you can record and send messages with audio.";
"dialog_permission_microphone_title_ios" = "%1$@ needs permission to access your microphone.";
"dialog_permission_microphone_description_ios" = "Ge åtkomst så att du kan spela in och skicka meddelanden med ljud.";
"dialog_permission_microphone_title_ios" = "%1$@ behöver behörighet för att komma åt din mikrofon.";
"dialog_permission_notification" = "För att låta applikationen visa aviseringar, vänligen bevilja behörighet i systeminställningarna.";
"dialog_title_confirmation" = "Bekräftelse";
"dialog_title_warning" = "Varning";
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
"error_unknown" = "Tyvärr, ett fel uppstod";
"invite_friends_rich_title" = "🔐️ Häng med mig på %1$@";
"invite_friends_text" = "Hallå, prata med mig på %1$@: %2$@";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Are you sure that you want to leave this conversation? This conversation is not public and you won't be able to rejoin without an invite.";
"leave_conversation_alert_subtitle" = "Är du säker på att du vill lämna den här konversationen? Den här konversationen är inte offentlig och du kommer inte att kunna gå med igen utan en inbjudan.";
"leave_room_alert_empty_subtitle" = "Är du säker på att du vill lämna det här rummet? Du är den enda personen här. Om du lämnar kommer ingen att kunna gå med i framtiden, inklusive du.";
"leave_room_alert_private_subtitle" = "Är du säker på att du vill lämna det här rummet? Detta rum är inte offentligt och du kommer inte att kunna gå med igen utan en inbjudan.";
"leave_room_alert_subtitle" = "Är du säker på att du vill lämna rummet?";
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
"notification_inline_reply_failed" = "** Misslyckades att skicka - vänligen öppna rummet";
"notification_invitation_action_reject" = "Avvisa";
"notification_invite_body" = "Bjöd in dig att chatta";
"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "Mentioned you: %1$@";
"notification_mentioned_you_body" = "Nämnde dig: %1$@";
"notification_new_messages" = "Nya meddelanden";
"notification_reaction_body" = "Reagerade med %1$@";
"notification_room_invite_body" = "Bjöd in dig att gå med i rummet";
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url" = "Anpassad bas-URL för Element Call";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_description" = "Ange en anpassad bas-URL för Element Call.";
"screen_advanced_settings_element_call_base_url_validation_error" = "Ogiltig URL, se till att du inkluderar protokollet (http/https) och rätt adress.";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Notify the whole room";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_subtitle" = "Meddela hela rummet";
"screen_account_provider_change" = "Byt kontoleverantör";
"screen_account_provider_form_hint" = "Hemserveradress";
"screen_account_provider_form_notice" = "Ange ett sökord eller en domänadress.";
@ -307,11 +307,11 @@
"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode" = "Utvecklarläge";
"screen_advanced_settings_developer_mode_description" = "Aktivera för att ha tillgång till funktionalitet för utvecklare.";
"screen_advanced_settings_rich_text_editor_description" = "Inaktivera rik-text-redigeraren för att skriva Markdown manuellt.";
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts" = "Read receipts";
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts_description" = "If turned off, your read receipts won't be sent to anyone. You will still receive read receipts from other users.";
"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence" = "Share presence";
"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence_description" = "If turned off, you wont be able to send or receive read receipts or typing notifications";
"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "Enable option to view message source in the timeline.";
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts" = "Läskvitton";
"screen_advanced_settings_send_read_receipts_description" = "Om det är avstängt kommer dina läskvitton inte att skickas till någon. Du kommer fortfarande att få läskvitton från andra användare.";
"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence" = "Dela närvaro";
"screen_advanced_settings_share_presence_description" = "Om det är avstängt kan du inte skicka eller ta emot läskvitton eller skrivnotiser";
"screen_advanced_settings_view_source_description" = "Aktivera alternativet för att visa meddelandekälla i tidslinjen.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_data_usage" = "Vi kommer inte att registrera eller profilera några personuppgifter";
"screen_analytics_prompt_help_us_improve" = "Dela anonyma användningsdata för att hjälpa oss att identifiera problem.";
"screen_analytics_prompt_read_terms" = "Du kan läsa alla våra villkor %1$@.";
@ -320,9 +320,9 @@
"screen_analytics_prompt_third_party_sharing" = "Vi delar inte dina uppgifter med tredje part";
"screen_analytics_prompt_title" = "Hjälp till att förbättra %1$@";
"screen_analytics_settings_share_data" = "Dela analysdata";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "biometric authentication";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "biometric unlock";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "Authentication is needed to access your app";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_authentication" = "biometrisk autentisering";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock" = "biometrisk upplåsning";
"screen_app_lock_biometric_unlock_reason_ios" = "Autentisering krävs för att komma åt din app";
"screen_app_lock_forgot_pin" = "Glömt PIN-kod?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_change_pin" = "Byt PIN-kod";
"screen_app_lock_settings_enable_biometric_unlock" = "Tillåt biometrisk upplåsning";
@ -332,9 +332,9 @@
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin" = "Ta bort PIN-kod";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_message" = "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort PIN-koden?";
"screen_app_lock_settings_remove_pin_alert_title" = "Ta bort PIN-koden?";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_allow_title" = "Allow %1$@";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_skip" = "Id rather use PIN";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_subtitle" = "Save yourself some time and use %1$@ to unlock the app each time";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_allow_title" = "Tillåt %1$@";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_skip" = "Jag vill hellre använda PIN-kod";
"screen_app_lock_setup_biometric_unlock_subtitle" = "Bespara dig själv lite tid och använd %1$@ för att låsa upp appen varje gång";
"screen_app_lock_setup_choose_pin" = "Välj PIN-kod";
"screen_app_lock_setup_confirm_pin" = "Bekräfta PIN-kod";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_blacklisted_dialog_content" = "Du kan inte välja detta som din PIN-kod av säkerhetsskäl";
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
"screen_bug_report_include_logs" = "Tillåt loggar";
"screen_bug_report_include_screenshot" = "Skicka skärmdump";
"screen_bug_report_logs_description" = "Loggar kommer att inkluderas i ditt meddelande för att se till att allt fungerar korrekt. Om du vill skicka ditt meddelande utan loggar stänger du av den här inställningen.";
"screen_bug_report_view_logs" = "View logs";
"screen_bug_report_view_logs" = "Se loggar";
"screen_change_account_provider_matrix_org_subtitle" = " är en stor gratisserver på det offentliga Matrix-nätverket för säker, decentraliserad kommunikation, som drivs av Foundation.";
"screen_change_account_provider_other" = "Annan";
"screen_change_account_provider_subtitle" = "Använd en annan kontoleverantör, till exempel din egen privata server eller ett jobbkonto.";
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
"screen_create_room_public_option_description" = "Meddelanden är inte krypterade och vem som helst kan läsa dem. Du kan aktivera kryptering vid ett senare tillfälle.";
"screen_create_room_public_option_title" = "Offentligt rum (vem som helst)";
"screen_create_room_topic_label" = "Ämne (valfritt)";
"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this poll?";
"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation" = "Är du säker på att du vill radera den här omröstningen?";
"screen_edit_profile_display_name" = "Visningsnamn";
"screen_edit_profile_display_name_placeholder" = "Ditt visningsnamn";
"screen_edit_profile_error" = "Ett okänt fel påträffades och informationen kunde inte ändras.";
@ -466,8 +466,8 @@
"screen_notification_settings_enable_notifications" = "Aktivera aviseringar på den här enheten";
"screen_notification_settings_failed_fixing_configuration" = "Konfigurationen har inte korrigerats, vänligen pröva igen.";
"screen_notification_settings_group_chats" = "Gruppchattar";
"screen_notification_settings_invite_for_me_label" = "Invitations";
"screen_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you may not get notified in some rooms.";
"screen_notification_settings_invite_for_me_label" = "Inbjudningar";
"screen_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Din hemserver stöder inte det här alternativet i krypterade rum, du kanske inte aviseras i vissa rum.";
"screen_notification_settings_mentions_section_title" = "Omnämnanden";
"screen_notification_settings_mode_all" = "Alla";
"screen_notification_settings_mode_mentions" = "Omnämnanden";
@ -483,11 +483,11 @@
"screen_onboarding_welcome_message" = "Välkommen till den snabbaste %1$@ någonsin. Superladdad för snabbhet och enkelhet.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_subtitle" = "Välkommen till %1$@. Superladdad, för snabbhet och enkelhet.";
"screen_onboarding_welcome_title" = "Var i ditt rätta element";
"screen_polls_history_empty_ongoing" = "Can't find any ongoing polls.";
"screen_polls_history_empty_past" = "Can't find any past polls.";
"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "Ongoing";
"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "Past";
"screen_polls_history_title" = "Polls";
"screen_polls_history_empty_ongoing" = "Kan inte hitta några pågående omröstningar.";
"screen_polls_history_empty_past" = "Kan inte hitta några tidigare omröstningar.";
"screen_polls_history_filter_ongoing" = "Pågående";
"screen_polls_history_filter_past" = "Tidigare";
"screen_polls_history_title" = "Omröstningar";
"screen_qr_code_login_connecting_subtitle" = "Establishing a secure connection";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_description" = "A secure connection could not be made to the new device. Your existing devices are still safe and you don't need to worry about them.";
"screen_qr_code_login_connection_note_secure_state_list_header" = "What now?";
@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -522,16 +521,16 @@
"screen_recovery_key_change_title" = "Byt återställningsnyckel?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_create_new_recovery_key" = "Create new recovery key";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_description" = "Se till att ingen kan se den här skärmen";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Please try again to confirm access to your chat backup.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "Incorrect recovery key";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_content" = "Vänligen pröva igen för att bekräfta åtkomsten till din chattsäkerhetskopia.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_error_title" = "Felaktig återställningsnyckel";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_description" = "Om du har en säkerhetsnyckel eller säkerhetsfras så funkar den också.";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_label" = "Recovery key or passcode";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_key_placeholder" = "Ange …";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_lost_recovery_key" = "Lost your recovery key?";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_success" = "Återställningsnyckel bekräftad";
"screen_recovery_key_confirm_title" = "Ange din återställningsnyckel";
"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Copied recovery key";
"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Generating…";
"screen_recovery_key_copied_to_clipboard" = "Kopierade återställningsnyckel";
"screen_recovery_key_generating_key" = "Genererar …";
"screen_recovery_key_save_action" = "Spara återställningsnyckeln";
"screen_recovery_key_save_description" = "Skriv ner din återställningsnyckel någonstans säkert eller spara den i en lösenordshanterare.";
"screen_recovery_key_save_key_description" = "Tryck för att kopiera återställningsnyckeln";
@ -595,7 +594,7 @@
"screen_room_directory_search_loading_error" = "Failed loading";
"screen_room_directory_search_title" = "Room directory";
"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner" = "Meddelandehistoriken är för närvarande otillgänglig.";
"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner_unverified" = "Message history is unavailable in this room. Verify this device to see your message history.";
"screen_room_encrypted_history_banner_unverified" = "Meddelandehistorik är inte tillgänglig i det här rummet. Verifiera den här enheten för att se din meddelandehistorik.";
"screen_room_error_failed_retrieving_user_details" = "Kunde inte hämta användarinformation";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_message" = "Vill du bjuda tillbaka dem?";
"screen_room_invite_again_alert_title" = "Du är ensam i den här chatten";
@ -638,7 +637,7 @@
"screen_room_notification_settings_error_loading_settings" = "Ett fel uppstod vid laddning av aviseringsinställningarna.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_error_restoring_default" = "Misslyckades att återställa standardläget, vänligen försök igen.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_error_setting_mode" = "Misslyckades att ställa in läget, vänligen pröva igen.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Your homeserver does not support this option in encrypted rooms, you won't get notified in this room.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mentions_only_disclaimer" = "Din hemserver stöder inte det här alternativet i krypterade rum, du blir inte aviserad i det här rummet.";
"screen_room_notification_settings_mode_all_messages" = "Alla meddelanden";
"screen_room_notification_settings_room_custom_settings_title" = "I det här rummet, meddela mig för";
"screen_room_retry_send_menu_send_again_action" = "Skicka igen";
@ -666,30 +665,31 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Visa mindre";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Visa mer";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Nytt";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ and ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " are typing…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " is typing…";
"screen_room_typing_two_members" = "%1$@ and %2$@";
"screen_room_typing_two_members" = "%1$@ och %2$@";
"screen_room_voice_message_tooltip" = "Håll för att spela in";
"screen_roomlist_a11y_create_message" = "Skapa en ny konversation eller ett nytt rum";
"screen_roomlist_empty_message" = "Kom igång genom att skicka meddelanden till någon.";
"screen_roomlist_empty_title" = "Inga chattar än.";
"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites" = "Favourites";
"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites" = "Favoriter";
"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites_empty_state_subtitle" = "You can add a chat to your favourites in the chat settings.\nFor now, you can deselect filters in order to see your other chats";
"screen_roomlist_filter_favourites_empty_state_title" = "You dont have favourite chats yet";
"screen_roomlist_filter_invites" = "Invites";
"screen_roomlist_filter_invites_empty_state_title" = "You don't have any pending invites.";
"screen_roomlist_filter_low_priority" = "Low Priority";
"screen_roomlist_filter_low_priority" = "Låg prioritet";
"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_subtitle" = "You can deselect filters in order to see your other chats";
"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_title" = "You dont have chats for this selection";
"screen_roomlist_filter_people_empty_state_title" = "You dont have any DMs yet";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "Rooms";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "Rum";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms_empty_state_title" = "Youre not in any room yet";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "Unreads";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "Olästa";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads_empty_state_title" = "Congrats!\nYou dont have any unread messages!";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "Alla chattar";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_unread" = "Mark as unread";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_read" = "Markera som läst";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_unread" = "Markera som oläst";
"screen_roomlist_room_directory_button_title" = "Browse all rooms";
"screen_server_confirmation_change_server" = "Byt kontoleverantör";
"screen_server_confirmation_message_login_element_dot_io" = "En privat server för Element-anställda.";
@ -700,8 +700,8 @@
"screen_session_verification_cancelled_subtitle" = "Något verkar inte stämma. Antingen gick tidsgränsen för begäran ut eller så avvisades begäran.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_subtitle" = "Bekräfta att emojierna nedan matchar de som visas på din andra session.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_emojis_title" = "Jämför emojis";
"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_subtitle" = "Confirm that the numbers below match those shown on your other session.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "Compare numbers";
"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_subtitle" = "Bekräfta att siffrorna nedan matchar de som visas på din andra session.";
"screen_session_verification_compare_numbers_title" = "Jämför siffror";
"screen_session_verification_complete_subtitle" = "Din nya session är nu verifierad. Den har tillgång till dina krypterade meddelanden, och andra användare kommer att se den som betrodd.";
"screen_session_verification_enter_recovery_key" = "Enter recovery key";
"screen_session_verification_open_existing_session_subtitle" = "Bevisa att det är du för att komma åt din krypterade meddelandehistorik.";
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_canceled" = "Försök att verifiera igen";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_initial" = "Jag är redo";
"screen_session_verification_positive_button_verifying_ongoing" = "Väntar på att matcha";
"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Compare a unique set of emojis.";
"screen_session_verification_ready_subtitle" = "Jämför en unik uppsättning emojis.";
"screen_session_verification_request_accepted_subtitle" = "Jämför de unika emojierna och se till att de visas i samma ordning.";
"screen_session_verification_they_dont_match" = "De matchar inte";
"screen_session_verification_they_match" = "De matchar";
@ -728,16 +728,16 @@
"screen_signed_out_title" = "Du är utloggad";
"screen_signout_confirmation_dialog_content" = "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut?";
"screen_signout_in_progress_dialog_content" = "Loggar ut …";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you will lose access to your encrypted messages.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_subtitle" = "Du är på väg att logga ut ur din senaste session. Om du loggar ut nu kommer du att förlora åtkomsten till dina krypterade meddelanden.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_disabled_title" = "Du har stängt av säkerhetskopiering";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "Your keys were still being backed up when you went offline. Reconnect so that your keys can be backed up before signing out.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Your keys are still being backed up";
"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_subtitle" = "Please wait for this to complete before signing out.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_title" = "Your keys are still being backed up";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_subtitle" = "Dina nycklar säkerhetskopierades fortfarande när du gick offline. Anslut igen så att dina nycklar kan säkerhetskopieras innan du loggar ut.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_offline_title" = "Dina nycklar säkerhetskopieras fortfarande";
"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_subtitle" = "Vänta tills detta är klart innan du loggar ut.";
"screen_signout_key_backup_ongoing_title" = "Dina nycklar säkerhetskopieras fortfarande";
"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_subtitle" = "Du är på väg att logga ut ur din sista session. Om du loggar ut nu förlorar du åtkomsten till dina krypterade meddelanden.";
"screen_signout_recovery_disabled_title" = "Återställning inte inställd";
"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_subtitle" = "You are about to sign out of your last session. If you sign out now, you might lose access to your encrypted messages.";
"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "Have you saved your recovery key?";
"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_subtitle" = "Du är på väg att logga ut från din senaste session. Om du loggar ut nu kan du förlora åtkomsten till dina krypterade meddelanden.";
"screen_signout_save_recovery_key_title" = "Har du sparat din återställningsnyckel?";
"screen_start_chat_error_starting_chat" = "Ett fel uppstod när du försökte starta en chatt";
"screen_view_location_title" = "Plats";
"screen_waitlist_message" = "Det finns en stor efterfrågan på %1$@ på %2$@ just nu. Kom tillbaka till appen om några dagar och försök igen.\n\nTack för ditt tålamod!";
@ -797,8 +797,8 @@
"state_event_room_name_changed_by_you" = "Du bytte rummets namn till: %1$@";
"state_event_room_name_removed" = "%1$@ tog bort rummets namn";
"state_event_room_name_removed_by_you" = "Du tog bort rummets namn";
"state_event_room_none" = "%1$@ made no changes";
"state_event_room_none_by_you" = "You made no changes";
"state_event_room_none" = "%1$@ gjorde inga ändringar";
"state_event_room_none_by_you" = "Du gjorde inga ändringar";
"state_event_room_reject" = "%1$@ avvisade inbjudan";
"state_event_room_reject_by_you" = "Du avvisade inbjudan";
"state_event_room_remove" = "%1$@ tog bort %2$@";
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@
"dialog_title_success" = "Lyckades";
"notification_fallback_content" = "Notification";
"notification_invitation_action_join" = "Gå med";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";
"notification_room_action_mark_as_read" = "Markera som läst";
"notification_room_action_quick_reply" = "Snabbsvar";
"screen_room_mentions_at_room_title" = "Alla";
"screen_account_provider_signin_subtitle" = "Det är här dina konversationer kommer att sparas - precis som du skulle använda en e-postleverantör för att spara dina e-brev.";
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@
"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_action" = "Avblockera";
"screen_dm_details_unblock_alert_description" = "Du kommer att kunna se alla meddelanden från dem igen.";
"screen_dm_details_unblock_user" = "Avblockera användare";
"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation_title" = "Delete Poll";
"screen_edit_poll_delete_confirmation_title" = "Radera omröstning";
"screen_edit_poll_title" = "Redigera omröstning";
"screen_login_subtitle" = "Matrix är ett öppet nätverk för säker, decentraliserad kommunikation.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_retry_button" = "Försök igen";
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@
"screen_room_change_role_section_moderators" = "Moderators";
"screen_room_change_role_section_users" = "Members";
"screen_room_details_invite_people_title" = "Bjud in personer";
"screen_room_details_leave_conversation_title" = "Leave conversation";
"screen_room_details_leave_conversation_title" = "Lämna konversation";
"screen_room_details_leave_room_title" = "Lämna rum";
"screen_room_details_roles_and_permissions" = "Roles and permissions";
"screen_room_details_room_name_label" = "Rumsnamn";

View File

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
<string>Read by %1$@ and %2$d other</string>
<string>Läst av %1$@ och %2$d annan</string>
<string>Read by %1$@ and %2$d others</string>
<string>Läst av %1$@ och %2$d andra</string>
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@
<string>%1$@, %2$@ and %3$d other</string>
<string>%1$@, %2$@ och %3$d annan</string>
<string>%1$@, %2$@ and %3$d others</string>
<string>%1$@, %2$@ och %3$d andra</string>
@ -269,9 +269,9 @@
<string>%1$@ is typing</string>
<string>%1$@ skriver</string>
<string>%1$@ are typing</string>
<string>%1$@ skriver</string>

View File

@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "Показувати менше";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "Показати більше";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "Нове";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@, %2$@ та ";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " пишуть…";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " пише…";

View File

@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"screen_app_lock_setup_confirm_pin" = "確認 PIN 碼";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_blacklisted_dialog_content" = "基於安全性的考量,您選的 PIN 碼無法使用";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_blacklisted_dialog_title" = "選擇不一樣的 PIN 碼";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "Lock %1$@ to add extra security to your chats.\n\nChoose something memorable. If you forget this PIN, you will be logged out of the app.";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_context" = "將 %1$@ 上鎖,為你的聊天室添加一層防護。\n\n請選擇好記憶的數字。如果忘記 PIN 碼,您會被登出。";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_content" = "請輸入相同的 PIN 碼兩次";
"screen_app_lock_setup_pin_mismatch_dialog_title" = "PIN 碼不一樣";
"screen_app_lock_signout_alert_message" = "您需要重新登入並建立新的 PIN 碼才能繼續";
@ -409,12 +409,12 @@
"screen_edit_profile_error_title" = "無法更新個人檔案";
"screen_edit_profile_title" = "編輯個人檔案";
"screen_edit_profile_updating_details" = "正在更新個人檔案...";
"screen_identity_confirmation_create_new_recovery_key" = "Create a new recovery key";
"screen_identity_confirmation_subtitle" = "Verify this device to set up secure messaging.";
"screen_identity_confirmation_title" = "Confirm that it's you";
"screen_identity_confirmed_subtitle" = "Now you can read or send messages securely, and anyone you chat with can also trust this device.";
"screen_identity_confirmed_title" = "裝置已證";
"screen_identity_use_another_device" = "使用另一裝置";
"screen_identity_confirmation_create_new_recovery_key" = "建立新的復原金鑰";
"screen_identity_confirmation_subtitle" = "驗證這部裝置以設定安全通訊。";
"screen_identity_confirmation_title" = "確認這是你本人";
"screen_identity_confirmed_subtitle" = "您可以安全地讀取和發送訊息了,與您聊天的人也可以信任這部裝置。";
"screen_identity_confirmed_title" = "裝置已證";
"screen_identity_use_another_device" = "使用另一裝置";
"screen_identity_waiting_on_other_device" = "正在等待其他裝置......";
"screen_invites_decline_chat_message" = "Are you sure you want to decline the invitation to join %1$@?";
"screen_invites_decline_chat_title" = "Decline invite";
@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_2" = "Click on your avatar";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action" = "“Link new device”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Select %1$@";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action" = "“Show QR code”";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4" = "Follow the instructions shown";
"screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title" = "Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_description" = "Use the QR code shown on the other device.";
"screen_qr_code_login_invalid_scan_state_subtitle" = "Wrong QR code";
@ -666,6 +665,7 @@
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_less" = "較少";
"screen_room_timeline_reactions_show_more" = "更多";
"screen_room_timeline_read_marker_title" = "新訊息";
"screen_room_title" = "Chat";
"screen_room_typing_many_members_first_component_ios" = "%1$@、%2$@ 和";
"screen_room_typing_notification_plural_ios" = " 正在打字...";
"screen_room_typing_notification_singular_ios" = " 正在打字...";
@ -683,9 +683,9 @@
"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_subtitle" = "You can deselect filters in order to see your other chats";
"screen_roomlist_filter_mixed_empty_state_title" = "You dont have chats for this selection";
"screen_roomlist_filter_people_empty_state_title" = "You dont have any DMs yet";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "Rooms";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms" = "聊天室";
"screen_roomlist_filter_rooms_empty_state_title" = "Youre not in any room yet";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "Unreads";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads" = "未讀";
"screen_roomlist_filter_unreads_empty_state_title" = "Congrats!\nYou dont have any unread messages!";
"screen_roomlist_main_space_title" = "所有聊天室";
"screen_roomlist_mark_as_read" = "Mark as read";

View File

@ -1227,12 +1227,8 @@ internal enum L10n {
/// Link new device
internal static var screenQrCodeLoginInitialStateItem3Action: String { return"Localizable", "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_3_action") }
/// Select %1$@
internal static func screenQrCodeLoginInitialStateItem4(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4", String(describing: p1))
/// Show QR code
internal static var screenQrCodeLoginInitialStateItem4Action: String { return"Localizable", "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4_action") }
/// Follow the instructions shown
internal static var screenQrCodeLoginInitialStateItem4: String { return"Localizable", "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_item_4") }
/// Open %1$@ on another device to get the QR code
internal static func screenQrCodeLoginInitialStateTitle(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "screen_qr_code_login_initial_state_title", String(describing: p1))

View File

@ -32,20 +32,11 @@ struct QRCodeLoginScreenViewState: BindableState {
return finalString
private static let initialStateListItem4AttributedText = {
let boldPlaceholder = "{bold}"
var finalString = AttributedString(L10n.screenQrCodeLoginInitialStateItem4(boldPlaceholder))
var boldString = AttributedString(L10n.screenQrCodeLoginInitialStateItem4Action)
finalString.replace(boldPlaceholder, with: boldString)
return finalString
let initialStateListItems = [
let connectionNotSecureListItems = [