Add locale to signalling service name.
Type strings character by character.
Add a default test timeout of 1 minute.
* Directly set UI Tests screens as the root screen.
Speeds up test runs by removing scrolling and searching for buttons.
* Parallelise test runs from Xcode (not fastlane).
* Disable signalling based tests.
* Fix OnboardingScreen UI Tests
Disable the swipe tests for now as there is only a single page.
* Fix BugReportScreen UI Tests.
Use snapshots more and remove manual validation method.
* Fix ServerSelectionScreen UI Tests.
* Fix SessionVerificationScreen UI Tests.
* Fix UserSessionFlows UI Tests
* Increase integration tests time limits again as they're still ocasionally failing
* Fixed NavigationRootCoordinator name in logs
* Refactor UI tests hierarchy and introduce new userFlowScreen
* Introduce a RoomTimelineControllerFactory so that it can be mocked in the UserFlow UI tests
* Start using a mock timeline controller for the UserSession flows
* Remove the WeakDictionary dependency and replce it with a plain NSMapTable in the BackgroundTaskService
* Allow multiple UITests screenshots per screen
* Prevent the view hierarchy changing when taking screenshots
* Add UserSessionScreen UI tests
* Fix label triaging workflow project identifier as per vector-im/element-ios/pull/7150
* Fix settings screen tests
* Fix roomPlainNoAvatar and roomEncryptedWithAvatar UI tests
* Fix modal server selection screen UI tests
* Fix bug report and login screen UI tests
* Fix text typing missing characters on UI tests
* Fix sliding sync configuration on integration tests
* Stop crashing if not finding a particular room through the MockClientProxy
* Remove status bars when running UITests
* Remove simulator OS versions from screenshot names, be less lenient with image diffing
* Rename UITests splash screen to onboarding
* Switch tests to Xcode 14.1, remove version names for used simulators and switched from iPhone 13 Pro Max to iPhone 14
* Fix ServiceLocator and fallbackLaguage for UI tests
* Drop snapshot diffing precision to 0.99 as 0.999 triggers false negatives
* Fix server selection UI tests after exposing the sliding sync proxy configuration
* Update reference screenshots