* Setup simple share extension
* Switch the app url scheme to be the full bundle identifier
* Setup a share extension that show a SwiftUI view, uses rust tracing and redirects to the hosting aplication
* Move media as json through the custom scheme into the main app and deep link into the media upload preview screen
* Fix message forwarding and global search screen room summary provider filtering.
* Tweak the message forwarding and global search screen designs.
* Add a room selection screen to use after receiving a share request from the share extension
* Fix share extension entitlements
* Share the temporary directory between the main app and the extensions; rename the caches one.
* Remove the no longer needed notification avatar flipping fix.
* Extract the placeholder avatar image generator from the NSE
* Nest `AvatarSize` within the new `Avatars` enum
* Donate an `INSendMessageIntent` to the system every time we send a message so they appear as share suggestions
* Support suggestions in the share extension itself
* Improve sharing animations and fix presentation when room already on the stack
* Clear all routes when sharing without a preselected room.
* Fix broken unit tests
* Various initial tweaks following code review.
* Correctly clean up and dismiss the share extension for all paths.
* Move the share extension path to a constants enum
* Rename UserSessionFlowCoordinator specific share extension states and events
* Add UserSession and Room flow coordinator share route tests
* Tweak the share extension logic.
* Wait longer on authentication flow tests.
* Move default perceptualPrecision value into the snapshot preferences.
* Delay snapshots *before* setting up the test.
* Reset the simulators on GitHub before running?
* Remove a test that is now handled by Rust.
* Fix a test that was yielding.
- tear down ElementCall screens when ending the call from the CXCallController
- make the call UI available in the task manager and lock screen
- Fix broken hang up widget message format
* Revert back to creating a new flow when re-selecting the same room.
Fix the composer bug by adding IDs to the all of the module AnyViews.
* Don't show the live timeline when starting with a focussed event.
- stop using multiple background task, the appCoordinator sync one is enough for the whole app
- move the AppMeditor to the MainActor
- expose the WindowManager through the AppMediator
- hide sensitive WindowManager API behind a different protocol
- remove the now unnecessary `BackgroundTaskService`
- combine multiple services to handle app wide requests
- remove direct UIApplication access from everywhere
- fix#2703 by combining UIApplication.applicationState with the WindowManager's main window appearance
- leave the door open for more app control in the future (especiall for the mac)