* Update homebrew dependencies like on the other workflows. Fixes problems caused by buggy swiftformat prebundled on the github actions macos runner
* Removed UI tests from PR tests and running them on a schedule instead. Hopefuly fixed code coverage.
* Added back simulator versions as they need to match UI test snapshots
* Allow UI tests to run on this PR
* Added back skipped UI tests
* Fix danger sometimes not working on forks and disable integration tests on them
* Update SDK package to 1.0.12-alpha.
* Use an app group for storage and stop stripping the http from the homeserver when configuring the service.
* Rename access token to restore token.
* Remove matrix.org server description inline with latest FTUE changes.
* vector-im/element-x-ios/issues/31 - Session verification unit and UI tests
* Fix ImageAnonymizer tests when running on Apple Silicon
* Rename SessionVerification to SessionVerificationScreen
* #35 Create `ElementNavigationController` subclass
* #35 Add encryption icons
* #35 Add avatar and encryption badge image to the room screen view model
* #35 Create `RoomHeaderView` class
* #35 Replace room title with a RoomHeaderView instance in the toolbar
* #35 Add changelog
* #35 Introduce `UITestScreenIdentifier` and refactor ui tests
* #35 Fix old tests
* #35 add some tests for room screen
* #35 Use svgs instead of pngs
* #35 Fix PR remarks
* #37 Remove sign out button from home screen
* #37 Move crash button visibility flag to BuildSettings, import BuildSettings from test targets
* #37 Add log out button into the settings screen
* #37 Add version into the settings screen
* #37 enhance bug report parameters
* #37 Remove sign out button from home screen
* #37 Move crash button visibility flag to BuildSettings, import BuildSettings from test targets
* #37 Add log out button into the settings screen
* #37 Add version into the settings screen
* #37 enhance bug report parameters
* #37 Add changelog
* #37 Fix code smells and PR remarks