* WIP RequestToJoin struct
* implemented the logic to display the cells
* knock request banner accept flow
* mark all knocks as seen implemented
* details logic
* implemented accept, decline and ban in the list
* added a loader and modified the stacked view
of the banner
* pr suggestions
* updated naming and loading strings
* added the initial loading state
improved code and the tests
* updated a string that has changed
* code improvement
* tests for the room screen view model
* room details tests
and improved the knock requests tests for the room screen
* knock requests list tests
* added error state alerts with retry
* struct has been renamed on the sdk
so I renamed it also on the app side
* update SDK
* created the basic navigation and files
* updated the logic
so that the buttons that do not have permissions won't show
* added the empty state
* progress in making the list UI
* update tests
* UI improvements
* fixed an issue with media provider
* update button style
* fixed a navigation bug
* pr suggestions
* pr suggestions