* Add the timeline controller factory to the timeline view model.
In preparation for building a timeline to swipe through media in QuickLook.
* Refactor RoomTimelineControllerFactory.
* Refactor RoomTimelineController.
* Refactor RoomTimelineProvider.
- expose the full RoomPreview and RoomMembershipDetails through their own proxies
- implement standard mocks for all the different combinations
- converge on a single room info provider
- rebuild all the previews
- prioritise the preview data over the room one.
* Introduce a `MediaEventsTimelineFlowCoordinator`
* Update SDK API and architecture
* Add a feature flag, add translations
* Move the media events timeline presentation under the room flow coordinator state machine
* Rename `TimelineViewState.timelineViewState` of type `TimelineState` to `timelineState`
* Enabled SwiftLint's `trailing_closure` rule and fix the warnings.
* Setup simple share extension
* Switch the app url scheme to be the full bundle identifier
* Setup a share extension that show a SwiftUI view, uses rust tracing and redirects to the hosting aplication
* Move media as json through the custom scheme into the main app and deep link into the media upload preview screen
* Fix message forwarding and global search screen room summary provider filtering.
* Tweak the message forwarding and global search screen designs.
* Add a room selection screen to use after receiving a share request from the share extension
* Fix share extension entitlements
* Share the temporary directory between the main app and the extensions; rename the caches one.
* Remove the no longer needed notification avatar flipping fix.
* Extract the placeholder avatar image generator from the NSE
* Nest `AvatarSize` within the new `Avatars` enum
* Donate an `INSendMessageIntent` to the system every time we send a message so they appear as share suggestions
* Support suggestions in the share extension itself
* Improve sharing animations and fix presentation when room already on the stack
* Clear all routes when sharing without a preselected room.
* Fix broken unit tests
* Various initial tweaks following code review.
* Correctly clean up and dismiss the share extension for all paths.
* Move the share extension path to a constants enum
* Rename UserSessionFlowCoordinator specific share extension states and events
* Add UserSession and Room flow coordinator share route tests
* Tweak the share extension logic.
* Use native video call picture in picture!
* Handle isSupported, isPossible and web view errors.
* Use new canEnterPip method.
* Hide a room's Call button when already joined to the call.
* Tweak feature flag description.
* PR comments.
* Revert back to creating a new flow when re-selecting the same room.
Fix the composer bug by adding IDs to the all of the module AnyViews.
* Don't show the live timeline when starting with a focussed event.
- stop using multiple background task, the appCoordinator sync one is enough for the whole app
- move the AppMeditor to the MainActor
- expose the WindowManager through the AppMediator
- hide sensitive WindowManager API behind a different protocol
- remove the now unnecessary `BackgroundTaskService`
* Remove the invites button when room list invites are enabled
* element-hq/element-x-ios/issues/2632 - Handle room permalinks based on their membership state and show the according room joining screens:
- modify the room flow coordinator to only take a roomID and be able to decide its own room flows (especially for unjoined rooms)
- add support for the new room preview API
- have RoomDirectorySearch go through the same paths
- combine multiple services to handle app wide requests
- remove direct UIApplication access from everywhere
- fix#2703 by combining UIApplication.applicationState with the WindowManager's main window appearance
- leave the door open for more app control in the future (especiall for the mac)
- synchronize mock properties on the main queue
- sleep for longer when processing routes
- finish encoding before deallocating the keyed archiver
- wait for NotificationCenter notifications to be delivered
- change were we process remote notification permissions
* Fix flakey emoji provider tests
* Fix flakey RoomScreenViewModel tests
* Fix flakey HomeScreenViewModel tests
* Fix flakey RoomMemberListScreen tests, problem with bindings getting overriden and deferFulfillment cancellable not getting stored
* Fix flakey RoomNotificationSettingsScreen tests and crashes
* Fix flakey RoomMemberDetailsScreen tests
* Deprecate old `deferFulfillment` and `nextViewState` methods
* Convert more files to the new `deferFulfillment`
* Converted the rest of the tests to the new deferFulfillment
* Removed now unused `nextViewState` and `deferFulfillment`
* Remove automatic retries from unit tests
* Reset analytics flag after running unit tests
* Address PR comments
* Introduce a new `deferFulfillment(publisher, keyPath, transitionValues)` method and use it where appropiate
* #750 - Convert the SoftLogoutScreen to combine
* #750 - Convert the UserSessionFlowCoordinator to Combine
* #750 - Convert the AnalyticsPromptScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the LoginScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the ServerSelectionScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the EmojiPickerScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the HomeScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the MediaUploadPreviewScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the OnboardingScreen to Combine
* Rename `Onboarding` to `OnboardingScreen`
* #750 - Convert the ReportContentScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the RoomDetailsSscreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the RoomMemberDetailsScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the RoomMembersListScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the SessionVerificationScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the SettingsScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the AdvancedSettingsScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the DeveloperOptionsScreen to Combine
* Fix the unit tests
* Use .sink action and the same cancellables constructor everywhere
* Cleanup cancellables when setting up tests
- Randomise test order.
- Use deferred fulfilment in more places.
- Make sure to change something before awaiting the fulfilment.
- Build a fresh AppSettings after reset().
- Retry tests on failure.
Squashed commits:
[d64bb3bb] Stop using the ServiceLocator directly in the ScreenTrackerViewModifier
[37c46ab9] Rename Analytics to AnalyticsService
[8852a371] #920 - Cleanup ServiceLocator usages
* Add support for message forwarding
* Move the TimelineProvider within the RoomProxy to avoid it going out of sync and have it automatically register for timeline updates on init
* Implement single selection form button style for message forwarding
* Add searching and filter out the source room from the list
* Fixed emoji screen initial search bar height
* Add view models tests
* Add changelog
* Update strings
* Tweaks following code review
Squashed commits:
Add unit tests and move the state machine into the FlowCoordinator
[bb686861] Replace the RoomFlowCoordinator's public interface with just `handleAppRoute`
[0d9a4f8d] Remove the navigationStackCoordinator dependency from the roomScreenCoordinator
[4b5fbdf2] Allow rooms to be selected from any other state
[41dbd127] Move all missing coordinators to the RoomFlowCoordinator and state machines
[f32431b7] The UserSessionFlowCoordinator does not need to conform to the CoordinatorProtocol
[0f07e87d] Fix leaving a room dismissing the currently selected one when different
[138385a2] Rewind the navigation stack when re-selecting the same room (iPad)
[0727eb93] Fix presenting different room details from the side menu on iPads
[faf4cc60] Fix selecting the same room multiple times
[fb3391da] Move room details presentation responsibility to the RoomFlowCoordinator. Fixed invitation flows.
[fa2a68d9] Rename RoomTimelineFlowCoordinator -> RoomFlowCoordinator
[0c9c06b5] Start moving things away from the RoomScreenCoordinator and into the RoomTimelineFlowCoordinator
[86cbbdcc] Introduce a RoomTimelineFlowCoordinator to deal with timeline related operations
[9b2381be] Introduce the FlowCoordinatorProtocol