* #750 - Convert the SoftLogoutScreen to combine
* #750 - Convert the UserSessionFlowCoordinator to Combine
* #750 - Convert the AnalyticsPromptScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the LoginScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the ServerSelectionScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the EmojiPickerScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the HomeScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the MediaUploadPreviewScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the OnboardingScreen to Combine
* Rename `Onboarding` to `OnboardingScreen`
* #750 - Convert the ReportContentScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the RoomDetailsSscreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the RoomMemberDetailsScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the RoomMembersListScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the SessionVerificationScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the SettingsScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the AdvancedSettingsScreen to Combine
* #750 - Convert the DeveloperOptionsScreen to Combine
* Fix the unit tests
* Use .sink action and the same cancellables constructor everywhere
* Cleanup cancellables when setting up tests
* Delete deprecated font tokens.
* Migrate from primaryContent to textPrimary/iconPrimary.
* Migrate from links to textLinkExternal.
* Migrate from secondaryContent to textSecondary/iconSecondary.
* Migrate from accent to textActionPrimary.
- Some uses changed to textPrimary or iconPrimary as necessary.
- Some manual tints removed now that that Sentry is fixed.
* Migrate alert to textCriticalPrimary/iconCriticalPrimary.
* Migrate from brand to textActionAccent/iconAccentTertiary.
* Migrate from background to bgCanvasDefault or text/iconOnSolidPrimary
* Migrate system to bgSubtleSecondary.
* Remove ElementUIColors and obsolete migrated colours.
* Migrate tertiaryContent/quaternaryContent/quinaryContent to Compound.
* Migrate bubblesYou/bubblesNotYou to use Compound.
* Update Compound.
* settting macOS to 13, and let's runa test of... the tests
* I want the artifacts of the test, might give me some more insight in Xcode
* archive artifact
* trying a thing with the xcode version
* push notifications alert makes this test fail
* test improvement
* let's try with a very long time
* let's disable autocorrection
* sleep
* 1 seconds fixed 90% of the issue, 2 should fix 100%
* waiting some more time in flaky tests and updated the content of a test that was failing
* updated a screenshot test that had a notification
* this integration test is a bit so flaky increased the timing
* controlled delay waited a bit moe for the timeline to settle
* try await
* MainActor everywhere
* milliseconds fix
* trying with a bit more waiting time after the tap and a slow velocity for the swipe
* let's try waiting more time
Add locale to signalling service name.
Type strings character by character.
Add a default test timeout of 1 minute.
* Directly set UI Tests screens as the root screen.
Speeds up test runs by removing scrolling and searching for buttons.
* Parallelise test runs from Xcode (not fastlane).
* Disable signalling based tests.
* Fixes#286 - Adopted the new SwiftUI NavigationStack based NavigationController throughout the application
* Fixes#315 - Implemented new user notification components on top of SwiftUI and the new navigation flows
* Add home screen fade animation between skeletons and real rooms
* Bump the danger-swift version used on the CI and swiftlint with it
* Renamed Splash to Onboarding, Empty to Splash
* Fix Timeline on Xcode 14/iOS 16
Raise requirement to iOS 16+
Reduce pagination jumping.
Sonarcloud fixes.
Fix verification test.
Adopt if let optional { syntax.
* Remove unused ScrollViewReader
The ScrollViewReader didn't appear to change the behaviour.
* Fix warnings on Run Scripts.
Run script build phase 'SwiftLint' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase.
* Add `stop` method to `Coordinator`
* Use new stop method to cleanup room screen
* Call stop implicitly when removing a child coordinator
* Revert placeholder avatar font change
* Fix PR remarks
Various logging fixes:
* imported the ObjCWrapper and updated the MXLogger. Also added back support for app containers
* updated MXLog.swift from El and fixed/improved its logging format
* updated most app log strings
* Remove unnecessary swiftlint rule
* Various tweaks following code review
* Added back type annoation on MXLogger logFiles method
* Fix generated Swift-ObjC header name
* #35 Create `ElementNavigationController` subclass
* #35 Add encryption icons
* #35 Add avatar and encryption badge image to the room screen view model
* #35 Create `RoomHeaderView` class
* #35 Replace room title with a RoomHeaderView instance in the toolbar
* #35 Add changelog
* #35 Introduce `UITestScreenIdentifier` and refactor ui tests
* #35 Fix old tests
* #35 add some tests for room screen
* #35 Use svgs instead of pngs
* #35 Fix PR remarks
- updated the authentication coordinator to use async await
- replaced the UserSession with a ClientProxy (similar to the RoomProxy)
- renamed `completion` to `callback` on the coordinators and view models
- renamed `viewModelResult` to `viewModelAction`
- introduced back UserSession as a user specific service container