* Introduce a `UserIdentityProxy` and have it combine upstream methods into an easy to digest `UserIdentityVerificationState`. Use it in a dedicated `VerificationBadge` UI component
* Show a DMs counterpart verification state in the room header
* Show a warning on the room details `People` entry when there are identity verification state violations on any of the members.
* Show verification badges in the room member list
* Show a withdraw verification section on the room member details for users that have pinning violations.
* Remove the verification section from the profile screen as there's no reliable way to keep it up to date
- the underlying Rust SDK Olm Machine can be rebuilt without notice which would break any existing user identity change streams.
* Update preview test snapshots
* Fix search field string.
* Show your own user as an Admin when changing roles.
* Also show invited users when changing roles.
* Don't allow admin's to kick/ban other admins or themselves.
* Fix a bug when left members were counted as admins/moderators.
* Show when a member is pending.
* Add sections to the change role screen.