* Deleted project file
* Add back SPM Package.resolved + .gitignore
* Generate project file on release builds
* Converge on single CI setup scripts within `ci_scripts/ci_common.sh`
* Fix unit tests
* Use new `ci_common/setup_github_actions_environment` setup script on all workflows
* Move lfs validation check to the pre-commit hooks. Remove validate-lfs github actions workflow
* Fix integration tests workflow
* Tweaks following code review
* BrowserStack support
* Add fastlane step to automatically upload builds to BrowserStack
* Add error log for when Application Groups are not available
* Use better applicationSupportDirectory API
* Increase integration tests time limits again as they're still ocasionally failing
* Fixed NavigationRootCoordinator name in logs
* Refactor UI tests hierarchy and introduce new userFlowScreen
* Introduce a RoomTimelineControllerFactory so that it can be mocked in the UserFlow UI tests
* Start using a mock timeline controller for the UserSession flows
* Remove the WeakDictionary dependency and replce it with a plain NSMapTable in the BackgroundTaskService
* Allow multiple UITests screenshots per screen
* Prevent the view hierarchy changing when taking screenshots
* Add UserSessionScreen UI tests
* Fix label triaging workflow project identifier as per vector-im/element-ios/pull/7150
* Fix settings screen tests
* Fix roomPlainNoAvatar and roomEncryptedWithAvatar UI tests
* Fix modal server selection screen UI tests
* Fix bug report and login screen UI tests
* Fix text typing missing characters on UI tests
* Fix sliding sync configuration on integration tests
* Stop crashing if not finding a particular room through the MockClientProxy
* Fixes#286 - Adopted the new SwiftUI NavigationStack based NavigationController throughout the application
* Fixes#315 - Implemented new user notification components on top of SwiftUI and the new navigation flows
* Add home screen fade animation between skeletons and real rooms
* Bump the danger-swift version used on the CI and swiftlint with it
* Renamed Splash to Onboarding, Empty to Splash
* Update homebrew dependencies like on the other workflows. Fixes problems caused by buggy swiftformat prebundled on the github actions macos runner
* Removed UI tests from PR tests and running them on a schedule instead. Hopefuly fixed code coverage.
* Added back simulator versions as they need to match UI test snapshots
* Allow UI tests to run on this PR
* Added back skipped UI tests
* Fix danger sometimes not working on forks and disable integration tests on them