* Use the new TimelineMediaPreview modifier on the room and pinned timeline screens.
* Use the same presentation logic for all timeline media previews.
* Fix a bug with the detection of the timeline end.
* Send pagination requests from the media preview screen.
* Add SwiftLint to the Danger workflow (it is no longer installed on the runner).
* Put SwiftLint back on all of the GitHub runners too.
* Set the function_parameter_count lint rule to 10.
* Make sure to clean-up any previews when the coordinator is done.
* Handle the viewInRoomTimeline action more appropriately.
* Fixes#286 - Adopted the new SwiftUI NavigationStack based NavigationController throughout the application
* Fixes#315 - Implemented new user notification components on top of SwiftUI and the new navigation flows
* Add home screen fade animation between skeletons and real rooms
* Bump the danger-swift version used on the CI and swiftlint with it
* Renamed Splash to Onboarding, Empty to Splash
* Update homebrew dependencies like on the other workflows. Fixes problems caused by buggy swiftformat prebundled on the github actions macos runner
* Removed UI tests from PR tests and running them on a schedule instead. Hopefuly fixed code coverage.
* Added back simulator versions as they need to match UI test snapshots
* Allow UI tests to run on this PR
* Added back skipped UI tests
* Fix danger sometimes not working on forks and disable integration tests on them