* Update snapshots.
* Fix timeline grouping and UI tests.
* Remove German UI tests with double-length pseudolanguage.
Avoids tests breaking when translations are updated.
* Fixed UI test problems introduced after the accessibility identifier changes
* Disable parallel UITests, they don't seem to work properly
* Fix UITests `elementFallbackLanguage`
Add locale to signalling service name.
Type strings character by character.
Add a default test timeout of 1 minute.
* Directly set UI Tests screens as the root screen.
Speeds up test runs by removing scrolling and searching for buttons.
* Parallelise test runs from Xcode (not fastlane).
* Disable signalling based tests.
* Add signalling between UI tests and the app.
* Fix navigationStack on roomLayout screens and update screenshots
Co-authored-by: Stefan Ceriu <stefanc@matrix.org>
* Increase integration tests time limits again as they're still ocasionally failing
* Fixed NavigationRootCoordinator name in logs
* Refactor UI tests hierarchy and introduce new userFlowScreen
* Introduce a RoomTimelineControllerFactory so that it can be mocked in the UserFlow UI tests
* Start using a mock timeline controller for the UserSession flows
* Remove the WeakDictionary dependency and replce it with a plain NSMapTable in the BackgroundTaskService
* Allow multiple UITests screenshots per screen
* Prevent the view hierarchy changing when taking screenshots
* Add UserSessionScreen UI tests
* Fix label triaging workflow project identifier as per vector-im/element-ios/pull/7150
* Fix settings screen tests
* Fix roomPlainNoAvatar and roomEncryptedWithAvatar UI tests
* Fix modal server selection screen UI tests
* Fix bug report and login screen UI tests
* Fix text typing missing characters on UI tests
* Fix sliding sync configuration on integration tests
* Stop crashing if not finding a particular room through the MockClientProxy
* Remove status bars when running UITests
* Remove simulator OS versions from screenshot names, be less lenient with image diffing
* Rename UITests splash screen to onboarding
* Switch tests to Xcode 14.1, remove version names for used simulators and switched from iPhone 13 Pro Max to iPhone 14
* Fix ServiceLocator and fallbackLaguage for UI tests
* Drop snapshot diffing precision to 0.99 as 0.999 triggers false negatives
* Fix server selection UI tests after exposing the sliding sync proxy configuration
* Update reference screenshots
* Enable sliding sync common extensions and session verification banner display; fix user session flow coordinator state machine
* Fixed a couple of deprecation warnings
* Add missing `m.room.encryption` required state
* Switch to rust-sdk v1.0.15-alpha and add changelog
* Fix Timeline on Xcode 14/iOS 16
Raise requirement to iOS 16+
Reduce pagination jumping.
Sonarcloud fixes.
Fix verification test.
Adopt if let optional { syntax.
* Remove unused ScrollViewReader
The ScrollViewReader didn't appear to change the behaviour.
* Fix warnings on Run Scripts.
Run script build phase 'SwiftLint' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase.
* #35 Create `ElementNavigationController` subclass
* #35 Add encryption icons
* #35 Add avatar and encryption badge image to the room screen view model
* #35 Create `RoomHeaderView` class
* #35 Replace room title with a RoomHeaderView instance in the toolbar
* #35 Add changelog
* #35 Introduce `UITestScreenIdentifier` and refactor ui tests
* #35 Fix old tests
* #35 add some tests for room screen
* #35 Use svgs instead of pngs
* #35 Fix PR remarks