import ArgumentParser import CommandLineTools import Foundation struct Locheck: ParsableCommand { enum LocheckError: LocalizedError { case missingMint case outputError var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .missingMint: return "💥 Unable to find mint. Fix by running:\nbrew install mint\n" case .outputError: return "💥 Failed to read the output from locheck." } } } static var configuration = CommandConfiguration(abstract: "A tool that verifies bad strings contained in localization files") private var stringsDirectoryURL: URL { .projectDirectory.appendingPathComponent("ElementX/Resources/Localizations") } func run() throws { try checkMint() try checkStrings() } func checkStrings() throws { guard let output = try "mint run locheck discoverlproj --ignore-missing --ignore lproj_file_missing_from_translation --treat-warnings-as-errors \(stringsDirectoryURL.path)") else { throw LocheckError.missingMint } print(output) } private func checkMint() throws { let result = try "which mint") if result?.contains("not found") == true { throw LocheckError.missingMint } } }