// // Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial // Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. // import XCTest @MainActor class BugReportUITests: XCTestCase { func testInitialStateComponents() async throws { let app = Application.launch(.bugReport) // Initial state without a screenshot attached. try await app.assertScreenshot() } func testReportText() async throws { let app = Application.launch(.bugReport) // Type 4 characters and the send button should be disabled. app.textFields[A11yIdentifiers.bugReportScreen.report].clearAndTypeText("Text", app: app) XCTAssert(app.switches[A11yIdentifiers.bugReportScreen.sendLogs].isOn) XCTAssert(!app.switches[A11yIdentifiers.bugReportScreen.canContact].isOn) try await app.assertScreenshot() // Type more than 4 characters and send the button should become enabled. app.textFields[A11yIdentifiers.bugReportScreen.report].clearAndTypeText("Longer text", app: app) XCTAssert(app.switches[A11yIdentifiers.bugReportScreen.sendLogs].isOn) XCTAssert(!app.switches[A11yIdentifiers.bugReportScreen.canContact].isOn) try await app.assertScreenshot() } } private extension XCUIElement { var isOn: Bool { (value as? String) == "1" } }