import ArgumentParser import Foundation import Yams enum Profile: String, ExpressibleByArgument { case debug = "dbg" case reldbg, release } enum Target: String, ExpressibleByArgument, CaseIterable { case iOS = "aarch64-apple-ios" case simulatorARM64 = "aarch64-apple-ios-sim" case simulatorIntel = "x86_64-apple-ios" case macARM64 = "aarch64-apple-darwin" case macIntel = "x86_64-apple-darwin" } struct BuildSDK: ParsableCommand { static var configuration = CommandConfiguration(abstract: "A tool to checkout and build MatrixRustSDK locally for development.") @Argument(help: "An optional argument to specify a branch of the SDK.") var branch: String? @Option(help: "The target to build for such as aarch64-apple-ios. Omit this option to build for all targets.") var target: Target? @Option(help: "The profile to use when building the SDK. Omit this option to build in debug mode.") var profile: Profile = .debug enum Error: LocalizedError { case rustupOutputFailure case missingRustTargets([String]) case failureParsingProjectYAML var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .missingRustTargets(let missingTargets): return """ Rust is missing the necessary targets to build the SDK. Run the following command to install them: rustup target add \(missingTargets.joined(separator: " ")) --toolchain nightly """ default: return nil } } } func run() throws { try checkRustupTargets() try cloneSDKIfNeeded() try checkoutBranchIfSupplied() try buildFramework() try updateXcodeProject() try generateSDKMocks() } /// Checks that all of the required targets have been added through rustup /// but only when the ``target`` option hasn't been supplied. func checkRustupTargets() throws { guard target == nil else { return } guard let output = try Utilities.zsh("rustup show") else { throw Error.rustupOutputFailure } var requiredTargets = Target.allCases.reduce(into: [String: Bool]()) { partialResult, target in partialResult[target.rawValue] = false } output.enumerateLines { line, _ in if requiredTargets.keys.contains(line) { requiredTargets[line] = true } } let missingTargets = requiredTargets.compactMap { !$0.value ? $0.key : nil } guard missingTargets.isEmpty else { throw Error.missingRustTargets(missingTargets) } } /// Clones the Rust SDK if a copy isn't found in the parent directory. func cloneSDKIfNeeded() throws { guard !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: Utilities.sdkDirectoryURL.path) else { return } try Utilities.zsh("git clone", workingDirectoryURL: Utilities.parentDirectoryURL) } /// Checkout the specified branch of the SDK if supplied. func checkoutBranchIfSupplied() throws { guard let branch else { return } try Utilities.zsh("git checkout \(branch)", workingDirectoryURL: Utilities.sdkDirectoryURL) } /// Build the Rust SDK as an XCFramework with the debug profile. func buildFramework() throws { // unset fixes an issue where swift compilation prevents building for targets other than macOS X var buildCommand = "unset SDKROOT && cargo xtask swift build-framework" buildCommand.append(" --profile \(profile.rawValue)") if let target { buildCommand.append(" --only-target \(target.rawValue)") } try Utilities.zsh(buildCommand, workingDirectoryURL: Utilities.sdkDirectoryURL) } /// Update the Xcode project to use the build of the SDK. func updateXcodeProject() throws { try updateProjectYAML() try Utilities.zsh("xcodegen") } /// Update project.yml with the local path of the SDK. func updateProjectYAML() throws { let yamlURL = Utilities.projectDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("project.yml") let yamlString = try String(contentsOf: yamlURL) guard var projectConfig = try Yams.compose(yaml: yamlString) else { throw Error.failureParsingProjectYAML } projectConfig["packages"]?.mapping?["MatrixRustSDK"]? = ["path": "../matrix-rust-sdk"] let updatedYAMLString = try Yams.serialize(node: projectConfig) try updatedYAMLString.write(to: yamlURL, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8) } func generateSDKMocks() throws { var command = GenerateSDKMocks() command.version = "local" try } }