disabled_rules: - trailing_whitespace - unused_setter_value - redundant_discardable_let - identifier_name opt_in_rules: - force_unwrapping - private_action - explicit_init - shorthand_optional_binding included: - ElementX - UnitTests - UITests - Tools/Scripts/Templates excluded: - IntegrationTests line_length: warning: 250 error: 1000 file_length: warning: 800 error: 1000 type_name: min_length: 3 max_length: warning: 150 error: 1000 type_body_length: warning: 700 error: 1000 function_body_length: warning: 50 error: 100 custom_rules: print_deprecation: regex: "\\b(print)\\b" match_kinds: identifier message: "MXLog should be used instead of print()" severity: error print_ln_deprecation: regex: "\\b(println)\\b" match_kinds: identifier message: "MXLog should be used instead of println()" severity: error os_log_deprecation: regex: "\\b(os_log)\\b" match_kinds: identifier message: "MXLog should be used instead of os_log()" severity: error