# Scripts ## Iconizer Generates all app icon variants from one single .pdf file. Usage: ``` sh iconizer.sh ../ElementX/Supporting\ Files/AppIcon.pdf ../ElementX/Supporting\ Files ``` ## Localizer Generates all app localization files and imports them to the project, by downloading strings from [element-android](https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/tree/develop/vector/src/main/res) and converting them to `strings` and `stringsdict` files. Usage: ``` ./localizer.py ``` ## Boot Test Simulator Boots a desired simulator and makes status bar overrides on that. Usage: ``` ./bootTestSimulator.py 'iPhone 13 Pro Max' ``` ## Create screen templates New screen flows are currently using the MVVM-Coordinator pattern. Run [Tools/Scripts/createScreen.sh](Tools/Scripts/createScreen.sh) to create a new screen and all its required dependencies. Usage: ``` ./createScreen.sh Folder MyScreenName ``` After that run `xcodegen` to regenerate the project. `createScreen.sh` script will create: - `Folder` within the `/ElementX/Sources/Screens/`. Files inside will be named `MyScreenNameXxx`. - `MyScreenNameScreenUITests.swift` within `UITests/Sources` - `MyScreenNameViewModelTests.swift` within `UnitTests/Sources/Unit`