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synced 2025-03-10 21:39:12 +00:00

Revert "always enabled event cache and updated the SDK" This reverts commit 2f27370eeef327c3271b0cf6797288b01ced160b. fixup event cache key update
306 lines
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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
// Common settings between app and NSE
protocol CommonSettingsProtocol {
var logLevel: LogLevel { get }
var enableOnlySignedDeviceIsolationMode: Bool { get }
var hideTimelineMedia: Bool { get }
var eventCacheEnabled: Bool { get }
/// Store Element specific app settings.
final class AppSettings {
private enum UserDefaultsKeys: String {
case lastVersionLaunched
case seenInvites
case appLockNumberOfPINAttempts
case appLockNumberOfBiometricAttempts
case timelineStyle
case analyticsConsentState
case hasRunNotificationPermissionsOnboarding
case hasRunIdentityConfirmationOnboarding
case frequentlyUsedSystemEmojis
case enableNotifications
case enableInAppNotifications
case pusherProfileTag
case logLevel
case viewSourceEnabled
case optimizeMediaUploads
case appAppearance
case sharePresence
case hideUnreadMessagesBadge
case hideTimelineMedia
case elementCallBaseURLOverride
// Feature flags
case publicSearchEnabled
case fuzzyRoomListSearchEnabled
case enableOnlySignedDeviceIsolationMode
case knockingEnabled
case eventCacheEnabledV2
private static var suiteName: String = InfoPlistReader.main.appGroupIdentifier
/// UserDefaults to be used on reads and writes.
private static var store: UserDefaults! = UserDefaults(suiteName: suiteName)
static func resetAllSettings() {
MXLog.warning("Resetting the AppSettings.")
store.removePersistentDomain(forName: suiteName)
static func resetSessionSpecificSettings() {
MXLog.warning("Resetting the user session specific AppSettings.")
store.removeObject(forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.hasRunIdentityConfirmationOnboarding.rawValue)
static func configureWithSuiteName(_ name: String) {
suiteName = name
guard let userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: name) else {
fatalError("Fail to load shared UserDefaults")
store = userDefaults
// MARK: - Hooks
func override(defaultHomeserverAddress: String? = nil) {
if let defaultHomeserverAddress {
self.defaultHomeserverAddress = defaultHomeserverAddress
// MARK: - Application
/// Whether or not the app is a development build that isn't in production.
static var isDevelopmentBuild: Bool = {
let apps = ["io.element.elementx.nightly", "io.element.elementx.pr"]
return apps.contains(InfoPlistReader.main.baseBundleIdentifier)
/// The last known version of the app that was launched on this device, which is
/// used to detect when migrations should be run. When `nil` the app may have been
/// deleted between runs so should clear data in the shared container and keychain.
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.lastVersionLaunched, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var lastVersionLaunched: String?
/// The Set of room identifiers of invites that the user already saw in the invites list.
/// This Set is being used to implement badges for unread invites.
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.seenInvites, defaultValue: [], storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var seenInvites: Set<String>
/// The default homeserver address used. This is intentionally a string without a scheme
/// so that it can be passed to Rust as a ServerName for well-known discovery.
private(set) var defaultHomeserverAddress = "matrix.org"
/// The task identifier used for background app refresh. Also used in main target's the Info.plist
let backgroundAppRefreshTaskIdentifier = "io.element.elementx.background.refresh"
/// A URL where users can go read more about the app.
let websiteURL: URL = "https://element.io"
/// A URL that contains the app's logo that may be used when showing content in a web view.
let logoURL: URL = "https://element.io/mobile-icon.png"
/// A URL that contains that app's copyright notice.
let copyrightURL: URL = "https://element.io/copyright"
/// A URL that contains the app's Terms of use.
let acceptableUseURL: URL = "https://element.io/acceptable-use-policy-terms"
/// A URL that contains the app's Privacy Policy.
let privacyURL: URL = "https://element.io/privacy"
/// An email address that should be used for support requests.
let supportEmailAddress = "support@element.io"
/// A URL where users can go read more about encryption in general.
let encryptionURL: URL = "https://element.io/help#encryption"
/// A URL where users can go read more about the chat backup.
let chatBackupDetailsURL: URL = "https://element.io/help#encryption5"
/// A URL where users can go read more about identity pinning violations
let identityPinningViolationDetailsURL: URL = "https://element.io/help#encryption18"
/// Any domains that Element web may be hosted on - used for handling links.
let elementWebHosts = ["app.element.io", "staging.element.io", "develop.element.io"]
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.appAppearance, defaultValue: .system, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var appAppearance: AppAppearance
// MARK: - Security
/// The app must be locked with a PIN code as part of the authentication flow.
let appLockIsMandatory = false
/// The amount of time the app can remain in the background for without requesting the PIN/TouchID/FaceID.
let appLockGracePeriod: TimeInterval = 0
/// Any codes that the user isn't allowed to use for their PIN.
let appLockPINCodeBlockList = ["0000", "1234"]
/// The number of attempts the user has made to unlock the app with a PIN code (resets when unlocked).
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.appLockNumberOfPINAttempts, defaultValue: 0, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var appLockNumberOfPINAttempts: Int
// MARK: - Authentication
/// The URL that is opened when tapping the Learn more button on the sliding sync alert during authentication.
let slidingSyncLearnMoreURL: URL = "https://github.com/matrix-org/sliding-sync/blob/main/docs/Landing.md"
/// Any pre-defined static client registrations for OIDC issuers.
let oidcStaticRegistrations: [URL: String] = ["https://id.thirdroom.io/realms/thirdroom": "elementx"]
/// The redirect URL used for OIDC. This no longer uses universal links so we don't need the bundle ID to avoid conflicts between Element X, Nightly and PR builds.
let oidcRedirectURL: URL = "https://element.io/oidc/login"
private(set) lazy var oidcConfiguration = OIDCConfigurationProxy(clientName: InfoPlistReader.main.bundleDisplayName,
redirectURI: oidcRedirectURL,
clientURI: websiteURL,
logoURI: logoURL,
tosURI: acceptableUseURL,
policyURI: privacyURL,
contacts: [supportEmailAddress],
staticRegistrations: oidcStaticRegistrations.mapKeys { $0.absoluteString },
dynamicRegistrationsFile: .sessionsBaseDirectory.appending(path: "oidc/registrations.json"))
/// A temporary hack to allow registration on matrix.org until MAS is deployed.
let webRegistrationEnabled = true
// MARK: - Notifications
var pusherAppId: String {
InfoPlistReader.main.baseBundleIdentifier + ".ios.dev"
InfoPlistReader.main.baseBundleIdentifier + ".ios.prod"
let pushGatewayBaseURL: URL = "https://matrix.org/_matrix/push/v1/notify"
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.enableNotifications, defaultValue: true, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var enableNotifications
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.enableInAppNotifications, defaultValue: true, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var enableInAppNotifications
/// Tag describing which set of device specific rules a pusher executes.
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.pusherProfileTag, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var pusherProfileTag: String?
// MARK: - Bug report
let bugReportServiceBaseURL: URL! = URL(string: Secrets.rageshakeServerURL)
let bugReportSentryURL: URL! = URL(string: Secrets.sentryDSN)
// Use the name allocated by the bug report server
let bugReportApplicationId = "element-x-ios"
/// The maximum size of the upload request. Default value is just below CloudFlare's max request size.
let bugReportMaxUploadSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024
// MARK: - Analytics
/// The configuration to use for analytics. Set `isEnabled` to false to disable analytics.
/// **Note:** Analytics are disabled by default for forks. If you are maintaining a fork you will
/// need to regenerate the Secrets file with your PostHog server and API key before enabling.
let analyticsConfiguration = AnalyticsConfiguration(isEnabled: InfoPlistReader.main.bundleIdentifier.starts(with: "io.element."),
host: Secrets.postHogHost,
apiKey: Secrets.postHogAPIKey,
termsURL: "https://element.io/cookie-policy")
/// Whether the user has opted in to send analytics.
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.analyticsConsentState, defaultValue: AnalyticsConsentState.unknown, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var analyticsConsentState
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.hasRunNotificationPermissionsOnboarding, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var hasRunNotificationPermissionsOnboarding
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.hasRunIdentityConfirmationOnboarding, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var hasRunIdentityConfirmationOnboarding
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.frequentlyUsedSystemEmojis, defaultValue: [FrequentlyUsedEmoji](), storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var frequentlyUsedSystemEmojis
// MARK: - Home Screen
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.hideUnreadMessagesBadge, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var hideUnreadMessagesBadge
// MARK: - Room Screen
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.viewSourceEnabled, defaultValue: isDevelopmentBuild, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var viewSourceEnabled
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.optimizeMediaUploads, defaultValue: true, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var optimizeMediaUploads
/// Whether or not to show a warning on the media caption composer so the user knows
/// that captions might not be visible to users who are using other Matrix clients.
let shouldShowMediaCaptionWarning = true
// MARK: - Element Call
let elementCallBaseURL: URL = "https://call.element.io"
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.elementCallBaseURLOverride, defaultValue: nil, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var elementCallBaseURLOverride: URL?
// MARK: - Users
/// Whether to hide the display name and avatar of ignored users as these may contain objectionable content.
let hideIgnoredUserProfiles = true
// MARK: - Maps
// maptiler base url
let mapTilerBaseURL: URL = "https://api.maptiler.com/maps"
// maptiler api key
let mapTilerApiKey = Secrets.mapLibreAPIKey
// MARK: - Presence
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.sharePresence, defaultValue: true, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var sharePresence
// MARK: - Feature Flags
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.publicSearchEnabled, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var publicSearchEnabled
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.fuzzyRoomListSearchEnabled, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var fuzzyRoomListSearchEnabled
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.knockingEnabled, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var knockingEnabled
// MARK: - Shared
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.logLevel, defaultValue: LogLevel.info, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var logLevel
/// Configuration to enable only signed device isolation mode for crypto. In this mode only devices signed by their owner will be considered in e2ee rooms.
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.enableOnlySignedDeviceIsolationMode, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var enableOnlySignedDeviceIsolationMode
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.hideTimelineMedia, defaultValue: false, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var hideTimelineMedia
@UserPreference(key: UserDefaultsKeys.eventCacheEnabledV2, defaultValue: true, storageType: .userDefaults(store))
var eventCacheEnabled
extension AppSettings: CommonSettingsProtocol { }