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// Copyright 2023, 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
private final class WeakNotificationSettingsProxy: NotificationSettingsDelegate {
private weak var proxy: NotificationSettingsProxy?
init(proxy: NotificationSettingsProxy) {
self.proxy = proxy
// MARK: - NotificationSettingsDelegate
func settingsDidChange() {
Task {
await proxy?.settingsDidChange()
final class NotificationSettingsProxy: NotificationSettingsProxyProtocol {
private(set) var notificationSettings: MatrixRustSDK.NotificationSettingsProtocol
let callbacks = PassthroughSubject<NotificationSettingsProxyCallback, Never>()
init(notificationSettings: MatrixRustSDK.NotificationSettingsProtocol) {
self.notificationSettings = notificationSettings
notificationSettings.setDelegate(delegate: WeakNotificationSettingsProxy(proxy: self))
func getNotificationSettings(roomId: String, isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async throws -> RoomNotificationSettingsProxyProtocol {
let roomMotificationSettings = try await notificationSettings.getRoomNotificationSettings(roomId: roomId, isEncrypted: isEncrypted, isOneToOne: isOneToOne)
return RoomNotificationSettingsProxy(roomNotificationSettings: roomMotificationSettings)
func setNotificationMode(roomId: String, mode: RoomNotificationModeProxy) async throws {
try await notificationSettings.setRoomNotificationMode(roomId: roomId, mode: mode.roomNotificationMode)
await updatedSettings()
func getUserDefinedRoomNotificationMode(roomId: String) async throws -> RoomNotificationModeProxy? {
let roomNotificationMode = try await notificationSettings.getUserDefinedRoomNotificationMode(roomId: roomId)
return roomNotificationMode.flatMap { RoomNotificationModeProxy.from(roomNotificationMode: $0) }
func getDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async -> RoomNotificationModeProxy {
let roomNotificationMode = await notificationSettings.getDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: isEncrypted, isOneToOne: isOneToOne)
return RoomNotificationModeProxy.from(roomNotificationMode: roomNotificationMode)
func setDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool, mode: RoomNotificationModeProxy) async throws {
do {
try await notificationSettings.setDefaultRoomNotificationMode(isEncrypted: isEncrypted, isOneToOne: isOneToOne, mode: mode.roomNotificationMode)
} catch NotificationSettingsError.RuleNotFound(let ruleId) {
// `setDefaultRoomNotificationMode` updates multiple rules including unstable rules (e.g. the polls push rules defined in the MSC3930)
// since production home servers may not have these rules yet, we drop the RuleNotFound error
MXLog.warning("Unable to find the rule: \(ruleId)")
await updatedSettings()
func restoreDefaultNotificationMode(roomId: String) async throws {
try await notificationSettings.restoreDefaultRoomNotificationMode(roomId: roomId)
await updatedSettings()
func unmuteRoom(roomId: String, isEncrypted: Bool, isOneToOne: Bool) async throws {
try await notificationSettings.unmuteRoom(roomId: roomId, isEncrypted: isEncrypted, isOneToOne: isOneToOne)
await updatedSettings()
func isRoomMentionEnabled() async throws -> Bool {
try await notificationSettings.isRoomMentionEnabled()
func setRoomMentionEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws {
try await notificationSettings.setRoomMentionEnabled(enabled: enabled)
await updatedSettings()
func isCallEnabled() async throws -> Bool {
try await notificationSettings.isCallEnabled()
func setCallEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws {
try await notificationSettings.setCallEnabled(enabled: enabled)
await updatedSettings()
func isInviteForMeEnabled() async throws -> Bool {
try await notificationSettings.isInviteForMeEnabled()
func setInviteForMeEnabled(enabled: Bool) async throws {
try await notificationSettings.setInviteForMeEnabled(enabled: enabled)
await updatedSettings()
func getRoomsWithUserDefinedRules() async throws -> [String] {
await notificationSettings.getRoomsWithUserDefinedRules(enabled: true)
func canPushEncryptedEventsToDevice() async -> Bool {
await notificationSettings.canPushEncryptedEventToDevice()
// MARK: - Private
func updatedSettings() async {
// The timeout avoids having to wait indefinitely. This can happen when setting a mode that is already the current mode,
// as in this case no API call is made by the RustSDK and the push rules are therefore not updated.
_ = await callbacks
.timeout(.seconds(2.0), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main, options: nil, customError: nil)
.values.first { $0 == .settingsDidChange }
func settingsDidChange() {